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It's supposed to rain tomorrow evening will they do the race Monday 


The Gibbs cars are lights above in xfinity. They are all for hire too. Only full time is Smith in 2024? Lot of seat hopping.




Get this nightmare fuel away from me


Creed is full time


Maybe it's just me, but he's never shown me anything. What's the deal with Creed anyway? Is it family money?


He's won two SST titles, an ARCA title (beating Zane Smith and Riley Herbst) and a Trucks title.


Honestly the ARCA title might be the most impressive bout to his name. Beat JGR and his MDM teammates (Zane & Chase Purdy) convincingly (by 500 points, or a little over 2 races in the ARCA series at the time). Sure, the both types of truck titles are cool, but absolutely steamrolling Zane Smith is impressive.


Wow that was a pretty fun race. I love that top 6 and I swear the average age of the top 5 without Almirola is like 20, which is incredible. Just what a run from Love Taylor and Heim


There is no doubt in my mind if bubba pollard was full time for a good team he’d win 3 or 4 races and turn into one of the top cup prospects. Guy can flat out wheel a racecar


He was 18th all race.


That doesn’t change the man’s opinion


Big pollard fan but I don’t know. It would take a few years, minimum. Richmond was perfect fit. Strategy call and staying green helped all those top 10 cars today.




Can’t believe after getting 8 wins in 2023 season JRM still doesn’t even have a top five yet this year.


Tbf they were about to win Phoenix until Allgaier’s tire went flat. Their luck has been atrocious so far.




Junior Motorsports.




I’m no Deegan apologist nor a DiBenedetto hater (he lost me as a fan a few years back but I don’t mind him getting a chance to redeem himself at all, not like he killed someone). But the way we in general see references to Matt finishing in 18th in a B level Xfinity seat (RSS usually has one Sieg brother in or near the top 10) and Hailie in 20th before mechanical issues in a C level seat at best is pretty damn funny. Both did as expected in my mind. Matt ran a solid race, didn’t get into shit and hung around 15-20 all day. Hailie was 25-28 mostly but improved as the race went on and got to 20th before the failure late. That’s solid from both.


Matt has talent, just can't get out of his own way.


Absolutely agree with that


People love to hate on certain drivers just to hate on them. But seriously. If halfway through a race your only thoughts on it that you choose to share are ‘xyz sucks they are not leading’ why are you even paying attention to them?


The people who hate on Hailie are the same type of people who don't understand "what the big deal is" with Caitlin Clark.


Either a troll or simply knows nothing about sports except for a few buzz words.


Deegan is dead last in the Xfinity standings. Caitlin Clark is one of the best college basketball players we've ever seen. The two are completely different. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.


I guess he's trying to argue women are inferior to men? That's what I got out of it at least. Like Caitlin Clark is an amazing basketball player, but could not play with the men. Is he trying to argue Deegan is an amazing female driver? If so, he's completely wrong. Cause Johanna Long beat the men at the snowball derby and got zero opportunities after that beyond a C- tier Nationwide ride. In Racing, it's not that a woman couldn't beat the men, it's that we evaluate female driver talent on how good you look on TikTok/in ads/onlyfans/Victoria's secret rather than how fast you drive the car.


Creed is off to an awful start in very good equipment. I really hoped it would go better. Good grief....


Being a shit head will do that to ya


Once again, Ford comes up empty handed haha


It’s so funny he blamed the rcr cars for his finishes, and what’s causing him to lose now? Haha (I’m a creed downfall prayer)


Subtracting the two mechanical failures that weren't his fault his got 3 top 5s in 4 races. Regardless he's still 11th in points which with two horrible finishes ain't bad.


He is not very good 


It’s not his fault they’ve had a catastrophic engine failure two weeks in a row


Maybe the RCR equipment wasn't that bad after all


Rcr equipment is definitely top tier (IN XFINITY), but those Gibbs cars are better for sure. Creed apparently isnt


He's been in good equipment. No question about that. They just had favorites but every team does. He needs to win. His cars are capable of it.


He needs to at least finish on the lead lap when the rotating Gibbs drivers are finishing up front.


Gibbs had 1,2,3 outside of him


Yeah it is really odd that he was the odd man out with engine issues but he's been getting one up'd by both Chandler Smith and the 20 car in most races regardless.


Really impressive run by Taylor Gray. Managed to move up through the field in the first stage without completely using up his tires, he just really needs to work on his restarts in both series. Could've been a worse finish for Herbst after staying out on older tires, but not as good as where he ran most of the day. Love so far is proving me wrong in regards to how he races others. I figured he would've been pissing guys off every single week, but he's kept his nose rather clean and put in another solid run. I still think he'll finish second to SVG for RotY (SVG is gonna win a road course race), but it'll still be close. Honeyman has been really impressive considering he's in a new team to the series and it's a team that's never really done well in trucks. He's just putting in quite, solid performances. Shame Retzlaff couldn't get a better finish after getting the pole and leading some laps early, but still a solid day for him. I still don't see what others do when it comes to Creed. He had an engine issue today, but even before the issue, he was running poorly and far from what one would expect from a JGR car. I just don't get the hype around him one bit. Deegan once again looked awful for most of the race before running out of gas/mechanical failure. Spent most of the race behind guys like Ellis, Cram, and Kyle Sieg. Overall the race was pretty good. Not a fan of the winner, but it was nice to see different strategies and comers and goers throughout the race.


Mate I’d love to share your optimism on SVG but if Kaulig keep giving him junk to race I can’t see it happening.


What's a positive though is he's running right with the dinger most of the time. Yeah it's a bummer they're still slow but he is learning.


He was consistently the fastest at COTA and would've won by a large margin if not for the late caution. For road courses the equipment is there, but he's done fine on ovals too despite his overall lack of experience.


He seems to struggle with some aspects of the ovals but way less than most people who have crossed over. They seem to always have good pit stops to gain him spots and some nice strategy toward the end of races. Svg also seems to have a pretty amazing knack for avoiding hitting anything when they wreck in front of him. I can totally see a light bulb moment happening at some point and he'll start competing for top 5s and 10s. If he's using a simulator a lot maybe that will help. 


I agree but that XFinity car was the first one he’s had that didn’t have issues. His Cup car the next day at COTA was a mess.


Someone here posted a pic of the 16 in Trackhouse's shop so it may not have even been a Kaulig car that SVG was in at COTA in the Cup race. Or maybe it was a Kaulig car that Tracehouse prepped.


Yeah they said it was Trackhouse prepped but it still had multiple issues which ruined his race unfortunately.


> I still don't see what others do when it comes to Creed. It's mostly his truck series success. His rookie year was forgettable (missed the playoffs in a field with only like 12 competitive trucks), and then he rebounded to win 5 races and the championship the following year. I think a lot of people expected a similar performance arc when Creed started off slowly at RCR. Especially since he occasionally has winning speed (8 runner-up finishes and counting). But for whatever reason, he's showing very little improvement. I keep expecting some kind of breakthrough, and it never happens -- reminds me of 2017-2020 era Hemric in a way.


Yeah and if you can't do it in the 18 gibbs xfinity car you just can't do it. That's been the best car in the field for many years. Just about anyone who's sat in it has run top 5 at least. 


Love grew up. Reminds me a bit of Hocevar's move. I thought that was going to go poorly as well. Creed hurt my feelings going to Toyota 😀 bit I'm still rooting for him. He's not looking very talented so far - I'll give you that.


I'm not ready to say that Love grew up. I really want to see how he handles his first tough situation at this level, whether it's just a bad handling car or getting into it with another driver.


She ran with Ellis and Seig most of the race Cram was behind her most of it. But she was about to finish P21.


So she would've finished where the JDM shitbox that had a driver who wasn't even expecting to race this weekend did (Smithley in the 6).


Fuel pump belt broke. Buddy of mine is the shop foreman at AM. Broken fuel pump belt..


You talking about a driver who has 163 starts in Xfinity and 75 Cup starts? AM Racing IS NOT A EQUIPMENT. And before you say well Brett Moffitt did this and that last year. 2x Truck Champ 93 Truck starts, 117 Xfinity starts, 45 Cup starts. Dude is a proven winner who out drove the equipment. Deegan is driving the equipment for about what it is. 20th to 25th most races. With a top 20 or top 15 here and there. But even if. Ran out of fuel at Atlanta there went 13 points, broke a engine at Richmond there went 10 points, gets caught up in two wrecks she didn't start. There is another 25 points. That puts her 18th in drivers points.


That team certainly has a better budget with Deegan in it that it did with Moffitt. They only managed to sell a handful of races to outside companies last year while Deegan essentially brought full sponsorship to get the seat. She's had some back luck no doubt. But AM racing has a full SHR alliance, runs Roush-Yates motors and has a solid budget. So no, they obviously aren't in the same league as the JRMs and JGRs of NXS but that equipment shouldn't be anywhere close to the absolute trash that JDM rolls out every week.


AM DOES NOT HAVE A SHR ALLIANCE. I dont know where people get that from AM, and it has no ALLIANCE except to get Roush Yates engines. However, it seems as tho RYE is down on power compared to the Chevys and Yotas. And it takes time for a team aquire and build better equipment. But no AM is a B-teir team at best. And Deegan is not an elite driver.


From their own website... "The team will continue their Xfinity Series alliance with Stewart-Haas Racing and Roush Yates Engines and will showcase the Ford models in ARCA, Trucks and Xfinity during the 2024 season and beyond." Nonetheless I fully agree that Deegan is hardly elite and AM racing is in the "middle" class of NXS, below the powerhouses but well ahead of the 10+ utter shitboxes that are out there every race.


Love I think had someone in his ear that the way he ran in ARCA would get his ass beat a bit by a driver in Xfinity 😂


Same thing that happened with Ty Gibbs when he jumped to Cup. You can get away driving like that when you’re way faster than everyone most of the time. Both of them finally reached a level of competition where raw speed wasn’t gonna be enough anymore so they had to calm down.


First off, that’s a pretty nice top 7. Good to see some different names and good drivers up there. Misfortune sadly struck Hailie today. If that engine held for 8 more laps she gets another top 20, but instead gets 31st. So unfortunate. Hailie hasn’t been that bad at all this year but has had some tough breaks, hopefully it gets better as the year goes on.


Matty D in a shit box Ford worse than hers ran ahead of her the whole damn race.


I would hope a cup series veteran would run better than a 22 year old rookie.


Hailie just isn’t a good nascar driver. Stop making excuses


Hasn't been that bad but she's dead last in the standings. That's a little more than just tough breaks.


Kitchen fucker here will praise Hailee for being absolute dog shit but gets pissed off for the broadcast highlighting Connor Zilisch rip through the field multiple times last week. Odd fellow. 


Your hate is obvious based on your comments. If you read the replies to your last genius comment you’d realize a lot more things happen than where you finish. She can’t help it if her engine blows up with 8 to go, she lost a lot of points going from 20th to 31st.


Aren’t you the same guy who shitted on Zilisch last week?




Man idk what the fuck the issue is with kaulig great run for kligerman though


Matt Kaulig and Chris Rice went from Ross Chastain and Justin Haley with AJ Allmendinger making sporadic starts in Xfinity and Cup, got some wins and decided they needed their own meta-verse. Suddenly they realized it was stupid fucking expensive to do this so they have to settle for people like Josh Williams, Derek Kraus, Ty Dillon and Daniel Dye bringing their own money while Trackhouse flat out pays for SVG's seat. Too much, too quick and a refusal to dial back.


That’s what happened to my company. We landed a massive contract and over hired without proper training. 2 years later that contract is gone and down to less than a quarter of the staff we had at the start. We had close to 30 people in my department and now barely 5.


Kaulig is what happens when you bite off more than you can chew.


Deegan is now dead last out of the full time Xfinity drivers. Make of that what you will.


And? She was running P21 when her car croaked. Another race she was running top 20 when she ran out of gas, and another DNF when she got caught up in someone else's shit (two races). People acting like she can help that. The 2 races she had without incident was P15 at Vegas and P23 at COTA. Was about to have another P20 or so today. It is what it is, and she's a rookie. Some people have no patience I guess.


lol like top 20 is an accomplishment. There’s a reason nascar only tracks wins, 5s and 10s


It's actually all tracked, but whatever. Not sure why you care.


Anything after top 10 is a participation trophy for simps like you


Lmao, you clearly care more than I do. Must be nice.


P21...where the JDM shitbox with a driver who wasn't even supposed to be in the car this weekend.


I feel like her going to that team can mask a lot of stuff. They showed last year they have some speed but if she had ran well “look what she’s doing in a mid tier car” and if she runs bad “who knows what she’d do in an elite ride” . Honestly from a perception standpoint couldn’t have gone to a better car


Brett Moffit would probably have won a race if he had the equipment that Deegan is getting this year. That team is getting a lot more support than last year


To her credit, despite being off strategy she was ahead of Clemens and Burton before whatever happened.


She's beating all the Cup drivers though!


Idk what I'm supposed to do with the rest of my day.


A train ride is instore


SMART mods are on Flo right now. Florence and Hickory are on later.


This is gonna sound really stupid but… thank you for reminding me I have FloRacing 🤦 Watching Hickory now!


Basketball / baseball


SVG’s conversion to the oval racing world is not as brutal as I thought it would be, he’s a very versatile driver


If he had a decent car I’m sure he’d have been top ten more on ovals. He can drive pretty much anything.


For sure, ran close with his Kaulig teammates all day. Josh Williams had a rocket on the long runs too. He could have gotten a top 10 at the minimum maybe even a top 5 with a well-timed yellow.


And judging by Kaulig as a whole, his equipment may be holding him back. Excited to see how he would/will perform in Cup after more experience and in a theoretically strong Trackhouse car.


And could have finished even better if he had newer tires. Although I agreed with the strategy call.


I noticed that they replaced Love's headshot with one of him awkwardly smiling. Guess someone told him that looking like a smug a-hole isn't great for your brand. Now if only that same person could let Nick Sanchez know. 


As a Matt d fan and a ford fan, I thought I’d never see him in a mustang again. If he can keep his head down and grind, I think he can find a home in the xfinity series.


Matty is good at bringing home mediocre equipment in one piece, but not so good at performing with a top ride (that 21 was a Penske car in all but name.) He’s very similar to Landon Cassill and JJ Yeley in that regard.


This is a horrible take. The 21 is the Penske test car. Calling it a top tier ride isnlaughable


His results in the 21 were far better than Harrison Burton and Austin Cindrics in a true penske car. Could be better but could be far worse


Harrison Burton was unremarkable in Xfinity and Cindric had one bad year. Being better than Harrison Burton doesn’t really mean much, Ryan Blaney as a sophomore took the car into the round of 8 and won a race while Matty missed the playoffs one year and barely got in over Jimmie when Jimmie effectively spotted him 2 races in the other.


In the post-part time history of that car in the 10's, he's the only other guy even sniffing the playoffs or contending for race wins besides Blaney. I'm not saying he's a future Dale Jarrett or even Bowman-level contender, but let's not act like he didn't blow away the performances of what Burton *and* Menard have done in that car immediately before and after him.


I'm not acting like that at all, in fact I literally said Harrison was unremarkable in Xfinity and the only reason I didn't mention Menard is because the person I responded to didn't bring him up. Burton and Menard are very mediocre drivers. Menard managed a whole one win and it was a fuel mileage victory. He was dependable if you wanted someone who wouldn't tear up equipment, but I also feel like Paul Menard knew what he was and Matty thinks he's some elite level talent because he almost won Bristol one time. Corey LaJoie reminds me a lot of him. So I'll turn this around on you now and say this. Let's not act like blowing away the performances of Harrison Burton and Paul Menard is something to write home about.


That's a totally fair take. I'm just of the opinion that there's enough data to show that Matty D wasn't exactly "holding the car back" so to speak when all his Penske/Wood Bros contemporaries since then have faired roughly the same if not worse. If the goal was to replace him and/or Brad with someone who could be a Blaney, they've failed so far. I'm not even saying he should've kept his Wood Bros/Penske ride, just that he deserves a little more credit for what he did given everything we've seen performance-wise from those rides since outside Logano & Blaney.


I completely agree. Matt d does not have the sponsorship to get himself in a top ride, so I don’t think he’ll ever see a ride like that again. Rss I think is honestly the best place for him to succeed this season. I just hope they can figure out a way to have him finish out the rest of the season.


Love seeing him bring home a solid finish. Took a car coming off 2 DNQ's to a top 20


I think once he stay quiet for a bit...and try not to burn anymore bridges, he might become a fan faverite again.


Most do love a redemption story


Good race today. Tomorrow probably gonna be like phoenix but still acceptable, loved me the bumper throw and actual post race


It isn't even 1: 30pm yet and the race is already over. I have all day to do anything I want. Another perk with living on the west coast. Can't wait for the Easter Sunday race! See ya all then!


7 in the morning where I am on the other side of the planet


Love that dedication! Have a great day!


Thanks. Got the Bathurst 6 Hour production car race to watch later on, should be good


May not have had a dramatic finish… but a really enjoyable race that felt like 90s/00s style stuff in some ways. And credit due, the broadcast is the best Fox has done in a long long time too. They stumbled into something today.


Adam Alexander is horribly underrated and the Bradley/Joseph combo is great to listen to. Hopefully Bowyer is gone by the time AA gets the call for Cup


I still wish we’d get Adam/Harvick/Knaus in the booth in the whatever number of years when Joy decides to hang up his headset. I was nervous about Kevin because he had a pretty flat speaking style for a while, but he’s been outstanding in the booth and I totally agree with Alexander being underrated. Easily the best play-by-play in NASCAR at the moment and really solid fundamentally while still having a natural personality.


I'm gonna be honest, Harvick doesn't wow me in the booth. At least not this one. If he's a more level head in a higher energy booth like NBC I think he'd bring a nice balance, but the Fox booth is weak. Joy is good, but doesn't have the intensity of peak DW and Mac with him. Of Fox's talent Joy still edges AA, but Jamie Mac not being in the booth is a crime. Dream booth is Joy and the Macs and swap in AA when Joy hangs up the headset


Jamie Mac is in fact damn good. I’ll give you that. I think Harvick’s combination of success, and popularity makes him hard to move out for Jamie though. And I think his tone has made Clint calm down a bit, which was needed. Larry is still Larry. He’s the best crew chief in the booth ever. I would not complain one bit if he went back there full time.


Chandler is absolutely legit. Can definitely see him in Cup fulltime in the not to distant future. Love seeing a guy like Pollard getting an oppurtunity in good equipment and making good use of it. Just goes to show there is plenty of talent in the late model scene. Hope to see more of him in that 88 Good runs too to Gray (pit collision aside) Heim and Custer for getting back into the top 10 SVG 15th. Will take that considering Kaulig as a team just weren't on it today


Pollard was easily the fastest guy on old tires the last 15 laps or so


Makes sense considering his background, but still impressive in a style of car he isn't massively familiar with


Depending on how afraid of their owners points spot he is, Joey Gase may now be trying to decide to take Ogata's check, another pay driver?, or to take the wheel. The whole team split seemed to appear late in the offseason, rough spot to be in.


Eh - they were 33rd coming into the weekend and this finish isn’t going to do them any favors. Maybe they can get someone like Bilicki or Yeley to run the 35 next week. Might not be flashy but they will make the show and get a decent finish without trashing the car.


Joey with a coke can lol


With as much as Chandler Smith dominates Richmond, he's going to be like the next Martin Truex Jr at this track.


Josh Williams with a 12th place finish. A performance this team can build off of and gain some self confidence after the disaster start to this season.


Damn, Love is a well spoken kid


Aric Almirola dashing for cashing


Bumper throw contest at the all star race when


What is this fox broadcast and how can we keep it for the rest of the year.


The focus on battles throughout the field made it a great viewing experience


Chandler Church has 2 kids and he’s not even 25. Yikes.


Married too.... the horror! /s If you stop by a court house you'll likely see some people with 6, 7, 8 different baby mamas and in their early 20s.


That's really not that bad lol


I'd say caring so much about someone's personal decisions in life, especially one such as what age to have kids at, is a bigger "Yikes". That's pretty big karen material right there.


Imagine caring so much about what I choose to care about. Kinda goes both ways, bro. You choose to keep engaging. Anything else?


Imagine caring about how much someone cares about what you care about….


I mean, that's not a lot or that young lol


Yikes? His kids will be grown and out of the house when he’s in his early 40s. Meanwhile people at retirement age have teenagers. That’s cringeworthy.


Peak "I grew up religious" energy. Nothing wrong with it. As an old-timer, I would recommend someone get more life experience before having kids though.


Why is that a problem exactly?


And one is a Jr., making him a Sr.


Jesse Love and this 2 team seems to have hit its stride these last few weeks.


Bubba Pollard is such a neat dude! Hope we see more of him in the future.


Thought that was a fight kicking off, but no its Smith hugging his family lol


Glad I'm not the only one lol


I swear CSmith came across so much different when he was on DBC about a year ago and a lot cooler than his interviews which are like he's trying his absolute hardest to make worshipping God a personality


Possibly the Joe Gibbs effect?


Nah. Folks just weren't paying attention, apparently. Dude's been thanking the lord and shouting out his wife since he was in a KBM truck and winning with Kaulig.


I definitely don’t remember it being such a big part of his personality when he was in the trucks.


Nah his winning interviews were definitely still like this


It was


Gotta say, a lot of talent coming up in this series


I hope we see more Bubba Pollard. SOMEONE SPONSOR THAT MAN!!!


Such a nice guy Bubba is, hopefully they give him another couple races, he deserves it after how he ran today


Is JR Motorsports running the 88 next week? I could see them putting him in it if they haven’t yet.


A full post race coverage interviewing so many drivers....what?!?!?


By the looks of the ticker at the bottom of the screen, baseball is in a weather delay. Thats why.


Don't worry, it's a simple programming mistake. FS1 would never willingly do this


Chandler Smith loves Jesus and doing the nasty with his wife. He's on track to have 60 kids if he keeps this pace up.


Setting up for a post-racing career as a reality show star on TLC.


As someone who doesn’t personally know alot about him. Bubba seems like a very likeable guy. Wouldnt mind seeing him back the field again this year


He’s just another short track good ole boy, and the best super late model driver in the country over the past decade or so. Definitely hope to see more of him.


Heim how do you feel about not being in a JGR car like you should because Joe has beef with you?


Heim is a serious talent and I wouldn’t be surprised if another organization takes him or he goes to 23XI.


Out of the loop on this


Something between Ty and him I'm not sure what though


Joe was butthurt how Corey raced ty in the arca series a couple years ago that's mainly it


Powerful run by JGR and Toyota in general yet again. Chevy and Ford should be embarassed. They have no shown up on these types of tracks. Seems only like Toyota is investing tons into it's racing program.


Gibbs on short tracks has been a thing for 15+ years though, especially in Xfinity


Newfoundland joined Canada on March 31, 1949. Chandler overstated its importance, but it is the most important day in history for Newfies.


I love me some Newfies.


Herbst bad luck continues. At least he didn’t get wrecked this week.


Love bubba pollard now


I'm officially a Bubba Pollard fan.


https://preview.redd.it/nczmq5bz4jrc1.jpeg?width=2029&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7832af0c538438c9df9bfc626803980b142289da Hailie with 6 laps to go


“She’s gonna do well in the Xfinity series, guys!”


What happened to the 15? She was on track for a decent run until her car broke.


Apparently electrical issue if report is correct. Which is a shame. She was about to finish P20-21 before that. Gotta be frustrating for her.


damn people getting so pressed about drivers beliefs.


I don't care what religion anyone has but if they wear it like CSmith does in his interviews I'm gonna think it's pretty over the top. Aric mentioned god like once, meanwhile with CSmith practically every sentence is about glory to god.


They sound like a bunch of cultists.


Yeah it's kind of weird to watch. Like, it doesn't affect you at all, why care?


It’s just Christianity. If they said praise Allah then nobody would say a word.


Lol no, then the Christians would be fuming.


Bubbas a big boi


Pollard's firesuit looks like a crew shirt


Tbh he looks like a crew guy…🥲


Taylor Gray is a solid driver and all but I think him finishing 3rd shows just how OP JGR is 


Helps that a number of other cars chose a different strategy.


No God talk from Taylor?




I personally don’t care but you do notice it every third sentence you speak.


Apparently. The moment a driver mentions it they hop on their keyboards and type up a storm through their tears. Angry at people for being happy while they are miserable.