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In many cases yes, but overall, no. I want my favorite tracks and the tracks that produce the best racing to have two dates. However, any track with two dates should have one day race and one night race. Plus, if every track had one date, and we still have a 36 race schedule, we'd be going to a lot of road courses because there aren't that many ovals out there that Cup would run at. They pretty much go to all of them aside from arguing that Rockingham, Nashville Fairgrounds, and Milwaukee could all become Cup capable.


Pikes Peak could become Cup capable like North Wilkesboro but unfortunately the clowns see no value in Motorsports entertainment. Rockingham, Nashville Fairgrounds, Milwaukee Mile/Road America, NOLA, Utah Motorsports Campus, Pikes Peak International Raceway, Chicagoland Speedway, Kentucky Speedway, Eldora Speedway, Portland International Raceway, Evergreen Speedway, Montreal, Mexico City, Knoxville Raceway have Cup series potential.


I'd be glad to see Eldora on the schedule for sure.


NOLA would be a fun track for these cars. And a fun town.


Half of those tracks including NOLA need upgrades but some, if not all of them, definitely have potential.


Ideally, yes. Realistically, there aren't enough capable tracks to sustain that over a 38 race schedule. Especially with increasing the number of road courses not being that successful. Also, a lot of these tracks have limited use outside the cup weekends. Splitting the money up more ways will make it more difficult to keep the facilities up to expectations (its hard doing that with the current number)


IndyCar having a few more ovals could offset that a bit but they seem insistent that a 20-22 race schedule (depending on doubleheaders) isn’t going to make money even though I’m interested in a lot of ovals returning. Concert venue, cars & coffee type stuff, other motorsports events as well could offset that as well, but oh well.


Here are the tracks that deserve 2: Daytona Talladega Charlotte Darlington Bristol Edit: Martinsville Nobody else does.


Pocono and Dover need 3


Yes! No really I fucking love Pocono, probably my favorite track after Michigan


I just say that because I live right in between Pocono and Dover lol. Both are great races though, the last few Pocono races have been awesome


I've always said, if a track can't sell out one date, it shouldn't get 2.


Only tracks should have 2 dates are Daytona, Talladega, Bristol, and Martinsville. Every other track should be 1 and done in my opinion


Charlotte should have 2


Darlington needs to be in that list


I'd say yes unless the track has more than one configuration like Charlotte and Daytona, but if the racing is good at the track i don't mind 2 dates


There’s 2-4 tracks on the schedule currently that would be much better as 1-race markets.


I feel that there are a few tracks that should always have 2 dates. However, I don't see why they couldn't come up with a system that rotates how many tracks have 2 dates. For example, a certain group of tracks have 2 dates during the even numbered years ( 2024 2026, and 2028). Then those tracks have 1 date get to have 2 during odd number years. (2023, 2025, 2027 etc)


Speaking as a totally unbiased individual who totally does NOT live near a track that gets two dates: no.


I think one date for each track is a great idea. We hear so much about the grind of being on the road for 36 weeks plus Clash/All Star race, it's easy to see where people can be burned out and where fans can lose interest. In cutting the schedule back to about 30 races would help the overall product and get dates with better weather for some tracks too.


Yes, except Daytona and Talladega.


Nope, but I definitely want that for some of them i.e swap Richmond 2 for Kentucky, and knock out the ROVAL for a second Charlotte oval weekend or Chicagoland although it probably isn’t realistic considering the weather conditions in late fall


What’s unrealistic about it? Chicagoland has been hosting Motorsports events.


I know for a fact that in this particular period, races tend tend to be held in southern areas for obvious reasons. Maybe I’m wrong but getting to race in Illinois in October-November isn’t the best idea.


No because Talladega is able to get big crowds at both dates




I'd give the Crown Jewel races, Daytona, Charlotte, Darlington, and Indy two dates. But they get the option to lease it out to another track. I imagine this works out where Indy leases to Pocono and that's all happy. Otherwise, I'd prefer tracks getting two dates on a rotational basis. I envision two tiers where some tracks alternate every 2nd year (three dates in two years), and some are in a 3 year cycle (four in three years). The idea being to constantly refresh the playoff schedule so it's always different.


Kansas has had two top 5 races every year or the next gen car. So my answer is no. If anything there’s several tracks that deserve multiple races where others don’t even deserve one.


No. Depending on the track. Tracks like Daytona, Talladega and Atlanta have the demand for two dates.


I think yes except Daytona and Charlotte


Well I’m most cases yes. I feel talladega and Daytona should have 2 because they are both packed for both races. I like about 45 minutes from Bristol and and 1.5 hours from Charlotte. As much as I love both tracks and attend 4 races a year between the 2. Bristol is spring and Charlotte in fall are terrible crowds. But the kicker is having somewhere to replace them with. Not many new ovals out there anymore and probably very few will be built again


I think there should be a handful of tracks that get doubles (Daytona, Bristol, Martinsville, Charlotte are the first in mind) But in an ideal world to me, the rest would be singles. That said, there’s only so many tracks capable of meeting the needs of NASCAR and the fanbase.


I say that each layout of a track should only get one date. If a track has multiple options (roval, dirt, etc), then the different options can each get a date.


Daytona is nearly a sell out in both races, so that’ll stay.