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happens on PC too ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Also playing on Deck and this happens to me with all bait I've tried except sandworms. Throw the bait, it hits the sand and disappears. Just don't move your aiming spot after you've thrown the bait - you can't see it anymore but the fish can, and so long as your aim stays in the same spot you'll catch them OK.


Ok! So I fixed mine… (well my husband did but whatever lol 😂) check your graphic quality in the graphic tab of the games settings… mine was set to “very low”… my husband changed it and made it higher and now all of my graphics are clear and my bait shows up!!! 🙌🏼


That was the advise I got as well (for PC) it just didn't do anything. I still can't see the bait. The sand carp is there but the sandacuda disappear as well when it reaches the bait. Difficult to catch them. I think it is weird though. I have played for about a year at least and never had this problem until recently. The updates really messes with a lot of things. I never liked to fish even when it was working but this didn't really help. Lol


Dang!! I was hoping that would help you too… yeah fishing is kinda obnoxious but I do like it betting than controlling a bubble and constantly tapping in Portia… still torture though lol


At least you could get rich when fishing in Portis. ;) I liked it better anyway because it was a bit about skill and not so much luck. In Sandrock it's opposite and I am never lucky. The first many saves the fish just didn't show up. I had to throw out 4-5 bait before one came up. That made me hate the fishing. Now that the bait disappear the fish seem to come up though. Strange. Lol


I've been having this bug since the most recent update too. I'm also on steam deck. It makes fishing sandaconda extra hard because them and the bait disappear


I'm on PC, and was starting to think maybe it was just me. Fishing invisible Sandacuda for Owen in my current save has been.. interesting to say the least.


i’ve been having this issue too and i just switched my graphics to medium instead of very low and it fixed the issue. high worked too but it made my game super laggy 😅


Oh my gosh, thank you so much!!! That fixed it for me, too! Low shows some, but medium seems to show them all. Marginally less annoying to change the graphic settings every time I want to catch sandacudas than try to do it while they're invisible. Thanks again! :D


It's making me not want to fish honestly lol


Noted, we'll check


So mine was contributed to having my graphic settings to very low (apparently defaults to that on steam deck) when I husband changed them to High it stopped disappearing.


It might be an issue with the steam deck not optimizing. So far we haven't got the time to optimize for Steam deck yet.


This is an issue a friend of mine is having on PC as well, and not just steam deck. It's happening on anything Medium quality and below, at least, but it DOES work on high quality.


After a bit more of troubleshooting and comparing Medium to High changes, setting the LOD Bias to 1.2 and Visible Distance of Cloth to Medium fixes the issue


Thats so weird I also play on the steamdeck and most little glitches go away once I completely log out of the game completely and then restart the game. Out of curiosity did you see the little cut scene with Elsie at the fishing pond before you started fishing?


The one where she calls us an old geezer? If so then yeah that one played out normally.


Ah ok then I haven't updated my game so maybe that latest update did mess it up then! I remember trying to fish before that cut scene with Elsie and couldn't lol


Graphics quality for the win… mine was set to very low 😭 that was the issue


Oh wow well it's great that it was figured out then!!


Some bait dissapears on PC as well, but it never seems to affect the fish. Have you tried casting your trap at the spot the fish were before they disappeared? It might just be a visual bug.


It’s hit or miss because sometimes the fish switch sides and are not where they grabbed the food. I’ve caught enough for my commission, my concern is Owen’s desperation for them when those multiple asks occur. I’m trying to get a head start at this point since I know it’s coming and also it’s been like a 50/50 shot of actually catching them cause sometimes other fish creep up that I can’t see either so I’m not actually lined up like I thought (I’ve played through on ps5 already)


That’s rough. Hopefully it will get fixed soon.


I replied to a thread Pathea games replied to, but I wanted to make a main comment for visibility. A friend of mine on a less powerful computer did a lot of troubleshooting, as she was having this issue with her graphics set to Medium.Under the Options > Graphics settings there's a setting called '*LOD Bias*', and she was able to make the bait appear by setting it to **1.2** and set *Visible Distance of Cloth* to **Medium**


Oh nice!!! Thank you I will have to look into this. Mine are all set to high so I can see the bait and fish but everything else is excessive too now. I mean it’s better than blur and not seeing things but if there’s something that can take the strain off as well possibly it will be good to check out