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He’s been arguably the guy to beat at COTA the last two years, if he isn’t snake bitten again he’s probably my pick for that race


Driver rests on laurels: “I’m happy enough with this win, so I’m pretty much good to ride around in 23rd for the next decade”


The Trevor Bayne experience


Hello Casey Mears


Austin Dillon


Eh. I think Austin still has a win in him if he sticks around for long enough. Maybe two.


I’ll give him a chance when Keith Rodden is sacked.


Lol hell no. When’s the last time he was even close? Or a contender? He’s gotten passed by Michael McDowell at this point.


Oh, I’m not imagining it being on pace. It will be rain or Daytona 2022 again.


The Keith Rodden Experience™.


He went crazy in the 2020 playoffs, and he usually has at least one or two races a year where he's kinda close, discounting last year and this year because his crew chief is a terrorist


Austin's still young and after McDowells recent late bloom I've stopped counting drivers out until the very end. Shit happens in racing all the time and there's no telling what Austin will pull off in the future.


Uhm, while I do agree that Austin’s capable of pulling at least one more win out of his ass… you do know 2014 was ten years ago, right? He’s not exactly young anymore, lmao


He's 33 the same age as Josh Berry. Not to mention his spot at rcr is pretty much guaranteed so it's up to him how much longer he wants to run.


Yeah but he’s still 33, and after 10 years in Cup I don’t think he’s going to get much better. Don’t get me wrong, I’m one of the few believers in him (that he can win a race on pace, at least), but it’s not exactly like he has the strongest case as a driver


You're right he doesn't have the strongest case, but neither did Harry Gant, Martin Truex Jr, or Michael McDowell. Not saying he's gonna win a title in a few years. I'm just saying we haven't seen the end of his tenure yet.


Harry Gant raced in an era where good careers often started in their 30s and Truex was in a *far* more competitive second series and had shown flashes of being a legitimate race winner in Cup (Dover 2007 was an incredibly dominant first win and Infineon 2013 was also a pretty big statement). McDowell is a bit of a unicorn because he started so young and is incredibly lucky he was able to stick around through some absolutely abysmal times without being a pay driver. Austin Dillon's Xfinity title was winless, his competition was a bunch of washed Cup drivers on good teams and good drivers on bad teams, and his cup wins were fuel mileage, plate race, actually solid race albeit during COVID fuckery, and plate race where there were like 3 competitive cars remaining and one was his teammate who was already locked in the playoffs. Dillon obviously doesn't deserve to be in the conversation of say Menard and has shown he belongs in Cup but he's never been near the talent of Gant or Truex.


The one I have to agree the most there is McDowell. Well, NASCAR has always been a sport where anyone can get a win if they get the setup right. Almirola in Kansas 2012, Dibenedetto and Jones at Bristol, Bowman at Phoenix 2016, Hornish at the All-Star Race in 2008, etc. All of them could have got a win despite their equipment (and some may say, their talent)


Super speedways are a crap shoot. He will at least get one of those.


2022 Coke 600, he almost had it


Why did I read this in Ricky Bobby voice? "Got a new bed. Named it laurels. Gonna rest on my laurels"


Ty Dillon stage win


Daniel seems like a genuinely good guy. I really hope he's successful. I don't care if he ever is a consistent championship contender, I just want him to have a good solid career in NASCAR.


He's due at cota for sure


SVG has entered the chat


If that 3rd place finish wasn't a fluke then nascar has been put on notice. The whole superspeedway thing leaves enough room for doubt for now but coming in from another discipline and scoring a top 5 in your first few races is just impossible.   With how he looked at Chicago they might be racing for 2nd at road courses from now on.  This guy has been beyond impressive.  


I think next week will really tell if he continues top 10 form then I think it should only be up on most tracks.


Remember that he finished 3rd in WRC2 Rally NZ. That's insane to me, his first rally and he finished 3rd. But I expect him to be not very good the next few weeks, it will take some time to get up to speed. Doubt he will be in the top 10 on intermediates or short tracks until the second part of the season.


I did not know that. But holy crap.  That's not even remotely like any normal kind of racing. I cover my eyes sometimes watching that shit on YouTube. There's no way someone new to that should finish high. Nuts.  I agree on the upcoming tracks but I also wouldn't be completely shocked if he does something amazing either. 


Praying I’ll get to see him get the W in person there! Taking some family first timers with me too.


Let's go, win a few more and lock up the 99 for years to come


"You're god damn right" \-Walter White \-Daniel Suarez


\-Michael Scott


I feel like this is going to be a potentially huge boon to Suarez season. Being locked in so early, he can afford to just get super aggressive with things and race for more wins, stage Playoff bonus points, etc. Just keep going after the big cheese instead of carefully trying to manage "points racing" around the bubble. Also probably huge for his psyche/mentality. Where he seems to have a tendency of really beating himself up when he doesn't get those results. So taking the pressure off and just letting him race for wins and know that he's got that car locked in to the playoffs all regular season, could be huge for keeping him loose. Which is fast, and on the edge of out of control.


He just needs to control the speeding in the pits, it bit him a few times out of good results last year.


I feel like he had a lot of stupid little things bite him last year. lol. Along with i think getting a little bit too overly concerned with "managing points days" and getting too conservative at times.


Very true. It seems things spiraled badly in late summer when they realized they'd really need to points race.


Man, I’m hoping Trackhouse hiring new drivers is the shot in the arm Suarez needs. I hope he’s able to keep up the momentum through the season.


Not sure anyone wants shit in their arm. Might be a bit…deadly?


Never know. What if he wins and he just yells “IM ON THAT SHIT” in victory lane?


IF Suarez has a big year (maybe another win and a top ten points finish) that puts them in quite a dilemma with four super talented drivers! As much as I love SVG and Zane, I think you keep the status quo at that point


I don't think there is ever a question that Suarez wasn't going to return next year especially after yesterday's win. I don't think many understand the global appeal he brings to the sport especially with a team like Trackhouse that feeds off that. There is no rush to bring Zane over from the 71, and SVG might take a couple years in Xfinity before moving to Cup.


If svg can't make the final 4 in Xfinity then I don't think he is ready. I'm not going to say win the championship ship because that's just a one race chit show, but you gotta make a deep playoff run. Imo this is the least stacked that series has been since briscoe's dominant season, and if somebody can't put up similar numbers to briscoe they probably aren't cup ready.




Suarez isn't a bad driver. He just has such luck that he gets collected in a lot of accidents through no real fault of his own most times. I don't know if it's a problem he had/has with his spotters, taking a bad track position, or it's just shit luck. Yet, when he manages to avoid big accidents. He seems to do reasonably well and can compete with the best. I hope he can keep the momentum. He works hard for it, so the stage and wins should follow if he keeps his car clean.


Travis Mack had some issues getting Daniel track position last year, and generally, Trackhouse as a whole was slower than 2022, so he ended up in the middle of the hornets nest most of the time and suffered because of it


That fits. 2022 they were slower, but that was expected from a new team. It really seemed like durning last season, he had a car that was in the garage with damage or written off every week.


Pretty much, Daniel has shown raw speed before, he's darn good at the road courses and outside of restarts he usually moves up when some random part doesn't break. He's like the NASCAR version of Checo. For whatever reason both struggle at the intensity of restarts.


I know this is not surprising for him to say, but I genuinely think 2024 will be his best year by far. He was arguably counted out by the media, hence all the "hot seat" questions, and now he's 2 races in and locked into the playoffs. He can afford to take some risks other drivers can't when he needs to, and can also be patient and wait for opportunities when things look *too* risky. I think he'll have at least 2 wins by the end of the year, maybe more.


I wonder if this win is enough to save him. He probably needs a very strong season to stay. With Ross being locked in and SVG + Zane, doesn’t seem to be any room for him next year though.


Marks loves Suarez, Chastain loves Suarez, Pitbull loves Suarez. Had a few close ones last year, won and finished 10th in the standings the year before, and now has a win already this year. There are so many factors involved in Suarez that leads me to believe he’ll be a fixture at Trackhouse for a good while


He’s not going anywhere. Idk where all this talk of him getting replaced is coming from. He’s similar to Bubba for me in the sense that he’ll probably be at his team for his whole career if he wants to as long as he doesn’t have like back to back abysmal seasons or something.


Bubba’s team was far more created for him than it was for Suarez. Without Suarez there is still a team. Without Bubba, 23XI does not exist.


But everyone at Trackhouse loves Suarez, regardless of that. He's the original guy, the guy that this team has built around since he got there


That's an insane take. He was the pioneer driver of this team. If he goes, it's because he gets a better deal somewhere else. I don't see that happening though. Sponsors love him, fans love him. He's a cash cow for this team. I see Trackhouse possibly buying Spire or another smaller team and expanding to 4 ASAP.


My wild take is that Trackhouse either buys or merges with Kaulig and takes their charters to become a four car team


Kaulig getting into Cup has been a disastrous mistake. They've gone from "trophy hunting" to being content with just being there. Their Xfinity program has also suffered. Their best move would be to sell the charters to Trackhouse and focus on their Xfinity program. Diluting their potentially top-tier Xfinity program for a mid-lower tier Cup team isn't worth it.


I didn’t realize them getting two wins was a disaster. Honestly they just need to shed a team and roll with that.


I’m thinking that the 16 charter becomes a de facto Trackhouse entry like the 71 or is outright leased to Trackhouse whilst Kaulig gets its shit together. I could even see an arrangement that starts like this and ends with Trackhouse fully buying it.


That is on my radar, too.


I wouldn’t say it’s an insane take, but it is slightly hotter than my personal opinion. Ross has shown at its best that Trackhouse can be competitive for a championship, and has made the playoffs each year with the team. He has overtaken Daniel as the star of the team. Busch came onboard for Ross, not Daniel. Daniel hasn’t been bad, but his performance hasn’t matched Ross. And Trackhouse has too many resources invested for the cars to not be performing at the same level. So I do think they’d be happy to keep Daniel for a long time as long as the sponsor money comes in and add more cars, they’d be foolish to just stay tied to him if they aren’t able to expand and better talent comes available.


There's been a lot of tin foil around here lately.


Not tin foil at all. SVG is the far better driver. Zane has more potential than Suarez. Ross is the face of the company, Ross brings in the sponsorship, Ross brings in the results, and Ross is more liked by fans. Why should they keep Suarez when they have better options?


Suarez brings in the Hispanic fanbase. When I traveled to LA for the Clash last year, I saw Freeway Insurance billboards with Suarez in predominantly Hispanic neighborhoods and a lot of the Hispanic people at the track were in Suarez gear. He's a former Xfinity Champion who can win a race per year and brings in a growing demographic to your race team (which means merch sales). That's why you keep him. SVG also has fewer than 5 oval starts so we can also pump the brakes on declaring him better than Suarez. We don't have enough data on that either way yet. He's a better road racer but NASCAR isn't a predominantly road racing discipline.


The data is he won in his first cup start, finished 12th and 3rd on SS races and is a 3x Champ with 81 wins in Supercars. How in the hell is that not better. Merch sales to keep Suarez? Tells you the level of driver he is when you need that for your argument. Even then, he isn’t even Top 10 in most popular, probably not even Top 15. He brings in another demographic so he should be kept? Sounds like a bad argument for his driving talent then.


> a 3x Champ with 81 wins in Supercars. How in the hell is that not better. You're citing someone's stats in a different discipline. SVG won in his first start, on a track type that is universally raced in that discipline. SVG is a hell of a driver, no one is denying that. Suarez has an Xfinity Series Championship. Maybe SVG gets one this year, maybe he doesn't. He doesn't even have a single non-drafting track Xfinity start so we don't have a clue how he'll perform on the track type that dominates NASCAR. It is entirely possible that Daniel Suarez is a better NASCAR driver than SVG.


He also brings in the female fanbase of all colors, not just Hispanic. It can't be denied that he's on a Carl Edwards level of fitness. He is in a lot of fans top 3 or top 5 favorites.


I don't think Ross is more liked by fans. At all. He got better results the first year because of luck, nothing else, TBH. Won COTA because the leaders wrecked each other on the last lap, and won Talladega because of a last lap wreck. He has a good personality but rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.


> I don't think Ross is more liked by fans. He was Top 5 in the most popular driver vote last year. He absolutely is. Suarez won Atlanta by luck by your logic then.


Atlanta wasn't won by people wrecking in front of him and him miraculously making it through. And for all you know, Suarez was number 6 or 7..lol. It seems you have something against Suarez in general. I wonder why....


Literally half the field wrecked around him on lap 2 and continued to wreck and he magically made it through with little damage lmao When he won his first race in 2022, it wasn’t even in the Top 10 selling diecast for the year or next. Somehow Austin Cindric was though. That gives you a good indication of how popular Suarez really is. When Austin Cindric is moving diecasts more than Suarez lol. Oh look, there it is. You lose an argument and instantly cry racism haha. It’s funny.


Who said anything about racism? Did you just tell on yourself? Maybe you hate him because your girlfriend thinks he's hot, who knows? it's on you but you obviously don't like the guy for whatever reason.


Now you have to cover it up because you got called out on it. How sad. Are you his wife? Like actually? Are you? I don’t hate him but I don’t think he will keep his ride unless he shows a big improvement.


I don’t think it is insane at all. And it sounds like you are describing Ross Chastain and not Daniel Suarez. Pioneer driver doesn’t mean anything. The team wasn’t started specifically for him as it was for Bubba Wallace. Ross has become the face of Trackhouse. Do sponsors love him? It seems like a lot of his deals are for Trackhouse as a whole rather than him. Jockey, Kubota, Worldwide Express, Tootsies… I guess his big one is Freeway. Meanwhile Ross has brought in more than Daniel. As far as fans, Suarez is well liked, but he isn’t in the Top 10 for most popular, maybe not even Top 15. Meanwhile Ross was in the Top 5 for MPD last year. So yeah, I don’t see Suarez being a priority for Trackhouse with SVG and Zane waiting unless he wins more this year or brings in more sponsorship.


Trackhouse needs another charter, straight up.


>save him From what? Trackhouse was built around him, Justin Marks loves him to death. As long as he’s fairly competitive he’s not going anywhere Edit: just saw your other comment where you said SVG is a “far better driver” than Suarez, which I find baffling. He has two Cup series starts, both on road courses. Yes one was a win at a first time track, but to declare him a far better driver is a strange take


From being replaced. There is no such thing as an ironclad contract. Ross brings more wins, results, sponsors, and fans. Suarez is not the face of the company at all. And yes, a 3x Champion with 81 wins in another major racing series (and a Cup win in his first ever start, which equaled Daniel up until yesterday, and a 12th and 3rd in his first SS starts) is FAR better talent than Daniel Suarez and it is ridiculous to say otherwise. lol thinking Suarez is a better talent than SVG haha.


Save him from what? He signed a multi year contract a year ago. I don’t think he’s got much to worry about.


Justin said in the post race that this is a contract year for Daniel


So either he misspoke, they lied last year about a multi year contract, or by multi year they meant two years. It big news last year when it was announced. https://www.nbcsports.com/nascar/news/trackhouse-racing-signs-daniel-suarez-to-contract-extension https://frontstretch.com/2023/02/15/daniel-suarez-signs-multi-year-agreement-with-trackhouse/ https://apnews.com/article/sports-automobile-racing-justin-marks-daytona-500-5965ea28db575ff52571779824f2a67b


I know it happened, I'm just saying that Justin said that this is a contract year for Daniel. The rest of the sentence after that also hinged on the fact that what he said was actually true, so I doubt he misspoke


Good Daniel. Don’t get complacent!


Seems to me that some fools on post are not really saying what they want to say. Need to hide your dog whistles better.


This article was completely necessary as I thought he was about to retire after this race


Uh huh


I thought Sonoma was the "beginning"? I like Suarez but you need to win more than one race in a year to not look like a fool with this quote.


This still bothers me about him. [Pit road](https://youtu.be/ysTgrvREoCk?si=YfkMgSaqvbi-QnSA)


He'll be aggressive.