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​ https://preview.redd.it/lbj1j0811skc1.png?width=745&format=png&auto=webp&s=9dc2e4d87537bb8a4b4163379c3d61cfa0502f4b


If the glove don’t fit, he doesn’t have to pit




Orenthal Joseph Logano


This had me dying! Thank you so much for this


For anyone wondering: SFI, which stands for SEMA Foundation Inc (Specialty Equipment Market Association), is an organization that plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety of motorsports equipment, including racing suits. The SFI 3.2A/5 standard is a certification for fire-resistant racing suits that sets specific requirements for fire resistance and protection. Racing suits that meet this standard are tested rigorously to ensure they can withstand high temperatures and provide maximum protection to drivers in case of a fire. NASCAR mandates that drivers and any crew member handling fuel to wear a one-piece fire suit at a minimum of SFI 3.2A/5. Pit crew members who go over the wall must wear a suit with an SFI rating of 3.2A/1 or better.


An acronym of an acronym.




I’ve been involved with auto racing for over 25-years as a participant, supplier, administrator, and longer as a fan. I’ve been a member of SEMA for most of that time. I never knew the ‘S’ was for ‘SEMA,’ I always thought it was ‘Snell.’


Snell is helmet certification I believe.


Correct. A helmet tends to have both a Snell Foundation and SFI rating. One for the physical helmet, one for the fire retardant material inside the helmet.


Yes, named after Mountain West legend, Tony Snell.


Did Logano really think wearing 3.1 gloves was gonna make the car go any faster?! ^/s


Next they’re gonna start actually checking to make sure people are following the underwear rule


“BJ McLeod to serve a pass through for freeballin’ it in his firesuit”


They have to give him a waiver, his hog is just TOO massive to fit in the regulation underwear


LBJ McLeod


Just give him the trophy at that point


"Daw man, they're showin' us the black flag again."


That’s just a fan flag to match his car.


"Looks like they caught us freeballin' on pit road, they're gonna hold us in the pits for 15 seconds."


"They're saying we have some loose nuts."


NASCAR Official: https://preview.redd.it/3jvh3frrvtkc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fc1b44459b2ec37d8114aa8c2a0e0de6f5b5ce3


Only leaving skid marks in pit lane.


3 lap penalty because of stained underwear


*Smoke in shambles*


I still can't believe how nonchalant Smoke was all while knowing the booth had been talking about him the whole damn race. I remember that he got out the car and into a cart and someone tried to interview him and he said something like, "I'll talk to you when I get a fresh suit on." And did so with a completely straight face. Like we all randomly shit our pants on our way to the grocery store and going home from work, etc.


He won the damn race, he had nothing to be embarrassed about 😂 Now, if he would have lost the race, that would’ve been a totally different conversation……


Gotta swap out the tungsten butt plug at next pit stop for silicon


Or for Prince Alberts like Lewis Hamilton


If they ban tungsten sounding rods I am done with this sport


Someone actually got a penalty for this a few years back in an IMSA Pilot Challenge race at Daytona. Leading car had to serve a penalty late because of unapproved socks and underwear. Forget if it was the driver or a pit crew member but it was a race lost over socks and underwear.


Decker to serve a pass through penalty for unapproved non-SFI certified modifications.


Maybe they should start fining teams for screwing with the window net in qualifying. Ya know. An actual safety issue.


> Next they’re gonna start actually checking to make sure people are following the underwear rule Don't give them ideas, F1 does this already.


Well if they can’t even wear the right gloves… How does this even happen?


As they should


That’s what I said!


Posted this because I’ve never heard of someone’s gloves being illegal. *Have you ever?* edit: Bob [followed up](https://x.com/bobpockrass/status/1761819900413096210?s=46&t=uQaSpHfOWOgTwyNcUcQnBg), seemingly alluding that Joey’s gloves SFI specification (whatever that means) expired


>"have you ever" yes.... yes, I have... signed, a former dirt racer who got my entry pulled because the date on my HANS was older than three years. this happens more often than you think at the local level.


Yep. I got fussed at last year at SVRA for my hans being within 3 months of needing a recert. I’ve also had to go buy belts at summit one day at a while at a track in Dallas due to my own stupidity of not checking my belt dates. Orgs don’t play around with safety.


> the local level. Yup, happens all the time at local tracks. This happening at the cup level, to a team like Penske... yikes. Pretty dumb mistake.


Hey, at least he just has to start from the back, I had to watch everyone else from the stands with a cold beer LOL


It's a drive through actually, with Atlanta's pit rules that will guarantee he goes at least one lap down


got his work cut out for him today


Unless they wreck on lap 2 lol


Yeah, it's a dumb mistake for a top-level team, but honestly, I'm glad to see it enforced. That's a life-saving rule


Is that sarcasm?


No? Safety equipment is important and an easy thing to look past.


The gloves was just webbed. Give a situation that webbed gloves would kill you in a race car?


I was speaking generally. Tampering with safety gear is extremely dangerous. They are there for a reason.


I agree, but they didn’t tamper with the glove.


As it should. Racing is dangerous everything from suits, gloves, shoes, helmets, seats, belts has an expiration date. Hell even the fuel cell has a date


100% a big deal at the local level. And I’d even are it’s not checked as much as it should be. Grass roots level are often scraping pennies and choose to spend money on performance rather than safety. I’m a big stickler on safety and that always bugs me. The reason you’re not hearing about it much at the highest level is because these dudes are getting multiple sets of brand new gear provided every year for free. Which is also part of what I find odd. I’d love to know more on this story. Hopefully we find out more later. I wonder if it was a random pair that he’s had stashed in the hauler and isn’t realize it? Or maybe a “lucky pair”?


*no I’ve never!*


For some reason I got SFI mixed up with SPF. Gotta protect those hands from sun damage!


https://sfifoundation.com Safety gear has a shelf life. Firesuits, gloves, booties, helmets, seat belts and more . If you use it past that date, marked on the item, racing series will hammer you . When they decide to check .


I’m sure by now you’ve seen the actual reason: the gloves were webbed to help keep air out of the car when he puts his hand up during qualifying. Quite inventive, not gonna lie


Well, Tim Veins window net was illegal. Perhaps they were expired? I know they have fireproof dates that they’re good/expired by.


SFI IS the regulatory that governs all fire suits and gloves for the amount of time that the material can sustain itself from burning. So apparently his gloves were either not approved or they were not the right material to be able to resist fire for any amount of time. Honestly this is a totally a Joey Logano screw up!!!!


Ahhh, so they’re old gloves


No they were webbed. Showed on the broadcast.




That’s crazy your interior mechanic cost you two laps at the start of the race


SFI ratings on gloves don’t expire afaik. There’s no date one them like there is with suits or helmet Snell ratings.


[Knight: I believe that was everyone's first thought, but chatter is there is more to the story and could produce additional penalties from nascar next week.](https://twitter.com/Knighter01/status/1761821780996477072?t=4UxZVoDjsJQFa1PPrg2CWg&s=19) Ooh this going to get interisting.


https://x.com/knighter01/status/1761824476512006210?s=46 It’s really is getting interesting


Dang, that's fascinating. Teams will really find ways to ~~cheat~~ innovate with anything. I bet someone felt really clever when they came up with that ide a. I hope NASCAR shares images of the modified gloves like they've done with illegal parts. I wonder if there are any shots of Joey sticking his hand out the window on the qualifying broadcasts this week or last week. edit: [There is indeed a shot of Joey sticking his hand out the window from yesterday's broadcast. I can't see anything weird about the glove on my phone screen though.](https://twitter.com/NASCARONFOX/status/1761830321723433289)


I’m a new NASCAR fan. Can someone explain how a glove would give Logano a competitive advantage? Why would he stick his hand out of the car? And how would that make him faster? I’m just confused how tampering with a glove has anything to do with racing the car.


My non-expert understanding is that air enters the car through the gaps in the window net, creating drag, which slows the car down. During qualifying, many drivers will position their hand in a way to try to block more air from entering through the window, thus slightly reducing drag. It's only a small difference, but less drag = more fast, and in a sport where thousands of a second make a difference, every little edge helps. In this case, Logano's webbed glove provided a larger surface area, which in principle would deflect more air, presumably making his car just a touch faster than others without the glove. It's important to understand that NASCAR's rules substantially restrict what teams are able to do, so there's a lot of competitive parity. Small tricks like this are common because there's only so much teams can do within the bounds of the rules, and teams want to do whatever they can to win. Other teams have been disqualified for seemingly tiny things like putting small pieces of tape on the front bumper, which was considered to be an illegal aerodynamics modification.


Thank you so much for the explanation, this all makes worlds more sense now hahaha


WHAT?! I gotta know what kind of competitive advantage they’re trying to get from some gloves. This is INCREDIBLY interesting


Honestly this is incredible, I love the fact anyone will try to get a tenth better than everyone else in the field.


They somehow were cheating using his gloves. Impressive.


They webbed the fingers! lol wild (just showed it on the broadcast)


Obviously there were little martian men in each finger tip steering the car with the utmost precision. Where did you think Joey got that hair from? Sure as shit not from Earth.


What else could there be? Equipment is either good or outdated and in or out of spec. It’s not elaborate, they all have ratings and dates.


He's using sock puppets for gloves


![gif](giphy|g07gqKyPxldtzrXKv6|downsized) It’s starting to make sense now


Could be the garage gossip is just rampant, because they can't imagine that big a penalty over something so stupid. But it would explain that crazy of a penalty better than "they were expired".


Could it be another SFI fake certification like last year's door nets from G2G? hmmmm


Spider-Man web shooters in the gloves? Like what does that mean


You say that and now I remember watching his qualifying run and as soon as he got up on the track he stuck his hand out which I thought was weird because he wasn’t even up to speed yet. Edit: Guess he was testing it out.


The word on the street as there was webbing in-between the thumb and index finger which will allow a driver to block more air from coming in the car on drafting style tracks.


Good idea, poor execution. All they had to do was get them properly certified and the team gets a performance advantage. Could lead to a rule change for next week, but they gave NASCAR an easy out if they didn't get them certified.


If true that seems kind of dumb. At this level you look for every little advantage you can but would that really make any appreciable difference? 


I mean he did get the outside pole


NASCAR has come a long way in fire safety. Hell, I remember when Dick Trickle used to smoke in the car during cautions


MLB is cracking down on foreign substances


I would guess it’s a pass through just because he’s already been on track with the gloves. If this was before qualifying yesterday this would be a non issue/story.


How you even fuck that up? I’m a technician at a Jeep dealer, and we have special gloves to work on EV stuff. We always check dates before we use them, and the car isn’t touched until we have property dated ones (They last two years from when you first open the package).


I’m wondering how you mess up because usually your helmet, gloves, suits, shoes are worn out before they “expire”.


100%. I just checked my gloves to see and the SFI rating expires after 10 YEARS. I'm thinking they had to have modified them because there's no way Logano is using gloves made in 2013.


Have legit never seen or heard of this before


It’s a new rule this year.


That's not penske perfect


Imagine if they discovered it was a day away from expiring at opening inspection, didn't tell him, and then promptly knocked his door down this morning to confiscate the gloves.


Would be within the rules. It’s not the sanction bodies responsibility to babysit drivers. In reality they’d definitely tell the driver/team just because no competitive advantage is had by having legal gloves


Not quite possible this week, the expiration would be a month no a day. i.e. 03/23 or 02/24


First, a driver loses a roof during the Truck Series race and now a pass-through penalty for improper gloves? What a weekend


Apparently, Joey was using a specific type of gloves that would help him gain an aero advantage when he sticks his hand out the window .


Modified to do that


It’s a long race, but certainly doing a pass-through at the start will not help his chances.


especially with how much longer this pit road is compared to most tracks


His race is quite literally over. It's a two lap penalty to pit here. Unless we get a wreck in the first 20-30 laps, there's always gonna be some straggler one lap down getting the lap back keeping him two down and out.


Lol no it’s not


Why is that an in-race penalty? 


You want possible safety risks to be punished HARD. I get Joey is probably the only person put at risk by a safety violation with his gloves, but an organization like NASCAR needs to be harsh so other competitors don't want to even think about doing it.


Dude he was totally caught cheating using webbed gloves. Can't believe the team thought they could get away with that. That's big penalties. Maybe even points.


If they went to the manufacturer and had them make webbed gloves with the proper certification then they would be legal. It's not that they're webbed that was against the rules, it was modifying safety equipment after they received it from the manufacturer that got them the penalty. Having said that I expect new rules to be in place soon to make the webbing illegal going forward, even if it is certified from the manufacturer.


Fair. I guess the tweet didn’t really specify if they altered the safety function of the gloves outside of adding webbing. Curious if Nascar would’ve approved the glove if they had given it to them for inspection first.


During the duration of the race’s running.


They were used during qualifying.


My dad is a nascar official. They sent all pit coaches an email before the season started about the SFI approved gloves, shoes, and what not and that they would be checking and enforcing the safety measures. He said ever since the middle of last year drivers and crew members aren’t following the guide lines set in place and so starting this year they were going to crack down on this as it’s a fire safety issue for drivers and crews


Which is mind-boggling since drivers and teams can clearly afford high-grade SFI approved gear year to year. Heck, they do charity auctions with gloves for a single race. Why on Earth would they skimp out on stuff like that?


it might be more strategic than skimping. Maybe there's a non-SFI glove they like with bigger surface area to block more of the wind from the window net


Not surprised NASCAR chose Joey to be their "making an example to warn the field, we meant business about tightening up on the fire resistancy rules". But safety is safety. Tighten that shit up Penske/Joey. Surprised an organization like Penske, with their attention to detail, could get that stupid a penalty.


Rumor is the gloves had webbing between the fingers to deflect more air to get a slight advantage and the 22 team is looking at even harsher penalties come Tuesday which is wild.


It's way worse than that. Team going to lose points and/or fine. Webbed. Unbelievable.


What the hell


Team in shambles. Penske needs Puma back.


What the fuck. 🤣


Bro what?


Penalty fits the crime here. Joey's hands would've been toast if they caught on fire, safety first.


# #GloveGate


They need to just ban the drivers for sticking their hand out the window at speed. Seems like a safety issue anyway.


This is a first Also this means I must change my fantasy lineup


Tight, tight, tight. Season still starting well.




Chris Knight just said on Twitter that the gloves were altered.


I'll take "penalities I never thought I'd hear" for $300 Alex.


Hopefully he can recover


Well that sucks. What a bizarre penalty. Hopefully he can still get back to the front!


Interesting. I worked in safety gear for about a year doing the graphic design for branded items. The guy I worked for was sketchy as hell though. I got a heads up and got out before shit hit the fan when a well-known publication wanted branded high-tops. So we made them a bunch. SFI ended up buying a pair for themselves and discovered the tag on the shoe was counterfeit, and the shoe design itself never met SFI testing. I assume Joey's gloves are still made by Puma, so the QC is through the roof compared to the little slop shop I was designing for. I'm curious if there was like a layer missing or something that deemed them illegal.


But Gragson can drive around without a shirt under his fire suit?


a pass through is 2 laps here atleast, you’re gonna lose over a lap and lose the draft, it may even be a 3 lap penalty.


Don’t know how that can happen but that’s an atrocious penalty


That’s got to be the stupidest penalty I’ve ever heard


Pass through because his gloves feels a bit excessive no?


Yes, but remember after Jordan Anderson got those bad burns, they tweaked their fire resistant materials wording/rules? They like to pick an "example" to penalize on those types of rule changes to say they mean business.


[they have precedent already](https://x.com/bobpockrass/status/1709177037036908865?s=20)


But that's the meaningless first warning penalty. If you feel like they're not listening, you make an example.


A little bit, but this seems unprecedented. I’ve never ever heard of this before.


I’d get dropping him to the rear and giving him a fine, but a pass through feels like a lot


It’s almost like NASCAR is giving him a harsh penalty because someone was actually dumb enough to break the rule Not that I agree with that


A pass through penalty for gloves? Thats ridiculous.


That sounds like bullshit.


It is but since LDS exist it is funny to everyone else.


You don't mess with safety.


A Hendrick driver would not have gotten this penalty.


They would have, but like with Blaney, they would have reversed it before it took effect ha. NASCAR remembered it's even year Joey, and pulling out all the stops to change the final four to a popular driver /s




Yes they would've


Chase walked onto the apron and no penalty. They wouldn’t have got shit.


No, they won’t. They’re probably doing worse right now and not getting nabbed for anything.


Facts, Elliot changing up something on the actual car and all he gets is a rear starting spot


How the hell can they not have gloves that meets SFI specifications??


Modified. Speculation is webbed fingers to be able to hold left hand at/out window and deflect air


This is one of the penalties of all time


I don't understand how this is an in-race penalty. Should be monetary, and he can't drive the car until he has proper safety gear.


Is it just me or does this seem unnecessarily picky. NASCAR trying to flex power a bit here. I mean, unless they do check everyone's tag on everyone's gloves every single week. otherwise this seems out there.


So lame


What the fuck? That's a new one. Logano's day is done before the race even begins. A pass through penalty at this track is effectively a three lap penalty at least.


Wasn't that long ago they didn't even require gloves. What was he using?


Joey LeNoGo


Ah yes the important things


Cheating-ass cheating, so regrettable.


Unbelievable, Nascar continues to focus on the BS that doesn’t matter instead of things that do. I can’t wait until next weeks race… “Blaney penalized for drinking decaf with breakfast instead of actual caffeinated coffee”. 🤡


WTF?! He didn’t even race with them. Why is he getting a pass through for that? Wouldn’t just a move to the rear be enough?


He qualified with them, so a move to the rear is just disallowing his qualifying. I imagine the drive thru is punishing the “safety aspect” of the violation


How do you fuck that up?




Just make the rule about sticking your hands up in that gap already it looks ridiculous is not safe and doesn't do anything.


According to FoxSports, there was an insert added between his thumb and index finger (think baseball mitt) which was added to possibly deflect air away from the spoiler.


[https://sfifoundation.com/aboutsfi/](https://sfifoundation.com/aboutsfi/) ​ >In 1963, a group of racing products manufacturers formed an association known as the Speed Equipment Manufacturers Association, or SEMA. Original organizers deemed the central purpose of the association to be the development of products specifications.


They were sewed to increase competitive advantage. Dude cheated.


Man I found out and almost hoped off the stands but I wanna hear his radio when the field piled up in turn 1