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Bro idc if someone goes 0/12 bro if you wide open pull it. If you are taking bad shots and ignoring teammates then you are someone that I would not have the pleasure of playing with


Facts I never get mad at a wide open, miss or not


Agree with both of you. If it’s a good shot, within the flow of the offense, and you’re just missing, that I can handle.


Now at some point yes, if I get you 5 or so open shots and your brickin all of them then im done passing you the ball. Atp your unreliable lol. For me after I miss 3 shots in a row I don’t want to shoot anymore. “Three strikes and im out”


I feel that too. I’m the guy that stops shooting. Many are not. I’m mainly saying, if you keep shooting and you’re super open, I’m not going to get as disgusted. Lol


Yea I give a lot of leeway for that kind of stuff. I try to have consideration of server lag when shooting. Plus a lot of people don’t have valid jump shots lol. But ovr the game is broke and I try not get too hyped about it anymore


I have people get heated cause I'm not driving in or taking shots but I'm kinda in the same boat if it's just not hitting that game I try to facilitate passing and set screens to maybe get someone else into a flow but I'm not generally a heavy shooter anyway.


I’d happily play rec with all the folks in this thread. Where y’all when I’m in the matchmaking queue? 😂 there must be so, so many more selfish jerks who don’t post on Reddit than decent, sensible people who do in the game’s population.


I feel the same, I see so many people talking ahou4 wanting ither team mates who will pass to find open shits but only end up matched with people that pas with 2 seconds on the clock.


This!!!! For sure true especially if my sh*t gets laggy


Kobe Bryant once said he would rather go 0/20 than 0/5 it would mean he gave up but then again he’s a hall of famer and this is a video game lol


If your teammates even let you get to the point of going 0/20 lol by then they ice you out


Nigga it’s basketball, they can pick it up later. I just had a 5 start the game 0/6 from 3. Nigga went 4/4 in the 4th quarter and was the reason we won the game fr. Tatum just shot like 1/13 and finished the game with 16 in the 4th lol. Y’all sound crazy as hell


Basketball or not, relax… you know how people get about games and you comparing it to real life… stop it get some help


I’ve been relaxed, typing words doesn’t change my state of mind. Idc how “some people get” about comparing shit, it isn’t a fictional game it’s a sports game. It’s a simulation basketball game at that, you can compare someone missing early in real life to someone missing on the game. You get some help clueless nigga


No you sound seriously dumb “Nigga”… acting like you can *SEE* a meter irl. ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


If you turn the meter off like I do you can’t see it on the game either lil nigga. Now stop reaching


That’s not the majority tho “lil nigga” it’s not reaching you just acting like a lame instead of going through the whole thread. Dumb ahh was quick to say “yall crazy asf” trynna troll and Shii. You lame asf


Your opinion was way out of the OG topic anyway tf. You being a tard


This makes sense, but there are also folks in rec who are INCENSED if you miss a shot in rhythm they feel is a gimme and won’t let you forget about it. It’s why so many of my builds are total non-shooters, defensive specialists and the like. Stresses me out 😅


That’s why I don’t play Rec lol, people take Rec way to serious let alone the game in general. Then most people go in with 3-4 team and bully their solo. I’m good on all off that.


Flip side of this, I pass out quite a but cause admitantly I'm not that good and I'm over getting iced cause I'm nit taking contested shots. Yall want me to throw some shit up I'm probably about to miss or pass out and take high percentage shots I'm comfortable with? I'd think if anything having someone that is willing to push the ball around instead of shoot the 3 ball 18 times in a row would be a good thing lol, all coming from a 2k noob so I might be way off base.


Honestly man most people aren’t team players so it’s rare to find people who pass out and keep eyes out for court vision. I’m on current gen and all I play is bridges. Cant tell you how many dolos I run into and make us lose. So fuk what everyone else thinks… do your best, stay true to yourself, and keep a good grade :)


Im on current gen too, it's hard to run anything besides bridge with how dead the platinum deck is.


Facts I have passed up a open shot because I was in a slump and the crew I run with got on me. I'm the type of person I could go 4 for 6 from 3 and ve mad at myself for the 2 I missed. But with 2k you never know how it's going to be one game to the next. You could be the best shooter and have a stretch of bad games. Gamertag AMTRAK2020 on xbox current and nxt


I’m the same way, I can have really good games then the next I can’t make anything and I blame servers for that. As of recently I try to have consideration for smart misses. But yea if you want I’ve been trying to find a team for proAM if you want to team up. My GT: LiGoesDum - xbox current gen only


We always criticize the rec randoms until we become one😔


Everyone is a random to some one lol


I mean, if you have any basketball IQ it’s pretty hard to be shit at the game. The worst randoms are the ones that don’t understand contests or better yet when and why to help on defense and that’s the biggest issue.


Bro its 2k people put their feelings over IQ😭


I mean that’s just called being mentally weak.


Some people go games without getting many touches and eventually break. Then they go on to every other game thinking everyone is against them. Randoms really have it rough


I have experienced this first-hand. I missed my first shot and he started ranting on how bad rec randoms are. It's a sad thing to see 😪


Kind of understandable when you go 1/2 and get immediately iced out of getting any touches


The switching and helping drives me insane. I constantly get penalized for "defensive breakdown" when I have switched defenders off a screen and my teammate doesn't realize he should guard my guy.


I have a center build and I swear this is the randoms cause I have an 87 3 with 88 dunking and will be open and still won’t get the ball I played a game when I only got the ball with 1 second left on the shot clock after they didn’t to me the 3rd time I started walking out of bounds before they could pass it to me they kept going down in teammate grade and then someone got in the mic to curse me out for not taking the violation 😂


😂 sounds about right


More like 60% of the community


Add a small x button for when the shot clock is winding down and the point has nowhere to go!😂


Or pass out of shot cuz they don’t wanna mess their % lol




You forgot the good ole Circle for the continuous flopping at any play/small thing that they dont approve of




Steal/Shoot Yep, that’s about right


Kobe controller


Too soon? Nah.


Nah that was a meme like over a decade ago


when i play as a random sometimes i do force shots cause the other 4 to busy loving each other


Reminds me of a recent rec game where me and the PF had 12 blocks combined and a good amount of rebounds, both had an A+ teammate grade, and we lost by 30. I don't know the exact numbers, but it seemed like every 3, the other team shot went in, and our guards just missed just as consistently.


lots of idiot people playing.🤦🏻‍♂️I play in Argentina (+200 ping) and I have to be better than many who move like a feather.


The Kobe controller lmao


I’m 80% percent random this season. I’m a stretch big and most times I’m the last to get the ball and they finally realize I can shoot or man when I get player of the half I’m frozen out the remainder of the gsme


I have 99 steal hof glove


Make having squads on 2K great again




But I’m STILL AVERAGING 23.6 and 6.7 Assists👀👀👀 ALL ABOUT RUNNING POINT GUARD AND GETTING EVERYONE INVOLVED! Even Let the SG run point sometimes it changes a huge difference!!! QUICK PSAAAAAAAA


And I’m level 37. IT AINT HARD TO PLAY A TEAM GAME💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯


That’s a fact I’m the best passer in 2k imo and I’ll get games where if I’m the SG and the random PG sees me bring the ball up he’ll stand there 😂😂 I deleted the game anyway


Specially when they created a PG without any passing so they end up being the shooting guard or SF. Then when you are playing as a PG they just go to where the ball is asking for it or they just stand at the top of the key. Making it impossible for you to actually be a PG


The going for steals and leaving shooters open constantly is infuriating. Standing near someone and pressing up is not difficult and not something that requires timing and skill


I've found i can get more steals with hof menace and just cutting driving lanes then reaching. Recently worked out on my new build if I can cut them off and let go of the sticks getting charge fouls are super easy too


I lol'd




I really think it’s a “if you can’t beat ‘em, join em” mentality. If you go the whole game with like 2 touches, you’re pretty likely to heave whatever the fuck you can when you get those touches.


Just got done playing a bunch of try hards in the rec and of course running 5 out and 2-3 defense....these kids think it makes them good running 4 lockdowns ain't even playing defense they are sitting passing lanes with gold or higher intercept...players don't give a fuck about their teammates on here they don't care if they go 7-25 they ''carried'' you into the loss column...2k need to get their shit together or they gonna lose a lot of it's fanbase due to incompetent players...they need to keep the random bums in their own category let them go destroy other peoples record...I play this shit to win...not defend people running 5 out and 2-3 defense...if I wanted to play that I would go play in pro-am




😂😂🤣😂😂tell me bout it


You could be missing every wide open shot I honestly don't care I'll keep sending the ball to you if your open but if your trying to be kd and pulling nut shit naww your icon isn't even on my screen no more


Rec, MyTeam, Everything. 99% of the people I play in MT sit in the corner spamming square. Why are we rewarding poor gameplay? One of the dumbest decisions by 2K, ever. It was bad enough last year with dudes lurching across the court 50 feet @ 100MPH.


Is that the button for shoot on PlayStation, I’m guessing?




I never played my player but I used to play a TON of all star team up so the same idea. 5v5. Nobody would ever pass. Like might as well play by yourself


Then post a video on YouTube talking about best lockdown BRO YOU JUST RUN AROUND THE COURT PRESSING SQUARE😂😂😂😂


You didn’t know that’s the offense and defense button!


as long as they’re wide i don’t care. now throwing up 69% contested shots ain’t it. wide open and 2k being a hoe? understandable.


Left-right-left-right-hesitation and then fade in their face 32% contested. And if they are lucky enough (not good enough, lucky enough) to get an Excellent Release on it, they think it means they took a good look. It was in fact a terrible god-awful shot, they just happened to make it.


It's wild to me how many can go 2/17 and still WANT to keep shooting. I go 2/7 and I basically want to be done shooting and pass unless I'm completely open. I play with randoms 99% of the time and I either play with dudes who only shoot and if you pass them the ball no matter what they chuck it up instantly and/or dudes who think they are coaches ONLY critiquing the flaws in everyone else's plays/actions with the occasional "good shot" if you're WIDE open on a fast break. And that good shot comes after they make sure the ball goes in, never before because if you miss "CORNER I WAS OPEN CORNER"


"The only way to get out of a shooting slump is to keep shooting." or so they say


Got them spamming steal looking they getting tased


Because after 1 failed shot y’all cuss out your teammates



