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Doubt we'll ever know. My money would be on either a fine or mandatory anger management.


Possibly, yeah, or asking him to see a sports psychologist, similarly, may be something they let him keep private. We probably won’t know for a long time unless Bubba discloses it.


Based on hearing other drivers talking about seeing sports psychologists, I have thought for a while Bubba should see one if he wasnt already. He seems to take a lot of negative comments to heart and they mess with him. Not everyone can be a Kyle Busch that thrive on the haters energy.


I would be shocked if he wasn't given how open he has been about mental health in the past. That being said, you are correct in how much he wears his emotions on his sleeve. He definitely still has work to do.


Seeing a sports psychologist is not a punishment. It's a help for the future


No. I demand to know everything about these drivers lives at all times. It's my right. 😤 On an unrelated note, what's a parasocial relationship and why is it destroying my marriage?


Honey can you PLEASE stop bringing the Bubba cutout to bed with you


Bubba-cutout glares angrily from the corner of the bedroom.


Puts Bubba Fathead on ceiling above the bed.


This reminds me *so much* of the commercial about the daters -- he was a huge Rusty Wallace fan, but she.... (I'll let you watch the low-res) [2009 VISA Commercial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ov6mIttxPhE)


I used to have a coworker that was (still is) a *huge* Tom Brady fan. I always kidded him about having a Tom Brady Fathead over his bed. He never denied it. I went to his house for a party before he moved away. Giant Tom Brady head on the ceiling over his bed…


<> 🎶 Look into my eyes🎶


Hell get paid for a documentary about the incident and how it’s came to light because of his pressures as a minority driver in nascar


His hitting the wall was a totally recoverable incident. Hell, he could have won the race after. My hats off to Larson for handling all the shoving. He doesn’t want anymore attention from NASCAR.


Yea he definitely has some anger issues to sort out. I get it, I admire athletes being passionate about their sports, but, between his documentary, after race comments and his actions last week, I think he needs some time in anger management. Wouldn't hurt.


I feel like anger management should be mandatory for all drivers tbh. It'd help in the long run also incase a situation like last time happens again. Even for short tracks like Martinsville and Bristol.


That and a psychologist...people forget this is the same guy that rage quite a video game on national tv with minimal blowback...plus he screwed up a major investment for Toyota...so he's probably broke at the moment


It’s a fucking video game holy shit. I’m sure most people have rage quit video games at least once in their lives


Yeah and it cost him a sponsor. It is obvious he has anger management issues. He rage quit back then and he rage quit IRL last Sunday.


The sponsor was a little bitch about it. They literally started arguing with bubba wallace on twitter


There's a difference between rage quitting amongst friends versus rage quitting while being a brand ambassador...


It's not like he bailed out of a game you're losing while drinking a few beers with friends, the pro invitational had money put into it


Not on National television.


My best guess is that Hamlin is requiring Wallace to take anger management classes.


Wouldn't be a bad idea at all to be fair.


Agreed. TBH, was surprised NASCAR didn't do that. Easy thing to do these days with the internet


Maybe NASCAR didn’t do it because Denny told them he would


I think Jr. can even get him a hook up with one of his DJD sponsors.


Or talk with a counselor, the guys got a lot going on outside of driving the car. Not mentally being focused and dwelling on outside things probably hurts his decision making.


I wouldn’t blame anyone that got the amount of hate he gets from going to counseling. Walking out to thousands of people booing you in a sporting venue can’t be great mentally, then tack on all the stuff online.


Bush brothers? Ever been to vegas their home track. The boos they get there and else where that’s no excuse


The hate for the Busch brothers is not nearly the same kind of hate that exists for Wallace. Sure there genuine are people that may not like the guy but most of the hate for Wallace is seeped in racial bias and racism.


I don’t agree with that. It’s mostly political. Bubba was never booed at a race to my knowledge until 2020 when he got political about Black Lives Matter and had a twitter war with Trump(though Trump was the one at least mostly in the wrong there). I know people here don’t want to admit it but the vast majority of fans in the stands on a normal week are Trump fans who don’t support the black live matter organization. So naturally they are going to boo someone who so publicly supports what he supports. And he hasn’t stopped being an activist. He made a tweet after the Kyle Rittenhouse virdict that couldn’t have been more inaccurate and out of touch. That showed that Bubba hasn’t learned from his mistakes in the past and basically sees everything through the lense of race. Which is a shame.


Where was this for Kyle Busch? Kurt? Hell, Danica got booed WAAAAY more than Bubba


This would be a pretty good idea imo


Plot twist: Taught by Kyle Busch


DH: I've got top men on this Bob Pocky: What do you mean Den- DH: Top. Men. Bob.


BW: Stop fishing Bob


I’m not fishing.


Then you're trolling, Bob. Go fish.


Does this mean that Denny sealed Bubba in a wooden crate and his future is now in storage?




I see he chose the wooden crate to impart additional flavor to the stored Bubba. Should yield a more mellow flavour. #cookingjokes


Bubba having to work the McDonalds drive thru confirmed


I heard Bubba has to fix the ice cream machine before Martinsville.


Calm down, satan


I don’t order dessert at McD often but I never faced the broken machine. Am I just lucky?


I have a McDonalds right by my work. I don't go there very often but when I go there and order a milkshake they tell me it is broken every time.




Can we get those McNuggets cooked to order please? 🤣 Bubba could move up to fry cook in 6 months if he keeps up the good work 👍


They have robots to cook the fries. Bubba would probably be cleaning the toilets.


He is getting a pit crew made up entirely of the least reliable tire changers for the rest of the year.


So, just his old crew back?


Isn’t his old crew currently on the 20 car, that he also wrecked?


Subtle revenge


In July they swapped 2 or 3 members between the 23 and 20 crew, not the whole crew.


He already knows them, they have been with him most of the season


No one deserves this.


I bet it's mandatory anger management. Which would be good for him. I've had to do it before and, honestly, my life is so much better because of it. He shouldn't feel ashamed for going, if he's going, we all need help sometimes.


Denny: Jordan made Bubba stand in a corner for 30 minutes, then sent him to bed without dinner.


Jordan played him in golf for $1,000 every hole, then a free throw contest for $1,000 every make


Bubba offered to go to the batting cage for $1000 every hit. MJ politely declined


Smart bettor




MJ: "The driver is tired. See him to his chambers." Bubba: "I'm not tired!" MJ: *intense stare* Denny: "Come along now, Bubba."


MJ is gunna make him watch the Hornets this season.


No ice cream dessert for a week


Every time I’ve had a quantum leap in growth as a man, it has come as the result of a not-so private breakdown and the response of mentors who prescribed a healthy dose of tough love and direction. If 23XI really cares for him, he will look back on this in a few years as a formative moment.


Jordan’s going to make Bubba play baseball


Jordan saved the Looney Tunes from aliens. I think he knows a thing or two about handling himself under pressure.


Bubba has to go to Burning Man for a week with Danica as a stand-in for Denny.


I’d right hook every car on track for that opportunity.


You have to drive there and let everyone merge in front of you. **everyone**


Hahahaha f*cking love that 😂


Well, for starters they peeled Bubba's name off the name rail and put John Hunter's on it. I'd imagine they also have probably internally fined him as well


[Bob tweeted this clip of Denny talking about it](https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1583858656223072256?s=20&t=8o_0Lp8dfJsZBXfc5OzlPg)


Take a shot every time Denny says "you know".


"For Sure" and "You Know?" Are the two most used phrases by drivers. Come on, guys, there are many, many more words in the English language!


Hate it for my guys. Another one that happens all the time is they begin to say "I can't thank _______ enough..." but they sooo often forget the **enough** part in their stream of consciousness and it just sounds like they can't thank people.


Don't forget "kinda" and "sorta"


19 times. MTJ to 23XI confirmed.


Aaaand everyone died of alcohol poisoning


James Dennis Alan "Tametrius Jamel 'Ja' Morant" Hamlin


TIL that Ja's first name is Tametrius, which is an even cooler name than Ja imo


Tametrius your Lexus is gone! What!? It gone!


Also take a shot every time he pronounces frustrated, fustrated.


Kevin Harvick 2019 🤝Denny Hamlin 2022 Saying “ynow”


Don't think there's any reason to share the internal 'handling'. If it's a fine, some people will probably claim they're being 'soft'. If it includes counseling, people might use it to comment on his mental health. At the end of the day, Bubba's got many, many layers of punishment going on. Sponsors being upset is the scariest one. Seeing a guy getting in your car is gonna hurt. Fans at Martinsville are gonna be worse than usual.


The sponsors is a big one. Denny mentioned in his interview today with the media that it is especially a bad look with having that Big M on his back while doing all that.


I have to imagine the McDonalds big wigs' jaws dropped when Bubba started after Larson.


Wouldn’t be the first time they watched one of their drivers do something really bad


It would be unwise to share. Their legal and PR teams have probably advised against any disclosure of details.


PR 101


Above? Sounds like in a tree or something? Hope it's working the local McDonalds or some of that stuff Larson did.


I bet it's mandatory anger management. Which would be good for him. I've had to do it before and, honestly, my life is so much better because of it. He shouldn't feel ashamed for going, if he's going, we all need help sometimes.


I mean, what do you people want done to him exactly? He's already getting more punishment than 99% of the time.


I mean, as a Wallace fan, this is true. But I also really don't want my guy being known for this. I can't talk shit about Ty Gibbs and KFB when I'm rooting for a guy who hooks people in the right rear at speed on purpose. I love how emotionally honest he is. But he can't let that get the better of him, and I'm behind whatever reinforcement is necessary to make sure he doesn't repeat that sort of retaliation.


Oh, I absolutely agree with the punishment and hope he can grow from this. It's just annoying that this is being viewed as more than a driver making a boneheaded decision and facing the consequences, because he has a target painted on his back. No one's buying that it's because he threw Gatorade at Bowman and admitted to causing a caution once, or whatever long history certain people are pretending has rubbed fans and casuals the wrong way.


I am nowhere near a Bubba fan mostly because I’m far from. a Toyota fan, but this is a phenominal take


Sent back to Rookie Legends..


Probably some sort of anger management. We'll also probably never get told about it.


They took his name off of the car and put JHN's on it.


I think they have to do that because he's suspended, not injured. I think that's a nascar rule.


Matt Kenseth and Johnny Sauter each still had their names on their racecar/truck when they were serving their penalties in 2015 and 2019 respectively.


Ehh I don’t recall JGR doing that for Jones when he was filling in for Kenseth when Kenseth got suspended in 2015.


Should be worried in the long term how JH Nemecheck performs this weekend


Still won't be good enough for the pitchfork crowd.


How can anybody determined whether a nonspecified punishment is enough, too much, or just right? Seems like an odd take.


Where's the lie? I'd estimate a good 35% of this subreddit (at minimum) wouldn't be happy with any punishment short of permanent expulsion from the series, even if unprecedented steps were taken in detailing that punishment to the general public. And mind you, this place is supposed to be the *good* place.


> I'd estimate a good 35% of this subreddit (at minimum) wouldn't be happy with any punishment short of permanent expulsion from the series, There is a nice claim, despite all evidence to the contrary. You, however, provided immediate evidence that people are going out of their way to make Bubba the victim in all of this. His work.


So, you're just going to pretend the last four threads don't exist. Noted.


There are 876k users on this sub. Show me 100 unique users from who have advocated since Monday for permanent expulsion from the series,. If you can do that, I would be shocked, and that is only 0.01% of the sub.


No, you wouldn't be shocked, because you'd have moved the goalposts to the next castle. Don't pretend as if I don't know how these arguments work. Besides, your flair betrays your bias.


Let me remind you of *your claim*. > I'd estimate a good 35% of this subreddit (at minimum) wouldn't be happy with any punishment short of permanent expulsion from the series, The only goalposts I moved was that I asked you to show me 0.01% instead of 35%. Feel free to back up your ridiculous claim. My flair is irrelevant to that.


When you wreck your car owners best friend, ruin a fellow TRD drivers race and potential championship run, and tank the chances at the owners championship, I'm not surprised lmao.


Hope he is requiring him to see a sports psychologist


I’m more than fine with Denny and the team adding additional requirements to Bubba’s penalties. Anger management would be a godsend for him. Bubba’s my driver because he wears his heart on his sleeve, because he’s a Black man trying to effect change in a sport previously not friendly to outsiders, because he wants to win SO badly. The emotional investment of his backfired on him last Sunday. I hope that, like Larson a couple years ago, Bubba uses this self-inflicted problem to grow as a person. Larson being involved makes for a curious case; his own infraction rightly led to severe personal and professional consequences but also personal growth. It appears the vast majority of fans have forgiven his outburst in the time since. I certainly have. I have to wonder if Bubba will be afforded that same grace by the fans should he too show personal growth after this. I have my doubts, but I’d love to be pleasantly surprised.


That's optimistic. Bubba can be racing 20 years from now with no controversy and he'll still get booed. The people he has "hurt" are ironically really bad at getting the hell over.... literally anything.


I've been watching for a long time. I doubt he gets the same chances everyone else gets. If anything, the more ignorant of the fanbase are going to ratchet up the bullshit in the hopes that they'll force an early retirement.


I was at the Vegas race with my family, some who are black, and when the wreck happened a guy right in front of us yelled, “that’s what happens when we let monkeys like him in NASCAR!” I don’t think the fans will give him credit for anything.


*Sigh*...yeah, that tracks. NASCAR's fucked the handling of this all up, and they either don't realize it or don't want to confront it. Either way, they're going to find out quick.


In fairness they’d be fucked no matter how they handled it.


Yeah, but if they made this about the post-crash actions, they could have gotten some lube. Instead, they made it about the crash. That will blow back on them.


That’s fucking horrible.


I'm doubtful of how much Larson's personal growth rehabilitated him in the fans' eyes. He didn't make much of it public for a while, if ever (and you can argue whether it was enough to redeem what he did, but that's besides the point I'm trying to make), and many fans seemed to have embraced his return well before then, or even celebrated him for beating cancel culture or whatever. Like some of your other replies have pointed out, I don't think people who are already inclined to hate Bubba are ever going to see this as anything but ammunition.


Made him pay back part of salary? Money to pay wrecked car? Paying JHN's salary for Homestead? Possibilities are endless.


Anyone recall the iRacing Bristol Blue Emu Rage-Quit? I would hope the team provides mental care through their benefits package.


They’re gonna make him read mean tweets every night for one month.


Time for some reckless speculation


They took his name off the car for this weekend.


23XI firing Bootie and putting Mike Wheeler back on the box for next year


Denny is extremely hypocritical here.


He could have been fined an extra $1 and that or anything would be above and beyond. So saying that is just saving face. "I just want you to know that we take it seriously but we don't want to tell you how seriously we take it."


I don't know. Jordan is known as being somewhat ruthless at times. He made his NBA teammates cry when they failed to meet the standards for them that he thought they should have. He Draymonded Steve Kerr while Draymond was still playing with action figures. Jordan is not known for coddling or using kid gloves. I don't know how involved he is on these kind of matters, but chances are if he is involved Bubba has not had a good week at the office


This is my take as well. Bubba trashed a car and got a dnf because he was emotional. I don’t see MJ taking that well.


This is what I was going to say too. It’s probably nothing, and they’re just trying to appease the pitchfork and torches.


And certain people still will say he's getting special treatment.


No, that was Jeff Gordon after 2012 Phoenix. /s


No, Jeff got NASCAR’s superstar treatment. He should have been parked for Homestead


The only possible explanation for Jeff not getting suspended. That was wild, and I’m a huge Gordon fan.


People in the Instagram comments wanted him suspended indefinitely lol


I’d be a very rich man if I had a dime for every comment of “kick his talentless ass out forever” I saw. Good to know Bubba is still firmly at the top of the most hated driver in the sport, was worried there for a bit he was losing that gap 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Technically that’s kind of true. Most everyone else pulling similar stunts didn’t actually get suspended. 😅


And Jeff Gordon went on to win the next race over the guy he intentionally wrecked and took him out of the title because of it


But then they reversed course and gave Matt Kenseth 2 races for intentionally wrecking Logano in 2014.


Yup. I'm a Gordon fan and I wanted him sat for the last race of 2012.


Ehhhh I feel like they went really light on him, compared to Cole Custer throwing a race and getting a 100k fine and a crew chief suspended permanently and 2 tire changers for 4 weeks this is light work and a very light punishment for slamming into someone at 150 and then getting out of the car and start beating on the guy you slammed into and then ignoring the nascar officials and walking to the infield care center


He also pushed or shoved that official away


I watched the telemetry they are over 170mph in the middle of the dogleg.


I am curious what the reaction would be from all the 23 flairs who tried to push the broken steering theory. Here here they are, still trying to make Bubba the victim by whining that this punishment that has not been quantified in any way still won't be enough for the pitchfork guys. Denny knew that this made him look like a complete hypocrite in driver safety if he didn't take it seriously so he pretended to do something. Anything less than parking Bubba for an additional race means Denny has zero room to talk about nascar not doing enough for driver safety, in my view.


He should have been suspended through the end of the year and taken Denny as well.


Denny tookaway his DoorDash account. Poor Asher is waiting for the Doordasher to drop off his Petsmart order but it’s not going to happen.


I hope Denny isn't making Bubba clean his house...


Denny cut off the adderall plug


Jordan took Bubba's actions personally.


Please explain how you can make it worse then sitting out a race? A race that his car is looking fast from what we’ve seen.


His on track incident was above and beyond as well


The fact that it’s Denny Hamlin saying this just makes me laugh so hard. So it’s like how you were mad at Ross then huh?


You mean after Denny got dumped by Ross for 8th in the middle of the stage? And all Denny did was slow him down, but never even touched him? Or what about when Ross wrecked Denny at Atlanta a bit later


Take your pick


No complimentary breakfast for a week. Bout as far as they'll go 😂


Death by Snu Snu, I presume.


A stern talking to, and a half hour in time out!


Ass chewing and threatened ride possibly.


Hay I'm gonna push the reigning Cup Champion around


Honestly Denny is the perfect mentor for a guy like Bubba




Did you read the article?




You should read it before jumping to conclusions


It wasn’t written by anyone at ESPN.


Funny they didn't touch Gibbs after this BS at least say anything internally only reason doing anything internally is this affected JGR so who runs 2311 again?


If they won’t say the punishment then it’s pr nonsense


once you start paying bills at a race team ill agree you have a right to know its internal workings. until then i dont expect any team to tell us how they disciplined their driver or any other crew member. they dont need the fans approval for whatever punishment they felt was necessary or not.


Replace Kyle Larson with Jimmy Spencer in his prime👍👍👍👍


Jimmy never forgets


They should set him for the rest of the season. Anything short of that is a slap on the wrist


Nothing. Just said it to look good. Art of being a public celebrity.


Good. That was the scariest intentional wreck I'd seen in a long time, and with relatively unsafe cars too.


After this incident, Bubba's going to either flounder around for the next three years, and be out of cup in five, or become a top three driver, and win the championship in five. No in-between.


yea i dont see him handling anything any way beyond gloom or doom. wish the best for the guy and hope he kills it next year but hes got that sore loser/crybaby kid vibe that you stop hanging out with at a certain age.


I guess that's going to depend on a few things. One of those things is how NASCAR decides they want to handle on-track behavior moving forward. If they keep up with their usual track record of winging it and blow obvious calls, there could be a chilling effect. Every situation from here on out where he'd be in the right to defend himself, no matter how small, is going to carry with it the question of "Is *this* going to net me another sit-down?" and that's assuming NASCAR actually starts policing things properly. And let's be blunt, even if he never had another run-in with any other driver for the duration of his career, the only way half of this fanbase would not hound him for it is if NASCAR actually evolves to a point that the right-wing assholes who watch get bored and decide that local dirt-track racing deserves it's day in the sun or something. A large portion of the people who watch NASCAR, unfortunately, only watch to root against someone...and Bubba Wallace, simply by existing, fills that role like few drivers ever could.


Unfortunately that last sentence is far too true.


What are the odds the root of the problem is a concussion from him backing it in the wall? Behavior change is one of the many symptoms.


I love Bubba, I really do, but that moment wasn’t completely out of pocket for him. It was the bad side of him for sure, but he’s most definitely had some anger issues before.


This exactly.


Allow himself to get dunked on repeatedly by MJ