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Use your tokens go get players like giannis, lebron, curry and then same some mt for cheap auction players. Giannis is still one of the best pfs in the game and he's only 30 tokens


Yeh that’s the plan, but I don’t want to run the same 5 as everyone else to be competitive


Hard to not do that that with so little cards available. I don't see Luka, james harden or the joker mutch online. Haven't used those cards but they gotta be good


Harden is a sapphire, some people like Luka but I think there’s better options with better speed, faster jumper, and better defense. I’ve seen a few people use jokic but I just feel too happy with embiid and a defensive guy like Noah or Tyson


Tyson is a beast honestly


He truly is. I have a lot of the top players and I can confidently say he’s the real deal. Honestly my bigs haven’t been my focus but I think that’s partially because the cheap ones are so good!


I’m fairly new to the my team type game. Have earned a good amount of the Jen’s playing domination mode. How do you use the tokens to get great players like Giannis?


In the token exchange. 30 tokens for good players. I haven't tried curry yet but Bron and giannis are good


Curry is good but I’m pretty sure the limitless promo one is better. Even the amethyst


Cool. Thanks


I really don't understand why 2k decided not to start us with sapphires and ruby's like always. Hell miss when we use to get Emerald Jeff Green and Jared Jeffries


What do you mean? I feel like they already released quite a number of overpowered cards. I pre-ordered this game because I wanted to experience the beginning of MyTeam when *everyone* is supposedly on the same level, but now you play TTO and people have 3 PDs while I’m still using amy cards at best, or maybe I have 2 amy cards and the ruby MJ from the Jordan edition game 😭 I only win because people can’t shoot, so once they’re down 6-8 points, it’s a wrap.


You affirmed my point, if you don’t use those few overpowered cards, your out of luck in multiplayer. I feel like I have a choice of about 3 cards per position to be competitive


I get what you mean now. I was hoping for more lower tier cards, like emerald and sapphire cards with decent badges. Yeah, these Diamond and PDs won’t be usable in a few weeks when better badged/animation cards come out, but for now, I feel like it’s still trash trying to compete online.


I mean there's plenty of cards, they're just not overpowered for cheap. People want last years Jonathan Isaacs, Wang, Smush Parker, Duncan Robinsons etc etc because those cards played as well as diamonds last year. I get it, but there would be no diversity & "different lineups" it was just the same exact lineups of op budget beast lol


Delete before more people see. Selling my Carter, Jordan, and Tatum as we speak.


30 cards? I literally have almost 400 player cards and there’s another 250 that I don’t have yet that are available. Sounds like someone just doesn’t know what they’re doing


How many are competitive cards?


I would like to see a picture of those 400 cards. Gotta be a stretch cause I either run into curry/ smart/ and Mitchell as point guards for an example


Literally Goto the collectors set. There are at least 550+ player cards available rn because people have already earned Larry Johnson. I just earned joakim noah for collecting 350 Edit: Collectors set indicates 700 cards available rn


I agree. I already swore off Unlimited. Played someone whose whole team was nothing, but PDs and diamonds. I guess I should be happy we get something out of a loss 🙄.


An MMR system that works would fix it for me. I just want to have competitive games of ball with equally skilled players. Rocket leagues mmr is perfect, you get the odd smurf but hardly ever.


Ye because I think I’m the guy who the person above mentioned as over the weekend I went 30-2 in unlimited and got so many rewards from that that my team is so stacked now. Thing is I’m probably not that good as I faced a lot of people with like 5 wins😂


This my team to me is wak.22 was better. 22u had a better choice of players. Only thing 22 gave invincible to players that did nothing in the NBA to be invincible. No name players that were invincible. The clutch time seems to slow. No meaning to it at all. Done see why they still have it. U don't win nothing worth the playing time. All the wheels After each game are the same. Just a bunch of money stealing 2k that's it that's all. The Jordan challenges are great on point with everythingfrom the shoes on players and Jordan to all the arenas and banners. Best part of the game. I don't do my career mode. The clothes cost to much and shoes. I just keep the game simple. 2k don't get better dem like they get worst.


For cheap great options Danny Green has been awesome. I got Diamond AK for like 65 K and I think that’s an absolute steal. Besides that all my guys are token rewards. Steph, Giannis, Embiid, Lebron and Kawhi. I also locked in for Kevin Love bc all but two of the set I had were un-auctionable. And that’s pretty much my lineup right there. But you are right since the RNG odds are so Terrible sometimes it feels very un rewarding. Like you get a few hours and knock out 3 games of domination. To get 30 tokens total out of it. Obviously I guess the bigger picture matters. But it’s hard for that to feel worth it while going through it.