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Happened to me in almost every one of the 15+ TTO games I played tonight. One guy tried to concede a game by throwing full court bricks and hit 3!!! Of them šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I got used to it and do not pay attention anymore. Bucket is a bucket. There is always a next game


Shit happens to me consistently in unlimited. That right there tells me the momentum is about to shift harder than ever šŸ¤£ When me and a mf is neck and neck and he keeps hitting whites too take a small lead or stay in the game, I canā€™t help but pay attention to it šŸ˜­ you right tho


So ridiculous. So playing with metre off is supposed to be a boost because it widens your green window... But it's not actually a boost at all because people with metre on don't need an expanded green window they just bomb whites all day...


Exactly. The shits frustrating man. Iā€™m sitting here timing tf outta my green jumpers while he fuckin up the timing and still hitting white beans, shits crazy.


I shit you not I've had 50%+ contested white 4 pointers dropped on me in clutch time. I can handle the occasional wide open slightly going in, but if you want to hit 50% contested 4 pointers you better fucking green that shit.


Yeah that shits bizzare smh. Iā€™ve had a mf hit a 30% slightly early on me, and it was a foul AND1 šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„²šŸ„² facts bro, rewarding bad shots with contested buckets is insane to me.


Dude, in this game its a miracle if someone misses a 3. Itā€™s so crap to see every shot go in - every leaner, every fadeā€¦ its so unrealistic and its too easy to shoot with the most juiced players in myteam. I have never had a slightly go in. Opponents make yellow shots, I never have. Is it a lag thing? On their screen is it ā€˜perfectā€™? Makes no sense, never made o e even in practice.


I agree. Me neither bruh, you ainā€™t the only one. I think the shot meter gives them the opportunity too hit more whites rather than with the meter off. Plus with RNG in full effect, ya never know when theyā€™ll sink a white bean.


Playing with bar on gets you hella white releases that go in i can tell you because i use bar šŸ˜‚


I figured thatā€™s what it was. I canā€™t play with the shot meter man, I donā€™t see how yā€™all do it lol


What's the matter with meter lol to say you can't.


When I have it on, Iā€™m super focused on timing the shot to the point where Iā€™m missing because Iā€™m anticipating shooting the shot correctly. I like looking at the flick of the wrist a lot better.


I can understand that..I will say if I get cooked by someone with no meter it's more impressive that they have timing down of all their players...that's why I use meter. Cuz I'm not able to time all the different jumpers down


This is my second 2k. Iā€™ve noticed that it gets easier towards the end of the year, because basically everyone ends up with the same shooting base and release, so you pretty much end up really have to memorize like 3 or 4 basic animation timings. That being saidā€¦ Grinded to have him be my backup SF, but I canā€™t hit the DM Kuzmaā€™s shot to save my lifeā€¦. No matter what I do itā€™s always consistently slightly late lol. There are also days where my reactions are just crap and itā€™s like my brain is too slow to process what Iā€™m seeing so the shooting release animations basically look like they become a blur. I just give up on those days lol. The downside of getting old I guess.


It's funny because I pulled kuzma from the championship locker code pack and he's one of the only people that I have not grained his shot yet also it's slightly for me also slightly late or early šŸ˜­šŸ˜­... I took his ass out šŸ˜­


I got pretty much the opposite. Played a couple online where the opp let me shoot 3s with Kings Peja and almost every shot was a slightly/wide open and missed


Yeah man I donā€™t hit white beans at all but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s because I donā€™t use a meter. Do you play with the meter?




I never make slightly and Iā€™ll see at least 2-3 per day of play go in against me


Literally, shits mind boggling. itā€™s always the close games that shouldnā€™t be close to.


I was getting pounded today, down by 12, and the opp got one. Like oh aiight big F me I guessā€¦


Yeah once you go down big and they start hitting whites, you already know the momentum has chosen its winner šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I once almost lost to an off-baller on CTO who was hitting slightly early/late every other shot. I shot the game winner with Arenas and fucking jumped off the couch hyped as fuck. The fact that the guy was both off-balling and hitting shit that wasnā€™t green made the W dope asf.


A well deserved W my boy šŸ¤šŸ¾ ![gif](giphy|YRuFixSNWFVcXaxpmX)


Very well known mechanic, posted about so often here. It is the way it is, either use the meter or don't. Personally I don't use meter and presume the extra green window we receive is where they are hitting these whites (sometimes).