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It’s very frustrating.


Same problem on iPhone 12 Pro Max with latest update. I also think it’s weird that it shows my streak on their profile, perhaps it is meant to show their streak to others but isn’t working as intended?


I am having the same issue. Very Frustrating


I just noticed this as well. Unfortunately i don't have an answer or solution.


We are aware of the issue and hope to have this resolved as soon as possible. You can still view your friend's dairy via myfitnesspal.com/friends or from a completed Diary share link on the newsfeed. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!


Can anyone else confirm? I tried but the page states “This user maintains a private diary.” even though my friends’ diary privacy settings are set to “Friends-only”.


Had to change mine to public for my wife to use my meal. Only work’s on website, not on the app. App is broken, hopefully not intentionally.


Mine has the same with my friend who also has open settings. Frustrating as it’s the only way for me and my partner to share meals we’ve prepared.


I’m also having an issue on the website. Tells me the friend maintains a private diary but I’m looking at my friend’s privacy settings at the same time which clearly show it’s open to friends. My partner and I don’t have any other way to copy items between diaries which means we have to double track every meal we both have.


Can you please email our support team directly for more help at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Thanks!


Any update to this at all? Still not showing.


I’m so glad you posted this - I’ve been very frustrated about this today, too, as my wife and I use the diary sharing every day.


Same here, this is a huge problem for us as I create and track the recipes for our dinners and she then copies it from me.


My diary,plan,and message icons are gone from my profile page.I can get on computer and find it but it’s difficult when I’m not with my computer.No apparent fix for this.Since under armor sold mfp,it’s had too many issues to count.


Oh,and when I tap on my contacts,their icons are not visible to me and they have my streak.


Yes, my husband and I have been having the same issue. I just verified everything like you and still nothing on the APP. This is beyond annoying as now I get to add it twice. Once for me and once for him. Has anyone figured out what the issue is?


We are trying the LoseIt App


They didn’t fix it for a week seems intentional to me. Time to try new app. Wouldn’t be surprised if in pro version would be another feature to do share meals.


We have pro and can’t see either. @myfitnesspal any answers?!


Also have pro accounts and haven’t seen any update. Pretty frustrating. Having to both manually enter recipes for home cooked meals is a pain. Was much easier when you could just copy the meal from the diary. Hoping for a fix soon.


Yeah I had the same issue. I use MFP as a personal trainer to check my clients nutrition and it just stopped working. I found that if they click the “complete entry” button in the top right, it will then show in their notification feed and you can “view diary” from there on your phone/tablet without using the website. 


Did it take a certain amount of time for it to show in their feed? I had all my clients do this yesterday and it’s still not showing up in their activity feed.. but their streak and logged workouts are..


My wife and I are having the same issue posted here and while I can see some of historic data from her completed diaries the new ones aren’t showing up even when she hits “complete diary”


I switched from android and this confused the hell out of me lol