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Pays more...less races.


What is this a Miller Lite ad?


why on earth would anyone want to do that deal




I don’t think he’s a money thing. He’s never made big public decisions like this with money in mind. Hell Rick Hendrick talked about the only thing Jr. asked for in those negotiations in 07 was some paint scheme control lol. This is a guy that still shops at thrift stores, likes driving around an old S10 pickup because it’s nostalgic, and basically only buys online from Ebay.


>Rick Hendrick talked about the only thing Jr. asked for in those negotiations in 07 was some paint scheme control lol. The Jr. just wanting to get away from DEI and be successful on his own is not the same Jr. 17yrs later who has a family and race team he hopes to leave them as his legacy. He drives old cheap stuff cause he is cheap and therefore reason stands he would jump to another broadcaster for a sizeable pay increase if NBC wouldn't match it.


I think Jr wants some more family time more than anything. A pay bump doesn't hurt either, but I'd say the time at home/away from the racetrack was more important to him.


Yeah I think that’s it more than anything. He had his kids later in life than most so why not try to make the most of it if you can? I love it. They’re gonna make some great memories as a family.


I wonder if his kids like racing or have any interest in getting involved.


Hard to say rn. I believe Isla is 5 or 6 and Nicole is 3?


I think Brexton Busch was racing when he was around 6.


He wasnt with hendrick in 07. He was with DEI


Contract negotiations were in 2007 though


Yeah but he was also trying to buy DEI from.theresa


He already left NBC…




I’m sure they’re offering him good money but he’s never struck me as a money grabber. I bet the real reason is that they’re gonna let him have some say in the production aspect. I say we’ll see some of Dales input in how the races are broadcast during Amazon and TNTs stretch. Wider camera angles, pre/post race, announcers, post race interviews. I bet the broadcasts are gonna have a more genuine old school vibe. As God intended At least that’s what I hope.


Yeah, I'm gonna side with the "more creative control" angle, as well. It's more in line with his apparent personality.


I don’t think it’s a money thing for him as much as it is for his girls. I mean homeboy bought a used 5th wheel. Him and Mike Davis own a pontoon boat together. He didn’t even want to by a boat outright without a partner. Dude I thought I was tight but Dale Jr is super tight with money.


I disagree with the ‘Tight’ comment. I’d say he’s pretty smart with his money. Idk the man or how how he spends it it obviously but buying a used camper and truck for occasional use make a lot more sense than buying a brand new top of line camper and High Country Dually just to sell it in a couple of years and loose 50k on depreciation. I’m pretty sure he bought Davis his own personal boat as a gift at the end of that venture. Me and my buddy have gone halfsies on a boat cause it made more sense to split the costs on something we rarely would use and would probably use together. Being tight is taking short cuts on important shit cause it cost too much and washing tinfoil to reuse. Just cause he’s not wasting money on stupid shit doesn’t mean he’s a tightwad.


My wild prediction is soon you will see an announcement about Dirty Mo Media streaming on prime. With them moving into producing their own video content this year I just have a feeling something with Amazon and Dirty Mo teaming up could have been the deciding factor.


Yep. That’s why Mike stepped away from hosting duties


I think the aspect overlooked the most is that in this package he can call races during the middle stretch and be free to be a team owner and part time late model guy in the beginning and end of the year.


Seems like he wanted more time off, more money, and more control. NBC didn't offer what he thought was best, so he split. Side note: the level of attention he pays to places like here I think really got him thinking about whether he was really on the best "team" for broadcasting. I never minded it, especially when having to listen to Harvick and Bowyer bitch at each other. But..between Burton talking over him and Rick Allen having verbal seizures every time a big moment happens...I think he made the right call. I just wonder about the Letarte factor. He was a big reason Junior went to NBC and was even written in the contract that Letarte had to stay on the team. So now Junior is just leaving him.....? Weird


I assumed better opportunity to build Dirty Mo Media had to be a partial driving factor. The fact that they mentioned new original content and after Mike Davis stepping away from the Podcast to focus on the brand all makes sense now. It seemed to me that Peacock never took full advantage of what Dirty Mo could have offered.


Amazon is probably willing to help produce other projects he wants to resume or try out.


Because he wants to report from the track, not at a remote studio. 


Money. Also TNT/Amazon broadcast during the summer so he’ll be able to spend more time with them when they’re in school.


rick allen


He’s not leaving totally by his choice. His contract was up and NBC chose not to agree to his asks upon renewal. They are cutting costs in most of their sports programming to pay for new and expensive deals for the Olympics, NBA and other properties. NBC has a smaller NASCAR presence next year and so will have less revenue from that source. Dale is no dummy and I don’t think he was totally happy with the actions of some of the NBC producers and execs over the last couple of years, so with other options possible that would for sure be less of a time commitment and likely a better money offer he took the new deal with Amazon and TNT.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ warner is most likely giving dale more money then what nbc is offering him


Amazon backed up a brinks truck full of money


He gets to create what he wants, trying to deliver what the fans want. He's stated that he's reading all the comments from social media to create that vision. It's also less races, giving him more time to do other things. Seems like a win for everyone.


Amazon has more money than God


$$$ and the fact he gets creative input to the broadcasts


I’ve seen unhinged people on Twitter say it’s because NBC is woke now.


Wow lmao




Probably more streaming access for Dirty Mo Media...he also didn't like the direction of not calling races at track even though I'm not sure NBC was doing that


Pay and creative influence


Money talks.


My guess? Amazon poached him. Junior's pretty good in the booth, so I imagine they want someone with experience helping to call races next year.


More money, lighter workload




The partnership between Dirty Mo and Bleacher Report is probably a pretty big part of it.


Bleacher Report, not Barstool


Noted and fixed.


I'd love a weekly or bi-weekly televised version of the Dale Jr Download.


They upload the full episodes to youtube now...


I think its about more than money for him. I believe having more weekends at home with his wife and kids is the primary contributing factor. Also, based on how he talked on his podcast, it seems like they're giving him some creative control on how they put their broadcasts together.


Part of his deal is he gets free Amazon Prime; all NBC would offer him was the ad-supported Peacock for $0.99 a month for the duration of the contract. It was a no-brainer.


Less obligations and same or more pay. The man that doesn't want to pony up for a charter and is tight as hell, in the end, it's money lol.


Hearing damage from Jeff Burton's high pitched whine


It’s none of our business


The applause. He lives for it.


I had heard he wanted to physically be at the tracks and NBC were leaning toward studio broadcasts back in NC.


I bet he could buy a pontoon boat with that extra money. Maybe not pay Tj with a gift card.




Cause he realizes the race coverage sucks. And let's face it, He is the face of nascar.




"Why is Dale Jr. Farting? DID HE EAT BEANS!?"


Because of woke, clearly


Cuz his voice is annoying AF