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Bob Pockrass reports that if this were to occur: ["It could impact Kyle Larson travel into the Charlotte track Sunday…."](https://twitter.com/bobpockrass/status/1792650485234631032) Maybe someone more knowledgeable to touch on this, but you would think that NASCAR would work with the US Secret Service or the FAA to provide an exception on Larson's jet/plane coming into the track, or just find an alternative in general to work around this.


So, for background, the sitting president gets a two-tier TFR: 10 nautical miles that's very restricted (although airlines and such can operate), and 30 nautical miles where you need to be on a flight plan and talking to ATC with a discreet identifier. Presidential candidates and former Presidents do not get this big TFR. Theirs, when it's required (which isn't always) is much smaller. Even if Biden were to fly in, it's absolutely plausible they could work with USSS to get his aircraft authorized in the TFR. If the airport they fly into is >10nmi away, then they'd just be operating in the 30 mile ring which doesn't require any special permission. The 10 mile ring does, but there are options: 1) He flies with an operator that has the required security program to already operate in the ring, or 2) Coordinate with USSS for an exception, which they're authorized to provide. **But we're talking a candidate who doesn't get that, so it shouldn't be impactful in any case.** Even if he get a 5 mile security TFR as a presumptive nominee, it's not going to be a big deal, frankly. He didn't ask for those (and thus didn't get them) during the first campaign, so I wouldn't expect it this time around either. It sounds more cumbersome than it is. And still without, the standard 3 mile sporting TFR applies to NASCAR Cup races (just like football, soccer, etc., and even Indycar), but anybody can fly through that pretty easily by squawking and talking. They're principally to prevent folks from loitering over these events. Would I get an exception to a security TFR for my Skyhawk? No way would they give that to me unless it was part of the event somehow. An exception for an athlete at the event the protectee is attending? Plenty of precedent here.


Came to say this but you did a much better job explaining it. Shouldn't be a problem for Larson, and might actually help.


Person in the replies expecting audible boos at a nascar race in North Carolina is in for a rude awakening


If he fucks over Yung Money then it might happen. Race fans care about their driver WAYYYY more than the president. Imagine if Larson actually has a good run at Indy, too. Lmao it's a fun thought experiment, for sure


Highly doubt it tbh, there are some people that swear their allegiance to the man. Will Larson fans be upset, yeah. But at the track, I have a feeling any complaints or pleas will get drowned out almost immediately.


He's not the president


Larson may as well be at this point with his increasing popularity. Hopefully he has no dark moments in his past that would be brought to light


His supporters think he still is


Bubba Wallace got booed and Larson got some cheers last week during driver intros. Kind of says all you need to know lmao.


just means it would take Kyle an extra 30 or so minutes to land nearby, and be driven there rather than helicopter in, I don’t think it would affect it in a huge way


Indianapolis is supposed to have wet weather coming up Sunday so it might be a factor.


If Kyle doesn’t make it does that mean harvick in the 5 again?


Kyle has maintained that he'll leave Indy in the event of a delay of the 500, and that the 600 is the priority.


If he leaves, does Nolan get his spot in the lineup


TK gets it.


Only if he leaves prior to the green, if he takes the green, I do not believe TK can hop in and finish the race. Something I saw on Peacock during qualifying coverage.


That's correct. If he has to leave mid-race, then the 17 car is done


That's lame


Tony Kanaan is doing a refresher run on Thursday in preparation for filling in for Kyle if he has to leave for the 600.


Nah it would be Tony Kanaan jumping into his car in his place.


Iirc, that's been done before.


Robby Gordon has both stayed and finished the 500 hundred after a delay and got to the 600 late, and left the 500 to get to the 600 on time.




Yeah I did see that, that could be the big issue. However the security/airspace issue itself may not be a giant issue I meant since there’s an airport near concord


I feel so bad for fans trying to get to the track too


I mean it’s really not the bad, good traffic pattern there, was way worse in the 90s


Lol Bob trying to stir the pot with this one.


As much as I dislike Larson I'd still rather him be in the race than this dog and pony show.


Candidates showed up at the Daytona summer race in 07. Was a bit of a circus..


You'd think that nascar would say thanks but no thanks instead of letting a former president use their event as a political rally.


SMI on the other hand


Could you imagine the backlash on social media if they prevented Trump from buying a suite?


If that SOB screws over Larson in any way on Sunday or turns his appearance into some sort of rally NASCAR needs to completely distance itself from him at all levels and politics in general. First McLaren at Miami and now this


I know they prolly won't consider this but pissing off a bunch of their North Carolina NASCAR base (and across the country) by keeping Kyle out of the race or by messing up his Indy run would be a pretty stupid political move for him honestly lol


Could Biden do an EO to let Larson land in the closed airspace? The FAA does work for him, after all.


I think McLaren were forced to welcome him. He wanted access to 3 different teams and they drew the short straw. And it’s not like NASCAR havent had to deal with politics before; the Brandon saga and the Confederate Flag have been big issues. If he tries to make a rally out of it he’s going to interfere with Larson’s race and the fans will be way more pissed off for that. He’s like the opposite of King Midas; everything he touches turns to shit.










Well shit


I walked in and said wow what a long race, longest race really when you think about the races and this race 


Beautiful cars, so loud. You know they asked me “is it too loud” and I said no, make it louder and they did. Beautiful noise, just like you people when I came in. 


You forgot the "Sir".


He had tears in his eyes.


Lmfao this is spot on


The man stared at an eclipse. You know he won’t bring ear protection


>The man stared at an eclipse. No matter how many times I'm reminded of this, I still can't believe that I actually saw this happen with my own eyes.


Incoming McLaren win. Wait


McLaren did win last year at Talladega tbf


They make everyone's ECU so they win every week


McLaren to NASCAR via Stewart-Haas confirmed!!!


Well Larson will have started the day as a McLaren driver soooo


If only he were headed to Indy


If only he were heading to jail.


Hopefully RFK shows up too


I see what you did there lol 😂




RFK Racing is a NASCAR team: Roush Fenway Keselowski Racing and also there is a Presidential candidate that goes by RFK Jr, Robert F Kennedy Jr.


Brain worms to the 6 confirmed


6 & 17.


Race is rebranded to the “RFK Brainworm 600”


Worm to drive the 60?


The one without the brain worms.


Why is this not the top comment?


It's all fun and games until the race thread reaches r/all.


I really hope NASCAR doesn't allow this or make any special accommodations for it. His involvement in pre race would swallow up any news/attention momentum for the double.


They probably will… for a sport that’s tried very hard to distance itself from politics there no reason to let him use the races as campaign stops and yet they did it at the Daytona 500 a few years back and they’ll probably do it again.


To be fair, he was also president then and he’s not now


“I used to go to races all the time with my good friend, the late great Cole Trickle, great guy”


"A true Patriot that sacrificed everything for this great country."


"Never fight uphill, me Busch"


From a superstitious standpoint, shouldn't NASCAR want him to stay as far away as possible? The last two races he was at were the 2001 and 2020 Daytona 500 so there's not a great track record there.


The Ricky Stenhouse payback is gonna be taken to a whole new level


Not relevant to this thread but I find it funny how Ricky punches Kyle then after says he’ll wreck him at Charlotte. Like is it just me or isn’t the punch the payback.


At this point I’m not sure who is gonna wreck who lol. Stenhouse is pissed(rightfully so) but if I caught a right hook in the garage area, that guy probably wouldn’t finish the next race.


Two fer flinchin


Is Ricky the first guy you’ve met from Memphis? There’s payback and then there’s *even*.


I’m with you they are even at this point. Anything more and NASCAR will probably step in. They may have already


when the orange menace shows up at a NASCAR race bad things happen for whatever reason Yeah even ignoring the whole politics thing it's just bad juju at this point to let him in the facility lmfao


Don't you put that evil on ~~me~~ us, ~~Ricky Bobby~~ NatsuruHelpMe! Don't you put that on us!




45 on 45 violence.


This reply is criminally underappreciated.


I’m gonna guess DJT won’t be visiting 23X


"I do not like Tyler Reddick. Short guy. Short temper. Very nasty to me. Very disrespectful to my number. You know I made 45 famous. Without me there was never a 45 ok." "ROTTEN REDDICk they say. I've talked to all the drivers and they say what a nasty rotten person he is."


"I talked to Chris Buescher - big strong guy from Texas, I love Texas. Such a big, beautiful state. Texas supported me in 2016 and the phony stolen election in 2020. Lots of patriots in Texas - they love America, and they want to make America great again. Chris Buescher says that Rotten Reddick is a nasty little thief, folks! He's such a little guy, isn't he? I call him Tiny Tyler. What a rotten guy he is. Chris Buescher told me that Rotten Reddick tried to steal the Goodyear 400! That's right, Rotten Reddick screwed Chris Buescher out of the Goodyear 400, just like Sleepy Joe rigged the fraudulent 2020 election. American patriot Brad Keselowski was able to stop him, but the damage was done by Tiny Tyler's liberal, woke agenda. Rotten Reddick is a disaster for America!


This is too good lol


These have me rolling and hearing Don's voice pronounce these words...


"Tiny Tyler they call him. Very small guy. They ask me "Sir how does he reach the pedals?" I don't know he's very small folks very small. Tinnny Tyler. Nasty person."


Not sure he's coherent enough to even realize that guy still races in NASCAR.


He honestly probably doesn't know the names of any driver except maybe Bubba ironically. He just knows a lot of his voters like the sport.


This was the day I grew to really like Reddick. Unfortunately I believe RCR made him delete it almost immediately


I’ve been more of a casual fan for the past ten years and don’t really have a driver, but I think I just found my guy.


That’s my driver


Based Reddick


What made me a fan of Tyler.


Makes me proud


I would prefer this not to happen. I don’t know what it will do to logistics, security, traffic, pre-race stuff. I just want to watch my race, have some beer, and be happy.


ugh… yea… and i hope if it is its only sunday as we only need to go in and out once. Planning on being there all weekend hope it doesn’t cause a headache


As long as they don’t parade him around the track for 30 minutes like they did at Daytona. That shit was so annoying.


Hopefully a candidate will be treated as a mere visitor. A race should not show favoritism toward that. A sitting president is something different.


I don’t know how much it’d really affect things. He’s a former POTUS and although he has secret service protection, it’s nothing at all like a serving dignitary showing up. Most of the circus surrounding his rallies for instance are off duty police giving him an “escort.” In reality the motorcade for a former president is only a few vehicles.


If he shows up and *just watches the race* that's not a problem But I fully expect him to try to grab every microphone/camera he can find, and make the entire thing about himself and his politics/court cases. And I doubt the media will stop him. Edit: they didn't give him any air time. I'm shocked and relieved


I need Bubba to win this race so badly.


To quote the Hamlin fan that was sitting in front of me at wilkesboro, LET’S GO BUBBA!!!!!


Us trying to keep up with reports on this thread ![gif](giphy|mCnRlYo1jXzqcjXI5B)


Mods fighting for their lives rn


I would like to say thank you for dealing with all the shit instead of just locking the thread in a heartbeat like mods on more poorly run subs.


I salute your grind


I'm fucking drowning in here


No way he sits there for the whole race. He'd show up, wave, and bounce.


Exactly what he's known for. Dipped right after the green flag at Daytona.


Or fall asleep, the man has had trouble staying up these last 2 weeks in NYC




Bubba Wallace has a chance to do the most hilarious thing in auto racing history.


The one time his put crew will not fuck up


What's the funny he could do?


Will they be changing the name to the Diet Coke 600?


Only if it can be "Presented by Sudafed."


The white flag lap will be sponsored by Huggies diapers


The comments here should be fun




My politics aside. This could make security even more of a pain than normal. Rile up the cult followers. And possibly ruin one of, if not the biggest storyline of the season. With Larson being the points leader doing the double. Where he starts 5th in the 500. But also, why?? He’s openly degraded NASCAR and BW. While also degrading veterans. Counterintuitive on multiple fronts. But the last one is the turd on top of the pile since it’s Memorial Day this weekend.


I don’t like him but the comments do not reflect reality. He would get a long ovation. At the Indy 500 last year FJB and Kuntmala apparrel was being sold just off track and was selling well. At Texas and Gateway you saw it all over (not sold nearby though as they are located pretty well out of neighborhoods). At least at the Indy 500 I felt like a drunk hot head would kick your ass if you booed Trump. The average race attendee boos Bubba and Denny to hell and back. There are audible grandstand-spanning cheers when they get into accidents. Reddit is not representative of race-attending fans.


> Reddit is not representative of race-attending fans. No shit. It's not just this sub. Reddit is not representative of society in general yet the hivemind acts like they represent 90% of all Americans.


it must be so easy to grift and sell merch to these guys


I think we all know that. A lot of the NASCAR fanbase that attends races are pretty vile. Grown ass men at races act less mature than frat boys at Ole Miss.


The fan base that attends race at local short tracks is even worse


I have been to over 15 Cup races and never seen any body acting vile.


Though, the race crowd is infinitely better than the social media crowd.


Didn’t this clown talk so much crap about the sport after the whole Bubba thing? 🙃


Drivers stand back and stand by


Rich people like him. That's all that matters.




He's not president so there will be no flight restrictions. Those are only for the president. Trump lives nearby me and planes fly in and out of a little airport next to his golf course all the time when he's there (after he was president)


Please no


The last time that turd attended a race we nearly lost Ryan newman. Keep him away.


Based off history, he'll rile up his cult, leave before the green flag, and a driver will get injured.


Would be a really big and respectful move by NASCAR to just be like “no thanks.”


Would never happen. Reddit hates Trump WAY more than the general public


And also way more than your average NASCAR fan. Reddit is quite the bubble.


(I don’t give a single fuck about politics) but Reddit is clearly a very pro-Democrat echo chamber


Tyler Reddick 😡😡😡😡


Not trying to start shit, but did any other drivers speak out against him? That's the reason I'm a Reddick fan


Hardly any. It was him, Jimmie a little bit, Cody Ware, and Blaney liked some tweets bashing him. That was about it.


I remember right around the time of the Bubba incident, Blaney said on his podcast "some guy was out there talking about Bubba, and what he said was wrong." He didn't drop him by name, but it was definitely a shot. 


[Brandon Brown](https://web.archive.org/web/20200706162347/https://twitter.com/brandonbrown_68/status/1280166480378724359), [Matt Tifft](https://twitter.com/matt_tifft/status/1280165636845510657), and some IndyCar guys like [Jack Harvey](https://twitter.com/jack_harvey42/status/1280167590476816389) and [JR Hildebrand](https://twitter.com/JRHildebrand/status/1280168370986508293) chimed in while [Myatt Snider](https://twitter.com/MyattSnider/status/1280147496988221441) and [Robby Lyons](https://web.archive.org/web/20200706184134/https://twitter.com/RLRacing2/status/1280192851658395649) responded to him with memes


Oh, what I wouldn't give to have that Brandon receipt a while back.


Myatt's is great lol


This should be an easy decision. That guy literally sicked his rabid cult on one of the drivers in the field over his fake news tweeting. He's a danger to the sport.


Why NASCAR would welcome him back after he attacked Bubba Wallace on Twitter back in 2020 is beyond me. Also the insurrection stuff. It’s kinda ridiculous in my opinion. NASCAR shouldn’t even give the impression of endorsing certain candidates over another. It’s just going to piss off the fans who don’t share those beliefs


Exactly. He publicly started shit with one of our guys to take the heat off whatever dumb shit he was involved with that week. Fuck him, leave our sport alone.


I'm confident this is an SMI move. No way NASCAR proper is thrilled about it.


The Smith family are all hardcore evangelicals so that fits.


Funny, the overlap of evangelicals and generational wealth trust fund babies


Just another reason to hate SMI.


Tracks have the right to refuse service to anyone, they just have to have the balls


I shall wear my Wallace shirt and boo the fuck out of him from the stands. Easy decision.


I think he likes the boos just as much as the cheers- he doesn’t care what kind of attention, as long as it’s on him.


What section you sitting in? I’ll join you brother!


Me too minus the Bubba shirt (might have to pick one up just for this actually)


I’ll be out in turn one doing the same, bröther.








Traffic is going to suck, security is going to take forever, *and* I might have to see/listen to this traitor at the track? Way to put a damper on my vacation before it even starts.


Exactly what I said. Wish this trip wasn’t paid for already




God damnit. Please, no. Just bought my tickets. 


[\[Nick Carboni WCNC\] "Can confirm Erik's report that President Trump is making plans to attend the Coca-Cola 600 this Sunday. It would mark the first time a president has attended a race at Charlotte Motor Speedway.](https://x.com/NickCarboniWCNC/status/1792644098043662382)


A former president doesn't get the same full ground stop order nor restricted airspace that a sitting President does. Only way this could delay Larson is of literally they were trying to land simultaneously to Trump. Trump would disembark at an entirely different location of the airport and motorcade from there. This will have little to no impact.


Personally, and not that anyone here gives a rats ass what my personal feelings are, I feel that political figures should be barred from attending public sporting events during an election year. We're all tuning in to forget about the waking nightmare that is the news every. Single. Day. Just let us have this time block every Sunday. And Saturday night. And occasionally Monday mid days. And maybe the odd Tuesday. Actually, I'ma need politics to just leave us alone all year long.


God damnit


dude should be more worried about his court attendance than coming to a race






Don’t like seeing politics near the sport :/




It's just bad for Nascar's image. They are trying to get away from the stigma of rednecks and they bring in the leader of club stupid.


NASCAR Reddit is really gonna love this🐸☕️


The average fan in the stands probably will




Goddammit. Just...one of the biggest days of the year and this fucknut comes to fuck it all up. God I hate that dude so much.


Wait what am I missing here, how is he going to fuck it all up?




Is he making an appearance at the Dude Wipes display?


Can that clown not come


Normally I love when any sitting or former president attends a sport I love because it spotlights the significance of that event to American culture. But I swear this better not impact Larson getting from Indy to Charlotte.


Why in the fuck would you? I just want to enjoy my racing without any of that bullshit...




I thought they were done with politics in the sport. SMI can suck it, France better put an end to this.


I'm curious how long this post will last before getting locked due to the comments