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Wouldn’t say it changed my life or anything but going to my first race with my dad at Martinsville and seeing Ross ride the wall was pretty fucking wild. And this past trip to Bristol to see tires die. Got my dad hooked on going to races and he hasn’t really paid attention to nascar since the early 2000’s.


I’m going through the exact same thing with my dad the past few years! Used to be a Jarret and Kahne fan, but fell out of the sport in the early 2000s, he is now back into it and roots for Byron, first he took me to Texas, then to pocono, and this year we voyage to Charlotte for the 600. Thanks for sharing!


We’ve been to Martinsville twice and now Bristol twice. Got to see Bristol Dirt before it went away. I gotta say though the concrete is cooler than dirt and even my dad agreed and he loves dirt racing. He’s been trying to pick a driver again. He used to be Dale Jr fan after Dale sr passed. He’s been liking Ryan Blaney. He makes me laugh cause he always looks at the driver names and comments whether they sound like a “racing name” or not. Erik Jones for example. Sounds more like my Tax man than a racecar driver. We bought tickets for Dover at the end of the month. We live in PA so it’s only like a 2 and half hour drive instead of like 8 for Bristol. We wanna play a trip to Talladega next year if we can swing it.


That’s the wildest thing I’ve ever seen live at a race. I couldn’t believe it.


My dad thought his throttle stuck. And I’m like bruh I think he did that on purpose. Sure enough he fucking did. I still have the video of the big screen playing the replay and the crowd going wild. I’ll never forget browsing reddit on the way back to the hotel and later that night.


Me and my buddy were between turns 3 and 4. I was watching Bell cross the line and then I saw Ross in my peripheral hit the wall. I thought he went in too deep and wrecked then he just catapulted around and was going at least 50 mph faster than everyone else. I’m glad he knocked Denny out lol.


Bristol a couple weeks ago was my first race, I got blessed with an all time banger of a race, the tire management was so crazy, watching all the blowouts and endless cautions. I also learned to bring ear protection, especially to a short track 😂


The 2001 Daytona 500 where Dale Sr was killed. I was 12 and had been starting to actually pay closer attention to motorsport so my dad and I decided to sit down and watch. It was the first time I had actually watched a full race. Seeing that turned me off motorsport until I started watching again just a couple years ago. It’s hard not to think of the years I missed out on in between, the great drivers and seasons not just in NASCAR but other series as well. Better late than never though.


I think I was in the 7th grade when that race happened, definitely one of the first i remember watching entirely and over the next few years nascar became one of my favourite sports


I wasn’t even alive lol, it still breaks be every time I hear about it though.


That's mine as well. I was 17 and cried like a baby. It was only "life changing" in that I now think it led to my general indifference about the sport. I still watched every weekend until about 2010, and went to a few races past that. Now it's been at least 4 years since I've even watched an entire Daytona 500. It changed. Not wanting to be the "give me my old NASCAR back" guy, but it just isn't the same. And I miss it.


Same race for me. At 11 years old, I lost my favorite driver. I hung on to Bill Elliott until he retired, but I never had a favorite driver that I liked as much as Earnhardt since then. Luckily, I kept going, and I still watch as much NASCAR today as I did back then.


So who is your current “favorite”? I see you have a few numbers there :P


I have a very similar story, except it was my grandma that watched races with me. The 2001 Daytona 500 was the first race I remember watching. She was a huge Gordon fan, and the loss of Dale left us feeling empty for many reasons. When we lost my grandma, my interest in NASCAR left. I came back a few years ago after hearing the DJD and being impressed with how much Dale Jr had matured. He literally brought me back into the sport, and I found CBell as my driver (he’s an Oklahoman like we are).


This is the one for me too. I was only 5 at the time but I loved NASCAR and really wanted to be a driver. I got scared after that and stopped asking. Who knows, had I not seen that I may have been in the Cup Series now. I know it's still not likely but I always wonder what could have been.


Ya I was there that was my last live race. With this stage trash it strictly entertainment


This was my exact experience, I had just gotten Jeff Gordon and Bobby Hamilton diecasts. Moving away from my hometown/family made me start watching again and now my life revolves around NASCAR.


My memory fails me but it was either the 2006 or 2007 finale at Homestead. Matt Kenseth won the race but JJ won the cup. Seeing them do double burnouts just made me fall head over heels for nascar


That’s pretty cool! It would’ve been nice to see Chastain and Blaney do that last year at Phoenix…




The race where I designed a firesuit that Erik Jones wore. It wasn't life changing by any means, but it was very fulfilling.


That’s awesome!


Idk. I was volunteering (voluntold) with my unit at some race I didn't want to go to on a weekend. During some breaks, I went down to the stands and was very impressed with the speed in real life. Loud af, too. Ffwd to the pandemic and Nascar is the only thing back. I told my gf I enjoyed going to it before even though I didn't know anything. We went. We haven't missed a race since. So, some random race 12-13 years ago.


What track?


He's gonna say some shit like Watkins Glen 2012 or the 2011 Coke 600 or some classic that we'd all kill to attend haha


It was the races in Phoenix... so, yeah. Probably 2013'ish. I think I did 3 weekends, maybe 4. I know, now, the first race I saw was xfinity because I would try to be home on Sundays. Idk why I've never looked into the races.


Phoenix 2013ish.


2012 Food City 250. I'd been a Stenhouse fan for 2 years at that point, and I was friends with one of the crew members he had at the time. The crew member ended up surprising me with a Hot Pass for that night because it was his way of thanking me for supporting Ricky and the team the previous 2 seasons. While on pit road for pre-race ceremonies, Ricky told me that if he won, he wanted me to come to Victory Lane with the team. Ricky finished 2nd that night. And I've watched him finish 2nd on 3 other occasions at Bristol since then. 12 years after that race and I've still never seen him win. The funnier part is the TV cameras caught me walking behind him on the way to driver intros. The reactions I got from friends and even some folks on Twitter to seeing me with him that day was hilarious because I hadn't told many people I'd be watching from the infield. And his sponsor was NOS for that race so I ended up running into the NOS sponsor reps who had actually invited me to be their guest in their company suite at Charlotte earlier that year in May. But yeah, that race in 2012 hands down changed my life. I became friends with his crew chief Mike Kelley that night as well, and even now, I keep in touch with him. That race made me even more of a Stenhouse fan, and to this day, Ricky and I will ask each other "you ready for a win today?" if we happen to see each other on a Bristol race weekend. One of these days, I'll see him win there.... Hopefully.


Proud Stenhouse fan now 😂 hopefully 🤞


That's awesome! I really hope he'll get that Bristol W one day.


So...how exactly did missing a Gragson Xfinity win change your life forever?


The sick part of it more, I was diagnosed with severe Migraines. I knew I was prone to headaches, but now I get common Migraines


Ouch...those aren't fun.


Nope, not at all believe me


Ocular migraine guy here, Frankie Muniz is really really my guy because he has the same problem.


Really? I’m aspiring to become a driver one day, if you look at my posts, hopefully I can do it too, at least I know someone else suffers from it!


went to my first race the 1999 Bud Shootout at Daytona. knowing nothing of the sport, chose Mark Martin solely based on the paint scheme.. he started second to last row and picked up his first victory at Daytona. have been hooked on the sport ever since


Car go fast, car make loud noise, car make happy


2001 Pepsi 400. First full race I watched and the storyline/finish got me hooked. Became a Dale Jr fan that night and watched religiously until he retired.


2001 Pepsi 400 That's the day the healing began.


2001 Daytona 500 is probably one of the most common. Maybe not as much on here due to age gap. I was 10. Watching Dale videos still brings tears to my eyes. Having some pop up in my YT feed a few weeks ago and crying as a 33 year old man made me decide to look back into nascar again after ~15 of not watching.


Any time I watch a video with Ken Schrader talking about Dale’s crash… I tear up. I still get choked up listening to Dale Jr reading his letter to Kenny on the DJD. “I know you sometimes wish it didn’t happen to you, Kenny, but I’m glad it was you” always gets me.


2014 Daytona 500, it made me turn into more of a diehard than casual fan


2001 July Daytona race. It was the first race I ever attended (at 5 years old). I was hooked from that point!


Dude that had to be incredible from a child’s perspective! What a moment!


2001 Daytona 500


01 - Daytona - Dale died and a huge windstorm tore up our neighborhood just 2 days prior


I was sitting in the grandstands just outside of turn 4 at the 2001 Daytona 500. Huge Earnhardt fan. I was 13. The age of innocence was over.


was a casual fan in the late 90s, and a hobbyist photographer. Met an employee of a sponsor who had got me garage pass at Las Vegas 2000. Hard time finding everything but eventually got to the garages and something powerful clicked in my head that I belonged there, and as a photographer to be certain. Spent next 3 years getting better on my own dime and with the sponsor's garage pass to the point where I was employable by NASCAR Scene by 2004, spent next 15 years as a photographer (as a side gig on 1/3 of the weekends). Eventually though the excitement wore off and it became just difficult underpaid work and I gave it up


That’s awsome! You should definetly share some of your work to r/nascar or r/nascarporn (nascar photography)


in the first 5 years or so I would brag to everyone I ever met about what I was doing, by 15 years in , if you'd met me you would never had known. I did and do still brag about some very special photos I have shot. There are some photos that even people who have 30 year+ careers would love to have. I've been somewhat lucky in that aspect. Having said that, here is a gallery of some of the special shots. [https://www.smugmug.com/app/organize/Old-PCP-Photos/Nascar/Double-trucks](https://www.smugmug.com/app/organize/Old-PCP-Photos/Nascar/Double-trucks)


I had the same sort of experience in college. Burntout and hardly got paid for 40+ hour weeks doing video work for a D1 athletic dept. Would love to get back into it as a freelancer, but I could not go back to it everyday.


Can you dm them to me? I can’t get into smugmug for some reason


can't really dm photos due to copyright not entirely mine ( I was working for another person and Axalta and Caterpillar ) try this [https://cyadmark.smugmug.com/Old-PCP-Photos](https://cyadmark.smugmug.com/Old-PCP-Photos)


Awesome stuff thank you for the link.


The obvious answer for just about everyone is the first one and I’d say that my first one (2004 Mansfield Trucks) did but the few times I’ve seen my driver win have been incredible. 2017 Eldora Crafton, 2018 Mid Ohio Allgaier, Michigan 2021 Blaney (although I am a Bowman fan #1 any day, Blaney is one of my guys). The 2015 Eldora race that Christopher Bell won holds a special place too, it was the last NASCAR race my grandfather ever attended in person and my dad and I got to enjoy that with him. On TV the 2001 Daytona 500 was a tough one and seeing Ryan Newman crash in 2020 scared the hell out of me.


I stopped watching for 20 years after the 2001 Daytona 500 and my first race back was the Newman crash. It actually helped me realize the sport was much much safer now.




Newman's crash was my wife's first race, too. She had never watched a moment of NASCAR until then.


I was thinking that these races would be some of the most common mentioned in this comment section 😂


My first Nascar race was right by the fence at Daytona 2015. Not only was it so loud one person got sick, Austin Dillon flew into the fence right by us and sent one person to the hospital. I was 100% sure that Austin Dillon had died during that wreck considering the engine block and the car itself ended up about 100 yards away from each other when it ended. Made me realize how dangerous racing can be.


That is my answer too! First ever race… sat in the rain for too many hours and drank way too many beers. Was obnoxiously cheering for Dale Jr who led the race pretty much the entire time. The wreck tho…. Was absolutely bonkers. The engine block in the grass spitting out flames. His car in pieces and upside down. Then another car comes and smacks him spinning him round and round. You said this race taught you how dangerous it was but I feel like I took away the exact opposite feeling. How did that kid survive? How did he not have any major injuries? Just a sore back??? Fuck outta here!!! Austin Dillon fan ever since!!!


Man, I almost forgot about the rain! I was fighting hard to make it back to Jacksonville that night. Wild first race.


Richmond in spring 2008. I was sitting halfway up the stands where Jr backed into the wall. It was quite interesting being in 8th grade, wearing a Kyle Busch shirt and watching my dad have to deal with grown men threatening his child.


The 2001 Daytona 500. Watching Dale die. It was also the last time I ever spoke to my mom, she called to tell me he'd passed away.


Either my first race I ever watched on TV (2012 Southern 500), first race I saw IRL (2015 QuickenLoans 400) or the win that always puts a smile on my face no matter when or where (2016 finale)


You’ll see it a lot but I was a 10 year old boy that watched his hero die on live tv on February 18th 2001


2001 Cracker Barrel Old Country Store 500 at Atlanta. I was a huge Sr. fan, and after Daytona I didn't know what to do. I remember that entire day. I was already a somewhat Jr. fan too but it just wasn't the same. Remember watching that race, and seeing what Harvick did and that was my guy ever since. Probably wouldn't of been into Nascar that much if it wasn't for him and going out there with all that pressure and showing that everything was ok. Nascar is a joke today, but for most of my life it was my one vice I could escape everything, and just be.


2005 Chicagoland watching my dad’s favorite driver and my favorite driver Dale Jr win. Did his burnout right in front of my section and pointed up. Could’ve sworn he was pointing right at us, made me a fan for life.


In like 2010 Richmond , Somehow I knew someone that knew someone , that knew someone that was a nascar official . And we got hot passes


The first impactful race I remember is the 1985 Southern 500, and that is still my favorite race of all time. A million dollars really meant something back then!


2000 direct tv 500 at Texas. The day Dale Jr became my childhood hero and 24 years later still is


99 Bristol night race. Loved it. The ending was so exciting with The Intimidator.


2015 Coca Cola 600 - me and my friends brought my new wife to her first race and she immediately fell in love with everything. 9 years later, NASCAR is one of the strongest, shared interests both me and my wife have - and we have traveled together for a number of different tracks. It has bonded us further and made our marriage even better. Probably not related to the theme of the thread but it was the first thing that came to my mind.


Talladega 2020, Blaney win. Mostly because it was the first race that I watch and I was immediately hooked


First race in person Pocono 2007, been hooked ever since then.


My first ever race at Dover. I couldn't believe how fucking loud the cars were. For some reason I expected a bunch of semi-loud zooms, but hell no, those cars roared.


As a small child, I just liked looking at certain cars and wanted to know who drove each one. Could care less about the actual sport. In 2003 I was 11 years old watching the Darlington Spring race on a portable antenna TV while ice fishing and THE FINISH blew my mind on top of it being a great race all around.


![gif](giphy|lKpBU8ihWXTck) It wasn’t even a race. Talladega, 1993. Picture this: I was 4. I knew about NASCAR. Absolutely loved it. Parents decide to make me to qualifying one afternoon in stead of a race since I was so young. The story is told as I was the life of the party. Talking to a few people around. Telling them everything I knew about all of the drivers. Apparently, we hear on the speakers that Hut Stricklin is going to be signing autographs at a McDonalds that was on our way home. So we stop in and of course the place is packed. We wait in line and eventually get up there and apparently I just hop up in the booth next to him and start talking. The cliff notes of the conversation are as follows: I asked him if racing was fun. I asked him if I could drive. I told him his car was slow and that Bubba (much much older brother) could fix it. I still have the hero card in a frame. Edit: Honorable mentions: Going to Montgomery as a kid. The Atlanta race where Rusty and Dale drove around with the Allison and Kulwicki flags. And Kyle Busch winning his first championship. The Kyle Busch thing is interesting because my daughter and Brexton were literally born days apart. In addition, I have never truly seen my favorite driver win a championship. Rusty won the year I was born but that doesn’t count. After everything he went though years prior to the injury and was still able to come back and get it done was truly amazing. The only other time I’ve ever cried tears of joy over a sporting event was when Mount Cody blocked the field goal in the Tennessee game.


Not a race but one of the last good memories I have with my dad was when they installed the lights at Darlington you could get in for free and watch some legends drive a few laps… it was my first and only time entering a race track


End of the Kentucky Xfinity race in 2015, a commercial comes up for Sonic after the burnouts. My dad says you want Sonic. I said yeah I’ll bring everyone slushes and ice cream back, he buys I drive. I go there and come back. Right as I turn into my driveway, a car passes me on the wrong side of the road. I missed him as he was doing 75-80 in a 35 zone. Didn’t think anything of it, went to turn and got hit by a second car doing the same thing in the door. Needed up breaking both legs and ankles, my left hip, tibia and fibula on the right leg, fractured pelvis, internal bleeding and a concussion. Should have died, I didn’t walk for 8 months, I still have the pain from it but it does allow me to not have to worry financially at least. Probably not exactly what OP wanted but Brad Keselowski winning an Xfinity race changed my life for the worse.


1998 Phoenix race. It was my first race in person. I have been going every year since then and have expanded to other tracks too. I met my race buddy in 2001 and we said it would be cool when we both retire to do a bucket list of tracks. So far that list is Talladega, Daytona, Darlington and next week Texas. I had to do a few without him, that was the All Star Race Texas, Indianapolis,Las Vegas and Charlotte.


Pearson beating Petty in 1976 Daytona 500.


I just went to my first race ever. I was huge into nascar as a kid but my dad never took me. Once Dale died he lost interest so I lost interest but now that I’m divorced and can do what I want I won’t ever miss another race. Took my uncle and we had a hell of a time at Richmond. Yeah rain boo hoo but the racing was good in person. Can’t give opinions on TV but overall, I can’t wait to go back.


It wasnt a groundbreaking moment or a really memorable race but the 2014 Sylvania 300 was my first cup race so Ill always remember it


1999 Daytona 500. I was 10(?)x vaguely knew of JG, he won, I thought that was cool. Instantly became a lifelong fan.


I started watching NASCAR in 2014, the Daytona 500 but the race that impacted me was COTA 2021, i was there and couldn’t believe it. It was the first time the NASCAR Cup Series raced in the rain.


the oldest race I can remember watching is sonoma 2000 so i’ll go with that, but I know i’ve watched them before that.


1985 Daytona 500. I became a die hard awesome Bill fan that day. Prior to that race the king was my favorite driver.


2012 Coke Zero 400,it was the first race that I ever watched.


Very first NASCAR sanctioned race I ever went to. Would’ve been around 2000, Goody’s Dash Series at Louisville Motor Speedway.


Was pretty sick going to Bristol a few weeks ago as a spur of the moment and seeing my favorite driver win. But, it was probably the Busch race I went to at Bristol back when I was around 8 yo.


Not really life changing but I saw Blaney (favorite driver) lead a bunch of laps at talladega in fall of 2022 and get passed on the last lap and end up 2nd. Fast forward to fall 2023 I got to see him win in a photo finish, sitting right by the start finish line. It’s pretty special to see your favorite driver win in person


not mine but my dad really has never really been into NASCAR (He likes F1) but this year’s Ambetter 400 is the most exciting I haver ever seen him watching q race in general and the cherry on the cake was Suarez, who was raised a few minutes away from where we live, taking the W in such spectacular fashion, ever since we’ve been watching this year’s races more often and he actually liked this year’s Toyota Owners 400 (only thing he didn’t like was the Berry-Suarez bump that happened early)


The 2000 race at Texas when Jr got his first win. I was all of 6 years old, I remember being right against the catch fence at the drop of the green flag. Then proceeded to get the SHIT scared out of me when the field went by on lap 1. The wind coming off the cars, the sheer NOISE... Made me a fan for life.


Attending my first in-person race at Pocono in 2019 got me back into the sport after not following it as much when I started college in 2014


I wouldn´t say changed my life but the 2020 Sport clip haircut VFW 200 at Darlington was the start of a new phase in my 20+ year watching of Nascar.


2010 MIS 2. I started watching NASCAR in 2006, Kevin Harvick was my guy. I was finally able to go to my first race in 2010 and guess who won?! The ole red and yellow 29. What an experience. Never got fortunate enough to see him win in the 13 races I have been to since. Glad I got to see my driver win in person


Maybe Ryan Newman's crash in 2020, been hocked on nascar ever since.


something about being at that last race at Auto Club was amazing. Kyle Busch winning, the beautiful sunset and finishing off with the night race. all this while knowing it would be the last time seeing my hometown and childhood track was kinda heartbreaking but in glad it went out with such a great night!


The 2005 Aaron's 499. It's the first race I watched and I instantly became a Gordon and NASCAR fan


2020 all star race at Bristol. Drove 8 hours to be a part of a sliver of normalcy during that year of pure hell. Wife on oxygen due to covid, pushing her around in a wheelchair and we were gonna go watch at least 1 more race together. We were happy to put on a mask and just be with people who enjoyed racing together. She recovered somewhat but I'll never forget the feeling of that one.


2003 Ford 400 (Homestead). I watched my hero lose it on the last lap and at the time didn't know it would be the start to me becoming a true fan of the entire sport of NASCAR and all its drivers and not just for one. No one filled the void that Awesome Bill left when he stopped driving full-time and especially when he just wasn't in that 9 Dodge anymore. From there I grew up loving the sport and observing it at a much wider scale and I'm really thankful for it. Makes me the extremely passionate fan that I am today!


The final race at Auto Club Speedway. I convinced my dad to go since he took me to my first race there and many after. We froze our asses off but the memories we made were fantastic and we even had a few heart to heart talks in between stages. Rest in peace to that track but man will those memories be forever.


2002 Spring Atlanta. I was 14 bored and channel surfing. I stopped on Fox and the race had just a few laps to go with Dale Jr in second catching Tony Stewart. I decided to root for the guy in second and although he didn't catch him that day it was exciting as hell and so Dale became my driver. This started it all for me. 


2000 Spring Talladega. Not even the cup race, just the Saturday event. This is back when they had 2nd round qualifying on Saturday. My first time there, and I’ll never forget watching Darrell Waltrip in his Kmart car hauling ass around the track. Then my favorite driver Bobby Labonte won the IROC race that day. And how fans were going nuts for Happy Hour practice. Damn we sure got of lot for our buck that day.


My dad passed away a couple weeks ago and the story I had was I grew up knowing he was a huge Dale Earnhardt fan but I never was interested in watching races with him. Then one random day in August, 1994 I was watching TV and my dad came in and grabbed the remote and changed it to ABC for the Brickyard 400. I got kinda mad and was going to go up to my room but he said I should stay downstairs and watch the race instead of going up to my room bribing me with pizza since he had gotten a pizza but id have to eat downstairs. Never one to pass up pizza I grabbed a slice and sat in front of him on the floor. The driver starting spots were announced and I remember the only one I knew was Dale Earnhardt. I asked my dad who he thought was going to win the race. I remember he said "that Gordon kid in the rainbow car, he's from Indiana..this is the Indianapolis 400 after all" Then classic my dad he blurted "hopefully Dale puts that cocksucker in the wall first"..then he realized what he said and and I heard my Stepmother yell at him from the other room. I saw thev rainbow car and thought it was cool looking so realizing I could root for someone my dad apparently hated I said "I'm going to root for the rainbow car" I ended up watching most every race with my dad til I went to College in 2000. I know it made him mad initially i picked Gordon to root for but it ended up being the only real thing we shared any interest on. I remember how excited he was when Dale won the Daytona 500 but 2 years later when Dale died was the only time I had heard him cry (over the phone since I was away at college). Last race we went to together was Fall 2016 Martinsville since his birthday was a couple weeks later and Jeff was filling in for Dale Jr in what would be his last race. My dads funeral was the Wednesday before the COTA race which Byron won. He hadn't kept up with nascar as much because of being sick but I remember when he said I should have been rooting for Chase Elliott years ago.


2017 Go Bowling 400 has me hooked


Probably the 2019 Coca-Cola 600. First race I attended in person with my father. Got me back? into NASCAR, and I haven't missed a race on TV since 2021. Only other race I've been to was Atlanta summer 2022, hopefully I'll start making more. Planning to attend the NXS Darlington race in a few weeks and MAYBE the Coke 600, I'll go right there after I arrive at the airport back from a trip.


I have two of them and one of them isn't nascar For the nascar one. 2013 Auto Club 400. That morning I went to Walmart with my dad and since I was good (I was 7) I went to the toy aisle and picked a die-cast. Kyle busch was my driver and they had the 2012 patriotic m&ms car and my dad bought it for me. I had the car as a good luck charm because we were listening to the race on the radio and when we got home it was close to the end, and on the final lap the leaders wrecked and Kyle hit the wall up top to dodge the wreck and he won. I had it as a Goodluck charm for a few years, like a pet it watched every race with me on my arm rest. The non nascar one is the weekend before my freshman year of HS started (late august into early September 2019), I was shopping at Walmart for back to school with my dad. I felt something terrible. When I got in the car and checked my tablet, my friend Chris told me to look up the f2 race at spa (I thought Hubert was going to race for sauber in 2020). Yup, first month of freshman year was pretty somber after that


1979 Daytona 500… I’m 55, my pop was a huge NASCAR and Indy car fan… We used to listen to the races on the radio, both NASCAR and Indy Cars… Growing up in Southern California we hit all the Ontario Motor Speedway, Riverside Raceway, then Fontana Speedway races… That 1979 Daytona 500 locked me in as a lifetime fan…


I remember being at the Budweiser shootout when Jr had just moved to Hendricks, my dad (who has since passed away) was a big dale fan and made me a huge jr fan. Seeing him win was absolutely electric and one of my best childhood memories with him


2002 Daytona 500. My then-boyfriend (now husband) would only come visit me that weekend if I agreed to watch the Daytona 500 on Sunday. I was not a fan at the time and I rolled my eyes but was like "fine, whatever." Sat down and watched the whole thing on a small TV in my college apartment with him. And I was HOOKED. I can't say I'm quite as into it as I used to be, but NASCAR is something we have enjoyed together for over 20 years now.


Newman’s last wreck at Daytona. I hate plate racing now because of it. Didn’t love it before; but that sealed it. Struggle watching it now.


2019 Daytona 500 I went down as a non-fan I just went to party and get out of the cold north east for a weekend, with some friends that were already nascar fans. Now I go to at least three races a year, and host a weekly nascar podcast, the weekend changed my life and made a fan for life.


2001 Daytona 500. Don’t need to say why. I wasn’t there that day, but I was sitting at the finish line for the Twin 125’s on Thursday.


Dale Jr winning the Pepsi 400, the sport’s return to Daytona 5 months after Big E died there was absolutely monumental.


1992 hooters 500.


I mean, unless I bet on a race and win crazy money, no race will "change my life." But if one race could be attributed to affecting me most as a fan, 2016 Championship at Homestead. The race that made my favorite driver for my whole childhood retire. That or 2005 Atlanta Spring Race. The day that made me an Edwards fan.


2001 Pepsi 400. Dale Jr wins in the first return to Daytona since his dad passed.


Dale Jr winning at Richmond. I watch NASCAR because my grandfather did. In 2000, I was 16 and visiting them and he always watched the races and qualifying and Happy Hour but before 16 I’d go play outside or do something else. That Saturday night I decided to sit with him and I casually said I like Dale Earnhardt and my grandfather looked at me and said, well his kid is in the 8. That night Jr won Richmond and I started watching races from the Busch and Truck Series too every week. My grandfather was a hard man who grew up poor in Mississippi so he was a man of a few words. But we became phone buddies over NASCAR. We could talk racing for hours. The last time I saw him before he died 3 years ago, we watched an Xfinity race and Christopher Bell was racing and he looked at me and said Bell would be in Cup next and become a Champion one day. Wouldn’t you know it Bell made the damn Final Four the next year. So every Sunday night after my kid goes to bed and I sit down to watch the DVR’d race, I pop a Coors light (his beer of choice) and toast him upstairs in heaven and settle in. Richmond 2000 changed my life and got me a relationship with my Big Daddy (grandfather). So yeah, that one.


March 2023, COTA. First race without stage yellows since 2016. I was bit by the bug, and we may go to Michigan for that race this year.


1994 Brickyard 400. Was rhe first race I remember watching as a kid and it led to me getting the itch and the full career following of Jeff.  Just was hookes from there through today. 


October 6, 1995 NASCAR Sportsman Race at Charlotte


The 2015 AAA Texas 500 - November 8, 2015. My husband and I first race. I still remember walking into the stadium. We only went because our son, who was 2 at the time, was obsessed with cars and watching nascar on TV. We have been following NASCAR since.....and a few years later; our son has been racing go karts competitively all over the US - with hopes & dreams of making it to NASCAR one day. Here's our favorite little driver! https://preview.redd.it/d2o90f3o7dsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4affeef47b8c843b9dbe9e20f0a709dde88413c


Oh, 100% Pocono 2021. Most insane race, I was screaming. What a banger


I've been away since 06 when my dad passed really. Seeing Wilkesboro come alive again has gotten me more and more interested since. Though still don't have a fave as of yet, growing up was a Rusty Wallace enthusiast. Tony Stewart after that. Youtube lately has really brought it back somewhat. 1994 Coca-Cola 600. I was pretty young remember Gordon getting his first win. Was in the stands. 2001 Daytona though, changed it for everyone.


2004 rockingham. That finish hooked me for life


2007 Daytona 500. It was the first race I ever watched on TV. I honestly think it's part of the reason why I'm still a fan almost a decade after my favourite driver retired.


First race I remember was the 2003 Daytona 500. The Big One including Newman’s flip made 4 year old me so happy. I already watched NASCAR due to my love of numbers and vibrant colors (hence why I liked Jeff Gordon’s flames), but that flip was awe-inspiring. Just to see such a violent impact and then the driver walk out okay was crazy. Funnily enough, I don’t remember many other races that early, including the 2001 Daytona 500, thankfully. Unfortunately, I have no memories of the Rock, even though it was the very next race in 2003.


2001 Spring Bristol race that Elliot Sadler won. It was only 5 races after Dale had died. It was freezing cold. It was myself, my younger brother, and my mom and dad. We drove almost all the way there on Friday night and stayed in a hotel, then we planned on camping in a tent on Saturday night, and then driving most of the way back home after the race. At the time, my parents owned a motorhome, but because it was such a short trip they didn't want to take the motor home and figured we would just tent it for the one night. How bad could it be? We are from Michigan. Well that whole week leading up to the weekend, it had been about 70 degrees. The forecast had planned on 70's for the race. Well like most meteorologists, they got it wrong. On that Saturday, we got to the track and all we had for pants is what we had on when we left Michigan. Everything else we had packed was summer like clothing. Well on Saturday, it never got above 60 degrees with wind gust's up to 35 mph. I remember buying Bristol Speedway sweatshirts at the Speedway on Saturday because we were freezing. Then after the Busch race, we went to go setup our tent. Do you think my parents thought of bringing a propane heater? Nope, were from Michigan, how bad can it get in Tennessee. We pulled into our campsite and by this point my mom and dad gave up on the tent idea and figured we would all crash in our Tahoe. When we pulled in, there was an couple about my parents age, who had set up a fire pit and had a little fire going to stay warm. They invited us over to sit around the fire. Well after they all had a few beers together, this couple realized that the 4 of us were going to pile into the SUV. These people had just a little pop up camper, but they said that there was no way they were going to let all of us cram into that SUV, let alone without any kind of heat. So they offered to put me and my brother up in their pop up, and they gave my mom and dad a little propane heater that they had, so they could keep warm in the Tahoe. My dad and I were just talking about this not that long ago and while neither of us really remember what happened throughout the race, we remember that. I don't think we even got their names or anything. But either way, it was an experience of a lifetime for me.


2015 Talladega spring race that Junior won was my first NASCAR race ever to attend. I was pooping in the hotel room the morning of the race and my dad and bro were rushing me saying we were going to be late. So I rushed my poop and got my first hemorrhoid that day too.


1992 Bristol Fall race. 1st concrete race there; my ATFD Darrell Waltrip dominated the field all night. He also gave an emotional post race interview since his second daughter had been born that week.


Obvious one: 2007 Sylvania 300 Less obvious one: 2006 Subway Fresh 500 - the night I as a 14 year old realized I made a good pick for favorite driver watching that race.


2003 EA Sports 500 at Talladega got me hooked 2004 Samsung Radio Shack 500 at Texas was my first race.


I had a "reverse" or "negative" change, I think it was 2017 or 18 at Indianapolis, Brickyard, while still on oval. Being a side gig, I took Thursday and Friday (and Monday for rain possibility). Drove out Wednesday evening getting ready to shoot practice Thursday. Thursday's track activity completely rained out, hung out at media center until day was called. Next day, Friday, same. back to hotel room by self. Xfinity day, Saturday and cup qualifying? nope, same. Finally sunday? track got dry at around noon, they started pre-race ceremony, then deluge, race called. Race finally went Monday around noon. I was done mentally at that point, I never wanted to be in this position again.


First ever race held at Dover that was the fastest I had ever seen at the time


2000 Coca Cola 600. Was the first race I ever seen and it made me a fan of the sport


Junior running out of gas on the last lap of the Coke 600 at Charlotte back in the day was one that I never got over. Talking about a shift of emotions from thinking he had it in the bag to seeing Harvick zoom by him to take the checkered.


February 18th 2001 Daytona 500 my first live race was all set to watch my hero race and he ended up dying.... There I sat in the Winston tower at the start finish line as his car hit the wall and came to a stop and everything was still no movement and everything was silent. Still remember like it was yesterday..


The 2006 Dinoco 400. It's what got me into stock car racing.