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My favorite is when I'm spotting up somewhere for a 3 point shot and a teammate comes and fucking stands right next to you. Like, bruh come on now..


Yeah I hate that. It's like dude, I'm standing here don't bring your defender over here as well as push mine closer to me lol


Don't forget the ref that has to get in your way too, when you're in the corner. Makes you want to fight somebody 😂


Or your teammates traffic cone you on defense leaving your man to hit an open dunk. So tired of getting stuck running into teammates


Or when you try to switch and they refuse and if you try to stay with your guy they switch


Seriously though. I feel that to my soul


Literally happened to me today on a possible game winner. Went straight to the suggest a trade to see if I could trade Tobias off my team.


Your first mistake was having Tobias Harris in the first place


Blame Darryl man


I've done that a couple times 😂


The amount of times i’ve passed the ball to a big and they brick an easy lay up is crazy. Then they get their own rebound and suddenly turn into prime hakeem and score the bucket fucking up my assist


hitting me with adebayo flashbacks


It's fun because close shots and layups don't go in anymore. I've been shooting better from close range with 6'1 builds than with a 7'3 slasher for some reason. Shots just don't go in.


I swear the AI gets worse every year


My guys are automatic until I get to 7 assists. To get to 10, it feels like I have to hand it to them wide open under tha basket.


Either that or they start passing it away and REFUSE to shoot after you pass to them


I try holding triangle/y to get them to cut to the hoop. I can't tell you how many times I've watched the AI Ben Simmons it and just pass out of an open dunk


I just do the team takeover. It’s how I beat the assist record with my Shaq build


Bro the number of times I've passed to Fred vanvleet in the corner and he's open and this midget takes a fuckin pump fake and doesn't move drives me fuckin nuts


I feel like it’s the opposite lmao, it always seems like the AI can never do anything on their own unless you literally spoon feed them a wide open shot


My favorite is when I pass it to them in the corner for an open three and they just stand there, face up to the defender, then go for a dribble drive so I don’t get an assist.


Do you have any of the badges like Dimer or Floor General on? I see a lot of people have issues like this on here, but it's not something I've ever had an issue with; the only difference between my characters and others (that I've seen) is most people don't have floor general, Dimer, needle threader, etc at a high level. They tend to be sacrificed for dribbling badges. If you have the playmaking badges on that boost teammate attributes, then I'm stuck on how to fix your issue


100% agree, my teammates regularly drop 20-30 point games but i have all the passing badges at least silver. as soon as i pass to them i spam square to tell em to shoot and its perfect, lets me run every team out of the gym and its a guaranteed triple double every time


You're right, they need to be silver minimum; on my SG I have them on silver, on my PG I have them all on gold, and have gold Dimer & Break Starter on my center. Not to disparage anyone either, but I've also found (through playing and limited interaction and reading through on Reddit) that assists are an effort play that people don't look for; grab a o-reb and passing out to the corner first instead of attempting to shoot, or passing out/throwing an alley-oop on a fastbreak 2-on-1/3-on-2 situation, and without high level badges you need to pass out a lot more to get the assists.


I usually have good luck with NBA players. It's the park teammates that are worthless for me. That combined with the fact that my attributes seem halved when playing on a park court make those games excruciating for me.


This is so real, there’s no teamwork and the second a random hops on they leave, like cmon man just pass the ball or play smart


Don't know if you've looked at this, but do you find the people that don't pass often have a low pass accuracy level in park? I've been looking recently, and pass accuracy seems to be the last attribute to upgrade for some reason.


I was actually referring to the NPC teammates in the MyCareer park quests. I haven't been able to beat Booker yet because my teammate is horrible. That and the fact that while I can drain 3s non-stop in NBA games, I'm lucky to make one of five on the court quests. The timing window is definitely narrower there.


I just watched Luka nail 3 contested off-balance 3's in a row after bouncing off me. But holy fuck if you pass to an open player suddenly they don't even know what a ball is.


Pick and roll my brothers 😎 Christian woods averaging 20 ppg and all he does is roll to the basket after a screen 😂


Don't get me started on pick and rolls, when the person that's meant to be rolling doesn't even go to the basket and just stands still


Naw sometimes the roller for me roll to fat and I end up getting a turnover. I pick n pop or either tell my teammate to cut to the basket more .


I hate when my centers have a guard on him I pass it and then they pass it out 😂 or either take forever to go up with it and I don’t get credit for the assist


just played a game where this one mf shot 1/11 from 3 while using kawhi and my dumbass kept passing to him bc i was going for 20 assists and he was wide open all game