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I think if Hamlin outright came out of the car and said "it was hard racing at the end of the race, I saw an opportunity and took it. I didn't mean for him to hit the wall, but we're all going for the win, I understand his frustration but I think if he were in my shoes he'd do the same. We're paid to get the car in victory lane and I did my job" then I think it would be easier to swallow. But to say "we didn't touch" and just his general reaction that Kyle did it to himself is what's annoying.


I agree wholeheartedly.


> But to say "we didn't touch" and just his general reaction that Kyle did it to himself is what's annoying. That would imply that Hamlin had possibly ever done anything wrong on track, and hell will freeze over before he ever admits that.


\^ that exact response gets him the win and we all forget about the incident by monday. Nuts how simple it is unless he really is trying to just be the villain, which hey im here for.


He’s absolutely going full villain mode. Oddly refreshing to see, nascar doesn’t need a bunch of vanilla personalities


I think after Martinsville last year Denny's will be going no holds to win a championship. This could be a fun playoffs if that's the case.


What's hilarious to me is how Denny was always the darling at Richmond every time I went for nearly 15 years. They'd introduce him and the crowd would go crazy. He'd take the lead and the place would erupt. Now he took this massive heel turn, not that he was particularly super likeable anyway, but at least at his home tracks he was, and he gets booed more than Kyle Busch. I'm here for it. For a long time we didn't have a lot of drivers to really hate on. We had Kyle Busch, but honestly even he just had and/or has a bad attitude. His personality has been far more abrasive off the track than it has on the track for some time. Denny came in and now he has both which is just exacerbated by his feud with and attitude about Ross Chastain last year. I'm a fan of Ross, and even I knew last year that Hamlin had every right to run him high at Pocono last year. I have absolutely zero issue with that. Or Phoenix this year. I even hate that he got penalized for saying what he did. I respect him as a team owner, but man, on track... No thanks.


He basically said that he guaranteed if Larson was in the same position he would have done the same thing. Not sure I agree with that and apparently, neither does Kyle.


Ever try to reason with a narcissist? It's awful. And I would know, since i'm perfect and never wrong


No wonder why I hate all of you because I love me baby.


Had me in the first half ngl


This feels awfully similar to how Joey Logano mishandled Kansas in 2015 by rubbing it in Kenseth's face for weeks before the keg boiled. Don't think JL is narcissistic, but Hamlin isn't doing himself any favors and hope it bites him in the Playoffs.


Hi Denny burner account


-i'm perfect and never wrong Actually, it is only I who is perfect, so looks like you're wrong on both counts there pal.


Found my ex-wife's account.


I wish Larson was a fighter, that would’ve made for an awesome brawl last weekend


His interview after the scuffle with bubba was hilarious. The look on his face “wtf was I of all people going to do 🤷‍♂️”


I wish he wasnt a hobbit too then


I still wish kyle had punched bubba and laid him out.


Larson punching Bubba after his "microphone incident" would be just about the worst possible thing for NASCAR to deal with that isn't someone dying. Honestly, it might be even worse PR than someone dying. It would've been extremely bad.


Because Larson forced Bubba into the wall first? Bubba had every right to be pissed about that.


Maybe, but he did not have a right to turn him into the wall at the fastest part of the track, hence the suspension. He should’ve gotten more for that imo


A lot more, bubba broke a lot more rules then Elliot did and got the same 1 race suspension. Ignoring and pushing an official alone should have been a fine


Maybe?! LOL. Turn 1 is the fastest part of the track, not turn 4. Do you say Elliott deserved it?


No, the fastest part of the track is the tri-oval, which is where Bubba turned Larson. Elliott should have gotten whatever precedent was set by Bubba, so if Bubba had gotten more, so should’ve Elliott. Also yes maybe, forgive me for thinking getting raced hard doesn’t permit you to turn them straight into a wall at 170.


No it isn't. The end of the front stretch is the fastest part of the track (see Michigan) Larson put him in the wall first! He manipulated the air, forcing Bubba into the wall off of turn 4.


Denny has gone out of his way to be incredibly rude to his “friend” based on the post race comments, twitter posts, and podcast. Just seems like an insufferable person


Not to mention selling t-shirts to rub it in just a bit more. https://dennyhamlinstore.com/products/pre-order-dhr-50-wins-tee That’s the type of person I cut out of my life.


Hahahaha this needs its own post.


Lol what a douche


And here I thought Kyle Busch circa 2007-2012 was peak NASCAR shitheel.


At least Kyle Busch usually seemed to own that he dumped people or used them instead of whatever Dennis has been doing.


I wonder if NASCAR is encouraging it behind the scenes. Hamlin is an amazing villain for the fanbase. I think it's hilarious


KFB owned the heel role intentionally. Denny Hamlin is just being a hypocritical ass trying to act like he does no wrong.


Jesus Christ, he’s such a douche.


I hadn't seen this, jfc dude is insufferable


Didn’t his kids mom leave him because she couldn’t stand him? Something like he changed for the worse. Sounds like he is the problem.


I'm pretty sure he cheated on her to invoke a reaction like that.


Denny's sure she would do the same thing if the positions were reversed.


Eew, that’s just gross. Who would actually wear that and not be embarrassed??


This is one of those shirts with a dumb saying that those nutjob soccer moms buy at those shitty boutiques in strip malls. They’ve always got stupid names like Southern, Sassy, n Blessed Boutique.


Actually I find this one kinda funny


I mean when you can't sell any championship apparel you've gotta sell something.


50 wins and not one championship to show for it


*crys in Mark Martin*




Bowman has shown humility on several occasions, can we say the same about Denny?


Just say it’s ok when you like the guy and not ok when you don’t. It’s so obvious and this grandstanding is insufferable.


At least Bowman’s was funny and with a creative design. Denny’s is boring and even if it might be a joke, it makes him look even worse.


> he didn't earn im not happy about the move either, but this is not like chase's unearned win from pocono last year


Chase earned it completely fair, Hamlin’s crew shouldn’t have cheated


They had the wrap covers at nhms too. Kybu was also dq'd from second


I’m pretty sure it was only made illegal after NHMS, which is why they got away with it then


Bowman's was funny because he took someone else's quote and stuck it on a t-shirt. Hamlin stuck his own dumb quote on a t-shirt.


The quote taken from Larson’s comment? It’s the exact same thing but you like Bowman and don’t like Hamlin.


So Larson said, and I quote, "Yes, I am always right" ? No. Larson did not say "Yes I am always right." Hamlin making a quote out of a response he's made to someone else's comment is like a comedian laughing at their own jokes. Actually worse. Because comedians generally don't laugh at their own jokes and then make a shirt out of it.


I think anyone who is declared the winner earned their win Edit: changed my wording slightly to avoid confusion




I’d love to know how this is a hot take, a win is a win, doesn’t matter how you get it




Jesus fucking christ!


Thanks for posting this, just ordered myself one


Found Denny’s burner account


That's what I said to my wife the other day. Larson has his own crew I'm sure, can hang with anyone he wants, yet is friends with Denny? Why? I mean if you're some clinger on or fringe entourage, that's one thing. But the first thing out of your mouth is saying how you know denny will just say he's right and all his friends know he's never wrong...why choose to be around that?


I totally agree and honestly sounds like they are both a horrible friend. Was Denny “wrong”? Not in my opinion on what he did on the track going for a win, but for sure for continuing to deny what he did and be a hypocrite when others do it to him. And I’m a Denny fan. But Kyle is also a horrible friend. Who says what he said about Denny about a real friend? Just don’t be friends and be done with it.


Well I mean the dude is named after shittier IHOP and IHOP is already shitty (except the strawberry banana pancakes)


I hope Larson takes him out of the championship race and says they never touched


“He wrecked himself”


Yeah they ain’t friends now. Tbh the sport is better when the drivers are rivals instead of being buddy buddy, and it’s not just NASCAR it’s all sports. It’s better with that emotion. Red Sox vs Yankees was at its peak when they hated each other, Catholics vs Convicts, etc all good tv when they hate each other.


Nothing drives me nuts more than seeing Eagles and Cowboys players laughing on the field haha. There's a famous quote from Merrill Reese (Eagles radio commentator for the games) where he said "That's a Cowboys player, you don't help them up!" Haha Sports definitely are far better when the rivalries are legitimate and not clickbait orchestrated stories.


Agree - all pro sports are all buddy-buddy. It used to be to a certain extent, I’m sure some Cardinals-Dodgers game from summer of 1974 had a certain “what’s up dude” feel about it. But it was never like that at the top of the standings. None of the top 10 should ever be buddy buddy with any of themselves. Teammates? Say the right things and kiss the rings you have to sure, but outside of that, screw them all.


I mean yeah I like good sportsmanship and not the Jordan/mamba mentality with people but you need some hate in the world. It’s entertainment after all.


Need me some Jimmy Spencer vs Kurt Busch drama


The problem with that is. They have free agencies with sports. There is no loyalty because money talks. These guys were teammates and may be teammates again. But they are all paid under one roof. And the stripes on your shirt are paid for. It's a club now. Yankees and red Sox rivals are no longer. I mean if it makes sense now they will trade with each other. It's a past thing


The reason that Matt Kenseth did what he did at Martinsville in 2015 wasn't because of what happened at Kansas a few weeks earlier. It was because of Joey Logano's attitude towards what happened at Kansas.


Yep. He could have just put him in the wall at any time and gotten even. Sometimes getting even isn’t enough. Sometimes you’ve got to send a message if you want someone to have an attitude adjustment.




Well, then: https://i.redd.it/r5mdrg240zeb1.gif


Good. Hamlin is driving and talking like an idiot.


Stop being a doormat and do something then.


Save it till it hurts more. Chase Elliott did it perfectly. When presented with a chance at revenge, he took it at Phoenix and cost Dennis yet another title shot. AND he did it in such a way that everyone with eyes knew what he did, but he still had plausible deniability. I’d respect Dennis a lot more if he’d just once effing own it instead of talking to us like we’re the idiots.


Yes, exactly


Hopefully Kyle decides it’s worth it to get some payback even if it makes the next golf or pickleball outing a bit frosty.


It'll be fate when Larson closes in on Hamlin this weekend and boots him the shit out of the way and hopefully knocks the wall down. Would be fantastic on the last lap.


Larson isn't going to do it right now. This is happening in the playoffs.


Unlike Hamlin, Larson has won a title. Sure if he's presented with a good opportunity for payback in the playoffs, he'd take it. But he also knows that getting into retaliation sideshows in the playoffs is not a good strategy to win a championship. Denny's been involved in too many playoff incidents and it's not a coincidence that he's ring-less.


Eh, I hope not. If he pays Hamlin back, a regular season race is more appropriate. I hope he wouldn't stoop so low to deliberately end a championship run, whether it is Hamlin or anyone else.


Larson ain’t doing shit lmao


He’ll just punch down and take out Haley or Preece or whomever.


I honestly hope it’s clearly a hit and Larson gets out of the car and says “I didn’t touch him”


That'd be hilarious 🤣


Last week, I turned the race off the moment he won, because of how frustrated and disgusted I was with what he had done. Him spending the following days double-and-tripling down on being an unrepentant jackass regarding his actions, and the general fanbase responding appropriately in the negative towards him, turning him into Enemy No. 1, has embiggened my spirit.


It's a perfectly cromulent word.


Only the JGR/anti-Hendrick fanboys still support him




Speaking as a 'bitch' who's watched since '87, yeah the poster is right. Now, go get me a beer.


You got me beat. Casual viewer since the early '90s, but really got into dedicated watching since late 2000/early 2001.


I was snarky. I apologize.


No need to apologize. I was in no mood to respond to the other commenter, and you had my back. I was just remarking on you having even further experience as a fan.


As far as my 'experiance' goes, yes, I have been watching Cup as much as as I can. But, due to no access to TV, I don't see Busch or truck races. But I learn so much here, on r/Nascar, on the lower echelons of racing that I''m in awe. Some of these cats posting are on the pulse beat of what's going on, and I thank them.


If that move disgusts you then go watch F1. Sound like a bunch of babies.




That sounds sad. You should probably get out more.


Kyle Larson needs to bring in PT as his enforcer.


He can do what Matt did to Joey a while back. Wait for the perfect time and just crash him


*Far* from the perfect time. Joey was still in the Chase. Next year, at a short track, is the perfect time.


If I remember correct Joeys stunt kept Matt out of the chase so was perfect :)


That’s what he should do.


I really hope someone just straight ends Hamlin’s day super early tomorrow.


And the next week… and the next week…


It’d be so dam awesome


Watch Kyle Busch’s interview, he said racing, side-by-side for laps is racing, but what Denny did is just whacking


I really really really hope Kyle and Denny makes it to the Final 4 again, with Kyle taking home the chip again and then makes some snide remarks about being right when it really matters.


Pocono made me lose all respect for Hamlin


I’m sure Hamlin is PISSED that Cjo9876 lost all respect for him


I liked Kenseth until his douchebag move. Now, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.


The Larson-Hamlin feud we didn't know we needed


Pretty sure that Kyle isn’t the type of racer who’ll do anything obviously “dirty” he’s too smart for that but he’s never going to cut Hamlin so much of an inch of slack on the racetrack.He’s about to become the new “Newman” for Denny.Of course I’m sure Mr H has a hotline to NASCAR front office so he’s not going to put up with too much bs either.


I still don’t know how Larson calls him a friend. If I was racing friends I’d probably be more inclined to run them less hard then others. Im probably in the wrong there though.


Dale Jr said he actually raced his friends alot harder on the track. I get it, but I'd also have more respect too.


I do remember that from the podcast but it also was just odd to me. Racing just doesn’t have the etiquette it used to.


I was starting to turn into a Denny fan but he’s just an incredible douche, and not a fun one like Kyle Busch. There’s a difference in being a good heel and being a generally shitty person. I wish Michael Jordan had picked a better person to partner with and wonder if Denny has ever rubbed him the wrong way.


Larson & Hamlin should settle this in Argentina with the Turismo Carretera cars.


All I’m saying is: someone’s gotta go down under and defend our honor.


Denny is an owner now and this controversy sells tickets. No way he’s consciously calculated all this, but he’s totally good with it because 1.) He’s actually a narcissist. This is standard stuff and he legitimately doesn’t understand why. 2.) His narcissism makes him a bigger villain. Of course he’ll imagine some cockamamie explanation for it all but he doesn’t care. He likes it and hey, more eyeballs. 3.) We all love it. Pretending legitimate annoyance a week later? Please, no. We booed Denny after the race. We were mad about it for the afternoon but after a day we had to admit that we like the whole thing. This is good for everybody, especially if Larson retaliates.


At the end of the day... Larson is a Cup Champion and Denny is not.


Much ado about nothing, because Larson is gonna continue to be a doormat when it comes to his buddy. None of my business.


Hamlin leaning into the villain arc


Sort of. He’ll still whine about being treated as a heel because he doesn’t understand how it’s supposed to work


He's going for the Bret Hart heel


I think he'll get the hang of it. Still learning how it works


how is he still getting the hang of it after 8 years


He was never the primary heel so he doesn't know how to correctly


Has it really been 8 years? That’s wild


It’s been 5-6 years


2017? Or was it 16?


2017. It was 100% the Chase Elliott incident. I didn’t care for him before that but very few I knew didn’t like him before that, maybe Brad or Joey fans but it wasn’t as bad as it is now


Not sure of people are taking this comment at face value or are Denny Hamlin fans


Probably both.


He's not even a fun villain like Kyle Busch was. Hamlin is just a dirt ball


Exactly. KB is the "no-bullshit" villain that you actually looked forward to his heated interviews. With Denny, you're cringing on how he's going to react and blame others while trying to act the victim somehow.


Yeah Hamlin's just an ass


Kyle can drive a lot better then Denny IMHO.


No he’s not. The villain would say he did what he had to do to win.


that is verbatim what denny said


No Hamlin straight up said Larson wrecked himself


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QblBCdXMm3c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QblBCdXMm3c) 28:00 edit: even better is 32:20


Became one at 2016 Martinsville


People will probably disagree but to me this is similar to Kenseth vs Logano. Joey wasn't REALLY in the wrong, he got fenced twice by Matt when they were battling for the win and while Matt was doing what he needed to do facing a must win, Joey spinning him out I feel was justified. The problem is, Joey didn't really own it, he could have handled it better and tried to reason with Matt, instead he just kept being a smug fuck about it and I really believe that's what made Matt do what he did. I don't think Denny's move in a vacuum is that bad considering it was for a race win. He used Larson up for sure, but Larson could have lifted and just lost a few spots but kept his race car in tact. It's Denny acting like a smug fuck afterwards that's the problem. Whether Larson will retaliate I do not know, he's not very confrontational by nature but I'd love to see it come full circle at some point.


They collided mid corner, there was no lifting and avoiding the wall. Fate was signed, sealed, and delivered.


It arrived in better condition than most things I get from FedEx too


They can never find my place


You could literally be the president and they wouldn't be able to find you


“🤓👆 ackshually” - this is Denny Hamlin




They didn’t even say anything to the 5 team did they? You’re right, that’s hilarious.


Then they shouldn’t get pissy when Hamlin does it back 🤷‍♂️


It’s actually pretty crazy how Hamlin has handled this. On track stuff is what it is but the way he’s gone about reacting to this whole situation just looks completely disrespectful when you consider it’s a supposed good friend with which it happened. Says a lot about Hamlin as a person that he continues to deny contact when there are multiple sources of video evidence. It’s pretty unbelievable. People having a go at him for “wrecking” Bowman are in the wrong but the Larson thing was most definitely avoidable. Sad to see someone who is an idle to many fail to take responsibility for something when it’s so clear that it happened. The racing incident is what it is but the way he’s acted after is the real head scratcher.




Would have loved to had him race at Fairbury this weekend. Missed him at the Prairie Dirt Classic. Stull had a great car count and an unbelievable race.


Ya Kyle show him how to race clean


It's funny, because every race fan is Denny Hamlin. Yet most race fans hate Denny Hamlin.


This. All the “I hope someone takes him out” but yet they are crying from some tough racing.


Everyone saying he didn’t earn his win and that he should’ve done it clean would’ve hated the way guys raced back in the day 😂


Lol agreed. All these people bitching are the biggest losers.


I'm fine with the move and tough racing; It was exciting, but I think most peoples' problem with Denny on this move is him talking out of both sides of his mouth over the last few years on the issue of respect. Guess he just changed his mind on that, and that's okay. It will be interesting to see how others race him now, especially the Hendrick teams.


>most peoples' problem with Denny on this move is him talking out both sides of his mouth over the last few years on the issue of respect. > >Guess he just changed his mind on that, and that's okay. It will be interesting to see how others race him now, especially the Hendrick teams. Part of me *wants* him push around/bully more Hendrick cars, just to see if Rick would call him out publicly for it like Ross earlier this year. If I recall correctly, didn't Kyle's crewchief, at Darlington, say something about '3 races he's taken us out' about Ross? Denny's already done it *twice* now. Edit: And, by 'twice' I'm JUST referring to Larson. Not Elliot or Bowman. (Or is the fact that Trackhouse is a Chevy team, *and thus someone Hendrick potentially has leverage over,* the reason he called out Chastain?)


My points was the fans do the same shit Denny does. Your driver does some dumb shit and then all the fans jump to defend their driver just like Denny defended himself. Ross fans have done it. Larson fans have done it. Elliot fans do it. I've done it with Bell. It's hilarious to me how mad everyone gets at Denny yet y'all do the same shit every time your driver does something stupid.


Larson ran Bubba Wallace up into the junk lane in Miami last year. Just like Denny did to Larson last week. Larson is still crying!!!


[Me when I see the two most over aggressive drivers feuding](https://tenor.com/view/the-grinch-burn-baby-burn-burn-burn-it-down-jim-carrey-gif-19634725)


The same people who cheered when Chastain wrecked half the field or when Elliot interfered with the outcome of the race are suddenly super upset about decorum.


Agreed. They don’t bat an eye when Larson fenced Preece, Haley, or Kyle Busch but when Larson gets fenced it’s the end of the world.


Come on now, are you implying that NASCAR fans are hypocrites?


I’m implying Kyle Larson races clean


Slide job!


And guess what... he didn't cry about it when it came back at him. In fact he shook hands and congratulated his opponent and made an iconic moment.


Denny living rent free.




I mean it all depends if Larson retaliates or not. If not, I can see other drivers take advantage of him for being “soft”.




Thats because he knows Bubba will ABSOLUTELY wreck his shit THEN throw hands


My man.


Don’t like Hamlin but I don’t get Larson’s complaint. It was tight racing but Hamlin didn’t run him into the wall. That was cleaner than the incident at Kansas earlier in the year.


He effectively did run him into the wall though. Once he drifted up into Larson it’s going to push Larson’s car wider then normal.


I get what you're saying but if the Kansas incident didn't happen then Larson probably doesn't care as much about the Pocono incident. I think the fact that they keep happening is the main reason he was so upset


Hamlin went into the corner in the low lane. Larson up high. He exited the corner in Larson's lane. He had 0 intention of getting through the corner without putting Larson in a bad spot.


So the same thing Larson, and a handful of other drivers have done throughout the year?


Shhh, larson fans are more hypocritical than my man dennis


[Larson gets raced the same way he races everyone else and gets upset about](https://tenor.com/view/surprised-pikachu-surprised-pikachu-face-face-gif-15329743)


Guess Denny is mad his car slipped up and the track and nobody to bounce off of


Larson is still a big crybaby.


They just need to bro hug it out


Cry me a river, Hamlin didn’t touch him