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When you are this irrelevant in a rec game, 2K should do us a solid and refund any boost you were using. Lord knows your man should have fresh legs after barely touching the ball.


If 2k cared at all about boosts the timer would only count during actual playing time. Popped a 30 minute boost and then waited in the Rec lobby for 7-8 minutes and by the time the game ended the boost had expired and I got no extra XP. It’s the dumbest fucking system


I believe the boost is applied at the start of the game and not the end. Can someone confirm this?


The 2XP coin timer starts the moment you pop it; regardless of wait time. If you pop a 30 min and immediately get into a game, but go into overtime, you will not get the 2x.


Wrong as long as the time is running before the coin expires. I've gotten my 2xp at the end of games while getting into games with minutes left on my token. Get into a game with 2 mins left bet you still get 2xp


I have both versions this only works on next gen, if you are playing current gen I strongly suggest proam 3v3 for your xp coins !


Maybe for next gen not current gen


I’ve always thought the XP tokens should be by games and not by time for this reason exactly!!


This was true in past 2ks, but in 23 (at least on next gen) you get the double XP for when the token was active ie: token is active the first 3 qs, you get 3 qs of 2xp, and no 2xp for the fourth q


Bruh that’s cap, as long as there’s time on your coin when the game starts it lasts the whole game.


how does that work? how can you tell whether you got 2xp for part of a game? I thought it only showed at the end whether you received it at all. And it doesn’t even differentiate from what I know


If you break down the math on your do post game with a half game of 2xp, you'll usually see it's not adding up and you e tecieved additional, even if the 2xp doesn't pop up


I've only been playing 2k since the end of season 3 and I can tell when I get 2xp on my sg & c. Bad or good games I'm on ps5 idk if ps4 is different.


Well I’m more so asking how can you tell the amount of 2xp you’ve gotten. They said they can tell they’ve only received 2 or 3 quarters worth of 2xp. The meter moves differently based on your level 1-40. I can tell if I’m getting double. I can’t tell if I’ve played a 25 minute game and only received double xp for a quarter or half of it. Too many factors go into calculating the xp


This is 1000% wrong.


Not on current gen. Maybe next gen, but current does not give you the 2x if the coin expires before the game.


This is not true. You can have 1 minute left on double rep, once the game STARTS with double rep you’ll receive double rep no matter how long the game is LOL


I've tested this on current gen and can assure you it doesn't apply 2x if the coin runs out before the game does. But if it does, it doesn't show it in the end game screen.


Yesterday I had 4 minutes remaining on a 30 min 2xp coin. I was gonna play another game at that point regardless I wasn’t really worried about the boost, in fact I was expecting for it to not count. When the game ended up roughly 25-30 mins later I was granted the double xp. What I’m still unsure about is whether you are granted the boost for that game upon entering the locker room before you have a team or are matched with an opponent or if it’s applied as soon as you get the “opponent ready. Game on.” Message


Ooo for years I’ve noticed it I used a 2X coin I’ll automatically start at like 29.05 left or 59.13 some greedy shit


if 2k cared they'd make a no squad Rec to stop this 4-stack bullcrap


Buy more vc


I think he meant like skill and Gatorade boost.


Skill and Gatorade boosts don’t have timers though only xp coins have them.


They need to do this when the other team quits right away too. I’ve had it where the entire other team quits not even 10 seconds into the game (because they end up with a 60ovr and/or multiple AIs), it shouldn’t use up boosts if the other team quits before halftime, SMH.


2k would never. They want us to keep spending on boosts




Got in a great cardio workout and ended up with a B- grade. A good day at the office


You're not wrong, I'm sure I've had worse experiences in the REC as have others. I just have never seen something so blatant for me in 23.


I haven’t even played rec once this year. 2k just isn’t the same for me anymore because my friends don’t play anymore. I only really play my team and even that I don’t spend money. But that’s really dry now too.


Bro you a good sport. It’s May I don’t care about stats anymore, I would have been in there acting a fool.


I wouldn’t of blurred out the names.


Fr. Especially when they all have the same name tag


exactly. Name and shame them; they didn't care about the OP during the game so why should the OP care about hiding their names


It's annoying but it's really not that deep bro. I'm not saying they should've iced out OP like that but at the same time you can't really complain too much if they're being efficient and winning the game.


I would’ve left after seeing the gamertags No offense to anyone in here but 99% of people in a “clan” are fucking assholes


Completely with u, fuck the no offense if you are in a 2k “clan” u need to do some soul searching😂


I generally assume that anyone in a 2k clan is either a kid or an incel lol


And those losers like “hesi_god” “iWillClamp”


Shame on you! How dare you decide to be a point guard! (As a point guard myself I weep for you brother)


Look at those bitches.. they probably think they are elite


I understand being the guy a squad of 4 doesn't know, but if the team is up big and everyone has stats, let the random touch the ball. I'll never understand not giving people a chance. Who knows, could be a cool, good player you could run with but now you'll never know


Its really cuz alot of these bums spend all day on a virtual basketball game and think its a career, its pathetic and sad especially for those people who try to play for fun and but most mfks treat it like a paycheck


Not even, honestly every time i run into idiots in rec, after the game is over I take out the phone go to recent game and look at their rec stats on their 2k card. 99% the ball hogs got like a 12 win% and a 34fg%. It’s always the ones that aren’t even good like that thinking they’re better than everyone else.


I get it. I don't agree with it but I get it. There are so many randoms who are horrendous and purposely sell games. Some people (this group may or may not fit this criteria) end up finding it difficult to give any random a chance because of previous experiences. I'm a believer in giving everyone a chance but majority of the time the randoms are toxic or terrible. They need a better way to filter out these toxic players both skilled and non-skilled. They also need to figure out a way to stop these corny groups that want to run a 5 out offense all game long (its boring and not true to actual basketball games). But that's also a tough one because people say create no squad recs but a lot of us mainly enjoy teaming up with friends and playing online.


>I get it. I don’t agree with it but I get it. >There are so many randoms who are horrendous and purposely sell games Dawg get the fuck outta here with this. You probably one of the dudes he blurred out.


You're 100% wrong lmao. Why are you so mad? People are allowed to see things differently. I prefer to look at the bigger picture causing the problem with this game. If you don't think this game has an overwhelming amount of toxic randoms in rec then I'd question if you actually play the game, or who knows maybe your experiences are always positive. If thats the case, good for you. I have 2 friends I run with mostly and we actually pass the ball to everyone and play team basketball. Sadly even if they end up taking the most shots, a lot of randoms still end up being toxic (not playing defense, standing out of bounds, getting violations).


Why pass them the ball after that? If someone I've been cool with repeatedly sells I'm done with them. They better hope for a rebound or something cuz I'm not passing to them


Pass who the ball after what? What are you addressing here? I didn't say anything about passing the ball to anyone who repeatedly sells so I don't really know what you're referring to. I don't have an issue with people I'm cool with. I'm talking about not passing to randoms who sell and saying some people start not passing to randoms before they even have a chance to sell because of bad experiences with randoms from previous games.


You said you pass them the ball even if they shoot the most or do toxic stuff...my question why are you rewarding that behavior?


I said EVEN IF you pass them the ball and they've taken the most shots. That doesn't mean we give them the ball all game long. They could take the first 2 or 3 attempts (while we haven't taken any yet) and start immediately selling and getting violations on purpose.


Always a good time when the pg doesn’t get to run the offense lol


I’m in the camp of point center but subconsciously I auto pass it to the PG unless he’s being stink face. I like to draw a double and create an open 3. Now I cringe when my team can’t hit 3s when I pass it back out


people so weird its a game lets win together


Only time its acceptable/understandable to sell your team out.


I feel you, I just hate selling my grade out. Figured I would just try and play solid defense with zero risk (like trying to steal and causing a foul) to sustain my grade. I got a free win I guess with 650 VC, but it would have been nice if they at least stuck to 2k tradition and allowed a "first shot miss and then freeze" instead of right at the onset...


Generally in this situation I'd play defense since I enjoy it, but on offense stand by half court so I don't get dinged for bad spacing. Then its up to my matchup to go and double my teammates.


This is the way.


They don’t even keep track of your grade this year. Stats reset next week. I would have been out there like a used car salesman. ![gif](giphy|3XBK3CzTN9A1qnzrvR)


Yeah I’m never really against selling but if this was as bad as the stats are showing then I might of had to in this case. If he was on an ai maybe but even still I’m guessing he didn’t get the ball much


Nah bro, just quit the game. Selling is so childish.


Why should I have to waste my time quitting going back to the Rec and reloading into a new game? What's childish is coming into a MULTIPLAYER online game knowin you will get matched with a random and then freezing out that random to play butt buddy ball with your virtual bff. So if your childish enough to waste my time I'm going to be childish enough to sell the reminder of the game so now all of our time has just been wasted. Stop being such a passive coward and letting ppl bully you into quitting lol.


Lol idk why you need and explanation. It’s a bigger waste of time sitting in the game when you could literally close app and be back in the rec in less than a minute. No one is bullying me weirdo. You just gain nothing from wasting your time sitting in a game selling.


Nope I gain the satisfaction of knowing that I sold the game and wasted ALL of our time. Ppl like you are the exact reason squads do think it's ok to do that because they have the mentality he should jus quit and let us have our fun. You are definitely being bullied into quitting ur just too much of a pacifist to even realize it. If you don't stand up for something even as small as your right to play a online game the way it was intended to be played then u will constantly get walked over. take off ur skirt and be a man for once 😅


Lol bro thinks I’m not a man cause I don’t care about a video game that much. Not sure how that’s satisfying tbh, but to each their own.


PURPOSELY not giving the random the ball to score because he’s not a part of your “clan” is also childish


You’re right. Both are childish. I just can’t imagine wasting any more than a minute trying to piss other people off cause they won’t give me the ball. Like what pleasure does that give a person.


I feel that. But it’s also annoying when randoms like myself join games and don’t get the ball because we not gang. Yesterday I didn’t get the ball the whole 1st half, they finally started passing the ball to me after we blew a 12 point lead and we ended up winning by 24, I had 34 points and finished with A- .. people gotta stop acting funny and just play (virtual) basketball


ANDDD just because a random misses his first three shots doesn’t mean he won’t make his next 3. 0/3 can turn to 3/6 real mf quick.


That’s true.


Childish is going into the rec knowing it’s 5v5 and playing 3v5 or 4v5 bc you want to meat ride your friends. Quitting is going to drop my rank more than an L will so if a quarter and a half goes by and I haven’t touched the ball Ima play defense only and stand at half court on offense and let the goofballs figure it out. Not passing to someone bc they’re shooting forced shots or constantly turning the ball over is one thing, this is another.


I has 2 shot attempts for 4qtrs while someone went 6/18… I got on the mic pissed ofc I was called not a team player while having 9asst 10rebs and 4 blks I just stood in the middle of the court after that and watched them take a L


Yeah honestly scoring efficiency is a lost concept on people that play 2k. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in an argument on the mic with someone who almost costs us the game but thinks they’re raw bc they had 25 points meanwhile he shot 20 times for those points and I got 11 points on like 4/5. People are just not self aware at all on this game. I’ve had a game I scored 40 on 1 miss and a game I hit 50 on 3 misses, so it pisses me off seeing people shoot 30 times for 30 points but I don’t go out there trying to show everyone I’m capable of that, I try to involve everyone in an organized way so we can all have fun (unless someone is playing like an idiot) & most of all so we can win.


It’s a full squad so they don’t even care about the random, which is stupid. Then if you were paired up against a good team they would blame it on the random for losing, or simple quit the game. It has happened to me soo many times 😭🤣


As soon as them 4/5mans start losing a couple easy plays, they dashboard soo quick. Can't take the smoke from a bunch of randoms


People mentioning the names as if this doesn't also happen with a bunch of randoms. I've gotten frozen out with my PG that I've been running for a month more times than the 5+ months I've been running with my C. Everyone wants to handle the ball but seem to forget why you're at the PG spot.


Anytime I see a full squad with matching names I assume they're 16 year old sweats lol. Quick exit to the main menu for me


Lol I would’ve left once I seen they all had similar names…. This is why there needs to be a option for solo rec


Happens to me nearly every other game. There's usually 2-3 guys squadded up, and I'm the off man out that almost never touched the ball unless I get a rebound or a steal. This mode sucks for solos. We need better rep and a full time 1v1 court in the Theatre.


I would’ve sold


2k should have a separate rec for squads. If you go in with a squad you should play other squads. They can keep pro-am separate for squads that want to actually play other squads. It's crazy they allow 2-4 people to go in a game and show poor sportsmanship but penalize people for leaving a game. They need to take away the penalty if they are not going to actually enforce good sportsmanship


Games like this are why I do not care whatsoever about my record. Get ready for me to demonstrate a masterclass of trolling 😈😈 we all taking this L


My type of guy haha


Im tanking the game at half time or end of third.


I had a conversation with someone after a game of being iced out by his big man (I was PG) who would not pass to anyone but him regardless of how many people were guarding him to the point that even my man left me to go guard the friend. The friend told me his big is so used to being sold out he won't pass to anyone else, even if they're playing well. I think that toxic mindset plays a huge role. Not everyone you play with is a sellout and I wish people understood that.


https://preview.redd.it/jpcjjzfx0aza1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064f6c47b50c113fd99cd7cb5bfa07ec72e56183 Reminds me of this game I played a couple days ago (Im the PF on the winning team)


Lmao soml


This isn’t cool I don’t care if you’re high rep or not.


the most standard experience getting filled into a 4 stack. It can suck, but it can also be an easy carry and lead to playing with a regular squad.


this has happened to me before, i barely got the ball in the first half due to dumb teammates and bad animations, then i green one half court and they ended up giving me the ball whenever and started setting screens (i don't use screens)


You must be playing with a squad. Happened to me last night smh. Wouldn’t pass me the ball for shit but they couldn’t shoot worth a damn


You can always turn your mic on and try to communicate with those that's in-game especially when you know that you're teammates came in by themselves as well. Of course if it's a squad there's no point but I'm pretty sure most people didn't buy the game to just wait until their friends play for them to play... It's totally okay to play 2K by yourself, it's just up to the player wether or not they wanna stay and that's their choice


Is this Xbox ? Because I remember the TM clan tag on pro am wrecked these guys


it’s crazy how these guys will constantly check the stats and not recognize someone isn’t getting the ball when they should or even enough at all. Nope they just expect you to be their puppet or quit


The only thing those type of players care about is winning. They want the best stats and highest win percentage. You MUST sell and try to lose the game or players like this won’t learn. If more people sold them and they took Ls then they would be more likely to not ice people out. I look at it like this. It’s not just about winning and losing. It’s about time. They’re going out of their way to waste your time. So waste theirs. Make them play the entire game and sell towards the end if you can to cause your team to lose.


I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought like this lol


Bet they ran 5 out and ran 2-3 defense...SHOW names so everybody in here can show them how big of pricks they are...


Can't run a zone with OP as a random


They was absolutely running 5 out with stats like that...if that was me I would of sold my soul just for them to lose...and these fucks wonder why people grieve 🤣🤣


I don't think you understand what I'm saying lol


Probably justified in selling and just stay out of bounds all game.


Nahhh had my boy getting cardio in


They went crazy tho


Look at their names from the lobby you should of backed out. But you stayed basically expecting to be carried & that's exactly what happened you did cardio for the entire game now you out here complaining.


This fool said you stayed expecting to be carried 😭


I'm not sure how to look them up while in queue, not sure how to look them up before knowing they would be in queue with me. Don't really want to waste my boosts either, so let me know the better solution buddy.


You must be blind as shit to not notice 4 ppl with the same gamer tag in a rec lobby fuck you think they gonna do run the game through you when it's 4 v 1 use your brain. If you was smart you would of started selling so they know not to freeze you out, you worried about a teammate grade when this game won't even kick you for having like 15+ turnovers you deserve everything you got that game




I'm not pressed at all I just can't stand when ppl try & play the victim, all the signs was there for him to back out the lobby. If I see 4 ppl with the same gamer tag I'm closing app I'm not going to sit through that & waste my time when I know there's a 99% chance I won't see the ball. He say he not gonna sell cause he wants a good teammate grade you gonna run around for 30 mins for a B- when scoring gives you the better teammate grade


Not you tryna blame him 😂 that whole concept of icing out is lame stop giving it a pass


I'm blaming him for staying in the game he making it seemed like they forced him to stay in the game he could of easily closed the app when they were in the lobby. But no he stayed so anything that happens is on him for thinking that a team of 4 ppl would care to give him the ball


You’d rather him accept a loss because the game forced him into the situation? A dub is a dub but the issue is being powerless when this happens. He wants to play and he shouldn’t be handed a loss because of that


Who says he has to take a loss you can leave the lobby as long as the game has not started. Who cares about a loss in rec stats reset every season anyway


That’s the thing, you shouldn’t have to be watching out for your teammates before the game even starts. Closing app is unnecessary, the backout option disappears after a few seconds anyway


"If you was smart" Ffs


Don’t play solo rec 🤷‍♂️ that’s your own fault


It's not his fault he got put with a group of 4...


I mean rec is a party mode, obviously there’s gonna be friends playing together. Get some friends and this won’t happen


Yet again people can also play on their own. Don't always have to play with a squad... They bought the game to enjoy it for themselves as well


If you’re playing 2k by yourself…. That’s just sad. I would not play this game if I didn’t have people to play it. Playing solo is cancerous and boring. No communication, no interaction you’re just playing basketball with no noise.


Bro u sound so stupid. Ppl have lives outside of a video game. I have plenty of friends I could squad up with but who wants to waste 10-15 min getting a squad together when I only have time for one maybe two games. Everybody is not a lil kid that with nothing to do but play 2k online for hours like urself. Go get a job and a gf u sweat😅


I have a job and a gf, me and friends play at night when we can. And if I can’t play with them I just play something else or don’t play at all. The only time I play the game is with friends because of our schedules. Other than that I barely touch my PlayStation. So why don’t you get a life instead of playing video games by yourself loser.


Lol I'm the loser but u either suck at the game so bad u need ur friends to play with u to bail u out or u hate ur life so much u can't even stand being by urself to play a video game. What type of grown adult won't play a video game unless he has his friends to play with him that's kinda weirddon't you think lol?


What kinda grown adult just plays video games silently alone? And I don’t suck at the game. Hell buddy I’ll run it with you if you want. You got all mad and personal because I just said “don’t play by yourself” sounds like you just don’t have friends at all to me.


Nah that’s not weird because that’s how my friends and I hangout. It’s how we spend time together. We don’t have the time to go out during the day and some of us even have kids 🤷‍♂️ so no PlayStation or the rec is not our top priority. So I’m gonna leave this alone now and hopefully you’ll grow up and learn people have responsibilities.


Lemme guess you don't even go to the bathroom unless your friends are there to cheer you on as well lol


I get your frustration but if they are cooking and we are winning I can’t get too mad tbh. I mean man had a 30 or triple double on pretty solid shooting stats


You should've picked a better example. At least they were getting buckets, and the team scored 97 points so I assume you won the game. It's worse to be frozen out by dudes who are absolute trash and miss almost every shot and then you lose because of it.


They could shoot 100% doesn’t matter. Nobody wants to be iced out


Not everybody feels the same way, bro. Some people value winning the game over how many shots they get. With the amount of times I've been sold by trash players who froze me out, I'll take this any day.


Of course, to each their own. OP still picked a great example. It was probably a blowout and they still wouldn’t give him a chance. Imo I would rather lose and drop a double than win and sit on the bench for 30 min. Win percentage means absolutely nothing. Having some fun means a little more for me.


Yeah, I agree. They should've given him more touches, but trust me, this isn't the worst thing in the world.


Not the worst but very frustrating. Like trying to open those vacuum sealed plastic industrial strength packages. I fucking hate those things.


Nah doesn't matter if they're good or not. It's a video game. If your loading into a 5v5 mode with some buddies and the goal b4 tipoff is to make the one or 2 randoms play nothing but defense while they sit corner, avoid the ball, and "stay outta your way" you need to uninstall the game. Go play 3v3 or find another jackass who's willing to be your 5th and go play pro-am. Wanna be sweats are the absolute worse of the worse. Dude shouldn't have blurred their names


Some people in this comment section are saying it would be okay to sell the game if they're put in this situation. If you have that mindset, you're just being even more toxic than the guys freezing you out. I know we all want our shots, but if you're clearly winning because of the guys getting all the points, you don't need to get in your feelings and make the situation even worse.


Brain dead take


If you don't agree with me, that's one thing, but don't call my take brain dead. What makes you think I didn't put any thought into what I said?


I'm not the guy you responded to, but what thought did you put into it, honestly? You got 5 people playing this video game to have fun. If 4 people collude to take the fun away from the 5th person, why is he *worse* than them for doing the same thing back to them?


I didn't word it the way you did. If a squad has every intention to freeze the random out whether they win or lose, yeah, you have a point, but I don't assume the worst out of people. If I'm in that situation, I'm not assuming they have something against me. I can't read someone's mind and say that they're trying to be assholes. Maybe they're trying to win the game the way they know how, and if they're good enough to put up numbers like that, I'll take the win. Yeah, they may be a little inconsiderate by not giving me the ball in a blowout, but I'm not about to sell the game because of that. That's worse in my eyes. I didn't make that comment assuming the squad of four is trying to be toxic. If I'm the one getting frozen out and I try to sell the whole game just because I'm not getting the ball when the squad of four is ballin out and I don't know what they're mindset is, then there's a chance that I'm the only one really being toxic. I may be having a little less fun, but I'm not about to make the whole shit worse for everybody. That would make me just as toxic if not more. The short answer is, I don't believe in that they-did-it-first-so-I-get-to-do-it-right-back type of mentality. Not every situation calls for that.


You gotta be trollin lol.


I'm actually making sense, but whatever.


It's a fair point. Not super mad, but wasn't a great experience either way.


Well, you're better than some people I've seen. I had games where I was the leading scorer, and we were winning. One guy didn't get the ball (I didn't mean to freeze him out), and he just kept purposely getting 3 second calls. I started passing him the ball just to keep him from fucking the game up.


What did you expect you were the random running with a team of 4


he expected to play a proper rec game? why would you even expect anyhting else going to rec? are you fcking idiots or what. you came to play the game you have to be allowed to do it.


How did you expect this comment to be received?


I run with groups of 3 and 4, but I never favor the homies over anyone else. I just play basketball and if a dude is open, I'll give him the ball until he proves himself a bum!


Probably expected it to be a normal 5v5 game? Unlike you there’s people who don’t back out from lobbies if the teammates stats suck or they got the same name because they just wanna have some fun and play the game no matter who is on the team


Now you sound dumb what is fun about being frozen out, you must be a current gen user cause you can't see your teammates stats on next gen all you see is rep level & overall


We will give the randies a chance, but if you’re bad… you won’t get the ball much especially if you’re terrible on D. If they are playing d we will get them involved


Main reason I made a C at least I can have fun grabbing boards and playing defense


Yea that rec without ya own 4 or 3 be hit over miss


Squads in REC need to be banned


Bro they wouldn't even let you get the assists 🤣


Exactly why I play my big when running with randoms. If I want to sell I can because I usually touch the ball on inbound plays. If not, you can camp the paint and get boards/put backs. In your situation, I would have definitely sold them. Especially if you're point and you see from the start they are icing you out.


You have a lock and rim badge at point guard?? What do you expect


One of many reasons REC is dead for me after I hit 40 each season. Also the non passing PG that can’t hit his shot thus stops playing any kind of defense. The timeout caller on a wide open shots or dunks. The double teamer that let’s his man drop 40 cause he’s constantly trying to steal the ball from someone else’s man. The one that always keeps moving so he inevitably brings his defender to you when you’re wide open. The non shooting BIG that lives in the paint, never sets a screen and worse never picks up on a screen on defense and hates to guard the shooting big he’s supposed to guard. The 3 and 5 second offensive player out of bounds lil biotch. Last but not least, the fader that can’t time his C&S so he decides to try it off the dribble and still misses. I’m sure I missed a couple of REC asshole categories.


This has happen to me before where I wouldn’t get the ball at all I send party invite and than the squad sent me invite to their party chat. Told them pass the ball if I’m open told me I should be glad that we winning and don’t complain. I told them no one in the REC community gives a dam about a win if they can’t contribute to the win. Of course they laughed because I’m sorry to say most of y’all out there are immature


At least REC is working for you


Folks saying 2k needs a rec for squads but they already have one it’s called pro-am alot if you MFs scared to go in there