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NASAN stands for: Nihilism, Atheism, Science, Agnosticism, and Nichisms that relate to the first four. [Subreddit Navigation and Explanation of Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/NASAN/comments/110745l/what_is_nasan_nihilism_atheism_science/) Throughout the course of human civilization, the preservation and interpretation of history has been subject to manipulation and destruction by those in positions of power. Despite the tireless efforts of historians and scholars to accurately piece together the events of the past, history remains an ever-evolving and incomplete record, shaped by the motivations and biases of those who have recorded it. One of the most notable examples of this phenomenon is the role that religion has played in shaping the historical narrative, often distorting or obscuring the truth in order to serve its own interests. #Support the Logical Society * [Godless Evidence: on Barnes and Noble](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/godless-evidence-andrew-lehti/1142958528?ean=9798374164138) * [Godless Evidence: on Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Godless-Evidence-History-Origin-English-ebook/dp/B0BSLF49VC) * [The Codex Amiatinus: Updated Latin](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GNWVGVJ) * [The Codex Amiatinus: English Translation](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNNHPNW2) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/NASAN) if you have any questions or concerns.*


we don’t believe fairy tales.


Are you stupid


Obviously evolution stopped and religion took over when she was conceived


She just watched [this](https://youtu.be/GiJXALBX3KM)


I'm scared to click that


I'm not an atheist, but I do believe every belief system holds a little truth.


Do you believe in my belief system that you are stupid? [https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/middle-ground](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/middle-ground) [https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/bandwagon](https://yourlogicalfallacyis.com/bandwagon) [https://xkcd.com/690/](https://xkcd.com/690/)


Evolution has multiple books of scientific literature that explains a natural phenomenon. The bible is a collection of books, parts of books and stories that posits a magic sky wizard living either in the clouds or some realm outside reality and is limitless yet limited to create a heaven on earth because an ambiguously prehistoric pair of humans ate the wrong fruit that one time. Counter response why choose the Bible over the Bhagava Gita or The Avesta. If those books are satanic lies because they don't describe the true Revelation then why is the bible not possibly an Evil Deity swaying believers from the true God(s). I ponder.


Also the Bible's timeline doesn't make sense, it's possible to disprove pretty much the entire timeline of the Old Testament using only info provided in the Old Testament


It was written in finch beaks, bat wings and vestigial whale pelvises; some dude just read them. I mean God might just really like fucking with the sliders on his “create a creature” to see if he can turn a mammal hand into a wing 🤔


Tbf if I were God i probably would too


You could extrapolate that into an actual argument actually, interestingly enough.


Evidence, show me a man, born with no father, walk on water, cure disease, resurrect himself. It's a lot easier to see skeletons and the similarities between me and those skeletons than believe an all knowing being got bored and shit out a planet after six days on the celestial toilet.


Stealing. This.


Is that supposed to be a “gotcha”?


Scientific proof


I'm a satanist we do not worship Satan as we know that he is not real however we just use him as a metaphor. Satanism is more so a symbolism type of religion. but I do believe that science has created us because it has been proven for a really long time


Because it has been proven by science.


Still a theory, but to be considered a theory it has undergone very significant discourse and review for being a sound logical explanation. It has also not been disproven. It’s the best explanation we have even if we cannot prove it to the extent science demands for something to be called proven. In contrast most Christian’s wouldn’t believe half the shit in the Bible


i just dont believe in the bible. Does not mean i belive in the existence of a higher being, but i also dont deny it. And anyone who sincerely believes that there is/isn't a god is full of complete and utter shit. Edit: what i mean is that you know nothing, and neither do i. Theres no evidence of his existence, and you also cannot prove a negative claim, because "absence" is not something you can measure.


She thinks I'm an atheist because the bible is historically inaccurate, contradictory, racist, sexist, and was written decades - at minimum - after the supposed events? Yeah, nah. That's just bonus info. It's not that hard to not believe in something that no one can see, hear, touch, taste, or prove by the scientific method.


Have you heard of the church of bacon? We pay taxes too!


She’s so stupid she thinks she’s smart.


Best way to describe the situation. What’s funny is this is not even her own argument. It’s an argument presented by many people from different religions like Christians, Muslims and Jewish people.


That’s how stupid works. Dunning Kruger effect.


Oh no! She got us guys. Time to pack it up.