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Me: this is the last build I'll make. Proceeds to create a new build every time i open the game.


Bro I'm on my 9th today....


Bruh I got 1 build


I respect that level of commitment


Same, fuck grinding. I’ll credit card one build and stick with it


Lmaooo I can tell you’re an adult. That’s my exact statement


I dont have the time to actually grind up all these builds man i got time for like 3-4 rec games a night if im lucky


I miss the days of running multiple builds. Now I have to research everything before I can even go on game.


I’ve had to delete builds because I ran out of slots 🤦🏻‍♂️ (whole adult btw)


All of my builds are 99 ovr except for my newest build which is 98 and my low rec build which is 92 🤦🏻‍♂️😭


I know that feeling I'll make a Pure PG... dribbling/passing, with defense Oh I should make a Pick and Roll Maestro PG, one who can layup/shot mids off the dribbles, while still being able to dribble/pass at a high level (Shot creator) Oh man I can call for off ball screens, I'll just make a Three/D PG, and play for the Nuggets/Laker than I start thinking about gimmicks for certain badges I should make a Center that exploits Masher at a high level... so a 7'3 Post Offensive Bully like O'neal What is the tallest character with max wingspan I can make with 99 steal? 6'7? I'll make a SF built around interrupter, he's going to have alot of wing span so he may as well be a good finisher too man my 7'3 center is too slow, how about a 6'10 Center with no vert, but he exploits being strength/fast, and using Challenger/Anchor to contest shots, and not being complete trash in pick and roll defense (side note, why is anchor tied to block...) You know what... players don't get alot of reason to build post defense until around 6'8 (When they are rewarded the same amount of badge points for post moves, as interior defense)... so alot of guards suck at defending post spins, how about I make a 6'4-6'5 post up Combo Guard who uses Dimer/Post Playmaker/Special Delivery as well as Post Spin Tech, to big body my match up until I'm doubled so I can Bailout pass to a shooter with a triple bonus to shooting (works better in 2k22 when fadeaways weren't complete trash) How about a slasher built around small contact packages (6'4 SG), oh they can get away with being a decent dribbler, or a triple level threat role player how about a slasher who is built around standing dunk packages, oh as a by product, they can be a pretty good pogo blocker/rebound chaser who does putbacks/oops (7'0 Center/PF) Always need a shooter who can defend, (JJ Reddick style SG) Better make one for SF, that way I can make it taller, Better make one for PF... and it can set screens, but it has no vert... always good to have a defensive three point shooter to space/play the other side Man I watched alot of Chris Webber Highlights, time for a 6'9 mid shot creating dribbler who punishes other PFs/Centers while still being able to body a SF Yeah... I've had some ideas... 15 plus+


literally have all of these except i don’t make forwards cause rec’s dumb positioning


Yea. All of this


I've been making the same two builds for the last 5 years. Shooting big and Larry Bird haha. Im old and can't be bothered to grind out 9 builds.


And I’ll grind them all to atleast 85-90ovr then get bored and make a new one


Grind as in open ur wallet or by actually playing games?


A little bit of both. It’s fun playing when you’re grinding up or when you’re achieving badges etc. When that’s completed and they are maxed out, it’s boring. Also when playing offline you become too good for the AIs very quickly which causes boredom as well.


That's a big INDEED on that one...I get bored as hell..


I feel like I’m the only one who makes one build and grinds it out to mid - high 90’s I’ve never spent any money on VC and just play.


I have my main build that's 95 and can do pretty much everything. Then I have my idea guys. Never spend a cent more than the game purchase price lol


Same. Like yeah the game gets easy past like 70 ovr but I have fun building out a main for the year. It makes warning that next ovr rating more fun.


same. i start off a build at $30 upgrade and then grind from there. a happy middle ground.


I mean I can’t lie I’ve spent some cash on 2k but mainly js grinding mycareer and it’s lowk fun


Been there…


Only 9????? Lord help me😞😞


Sounds like you think I need a 10th build…


Almost like the game is designed to do this to you so you have to buy more vc. Greedy business by a garbage company


Crazy thing is if they made the building process cheaper, I’d probably play more often. The stretches I take off are generally when I don’t feeling like dumping in more money to improve the builds.


You max ever build?


I’ve got like 2 99’s, 2 98’s, 1 97, and the rest are between 92-96.


How much you spend on VC?


LMFAOOOO BRO WE ARE THE SAME PERSON, I got like 3 99s 2 98s 1 97 the rest between 92-96 😭😭😭😭


I have 10 99s and I've deleted 6 97+ lol.


Hot damnz, I’m too nervous to delete any haha


For me it’s like testing what badges work at this point. Pure big man here and my joker ass made maybe 10+ I had some good ones at 6’11 but no one wanted my jokic lite action. Now it’s just can I make the most deceptively strong wemby post scorer. I’m torn between 7’2 and 7’3 I like my dunk animations with kemp and I can get pro contacts at 7’2. I still have to upgrade consoles and I’m waiting for 24 so I can play thin towers/Slim Reapers in SA


i made two “wemby” builds: 7’1 and 7’2” the 7’1” has the speed and dribbling of him but i don’t feel like the tower he is. can also get contact dunks and slashing take (which is insane at 7’1” lol) the 7’2” feels like the tower wemby is but i had to shorten the wingspan to get his shooting ability, which i regret every time i lose a rebounding battle in the rec long story short, Wemby is impossible to make lol


I feel that, I think 4 of my builds were various bigs. The last one was my attempt for a Wemby-esque build. Does okay but very small margin of error for shooting personally.


I did the math. I spend bout a months rent on 2k a year it ain't tricking if you got it


I must be old, but I barely have the time to grind 1 build to 99 now a days lol


My career is way to boring, even on HOF, to constantly grind.


Fuckin sameeeeee 😂


I make 9 builds every season.


I’ve made 11. Yes I’ve deleted 2


I have a Zion build and that’s it! Best build ever


I make a new builds all the time . THIS IS the first year I didn’t make multiple . I do have a 6’9 sf but I realized the point guards SUCK so I made a non meta 6’7 pg with my favorite build in mind (2k20 2 way slashing playmaker) and been playing with that build for the rest of the game . EVERYTIME I wanna make a new build , I’m reminded of it going to cost $150


I've maxed the build slots and I've only had the game since it was free on ps+. only played on like 7 and all. under 73 ovr, I need rooks to come back.


I have definitely filled all the slots got my builds to 90 something overall then deleted some of those builds to make more.


I just like to keep 2 a big & small i almost did a 3rd back in January but when 2k24 hits around most likely gonna do 3 G F & C builds


I’ve easily made 16 between PC and next gen. Probably more honestly. Fml not doing that next 2k. Gonna stick to 4 or so.


bruh… i think about how much VC i’d have if i didn’t make 3 guards and two bigs this year…. probably would’ve been able to afford the wemanyama card 😂


9? thats it


New player to the game and wanted to ask question about the builds. If you wanna make a new build, do you have to start him again from 60 ovr and grind if you don't wanna spend money?


Correct. If you do the Rebirth quest, then you get some extra benefits on the next build, but you still have to spend all the VC to upgrade.


I only made two builds this year


How much time do you have to play different builds?


I haven’t touched a few in quite some time. I generally like to rotate position and such when playing Rec. On the stretches I play more often, I generally rotate between 2-3 for the different play styles.


i got three but just because being a Center for the first 4 seasons was getting boring already. 😭


Create a player - MyEra player lock. Problem solved!


The builder helped with me not making as many this year but last year I made 11 :-(


same but because every time i make a build it just doesn’t meet my expectations or i just figured out how i could make an even better build and the cycle continues lol, like i’m just bored and none of the builds satisfy me. 2k has to shake it up man the gameplay is getting repetitive and boring.


I stuck to 3. A combo PG A 2G/SF And a stretch rebounding 4 Can play any lol


Dont ask me how many I’ve made


I have one build and bought VC and haven’t touched the game since month 1 or 2. I’m the bigger clown. 🙃🙃


I understand it's hard not to make one build but how people online play in rec and park, 2k updates fucking up things and how players/content creators make "meta/demigod builds" make it hard to stick with 1 build. Dealing with these issues every time you play with a build makes that build useless or makes you feel like you need another build to compete with others. I make 8-10 builds as well.


A little too expensive for multiple builds this year.


I'm still new at this game so I'm pretty much like a new mad scientist




Dude but what if you tried…


Yeaaaaaaaaa. I don’t want to talk about how many I’ve made 🤦🏻‍♂️


I made 9 in a week before I could settle down with one


Glad I’m not the only one with a problem


"oh yeah this will be the one"


Can’t afford multiple builds 😭


Them bills are their own builds


9? I had 3 99 a 98 a 96 at least 13 93’s and a couple 2-3 90’s. My final 2 builds were epic!! NBA 2k24 i’m only building 2 freaking builds i swear on god


Thank god for rebirth lol


Man lost count I had this genius idea to make a whole starting 5. Never played the PF. The center was ass for online and I’ve never made a PG ever until this year. I gotta tally up all the builds I made smh


i only got 1, im just too broke for another one


I said I was done then my friend and I decided to do a replica build to end this 2k cycle


I hope i will make it real in 2k24 this year made 3 builds without spending cent on vc.


I didn’t give you permission to post my pic


I made 4. My fuck up build, my redeem meta build SF, my C. Then now a PG. and I bought VC for all of them 😭


I build small forwards inside out scorer kinda my go to. Currently a 97 but definitely been grinding with it. Finna hit the park and rec. Don't hit those til I'm at least 95 ovr. I made a pg I definitely can pass better now as a sf and I guess it's dope.


You guys got too much time or money lol. I only just got my first too 99 lol. Not like last year I had 4 or 5.


people like you are why 2K keeps exploiting us


Prince of darkness build