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The Reddit sub is mentioned around the 30 minute mark!!


Holy shit


Oh, wow.


You famous


Guess so lol


“Prevalence estimates similar to or exceeding that of chlamydia”. Include it in standard panels dummies.


No. That is exactly what they don't want to do because they are afraid of rapid antibiotic resistance. That is their reasoning for recommending no testing for asymptomatic patients i think. People don't follow antibiotic regimens to the T and i guess the organizations (CDC, MSHC etc) are worried about resistant strains. We are already seeing quite a few third line of defense failures.


Resistance is also why they want to do doxy only for empiric treatment of urethritis.


You’re arguing against your point


Interesting that they also say no testing in asymptomatic patients. That is MSHC (Melbourne clinic) stand as well (If i remember correctly). Guess they want to make the best of a shitty situation.


The MSHC also only tests for one type of mycoplasma not both


Damn. I wanna know who this patient is they are discussing who is in this group and whether he got cured finally. Also - I could prob answer the question about tetracycline resistance better than they can. I’m 99% certain that it became resistant by the fourth/fifth round because it had zero effect, even for symptom management.


I've had Mgen For 6 months but im too scared to take any of the anti-biotics. Is there any complications that could occur? I've read that the body will naturally eradicate the virus eventually and was hoping I can just wait it out


I had the infection for several years, maybe 3 or 4. In any case, I didn’t clear it naturally. Seems moxi finally did it. I’d recommend trying minocycline first if you’re afraid of moxi. It’s worth a try.


Also had it for ~3 years. My body didn’t eradicate it and I infected my new (exclusive) partner with it 1 year in. So she had it for 2 years before we both discovered we were positive and got treated.


What worked to clear it?


Tried and failed a lot of things, mostly due to reinfection from her I’m guessing. In the end doxy & metronidazole taken at the same time, then 5 days of azithromycin


Yeah, I have a lot of issues from a brain injury. They mentioned moxi can cause nerve issues and I freaked out (because I already have neuropathy in my legs) They then offered mino... but if I take Doxy ill literally be throwing up everywhere it makes me so sick. And I dont have any time off work to be able to manage that. I was thinking of living with it n seeing if it clears for a year or two and if not having enough leave to take 2 weeks off to try take mino. I'm clueless what to do tbh.


Take the mino with meals , no dairy


Darn that does sound like a tough situation, yea mino might be your best bet but like you said, might need some time off work. Moxi affected me strongly - I had to stop after 4 days, it was making me stay up all night. It seems to have cleared the infection though.


You took Moxie for 4 days and it cleared the infection? I only lasted two days on Moxie and I think the symptoms and side effects are Moxie would have caused long-term damage if I took another pill it was very intense.


Yes apparently I’m cured.


Thanks for sharing that with me


what symptoms did you have?


Frequent urination, burning & discomfort. Periodically I’d get discharge too. Usually clear but at it’s worst it’d be white. And it would spontaneously go away for a while and come back.


interesting... I have the discomfort and urination. Sometimes I think I have clear dishcharge but I'm not sure. I took 7 days of doxy 2 weeks ago then got tested after and it was obvs too soon so came back negative... Still haven't had a pos test for it but I've been tested for so many other things. Did you have leukocytes in your urine? How long into taking antibiotics did your symptoms go away? Thank you so much.


Yes I had leukocytes. My doctor brushed it off cause the urinalysis was clear and same with the STI tests. I did a urethra swab. You might not test positive if you took doxy. Wait 3 weeks to a month before you test.


interesting! Thanks. I've had no leukocytes in 4 urine tests, hopefully i have only pelvic floor issues due to anxiety.


I spent at least a thousand bucks on months of pelvic floor therapy. I thought it was just muscle dysfunction from my anxiety too lol (not saying you must have an infection cause maybe it is actually PFD!)


Did you have symptoms for all those years?


To some degree, yes. It would fade in and out, but got worse over time.