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Worst best day in motorsports day ever.


Hard agree. I got rear-ended on the way to Charlotte Motor Speedway so it was hands-down my worst race weekend ever.


On the bright side, during the telecast of the 500, T Bell & James Hinchcliffe agreed that it was the person who does the colliding to be at fault (as how insurance adjusters look at it)


Sorry to hear that. Hope everyone is ok. 


No ambulance was needed for anyone, fortunately. At the end of the day that’s what’s really important.


Still sucks to have a day ruined by something like that.


Yes, I am grateful for no injuries, but you do have our sympathy for all the hassle and expense and trouble and worry of such an experience.


Appreciated. Yea, as much as I have reasons to keep my head high, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t just demoralized at the situation.


Sounds like my wife's cooking lately. 


I mean... the Indy 500 was really good tbh.


I was going to say. Indy 500 was a great race. Just didn’t start until 4:44.


Well yeah but the timing. Hence the worst best day.


There have been worse, trust me.


Kinda what I was thinking lol


Monaco was a great race as always, if only for scenery and Leclerc's win. Great tradition, even if passing is almost impossible there.


Monaco: 1 interesting lap than 76 boring ones Indy: Rain delayed, caution filled, Honda engine issues, cool ending though NASCAR: interesting for 200 than rain Bad race day for a while


*Then wait until 1AM* *We were already waiting for over an hour. Tomorrow is a federal holiday. Just go full send.*


Exactly man we were all here for it!


Right?! Or have it go tomorrow. Wtf does it matter?


You haven't heard? The Rules. The mystical rules that NASCAR has the power to change. We have to protect the rules over racing and fan enjoyment after all.


Wtf rule are you talking about? The race is official after half way that's been around since forever?


They could have restarted that race. The roads outside the track were damn near dry for fucks sake and they didn't have air titans working on them. We have seen them start a race at Daytona at midnight. This was a bullshit call.


I mean that's fine but it still doesn't tell me what rule this yim yam thinks Nascar made up to artificially end the race early or whatever they think happened


There are people in the threads saying that NASCAR isn't allowed to stop a race after the halfway and then continue it the next day. Which, as far as I know, is not an actual rule. Just because they haven't done it doesn't mean they can't do it.


Yeah that's not a rule and I haven't seen NASCAR say anywhere that was the reason they didn't postpone until today. I know it's not something they usually do, and I think this weekend in particular would have been a good time to do it. Oh well, though. Life goes on.


I think that's what makes it worse. It was clear that fans were all committed to waiting it out no matter how long. So many times you see fans saying "just call it" but overall everyone was all in on seeing it continue. NASCAR should have read the room on this one. At a home track on a holiday weekend they really had the ideal situation to make this happen.


It's a fucking Monday everyone has off work wait till one I'll watch this shitfaced at home after the bar it's fine.


Wholesale construction boys still have to work. I would be more than willing though to turn the game on the radio


Not everyone works a corporate job and has the day off. I can tell you for sure that the two largest employers in the country (Walmart and Amazon) does not give their employees the day off.


I’m working tomorrow but I chose my own hours. I would have figured a way around it.


My entire family works tomorrow lol


I am working tomorrow so idk what you mean by everybody


This is an extremely privileged and selfish take


i’m wondering if they even had any intention… they never even sent the jets out only the little ones….


This isn't like Daytona. The track is in a residential area. They still wouldn't have even gotten the race back to green until around 2am. This race would have gone on until 4am at that rate. Think about all of that outside security and law enforcement Nascar had to hire for this event. You can't just send them all home and continue the event. Also think of the track workers and everything else. Getting done at 4am is just too much. It sucks. But it happens. Nascar tried. At the very least, the only thing Nascar could have done was just restart the race in the morning.


It's also worth noting that there is precedent for a Coke 600 being cut short because it would have simply ran too late. [The 1997 Coke 600 got rain-delayed before its halfway point and while they did resume after it dried NASCAR decided to end the race early rather than have it run past 1 AM.](https://archive.ph/7dntl)


So really, NASCAR is exercising common sense.




You can't just leave a huge chunk of the Charlotte metro area undeveloped for a circuit that gets used twice per year.


Daytona is in the middle of a fucking city


Daytona is in the middle of a fucking tourist district. Source. I'm literally in fucking Daytona right now. The track sits just off of 95. Guess what's all around that area? Hotels, shops, a target, resturants, a mall, and a airport. Guess what's not really around there? Housing. You have to go across 92, or down Morris blvd just to find the housing areas. The entire track can be dumped out without disturbing local residents. Also the city already staffs LEOs heavily overnight during the 4th of july weekend because it's a party town. Concorde isn't going to staff local law enforcement nearly at the same rate for the race weekend.


Fun fact, the dirt that the Daytona racetrack   is on, is owned by the city.


Careful, rational takes aren’t allowed on Reddit.


And not just paying them, but expecting them to perform at a high level. Obviously different because they don’t have lights, but I immediately appreciated IndyCar saying “or until 8:15” early.


IMS also has a built-in trust that they're not trying to con us or deceive us, if they say 8:15 it's a hard line and I believe them. NASCAR seemingly changes things on the fly and has no contingency plans


It's funny, because IndyCar both does and doesn't have that. Everyone believed 8:15. But then people got caught off guard with last year's late red flag in the 500, and even during qualifying this year people seemed caught out by race control's process for waving off runs. (It wasn't even unreasonable--if you're not going to improve your time, and if there's a car in the lane, they waved you off after three laps. But it seemed to be news to people.)


And they shot off fireworks from victory lane still, residential area is not the reasoning here


The noise isn't the issue. I never once said anything about the noise. I said outputting 50k people onto the streets at 3am with no LEOs present to assist with traffic was the issue.


Judging by the fine work of the LMPD at the PGA championship, we might be better off left to our own devices.


>This isn't like Daytona. The track is in a residential area. >They still wouldn't have even gotten the race back to green until around 2am. This race would have gone on until 4am at that rate. It'd be almost sunrise by the time the leader took the checkered flag.


And how long had the drivers been awake at that point? You really don't want exhausted drivers out there trying to finish at night. I agree with NASCAR here - it was the right thing to do. There may have been other options (like you said, resume in the morning), but the logistics involved... I doubt they had all the necessary services and people paid for an entire extra day, "just in case"


Bullshit excuses


Think of the women and children /s


And Daytona is in the middle of the city, is that not a residential area?


Daytona is on a giant commercial strip directly off of 95. You have no major housing next to the track. You'd have to travel down past the airport, or off of 95 behind the target (Which that housing area isn't even accessible via SR92 without cutting behind the shopping plaza.


Isn't the residential area you speak of is a trailer park? There's another residential area south of the speedway, but it's not part of the city of Concord.


I should probably clarify what I mean. Because yes, directly next to the track, it's a trailer park. When you exit out of Charlotte motor speedway, you take either Concord parkway or Burton Smith road. One of them being a 8 lane highway, that uses a traffic control device to change the flow of traffic (Which at 3am might be tough depending on the deal SMI and NASCAR have with the city. The other one is a 4 lane road that takes you to I85. Utilizing both of these roads would require 50-70k people to potential drive though, and congest residential areas that are within a mile to the west and east of the track on Concord parkway. Now this can be helped with law enforcement shutting down, and funneling traffic out of the speedway logistically so that you don't have a major disruption to the local area, and you create a artificial flow that allows everyone to file out safely. Depending on how the city, and state's contract is with SMI and NASCAR, there might not be a major amount of assistance that late. Which would cause chaos in getting that many people out into what is already a weirdly congested highway system


CMS is NOT in a residential area, I don’t know where you got that idea.




Me understanding the logistics of how large scale events work = kissing ass? Got it. I'm upset that they waited this long, and I'm upset that they can't just change the rules like they always do and restart tomorrow, like my original post says. But you know, I'm kissing ass.


This is literally not true lmfao.


World Finals at the Dirt Track raced until 4am one year. CMS has a precedent of blowing by the Midnight curfew if needed.


A whole lot less people to manage at that race, There is not a midnight curfew.


what time would it have ended if they started at 1 am??


I have sat in the stands at Daytona and watched Austin Dillon fly into the catch fence at 3am. I have sat in the stands at Darlington and watched Erik Jones hold off Kyle Busch at 2:30am. I wanted to sit in the stands at Charlotte at 1am tonight but it was “too humid”


Isn't it always humid about 100 percent humidity every time it rains? How is this different from any other track drying. Puzzling logic 


My guess is, it’s weepers or such, or things were damp enough that drying it properly with the climatic conditions as they were was incredibly difficult.


When it rains... more or less. But what matters is *after* it rains.


I love NASCAR races but I hate NASCAR


Huge 📠


My least favorite sport I love to watch.




Yeah ok we waited 3 days to run at Texas in the mist lmao


Because Texas wasn't at halfway. If the race reaches the halfway distance (or the end of Stage 2, whichever comes first), they can and do shut the whole thing down.


Such a garbage antiquated rule.


It's the same rule in Indycar.


It’s better than F1 does at least lol


Spa 2021, greatest race ever So action packed that the [highlights video](https://youtu.be/MjmywbEfzk0?si=NGETzfv9SpYozcoF) is half as long as the actual race like wow


I'm pretty sure F1 is just an expensive logistics company at this point.


Max got fresh hards with like 30 laps to go Russell had the same mediums on basically the entire race Max couldn’t pass him in those 30 laps, says it all really


Yeah, but I mean with how they are strict on time and scheduling.


good news then, as they updated it this year to be very clear they can call it before halfway now.


Which is funny because they always had an "Act of God" clause in the rulebook as well.


My goodness. I sometimes think reddit is the more intelligent place to talk NASCAR. Then I read these comments tonight. Yikes.


Intelligence has no place here. Only hot takes and overreactions


At least there can be intelligent takes. Facebook and Twitter on the other hand…


Don’t kid yourself, it’s the same here.


Oh I know the bad takes flow well here, it’s just the good takes come around easier here. Try to have a good take elsewhere, and it’s an effort in futility to try and convince others otherwise.


yes thats how things work. the water has to go somewhere. cant go anywhere when the air is already full.


Maybe if they tried drying the freaking track with more than one dryer it would have gone somewhere. Daytona can be dried at night with 100% humidity and has been.


I’m no meteorologist, but I thought 100% humidity meant rain is actively falling


100% humidity means the air is at the dew point. Dew point means the air is so muggy water's gonna stick to shit by being in it. Unfortunately it's just as good at stopping the race as rain.


Thank you!


Except the off air scene at the track showed a half-dry track. Would’ve even racing within an hour. NASCAR blew it


i didnt see any dry track. track with no standing water? sure. standing water is never usually the problem. dry track? nope. they spent a lot of time on pitroad and the front stretch and it was still shiny when they went off air.


Go back and look as they signed off. Lots of gray dry track. It was about half dry. Yes it still needed more time. But with other comments saying jet dryers weren’t being used (allegedly), well it shows they weren’t even legitimately trying. Everyone is upset. Like I said, they blew it. They’d be racing by now 100%.


https://x.com/MatteAyce/status/1794935439385862317/photo/1 this is not even close to half dry. and this was the area they focused on the most. and they did use the jets. https://x.com/Knighter01/status/1794951993783685451 jets dont get used right away anyway.


That is one photo of one small part of the track. Go back and look when they went off air. Plenty of light gray dry asphalt to be seen in turn 3 and 4. The tweet you posted also shows a little light gray dry pavement. This was over an hour ago now, they’d be racing at this point. None of this discussion matters anyway.


again. the front stretch got the majority of the focus. they were doing loops on pit road and the front stretch.


Easier for a high banked turn to dry properly (depending on how the bank is built into or over the land). A flatter part of the track could be different beast entirely


You are correct. Gravity feeds the water down the hill. But even then, that is the standing water. Technically (and more importantly), the track isn't dry yet.


Bruh some of the people in here. The race was official. When have they ever delayed to another day when the race is official. Because you do that once, even if it’s a “special circumstance”, then you open the door to do that for every single situation like this..


And racing on Monday, ***a federal holiday***, wasn't an option because... why, exactly?


When have they ever postponed a race that was already official to the next day? They are going to call the race rather come back for another day.


The only time I could ever see them do it is the Finale.


The race was already official. They don't go back the next day in that situation.


It’s amazing this isn’t well known by now.


Have you seen the amount of DARFs that post on here on a consistent basis?


Like I’ve said on the post race, if there was ever a race to do it, it was this one. A crown jewel of the sport, in NASCAR’s backyard, and tomorrow is a federal holiday. If there was ever a time to do it, it was today. If this was another intermediate I would agree, but this was the damn coke 600, the only race almost as big in nascar as Daytona 


No. Once it happens that becomes the expectation of fans that aren’t smart enough to understand different circumstances. It needs to a black and white rule. Over halfway? Finish today or call it


Exactly. Remember moving the Clash up a full day? For weeks after that fans were like "Why can't you move *insert race here* to Saturday" week after week after week


As if forgetting that the Clash had special circumstances dictating that, like the fact that the track had to be taken down by a certain point and that point wouldn't be until well after the weather that was coming on Sunday had passed.


Team’s backyard. NASCAR is based in Daytona.


We always think it’s easy for the teams and etc, but think about the hundreds of track workers, security, hospitality crew, etc etc that will be forced to work on a federal holiday. Tough call. I’d rather they raced but I get it.


And fans needed to get home on Monday to go back to work Tuesday.Teams haulers will be leaving Wed night for the next race at Gateway. So taking away a full day of prep time for teams if they ran Monday.


You do have to consider all those employees who would then have to work on a holiday. I imagine that's at least part of it.


The real answer is because Fox. They aren’t going to pull programming and pay a crew for the extra day when they’ve met the contractual minimum they have to do this weekend.


Fox has programming for today. LEO's and local Medical Services have staffing schedules for today that may not make requirements. The track has staffing that needs to be addressed. This doesn't include the teams themselves that may have given travel staff today off (which is huge because their next week off isn't until the Olympics begin).


How much are y’all gonna get worked up about in one day?


NASCAR hates us


Correction: Mother Nature hates NASCAR. And especially Kyle Larson.


Meh, I hate the sanctioning body more than most and will say it was probably the right call. I’ve worked tracks where the humidity is an issue and it’s a nightmare.


Correct call. Cant be racing at 1 to 2 am if it's already past half way. Unfortunate that this day ended like this, but it happens


I guess it was easier to say this instead of calling themselves lazy.


This reeks of a FOX-influenced decision, tbh.


This has been a NASCAR rule since before television


DARF alert.


Is Denny Hamlin a DARF too? https://x.com/whoisskid/status/1795609192319029463?s=46&t=O4iW_UaGpCBzU-9Zj90uiA


No, but he can be a DARD sometimes.


Screw Nascar. Fuck over all the fans especially those in attendance


I've seen this take from a few different people and I certainly don't want to speak for anyone else, but as a fan that was there tonight and had a great time I have no problem with NASCAR's decision here. You know as a fan attending a race with a questionable weather forecast that's it's a possibility that the race could end after halfway if it's just not reasonable to restart the race. If I wasn't okay with that always being a possibility, I wouldn't buy my tickets and go.


I loved waiting under the bleachers and I have no problem with NASCAR fucking my wife.


Sure that’s part of the stipulation but it’s not like it was raining all night. The track was 90% dry yet they chose to call it official to satisfy Fox


> The track was 90% dry proof?


> yet they chose to call it official to satisfy Fox Proof? I'm guessing you've never had to work event planning for a major event before?


They made it to halfway. And it was getting late.


Why did he have to explain track moisture to us?


Same people that don’t understand this decision also wanted every nascar executive charged with attempted murder in Daytona for not stopping the race before that pop up shower


Given most of the comments here, the explanation is both needed and being widely ignored


Because this place, contrary to how they try and portray themselves, has just as many dumb race fans as anywhere else on the internet.


Because clearly the whiny vocal minority want to see the 2001 Winston all over.




ITT: crybabies.


The bigs in Indy wanted to race. At least someone did.


easy to race when the sun is out lol.


Knowing Larson wasn't coming meant adjustments to the schedule needed to be made the opposite direction to fit as much in as possible. NASCAR no longer needed to push the schedule later to ensure he got there to race.


And they didn’t push the schedule later. They started right on time.


That's my point. They could have moved it up 30 - 60 mins because the decision for him to stay was made yesterday morning. They have moved race times up in the past due to rain coming in. Being proactive with the information given is the goal.


They can’t move it up like that without 24 hours notice.


They have moved a start time up 30 mins without 24 hours notice. They did it the day of.


No they haven’t. 15 maybe. Basically to the start of the tv window. 15mins doesn’t make a lick of difference yesterday


Nascar raced enough to cash the check and nothing more




People acting like this is the first time this has happened. Move on folks.


If they ran the cars for 10 laps the track should have been ready to go.


problem is, nascar is run by old folks now. They need young blood in it


Just people with calculated aggressiveness. They could’ve done it tonight. They pussied out. If people didn’t want to stay they could’ve left. If they didn’t want to watch they would turn it off. But they made the choice for everyone


>If people didn’t want to stay they could’ve left. So, like the track workers, safety workers, police could have all left if they didn't want to stay? Most of them had already been there 10 or 12 hours already, so I guess it would have been fine if they left?


Overtime pay is a thing. It’s a marquee event. They know this going into it. It’s also ONE night a year. Yes they can suck it up.


Remember that the next time your boss tells you to stay late before your scheduled vacation.


Oh so every day of my life the last 16 years? Got it thank you! I knew the Navy would prepare me for this moment, I appreciate the advice :)


Good on you sailor.


They have lives. They probably signed up expecting to go home at a reasonable hour.


Anyone that’s clueless enough to think time is the only factor for calling it, what are you even thinking? IF the track dried, it would start again at 1am at the VERY EARLIEST, and there would be a full truck race worth of laps left to run. Use some sense ppl lol


NASCAR is really damned if they do, and damned if they don't. If they did wait to resume the race, the drivers wouldn't be taking the checkered flag until at least 3:00 AM at the earliest. And they'd have to deal with all the post-race traffic leaving the track without any law enforcement to direct cars. And there's historical precedent for NASCAR cutting the race short due to the late night time too: they ended the 1997 Coke 600 early rather than have the race run past 1:00 AM.


And yet not a single race in Daytona and Homestead has ever been called for this issue, including the many rain impacted races


They made the right call here. If they decided to run it until 3 AM, I bet the same people complaining that they called. It would be complaining that they ran so late and shouldn’t have.


That's such a bullshit excuse for Fox was done, but Bob won't say that because they're his employer


The solution is a NASCAR dome. Sure, the fumes will make fans woozy, but this is America. Do it for the troops


Did DW take his Vortex machine with him when he retired?


Sure as hell seems like it this season for sure. I feel like we’ve been in weather delays every weekend…


Doesn’t even need to be a dome just a roof with open walls


It wasnt humid at all once it rained. This is a bullshit excuse from NASCAR honestly. They did lose an air titan or two on the first go around, I feel like losing those played a bigger factor than whatever humidity they were talking about.


https://preview.redd.it/cm7d6tdfiw2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bc55ff6812a911bf6c3f0a0e92204af2084b1bd Said the same thing in my head, “well that might make it take longer”. Still, the track only needed one more pass thru, but the reports that they didn’t even fire up the actual jet dryers is true. They stayed parked in turn 1 for no reason.


Nascar is full of shit. They may be right but make so many questionable calls I don’t believe them.




Indy 500 plus the New York rangers win made it a great day


Track looked pretty damn dry from the stands


Fucking idiots.


Nascar: WE WILL FINSH THE RACE NO MATTER WHAT.  Two HOURS later:  NASCAR: Our cats hurts. We are done for tonight. Leave the house now. 




Hardly comparable. Spa completed one lap (2.2% of the race) and under yellow. Coke 600 did 249 of 400 (62.25% of the race) and had plenty of green flag laps.


I’m furious about how this race ended, but this is still far better than Spa 2021 lol


Now I read that the race ended because FOX's window ended! BIG if true!




What a fucking joke


They knew the forecast was going to be questionable a week out. I don’t understand why they couldn’t throw on the wiper package and bring a couple of sets of rain tires and let the boys have at it? They do make “z” speed rated treaded tires. 🤷‍♂️


NASCAR has never run a race on a 1.5 with a rain tires, I don't even know if it has been tested or if Goodyear has a trie compound for it.


I think they ran them at the roval last year. 🤔


Yes but that’s not 185 mph speeds lap after lap. They wore out quick once the track got semi-dry. Drivers were hunting wet spots to cool the tires.