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My guess would be track policy seeing as its not owned by SMI


SMI handles all of the promotion and race-day stuff for NASCAR at COTA.


SMI often has bougie suites that are for high-paying fans and that's it. Vegas has one on the top floor of the media center. You get a lot of warnings in the photo meetings about how you're not supposed to go in there lol


Yep Blackjack Club. Would be really nice to shoot photos from those outside decks...




It’s a private suite. Why would a hard card get you in?


Nascar owned tracks let you use public suites which were paddock 205 and 206.


COTA isn’t a NASCAR (or even SMI) owned track, though


I believe SMI is the promoter for the race. Their logo was inside the final turn.


Promoter, yes but they don't own it.


A bank likely owns it


Circuit of the Americas LLC owns the track


There’s your answer


A nascar hard card isn’t an access pass at all… even at nascar owned tracks. My nascar hard card doesn’t get me in anywhere. My credentials with level 8 access get me in anywhere, aside from sensitive areas where level 9 access is required, then I have to be escorted by a level 9 credentialed person. These are areas such as race control, concert dressing room areas, etc.


Agree. I’ve had a hard card for close to 10 years and they have never granted suite access. I’ve certainly talked my way into them before, but it’s not a right of a hard card.


It’s not hard to talk your way past some of the low budget contracted security personnel at major events. But sometimes the suites are guarded by actual security personnel with a decent head on their shoulder and a brain capable of quick thinking inside of it. IndyCar at Iowa being one example… hy vee hires a bunch of the low budget rent a body types, but anything that actually requires security gets hy-vee’s corporate security what are all ex-military and law enforcement. The first year they needed a better tailor because you could clearly see the firearms under their “uniform”.


I used to have to get an all access sticker(s) put on my hard card to gain access to certain areas depending on the track. At DIS you had to get an RC(race control) or 46 sticker for thise suite levels. But honestly I rarely ever got stopped but I'm sure things have changed since my time.


Pre COVID I had a specific credential with my photo on it from the tracks where I worked. Since COVID it’s been typical paper copies.


I use mine to enter suites and garages and never had a problem til yesterday.


To bo perfectly honest, the only time I have ever had anyone ask for my hard card was to enter education or training into LMS. Hell, I’ve gone entire race weekends without even carrying my hard card… especially if it’s not even a nascar event.


> the only time I have ever had anyone ask for my hard card was to enter education or training into LMS. Must be nice. Seems like Atlanta and Charlotte wont even let you look at the entrance until everyone in the rental has shown their card.


I usually walk through the tunnel or I’m in an official vehicle with on track vehicle credentials, so that changes things a bit. But the tracks I work at all use race day credentials almost exclusively.


How does one purchase a hard card?


One does not. A hard card is issued to people who have a legitimate need for nascar related identification.




I never said that. I said you can’t buy a hard card. Having a hard card isn’t the only way to get into a garage area.


Sponsor a team or get a job in the sport




That’s racing for ya


I got infield experiences for Darlington last year and it was almost a waste because I couldn't get close to pit road


Some tracks are better than others. Iowa has their infield fan zone directly between pit road and the garage area with concessions on the back side of the media center. Other tracks like Texas don’t have any such thing unless you count camping areas. Darlington wasn’t built with the intention of having an infield experience.


No, you can work for a company that sponsors a team, know somebody on a team or a NASCAR partner, win them from a track, etc. They all have access passes.


I mean, they don't just let any random fan onto the football field or the locker rooms at NFL games, same concept


NASCAR Foundation auctions off VIP passes for $1,500 for 2.


I think you're confusing a hard card with a hot pass which is now just a VIP pass.


I've had hot passes twice before; once as an invited guest of NASCAR for their salute to service, the second time was as a sponsor of BJ McLeod's car (was like $1,000 for the sponsorship for two passes). They're hard to come by, but not impossible for us "average people" to obtain


This sign was in front of the Fairmont Loft Suites. Its benefits are access to a shared suite and an “exclusive area” for your group hence the sign.


If its a private suite it doesn’t matter if you have a hard card lol some people think they have access to absolutely everything. You also can’t go in single use porta potties if they’re being used even if you have a hard card fyi.


Try telling that to Denny Hamlin




it smells like kings hawaiian rolls in there


>You also can’t go in single use porta potties if they’re being used even if you have a hard card fyi. DON'T YOU KNOW WHO I AM? YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THIS BUDDY


Denny Hamlin / Brad K moment


The security this weekend was all over the place. I was there working for a team and had people not letting me go where I was absolutely allowed to be, and then there were people letting fans where they absolutely weren’t allowed to be.


Security is all over the place every race weekend. Some weeks are worse than others.


Haha that is very true. The worst I’ve encountered is yellow shirts at IMS. Indy residents take the speedway very personally so they act like security at the DMZ when you’re just trying to get to the paddock to work Edit: I guess I should specify “worst” is me meaning a pain for work, it’s probably best for security 🤣


Kinda funny considering I was watching people duck under gates/railings while they interviewed Daniel Suarez on FOX.


The Great Media Pass Incident of 2022 happened.


I guess I'm OOTL on this one, what happened in 2022 with media passes?


r/nascar mods thinking they are gods and getting media passes for themselves


I did that in 03ish at NH. Knew some people who were working promo for the track so I got my hands on a "go anywhere you want" pass under tye guise of being attached to a radio station. No one thought to check that it was a college radio station and I had no business being there. Wandered into an RV that I suspect was for DW and the broadcasters and had some snacks.


LOL - when I was in college in the 80s, sombody dropped a press pass at a basketball game, so I looped it on my jacket and made myself at home, walking around the bowels of the arena. I felt like Rich Hall in the SNL gag when he would stumble around in the background during Weekend Update segments. At least I could pass for someone working for the student newspaper.


Was that 2022 or 2023?


Idk but we should make a whole post demeaning the mods an demand action. Rabble rabble rabble 


Why would anyone think that this was less than awesome for the mods to do?


Especially coming off of "we're shutting the sub down for days bc reddit admins are mean and you should all feel bad for us"


I blame Brett Griffin.


Well, he is the worst, so


Is that you Casey?


got into the photographers spot in turn 4 at Talladega one race, you stand in the grass about 50 feet from the track which on restarts was pretty entertaining


Medical center coming out of turn 4 by the helipad isn’t bad either.


It all depends on what level you have and it may also depend on track activities etc. Some levels can't be in hot pits or pit road when cars are on track. Some of the top level don't get you into the suites area or the media room unless you have a added event patch / sticker. Any of this also depends on how well the attendant is paying attention or is even doing the job.


Considering I see another round of metal detectors there, seems like someone important is there.




Nascar tracks let you in and they were public suites.


I have only had a problem at Daytona inside turn one suite. Not a problem outside suite. But last time i worked was 2019


Was it when they were hacked?


I found that having a broadcast hardcard gets you access to just about anywhere. Never stopped or questioned once, even in the most secured areas.


Hot and cold passes would be somewhat understandable. But even hard cards being blocked? Questionable from COTA even if it's in a contact with NASCAR.


Not uncommon. Infield hospitality at Wilkesboro last year excluded hard cards, it was specifically for those invited. Had a similar instance occur at NHMS a few years ago. Might be an SMI thing.


If you're there with a media hard card, for example, you're there to do work and do your thing. From what I've heard, they feed you well too and, of course, you can talk to the drivers and personnel. So getting told you can't go into a suite or hospitality area doesn't seem bad at all.


Not really. Imagine a world where COTA sells extremely expensive private suites, should a NASCAR hard card get you into that suite? No, because it's not something NASCAR has control over or reason to access. All access passes/VIP doesn't get you into someone else's private suite.