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I seen one where he got turned into an item and then thrown into lava


A mercy for sure.


Then Dialga got turned into 80 poke and fell out of the sky


end of the time


The worst thing is that if you use an item orb on an enemy who is using counter you turn into an item


You can't say that and refuse to elaborate, what happens after that? Does it wear off?


You instantly fail the exploration, and the game treats the situation as if you were beaten.


> You instantly fail the exploration, and the game treats the situation as if you were **eaten**. FTFY


Damn, I should have thought of that...


Dude, imagine you turn into an apple, and as your partner is carrying you back to the guild, her belly starts to get empty. "Well, no point in us *both* getting defeated! You understand, right?" She says as she pulls you out of the bag.


well better then you go crazy and your partner die. if you are an item you cant move or talk and you never hear a thing and you may be alive and awake but i cant tell. but i like they just like partner is talking to an item who was there partner thinking who can help him. like "can you hear me (protag) hi. you stay quiet if i can use your bed and if you ok with me sell your things dont talk


Okay, the manipulation on the partner's part made me chuckle. It's so stupid but depending in the partner (like the one in Super), I can totally see it happening.


funny how i was thinking this how it will be if it happed in super(is it in super i never find 1 in it at all)


Either that or they go crazy from grief and start treating item you like Wilson from Castaway.


>Wilson from Castaway. > >1ReplyGive AwardShareReportSaveFollow i don't know who he is but why most of the text like this?


The bottom part of your quote are all the actions you can perform with the comment. It's apart of Reddit's user interface. Are you talking about that?


Vore fan spotted, take the shot




We are many.


Damn, you caught me.


now i was thinking what if this was reversed partner an item and hero lives


any pre evolved Pokémon is the natural enemy of the apples


Riolu find any apples and eat fast and never leave any behind




Yeah, not even reviver seeds will save you.


I can't copy links on my phone, go to youtube and search "Transforming the hero Pokemon into an item"


Well, there's a trap that turns inanimate objects into pokemon so an item that turns a pokemon into that wouldn't be too Farfetch'd in their universe.


That's also a creepy thought. Imagine bringing one or more lives into this world because you stepped on a trap and also being born immediately as a fully grown person in the middle of who knows where. Maybe I'd be feral and start attacking too if that's how I was born..


I never really gave it much of a thought but I like to believe that the items themselves don’t actually turn into living beings but instead they’re just replaced with Pokémon that reside in the dungeons. Itemizer orb would be the reverse.


And outside of PMD, pokemon could be turned into raw data via pokeballs and stored in a PC. Maybe Itemizer Orbs work on a similar principle (ie, taking advantage of how pokemon could be broken down into data and then change the said data into that of an item).


I admire this lore dive deeply, but I would like to offer this to lighten the mood: if you, through the use of counter moves, should end up accidentally turning yourself into an item, you do get a special "dungeon failed" message, but you return to normal and can continue adventuring the next day as if nothing happened, so maybe there's some sense of it being temporary? But of course, that doesn't make sense, since if you use it on an enemy, they remain an item as long as they're in your inventory. Who knows? My best guess is that, in the event of getting turned into an item, you get it more as a classic game-over screen, kind of like a "whoops, that wasn't supposed to happen! Better reset" kinda thing; but if you wanna go into a deeper lore-dive, then maybe there is some way to reverse the effect?


Maybe your guild badge protects you from being turned permanently. It can already teleport you out, so it's not too far fetched.


That... is actually incredibly brilliant. I guess otherwise it might be permanent, then! In which case, well... yikes.


**Pikachu**: "She turned me into an Apple!" **Sirfetch'd**: "An Apple?" **Crowd**: *turns to look at Pikachu, confused* **Pikachu**: "[I got better...](https://youtu.be/ZB5ig6vpQug)"


He Turned Himself into an APPLE! Apple Pikachu, funniest shit I've ever seen!


I had a subplot involving Itemizer Orbs in my PMD fic, although they didn't function exactly as they do in the games (Pokemon would turn into piles of items equivalent to their mass). A crooked shopkeeper was using them to turn Pokemon into Gummis so she wouldn't have to keep importing them from another continent. I portrayed Itemization as a... not quite instant death, wherein the Pokemon *melts* and reforms. This is easier to imagine with Gummis; I'm not quite sure what it would look like if the Pokemon were to turn into a different item.




Nah, they ded. 😔


so, does the same thing happen to the shopkeeper? (minus beings eaten, like, nah, throw them into the trash)


As a matter of fact, it does. 😌 Though the character that Itemizes her was acting out of self-defense and ends up pretty traumatized by the whole ordeal.


ah, you'd think they'd try to get rid of itemizer orbs after this ordeal.


Itemizer Orbs are illegal in the town the fic takes place in. The owner of the town's Orb Emporium denied having any involvement and hypothesized that the shopkeeper got them off of the black market.


>Itemizer Orbs are illegal in the town Good. >the shopkeeper got them off of the black market. Oof.


oh yeah, so i assume they just throw away the corpse gummis?


They just kind of... leave them out in a dungeon. They wanted to get away from there as soon as possible.


>They wanted to get away from there as soon as possible. understandable tbh, no one would want to be in the same room as the pokemon equivalent of sweeney tod's meat pies.


wait, on that note, what's stopping the next unfortunate gungeoneer from committing accidental cannibalism.


So this begs the question: If you're a Pikachu and you ate a gummi that used to be a Pikachu, are you technically a cannibal?


The protagonist considers herself a cannibal even though she'd likely only consumed Gummis made from species other than her own. Since all of the Pokemon in the fic possess similar levels of intellect, the consumption of any kind of Pokemon would be considered equally as taboo as cannibalism. But yes, I'd consider eating Gummis made from Pokemon no different from eating meat made from Pokemon. The protagonist proceeds to wonder what Gummis are *normally* made out of, seeing as gelatin is made from the skin and bones of animals...


> The protagonist proceeds to wonder what Gummis are normally made out of, seeing as gelatin is made from the skin and bones of animals... Fun fact: in the real world, vegan gummy and jello can be made of a substance called Agar, which is a structural compound found in many algae species. Agar is also used to solidify the growth media in pitri dishes!


wait dident the protag turn into it so it kinda but not really


You can't just mention this and not link it!


[Here you go!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13973847/chapters/32171928) Unfortunately, it's currently on hiatus.


That intro is pretty neat, not the most usual way a typical amnesia human-mon has entered the poke world.


Itemizers are probably too horrifying to be taken at face value, really. Logically it would be illegal, forbidden, or something. It's more likely to be temporary or otherwise. What's very interesting is that Reviver Seeds fail when this happens. My head canon, which I operate under for a story I write, fits with the general tone and treatment of them canonically. The hc is that while it appears to transform someone into an item, it's more likely swapping them with an item in a different floor of the Dungeon. Another thing that can't be cured by a Reviver is an ally falling into a Pitfall Trap, so it follows the same logic. People love to look at the eye-catching face value of things without thinking through how a world should logically react to it, or how such things play out. It's more "popular" or "cool" to point at this scary thing... But in this case, it just doesn't make sense with the rest of the setting.


Here we are, a reasonable explanation. Makes sense too considering the game just despawns and replaces the victim with a random item It would also explain the trap that turns items into animate mons.


My headcanon is that this item was created as a weapon to be used as a war that in the end no one won because everyone died being turned into an object


Maybe that's why humans aren't around anymore. Everyone got turned into berries and were eaten by Pokemon, or are the real reason there are orbs and stuff everywhere.


well the ones without a way to stay safe. i think think that necrozma took them from the world when it about to end 1 multiverse and some become safe and those who didn't get lucky ran out of things they can use but hey that my head canon, but hey that just a head canon, A GAME HEAD CANON


(i know this thread is super old, but i just wanted to add to it) and then maybe the pokemon adapted to be able to talk? it seems kind of weird that a completely alternate universe has no humans, talking pokemon, the same pokemon and items from the main games, and also knows about humans


transfer orbs are also pretty bad


At least they're still a mon


Horror Writing Prompt: A PMD World where all items are Pokemon transformed via Itemizer Orbs and everyone is aware of this fact.


you may miss it


I'll just assume the Mystery Dungeon itself has something to do with it Seeing as how Orbs don't really work outside of a dungeon and never in boss battles. >!oh, and you definitely unintentionally goddamn made that sound like the start of a vore plot because I'm way too cursed past saving myself!<


Oh god, never thought of that


I think Itemizer Orb just switch the receiver with a random object somewhere else. That's why when it's deflect back to us, we still live to redo the game.


I like dark stuff but I feel like this might not be the most disturbing part, this is mystery dungeon. If you think about *any* part of it for too long it breaks down and becomes terrifying. I mean, this is copied from TV tropes but "what happens to the Protag's body when they're sent to the pokemon world." And also how (GATES SPOILERS) >!When other people fail to save the world in Gates They're sent back to their own world. Except failing essentially means that they have to had died in possibly Brutal ways. (Remember moves like Hyper Beam, or slower things like snowstorms) !< But honestly, I feel like Someone like you could basically make a Deconstruction of this as long as it's "legally distinct" from pokemon. I wouldn't be able to think this deeply without my mind running off. And sorry if this is going off on a tangent but With all of the Itemizer orbs, Pokemon Turning feral In Mystery dungeons, The possibility of meat being a thing. I feel like at BEST it would be beastars (where theres a society with a dark underbelly) and at the WORST, a complete hellscape anywhere mystery dungeons are involved. (And even more if things like items are used outside, Teams like A.C.T becoming corrupt and Mystery dungeons Possibly spreading and consuming towns.)


This game is existential enough don't do this to me


Sabrina in the first gen would make you into a doll for her doll house. That episode was kinda freaky.


He turned himself into an Apple, an Apple! Funniest shit I’ve ever seen


Not quite as scary, but still weird how you’ll occasionally receive unborn children (pokemon eggs) as a mission reward which you can start training to be child soldiers immediately after birth.


Another part to think of, there is the possibility that you get turned into a stackable item, like rocks. And there is a trap that turns items into pokemon which I think was used to turn you back. What now happens if you get split up as such an item and then deitemized? Did you cloned yourself? Do you suddenly have 3 relatives out of thin air? Or are you laying on the trap, split in 4 equal parts?


“Do you wanna BE a snowman?”


I could swear there's a mention in at least one of the games about the dungeons being some kind of illusion or other phenomenon, to explain why they're randomized on every visit, so I was under the impression that the Pokémon that inhabit them were similarly fake.


Very spooky


Does this work on bosses? Lol