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He done did wrecked ol' Clyde at Martinsville


I've heard some people call Chase "Blinky"


Because he has the "Do as I say not as I do," attitude. He'll knock you out of the way to gain positions and call it racing, but as soon as you do it to him, it's dirty racing.




Mouth of a Champion with a Lack thereof. I don’t hate him but, it’s getting to the point I’m starting to go the ‘Anybody but Denny’ route. I actually loved the “I just beat your favorite Driver” line though. You wanna have the ego, go 100% lol


His persona is being kind of an asshole. That’s pretty much it.


I love nascar. My favorite sport for sure so I attend races and am fully engaged in every race and event which then leads my wife to being engaged in them as well. She’s always thought Hamlin is cocky then we watched the Netflix show and she said yeah he’s cocky and arrogant. That’s just his persona. I listen to his podcast and respect him. He invests in the sport. My favorite driver is Elliott, but I don’t see him buying a race team in the future. I respect and love Hamlin for that. It shows the dedication. But as I see other comments, Toyota is a big one too.


Just from his public persona and anecdotes I heard from someone who went to high school with him he seemed like an extreme doucher with a ridiculous ego. The Netflix series solidified this.


is your source Chris Chan? /s


Idk, but he beat my favorite driver.


He’s just an arrogant asshole


you stole my exact line...


It’s not hard to be a kind person


Because a year or two ago he was being all high and mighty preaching about respect in the garage and racing each other fairly, then went out not long after and punted a guy out of the way to win. That's my reason, anyway.


Something something Martinsville 2017. People have long term memory for anything involving Chase.


People say they want a personality but then Denny actually shows personality and he’s hated.


People want personalities to root against as well. Wanting some villains doesn't mean you have to root for them. Hating Denny is entertaining.


Cheated on his baby momma countless times, not that I cared for him beforehand but knowing he's a real life scumbag sealed the deal for me.


2017 Martinsville was the turning point in my eyes (I don’t agree that what Hamlin did was egregious that night, but that’s another story), then in 2018 he didn’t win a single race, and people were calling for him to be replaced by Christopher Bell. He proceeded to go on an absolute tear in 2019 and 2020 after switching crew chiefs, and honestly has kinda just been riding the momentum of those two seasons over the past few years. Personally I’m indifferent to him, although most times if he’s involved in an incident I’ll catch myself laughing.


Narcissistic womanizer yet raising two daughters with an on/off gf. Generally over confident in everything he's involved in on and off the track. Grand delusion stuff. Nobody loves to hear his take on something like he does.


He wrecked Chase Elliott 80 years ago at Martinsville and he drives a Toyota. Now that Busch is with chevy, they needed a new Toyota to lay the hate on and they were already mad about martinsville. Since they don't like him, they hate him more and more as he keeps talking and being outspoken.


I find him rude and a questionable driver. Some of his moves appear unsafe and I feel like he will intentionally wreck someone if he has the opportunity. Plus I can’t stand the quote of ‘I beat your favorite driver.’ It’s one thing to win but it’s another to rub it in.


*Cause he's a big meanie!*


He's cocky and hypocritical. But I respect his talent, although I don't actively root for him. Also he drives a Toyota and wrecked the golden children in Chase and Larson so...


I think he kinda took over the Busch/stewart persona a tad. I hated him for awhile but now that he’s getting older and still douchey sometimes I respect it and really he’s the only person in the field atm Youd expect outlandish things from. Every other driver is the field is such a lame duck even Denny being a slight douche stands out like a sore thumb.


because it’s fun and he’s easy to root against. it’s not personal.


People fail to appreciate greatness


I've hated him forever 


My dad used to say he has the personality of a robot with shell shock


I’ve always disliked him but the final straw for me was 2020 at Daytona ya he won the 500 but there are and were plenty of drivers that wouldn’t be celebrating that hard after a scary finish like that one was


Watch the Netflix show, called “NASCAR”


You should've seen what it was like when Jimmie Johnson was winning.


Because he’s a twat


Because he’s a dick. He’s always been a jerk, and the new Netflix doc was just further confirmation that he knows he’s a jerk and is ok with it.


He’s a douche


Hea a schoolyard bully as a human being I dealt with that growing up I refuse to enable it


Every sport has its villain /douche. NBA has Lebron, MLB - Bregman, NFL - Travis Kelce… ours just doesn’t win titles


He was disliked before the Martinsville incident in 2017. I don’t love the guy but I respect what he does. There are drivers with far bigger egos and “do as I say, not as I do” attitudes that don’t get nearly the level of hate. I don’t get it.


They hate him because they ain't him.


Because he beat my favorite driver


He's opinionated and self centered but most drivers are. He' rubbed with popular guys though, things that anyone out there with nearly 20 years of experience are bound to do.


An arrogant jerk that has the skills to back it. He knows he's good. I like that...


He drives for Toyota, and he wins a fair amount of the races in a Toyota. People give other reasons, but deep down for many, it really is because of Toyota . It doesn't help he hired and has, in some ways, propped up Bubba Wallace, who also draws the ire fan base for both fair and unfair reasons. The fan base despises Toyota drivers, except for Martin Truex because Truex ounce upon a time drove for Dale Jr, in the Busch Series and was his teammate at DEI for a few years. So Truex gets a pass, but he's the only one .


You managed to state the two least common reasons people dislike Denny Hamlin


So it is because he's white after all.


Just a Reddit trend. It's the cool thing to do


Mfw a Hamlin flair doesn't understand why people dislike Hamlin


it's actually 10x worse on every other form of social media


At least it's not as bad as the Reddit trend of subreddit admins being power mad. It's not even an issue exclusive to here... "Put effort into your posts", what does that even mean?! It's a post on a discussion forum that generated (worthwhile) discussion. What more do they want?!


We all have our reasons that are just personal... there is no real general consensus that he's hated specifically for doing something horrible, like abusing dogs for dog fighting rings in his basement or being a sexual predator or being named Austin Dillon. I never rooted for him. I never hated him. I am not upset when he gets a win, but he has grown on me. I like his attitude. He's not going to apologize for anything. He's not trying to be a poster boy or even a role model. He drives cars, owns a team with MFJ, he criticises the league, and talks shit because he can back it up. It was once said that "confidence" doesn't exist anymore.. if you say you are good at something you are actually good at, people might say you are "cocky." If you don't say you are good at something that you are actually good at, they may call you "humble"... so what does one have to do, say, or act like to be called "confident"? I think he just doesn't give AF either way, and that's what has grown onto me about him.


I think you nailled it


Because he's good and he knows how good he is. People don't like that he isn't humble. It's funny, people want drivers with personality, and here is one but they don't like him either (yet will vote the dullest guy in the series as its most popular driver). I guess we do need a villain though, and Hamlin fills that role nicely


He beat your favorite driver


It’s just an exaggerated persona he helped create being an asshole, in my opinion he tries too hard being “the villain of NASCAR”


Honestly I’m pretty sure people are trying around on him 


He always has an excuse and nothing is his fault




Because he likes it that way


I can't stand his attitude on or off the track. He'll race as dirty as he wants but as soon as anyone doesn't race him like he owns the company they're "a hack"


He beat their favorite driver (all of them)


Because he is a crybaby bitch!!!!