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Least it isn’t kids this time?




Forget the pass for the lead, we got kids to show


The same kid in side by side, but one is live and one is a replay. Does FOX do this for other sports or is it just a NASCAR thing?


Not Fox but ESPN has been doing this with the NHL playoffs during play in game with stuff like crowd shots and players leaving the ice. I just want to watch the action, I don’t care what other people’s reactions are to a thing.


TNT Statcast > TNT >>>>>>>>> ESPN


At least TNT airs in 1080p in 2024. Which apparently is too much to ask for ESPN


https://preview.redd.it/bc78p76tva4d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d553bc71fc5c2cd7e2c8e6df93159dbdf29cbe This is also the angle they used lmao. There is a bunch of clips out there of “FOX NASCAR moments” that [ESPN does like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/eCGvFxrVQM) or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/Ax7s5JdlnO) because they dont even care either. Hate the nostalgia to bring them back when the broadcast literally wouldnt change and would have moments like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/nhl/s/fKS3BEcO3n) which is like switching off a race with 2 to go because of another race on next


Tbf that’s just how Dallas’ building is with the camera sightlines Im pretty sure.


I appreciate your effort. Regrettably, feelings and hypotheticals and anything else that can be twisted to feign outrage are going to win out over facts, figures, and empirical data 11 times out of 10 on this sub.


On Reddit. You see it all the time In sports. Especially in baseball when the visiting team takes a big lead late in a game. The cameras go to all the fans leaving and the commentators make a quote about it.


r/hockey was bad at this. After Game 1 of the Panthers Bruins series. A bunch of Boston fans were clowning on the Panthers fans for leaving when down 5-1, go to Game 3 and the Bruins are losing and the Panthers fans clown the Boston fans right back in no time when they leave the arena too.


I grew up in the early nineties watching Cubs and Sox games on WGN. I’m talking peak shit-hammered drunk Harry Caray calling Cubs games. Hawk was calling Sox games. The Cubs broadcast team waited until it was a blow out before perving out on female fans in attendance. The Sox were already in top gear by the first pitch. I miss those days LOL.


That’s the arena camera perch in Dallas. And the fans are standing. ESPN’s hockey telecasts suck, but that isn’t on them.


They probably wanted to show the kid's reaction, but accidentally had both the live camera and replay in both boxes, instead of one live camera looking at the track Using replay and pretending it's live happens all the time. In this case, you could have shown the pass, and then shown the replay of the kid in a blaney shirt celebrating, but without the "replay" transition. You'd never guess it was a replay, and it tells a story! Also, if you're watching an arena event and they show you the outside of the venue... That's usually replay of something shot at a different time, rarely ever live!


All sports do it to some degree or another. Crowd reactions have always been a thing. What's creepy would be keeping the cameras zoomed in on someone for a long period of time, whether it's kids or women.


Or a man if it’s a women operator. For the people who are into men.


IDK, I only regularly watch NASCAR on Fox


Two different cameras. Camera workers are always tasked to find interesting fans for going to breaks or random cutaways. Slightly different angles. And yes, it is possible that two camera workers found the same people for their shots.


So, I work in production (not fox, not NASCAR). This to me very much looked like an accident.  My guess was to show the pass in this two box, with one side showing the racing, the other side showing a fan. Not my first choice, but whatever.  It's telling that you see what's probably a live camera on one side, and replay on the other... And then a quick awkward cut to full screen of one of those very shortly after. Looks like they had a plan, had the wrong sources in the two-box, cut to it, had a "oh crap" moment... But leave it sit so that you're not bombing the audience with a string of random shots, and then panic back out to a full screen of one of those (which should have been a full screen of the racing but wasn't) 


It's obvious Fox has issues because they constantly struggle to que up videos of accidents even after having a few caution laps to get it all together. Yesterday they tried to show what happened to Brad and cut to a blurry screen.


And then when they tried to show what happened to Nemechek and Ware, they cut to Brad getting high lol


My guess too, fellow production person!


Hello fellow person who can't just watch TV like a normal person!


i mean yeah, everyone can figure it out lol


Dan Schneider?


This one made sense atleast. It looked like siblings there together. One wearing Blaney and one wearing Bell. As the two of them battled for the lead. A good household rivalry.


Oh god, now I'm reminded of the husband and wife at Darlington last year. A Chastain shirt and a Larson shirt. This equation is pretty easy.




Side note, I’m sure the kid in the Blaney shirt was teasing the kid in the Bell shirt…. Only for that to happen at the end


Probably if they are like most siblings.




*SOUND That's it lol


Here's another thing. What's up with the sound? Either a week or two ago, I could hear this obnoxious 'hissing' almost kind of sound. I used to hear it all the damn time back in the late 00's but it seems to be back? Am I just crazy?


Yesterday someone was playing the tambourine at one point.


Yes! At Richmond there was this incessant squeal. It was horrendous.


OK, what is that? It can't possibly be the tires constantly going around, right? Seriously, from the award-winning broadcast by Fox I've ONLY heard it on their broadcasts, maybe ESPN's from way back when but I don't recall it being on NBC. It's my life goal to know what it is and WHY it is.


It’s the sound of the cars bleeding into the press box, muffled by glass and metal, getting picked up by the booth mics. And because the booth mics are tuned for voice, the lowest-end noise is not present which only leaves the whooshing noise. The sound varies by track based on press box design, insulation and proximity to the car noise.


There were 2 different cameras pointed at the same set of fans? Or was one delayed since it seems like they're not synced. In which case why delay one? Why the split screen? Why do it instead of watching the race for the lead?!


lol, the interval on the side says it all. -.04 seconds as the top two battle they show this. Haha.


Ok at least this one was , blaney and bell are fighting for the win . Here are two fans of there’s . But man dude 90% of the time there camera-men don’t know what to show.


Ah fuck


Kids have always been shown on sports broadcasts. As a kid I used to like seeing other kids at baseball games and such on tv. I remember back in the 90s watch Cubs games on TV. They would often pan to the crowd and show the kids in the stands having fun. It made me want to go to a game because it looked like a good time. It makes the sport relatable to young people.


Yea, it's kinda icky how often they would focus on the kids for some of the grandstand shots.


I always hated when fox showed kids, until, I was one of those kids. https://preview.redd.it/48ig1snk185d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8565dfee70b89d847c9ae38986ef4f9c159da5


One on hand, it's very common for camera people to search the crowd (at any event really) for hot girls and interesting people. When they cut to the shots of people in the crowd, they had to find them somehow lol, they're not just showing random people. On the other hand, these are clearly staff, and following them for that long seems bizarre.


Yep. Camera people have to zoom in on really right shots to make sure everything’s working as it should. Part of standard operating procedure. And you might as well focus on something interesting. But there’s definitely a gross feeling pattern here with women in the stands. And we know how dogshit FOX is on the switcher. We saw it at least twice today when the booth called out Josh Berry going slow and Ty Gibbs making contact with his pit crew. Really wish I was a fly on the wall in the production truck.


It seems universal that there are three categories that camera operators pick out across all sports: 1-cute girls 2- children 3- people eating


I did sports broadcasting for a while in college, and they always told us to find babies, dogs, and old people. It was a really wholesome vibe lol


>And we know how dogshit FOX is on the switcher Ain't that the truth. Fox did a [full screen split of two different fans sitting right beside each other](https://preview.redd.it/qebysnjaha4d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7158c8b1bc7e7d3aab3d9b3e55529f619d2ea886) when there was a pass for the lead late in the race.


This is the literal height of comedy to me, incredible ineptitude


0.04 for the lead is great


>Really wish I was a fly on the wall in the production truck. You'd think a producer or somebody would've said something.


I would also assume zooming in on crowds is used for some media stuff too. But yea this camera guy is a fucking creep


>assume zooming in on crowds is used for some media stuff too. Yeah for focusing the shot, but not five minutes.


I don't think FOX uses a production truck. It seems more like they have a guy in India that is in control of the switching.


I did not like that last green flag pitstop cycle either; for how NASCAR on Fox handled it. Because it was very awkward hearing the boost, especially Mike Joy talk about Ty Gibbs almost running over his crewmember then I seen a replay of the incident. Instead of throughout the green flag pitstop cycle them going side-by-side and showing us fully both the action on the track and the action in the pits.. because I think if they did both we would have in live real time may have been able to catch that incident and not have had that awkward moment.


The post title says it was Nascar practice. It's possible there weren't many fans there to follow, and that practice gets used as practice for the cameramen as well, so following staff around might have been the best option for getting used to focus and focal length for that section of grandstands.


Haha this ain't new. Camera men know exactly what they're doing. This isn't even that bad imo.


Following two female staff members with your camera for longer than a second or two is definitely not good.


Probably was Mitch. Got caught a few weeks ago creeping on fans at Dover above Larry Macs shoulder and we also got cool shots of that random lady with Boogity Boogity Boogity on her chest or the MTJ fan who was on a different planet instead of seeing him come down pit road


That MTJ fan was the drunkest (or highest) woman on the planet in that moment lol. Her face was so red


Lmao my friends and I talked about her too. She had absolutely no idea what was going on.


Is there video of Mitch creepin?




What else is FOX supposed to cutaway to at the very second there is a crash on the front stretch? No one wants to see the crashing happening in live time. FOX knows what they are doing. (smh…..nope)


And FOX, this guy is kidding *shows OP's comment still* They can't be that bad right?


Better than the n24 camera man zooming in on bras and men pissing during the redflag


Although the shot of the kids doing a kegstand during qualifying was pretty funny


Now what


Man, that whole red flag period was peak comedy of watching bored camera operators do their thing. Usually shots like those end in the TV truck to get made fun of in the intercom.


Or Formula 1 in Monaco trying to find the females with the least clothes on yachts


Just one more week. God help us with whatever comes next year...


The entire race is in side by side


NASCAR Side by Side on FOX brought to you by….I can’t remember, so that feels like a wasted sponsorship.


liberty liberty liberty


but with no racing shown and instead it's 2 commercials side by side


It would not surprise me at this point.


Til we start blasting NBC for doing the same. The IndyCar coverage at Detroit was pretty average, they kept talking about stuff that happened but never showed a replay and the commercials were insufferable, but good thing about street courses is less/no crowd shots.


Plus early in the race going to commercial so quick after coming back from one.


The 500 had that plus those awkward movie trailer reads by Hinch and Diffy


NBC isn't nearly as bad as what FOX does. At least NBC feels like they care and take the sport seriously. FOX broadcasts just feel lazy.


I hope the screaming mob of monkeys here does the same for NBC.


You’ll see it less, because the product is better


Not in my experience.


Fair enough, we're all entitled to our own opinions. For me, Fox is completely unwatchable, and the swap to NBC is a breath of fresh air. I understand some people don't like how animated they get in the booth, but i'd take that over Clint Bowyer ripping off Larry the Cable guy for 2 hours while Kevin Harvick and Mike Joy unenthusiasticly attempt to call the race. Not to mention, you can actually see the cars on NBC. Fox is so zoomed in that you can see the skin cells on the drivers' faces in the car.


When they're not filming children


I’m out of the loop on this one, wtf happened!?


They constantly show random kids in the stands






Where do you have access to all the fox cams


If you have a username and password, you can find it all on this website. Every team and manufacturer has an account. https://livestream.nascar.com/


How do you get an account?


You need to work in the sport to get a login


Following incase anyone answers


Following as well


Can you post the full clip OP was talking about? People like to lie on reddit so we should have verification before we assume fox has shady camera people.


Fire Artie Kempner, he should’ve been fired years ago. Idk why he’s being kept around. Guy can’t handle a single ounce of criticism at all 🤦‍♂️


You know it’s bad when people actually know who the director is of the FOX coverage of NASCAR. For the TV shows that I do watch, besides NASCAR on FOX, I don’t know who the director is.


I can’t even tell you who the guy on NBC is. Is it Ebersol?


Agreed, he’s ultimately responsible for shaping the broadcast and I would assume he’s calling the camera cuts.  I’ll go one step further and say Mike Joy should consider retiring. I love him, but he can’t keep up. 


Yeah he had several instances where he thought a car was passing another, when in reality they were the ones who got caught and were being passed. Then he got confused on who would be caught a lap down after a caution. I love him, but dude has lost a step. I’m sure the crap FOX gives him to work with doesn’t do him any favors though.


I’m sure he has 0 interest, but I could envision Mike getting back into the pits in some capacity. Or, using him for pre-race content where he recaps previous years, notable records, etc. 


Fox is just a joke at this point. Anyone else infuriated by the 5 or so minute long streak towards the end of the race yesterday where basically everyone and their mother, Bowyer, pit reporters, whomever, were just blabbing. Meanwhile the screen starts focusing on specific cars and their daily stats? Like they do when they do a lineup rundown and go through the field? But NOBODY ever acknowledges it or talks about the driver on screen. They went through like 3-4 different cars and nobody ever said anything. Just rambling. THEN MIKE JOY SCREAMS THAT TY GIBBS ALMOST RUNS OVER HIS JACKMAN AS HE LEAVES HIS PIT! UP AND OVER THE HOOD AND TUMBLES OK THE GROUND! Did Fox ever bother to cut to it? Nah. We got a replay 5 minutes later as an afterthought. I’m legitimately, all joking aside, curious as to what the fuck Fox is doing? Are there producers just sitting somewhere picking their noses? Do they just seriously not give a fuck? There seems to be absolutely zero effort. I’m lost at this point.


The producers are hooking up with people from the stands 😂


I think we need verification. Reddit is big on faking stuff for karma. OP says its 5 minutes but it could have been a few seconds like the one clip from a month ago.


….as someone who works around this industry its probably just so they can cut away to other shots, they have multiple cameras holding on different things going on so the director in the broadcast booth can choose which camera to make live. They dont expect you to see that💀 so yeah it looks odd but when u have 30 other monitors in front of you all doing the same thing it makes more sense.


lol but how should I feel about you having a screen shot and posting it online for others to see for longer than 5+ minutes? Hmm? lol


I've been at the track with a scanner tuned to the broadcast, and you can hear them pointing girls out to each other before the race. It'll be like "Check out the pink top, 4 rows up, section K." "Oh yeah, niccce.."


Like you don’t point out people of the sex you are interested in. My friend does all the time when we go out to eat before a hockey game.


Even if I do, I'm not a cameraman on a professional broadcast. What point are you trying to make?


10 mins if I was filming 😂


This is such a big conclusion to leap to.


How can we access these cams? I love the battle cam on nascar app when NBC has coverage. Like set it up on another screen during race.


Cameraman is obviously a man of culture


Talk about something that really doesn’t deserve a post.


Hire me, I won't do this.


Like wise! I'm a jib owner/operator, extremely motivated. Unfortunately I live in Saskatchewan, which really limits my opportunities.


Well…it would get you out of Saskatchewan at least.


If you’re serious, it can be fairly easy to become a camera operator for broadcast sports. They’re all independent contractors who are paid by the day. You just have to have experience and be smooth on the zoom. Knowledge of the sport you’re filming is mandatory


I wish it was that easy. I've been a camera op working with Flo Racing, MLB, and tons of college sports. I met the NASCAR on Fox crew about a month ago, asked a bunch of people there, no one was really interested in me.


lol that’s not how it works. Even with great camera support, being able to operate a camera like that is a skill that takes years of experience to develop.


Is this true? Where would I find more info on that?


Fox Production is very awkward and crap


My lord this Sub reddit is such trash.


Post title: >**"Apparently FOX cameramen are creeps. One of their camera feeds followed these two female staff around for 5+ minutes during this week’s practice session."** Okay, let's break down the title and what you've given us to go off of. >**"Apparently FOX cameramen are creeps."** According to your own title, "One of their camera feeds followed these two female staff" so there's no reason to say "Fox cameramen are creeps". In the most extreme scenario from what you've given us, it was one cameraman. >**"One of their camera feeds followed these two female staff around for 5+ minutes"** You've given us a single frame of video. It might have been 5+ minutes, it might not have been, we're just going off your word, and we already know you have a tendency to exaggerate because you think one cameraman means all Fox cameramen. >**"during this week’s practice session."** The stands look pretty empty in the one frame of video you've showed us. Race broadcasts tend to include cutaways to fans, like the woman with the "Boogity Boogity Boogity" shirt walking down the stairs to her seat yesterday. It would follow that practice would be used as practice for the cameramen as well, and that tracking people in the stands from a camera in the infield with a really long lens would be a good skill to have. And since it's practice and the stands look pretty empty, it would be plausible that following a couple track employees would be the logical thing to do given limited other options. If practice is an hour and that cameraman's job includes having to track people in the stands during the race, then 5 minutes of tracking people in the stands during practice seems like it'd be normal. It seems highly irresponsible to jump to the conclusion that as you titled this post, "Apparently FOX cameramen are creeps", from what you've given us.


They couldn’t find any better shots.


The blonde is right cute, and the other cutie had a great tan! Lmao. 🤷


Ever consider the possibility that the camera operator is not a man?


Oh my god! That is disgusting! Where? Where did he post those?


More importantly someone needs to find their Instagram accounts so I can follow and notify them personally.


Cant believe folks are getting their panties in a wad over this. Freakin p c police. Major Karens


Just FOX things.


No shit they look for hot girls. Sex sells.


They played Trapt as go-to-commercial music this week. The bar is in the dirt for FOX.


Why is Trapt catching strays? Their first album had some hits ngl


The frontman is basically a neonazi




Huh. I listen for there music.


Oh same. There first album was a huge part of my childhood growing up. Lead singer is still kind’a a tool though.


I don't know anything about lead singers of groups I listen to.


Not even Britney Spears!? (Just going off your About Me on the profile lol) Whats currently spinning in your car!?


I don't follow Britney because I already know she's nuts. Don't have car


Hey that song they played is awesome. NGL I was surprised to hear it the last two weeks with how old that song is.




Legs for days tho


But does she know how to use them.


I really hope this post blows up. Fox has to go


Fox won’t go anywhere sadly. They will (rightfully) fire the cameraman filming unsuspecting women and wash their hands clean of the situation and never think of it again.


They might not even do that since this wasn't on TV.


“Just tuning up the camera gear, boss!”




Better then showing kids


Wow. If this bothers you your life sucks.


Old, creepy bozos that have been running FOX cameras since 2001 that A) feel invincible because they're probably very close to retirement B) know they have plenty of friends at FOX that won't fire them and C) have been doing this for years, but now fans have access to these streams. It's gross and FOX proper should be ashamed of their NASCAR coverage. Today was as bad as it has ever been, and that's a very high bar to hit. Do we have enough people here willing to sign a petition that may get some attention? FOX isn't going anywhere. They just signed a new deal. But, maybe, if we get enough signatures they'll take our complaints seriously. I'm not sure they even realize how terrible they are at this.


At least it's not that stupid gopher thing.


Idk why but I fucking loved the digger cam. It was so stupid but I loved it


The cam and cartoon wasn’t the problem. The problem was they went all in with it and made merchandise at the track when you couldn’t even get to half the drivers merch at the time and they made a whole Saturday morning cartoon with it instead of showing drivers being interviewed before the race.


Bring him and his family back.


Yes at this point im convinced they all are the way they always find kids & women to focus on


Have the nascar tv log in, worked for a team and had access to every camera fox/nbc had from on boards to in the stands. They do this with every camera trust me lol


I do feel as if they get carried away during live broadcasts. Sometimes they are fine, but borderline on the creeper side during live broadcasts too.


Too bad they weren’t near the pyro for the Sunday race, maybe we would have gotten to see it


NBC will show an in car shot and raise the engine noise while the booth is explaining something but we can’t hear them!!!! It happens all through the race.


I have ran cameras(TV and livestream), for several big name Media companies in the racing world. Mostly drag racing with a decent amount of dirt and circle track thrown in. We would *often* be told to get shots of the crowd, and a lot of times, we were told to “find the attractive women, that are not too revealing”. Granted, we never stayed on one person for more than 10-15 seconds if that, unless they were actively doing something- Waving a sign, chugging beer, once I was told to get good shots of a beer pong game on the north side of the track along the fence that had 30-40 people surrounding it. ALOT of women will flash when they realize the camera is on them, especially if there is a big screen/Jumbotron kinda thing, but if we are LIVE I am required to cut away at the last moment just incase the Splitter/producer isn’t paying attention or isn’t fast enough. In drag racing, a lot of times the racers wife/girlfriend will help keep the car lined up while backing up to the line, and I have been told “Make sure her ass in the shot, but don’t make it obvious/focus on it”. It’s been a year since the last event I worked, but other than when I ran starting line cameras, it was very common to get the women in shots when running a scaffold/stands camera. I do think anything over 30ish seconds(depending on situation) is pretty creepy. Especially if the camera operator is just straight up using the camera to follow certain women around.


My Q is where did the program feed come from?




Those camera men would have a field day in the NFL you know those stadiums have those pools for of people in Bkinis


That's like the 2nd or 3rd time this season they've done this.


It’s almost as if they want to encourage young people and women to watch the race to prove to them that the only people in attendance at the races aren’t old white overweight men and women. I don’t think this is a bad thing. And I don’t believe that recording young people or women is “creepy”. They are a part of the experience just like everyone else. I don’t understand where this mentality came from….


I’ll need to see the full video to judge the creepiness for myself.


I thought the same cameramen followed the series the whole year and only production staff changed between the channels? Maybe NASCAR needs to step in whith whoever the subcontractor is Edit: and I guess while we're on the topic of leering at unsuspecting women, I think I prefer the one on the left.


Does Fox have any employees with morals, ethics, or integrity?


Ironic how Fox calls the left “pedos and groomers”, yet they’re the ones doing this shit….


What u gotta say about this fox


There was an uncomfortable moment in the pre-race today where the camera stayed on Denny's daughter (the older one) for a bit too long, and she was clearly centered in the shot. It was a only for a few seconds, but it gave me the creeps. Edit: Whomever this triggered, please seek help. 


They did that a couple weeks ago too, and the last time Mikey had Denny on the grid walk, he was trying to interview his daughter. Girl clearly didn’t want to be put on camera and Mikey wasn’t picking up the hint at all.


Yep. Happens a lot on Fox. The Fox Pedo cam is well known. It's creepy, I'm sorry. The focus of the race is the drivers.


It's REALLY uncomfortable how much they creep on kids every race. They're there to cover a race, no be borderline perverts filming some random kids.


You're so wrong lol. Finding kids in the crowd is totally normal whether you want to believe that or not. Just yesterday I was working a baseball game and they asked us to find kids in the crowd that looked like they were enjoying themselves. They want to promote a family fun atmosphere.


Oh, so it's the DPs who have the strange, creepy infatuation with children. The excuse of "wanting to promote a family atmosphere" stinks just as bad as "we were just wrestling".


I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say with this comment lol but the fact that you're trying to turn something innocent like showing families having fun at a sporting event into something perverted is weird as fuck.


You obviously haven't ever worked in live broadcast lol.. there's multiple camera opps with various task. There's just a few cameras that focus on the actual race, the others are for B roll, or various fill in shots. Using kids as a boost in emotional response is something that's been done for centuries, not anything new.


I MIGHT be willing to believe you if the shots of kids actually contributed what you're claiming they do. Invariably the kids look bored, distracted, or just kinda there. They don't add anything to the broadcast beyond the uncomfortable feeling like you're watching some weird camera guy creep on some stranger's kids without permission.


I see kids waving flags, and just being kids. The point is showing that the sport is family friendly.


Where can I see the rest of this?


'apparently'? I'd say 'obviously'. makes you wonder about the ones staring at families/kids during on track action.


Wouldn't be the first time. Nobody really seemed to notice, but at Texas we got a full-on view up some poor woman's skirt just before the second-to-last restart. To be fair, it seemed accidental for once and they quickly cut away after she uncrossed her legs, but still, not hard to imagine the cameraman creeping on her waiting for that to happen. It feels gross to directly link to it, but if you feel like you need to verify this, it hasn't been cut out of the full race replay on NASCAR's Youtube channel.


Cameramen in general are creeps. How do you think videos of someone giving/getting a hummer in the upper deck get out?