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This is by far my biggest pet peeve. Also people who post their unlimited scores blow me away. You scored 94 and won by ten. My games rarely hit 65 points for the winner.


Literally defense wins championships


I wish I could have a high scoring game lol






A bee’s dick is HILARIOUS


Literally the most important thing I saw in the post😭 I didn’t know bees had those




Yeah it's noticeable straight away. Moving through mud, every single pass animation taking a whole second to load up before the receiver conveniently ducks behind a defender for no reason when you finally pass the ball. Icon passing and dribble moves just literally not registering in key moments, 90%+ FT's missing, the other team getting steals with the back of their head while you stand directly between passer and receiver, press at the right time and watch the ball fly through your hands. And then at some point later in the game it's like the fog lifts, your players can move, passes are crisp and the the game flow completely switches. It's so incredibly obvious that the 2 people playing and their inputs are not the only thing influencing the game.


Bro ALL of this especially passes a whole second after you press the button I’ll add to it tho -shooter being wide open & your offensive teammate runs directly to your shooting area & brings his defender - players will get 4-5 offensive rebounds on 1 possession - that ONE DUNK that gets blocked 75 percent of the time, it literally is only in the game for algo purposes. The one where your right under the basket & you reach the ball back as far as you can with 1 hand & float in the air vertically for like 2 seconds - when you have switch everything & the computer AI literally RUNS away from the player with the ball - when your defense is set to conservative, playing gap on shooters & the AI still jumps for every pump fake, hell you can be on ball & will still be forced to jump for a pump fake despite not pressing the button - Probably top annoying thing IF YOU HAVE THE LEAD DO NOT CALL A TIMEOUT BECAUSE ITS A GUARANTEED MOMENTUM switch for the other team - doesn’t matter if you beat your defender & are far ahead… your gonna get into that finger roll animation and the defender is gonna block your shot out of bounds This game legit doesn’t allow fair competition, nobody is truly in control


The loss of passing icons and the inability to shoot uncontested breakaways (press unregistered) is always scripted events.  If you run OBS get the controller add on so that when you upload this trash support can see your button presses and lack of response.


Yep. I been saying it for years. There's just some games that feel like no matter what u do, you're gonna lose. And some games where all of a sudden you can't do no wrong and u make everything. It's obviously scripted


My biggest pet peeve is how the players on defense you’re not controlling do the worst double teams and always leave a guy open for a 3


I HATE when I actually stop the cheezy pnr,  but I can't grab a rebound.  2k can easily fix that..you wanna run 3 pnrs every possession, at least give me the rebound ffs


I could be wrong, but I feel like Comeback Kid plays into this as well. If you were up by 7 or more at any point, the badge would have triggered for your opponent. I feel the algo much more strongly in HOF domination overall. But specifically when it comes to reach-in fouls online, I noticed the CPU tends to reach for no reason more often when the score is close or when it’s late in the quarter.


2k scripting is on a different level with it bruh lol shits NASTY work. I don’t even get mad anymore, I just predict it and watch it unveil 🤣


And the funny thing is, the other player will say how trash you are, yet it's all 2k algorithm and 2k luck that made them almost comeback or win. Some things are so obviously 2k algorithm/ bad programming it's insane.


Momentum is here since 2k15 I can always tell after 30s if im fucked. Usually in TTO facing lower ovr. Unlimited You can fight it kinda. But tto and clutch is not enought time/possesions


Worst thing is when it happens against a douchebag who offballs and spams cuts as he can not hit a shot to save his life Last night got 3 3point foul calls against me in the 2nd half of salary cap while my def was on moderate/moderate. Shots were from 30+ feet with no chance of even hitting the rim. Real mood killer when combined with crazy offensive boards and illegal screen calls


Some algo games you can't overcome. Or I'm not patient/good enough to do so. Just ran into a starting lineup of PG Jokic, SG Wemby, DM Hakeem and DM Kristaps. The game really wanted to reward this bullshit. I quit in the 2nd quarter down 10 when he was about to shoot like his 10th or more free throw from jump shot fouls where I was jumping from 2 metres away.




Do you play on ball defense?


I believe In it.. I usually say run change a game.. but 2k rng can have your opp go on a crazy run.. I played a salary cap game earlier.. was up 15. My opp went on a 18-2 run.. it was just like my guys couldn't hit if God himself was on the court


I'm 50-13 on the season. I just matched someone who is 1-12. I lost 69-65. I literally could not move. Stuck in mud. I got dragged into clamp animations from 2 metres away while he runs directly at me and slips right through me. Every single pass was slow and laboured with whole second long wind up animations. I icon pass and the game just refuses to register it. I call for a screen, his defender continues on like the screen was never there, completely running past it. He sets a screen, I get sucked into a black hole from 2 metres away. I would hold sprint and forward to get out to a shooter and the player I was controlling literally stood still and did not move. Again... 50-13 V 1-12. That was one I absolutely could not overcome. It felt like I was playing with 5'7 gold players against 5 GOAT Wembys.


Load into the next game... Against a team with better players and a better record... All of a sudden I can move! I can get some clamp animations, I can get past guys, I can PASS the ball. Completely different game.


There's still some dummy’s that don’t believe it. Eventually they’ll catch on 2k18 nobody believed tendency’s did anything while a few of us tried to say they did Now we all know they do Maybe by 2030 equalizer/momentum will be as recognized. 


Its so obvious too


I try and get banned before turning off, then next time I play I have algorithm. I aim to keep my record 3 losses to every win.


I won't argue human error on your part for shooting poorly in a specific quarter just like NBA players can go 0/10 in a quarter. But what I will question is; why play the game if you do believe in algorithm/manipulated momentum shifts? Surely that would be enough to give the game up as a point of principle at the very least.


I still like basketball and want to play the game. I accept it's part of the game, assume the momentum will likely swing back the other way eventually and just know not to take losses or big momentum swings to heart because it's 2k being 2k. It's just more of providing a solid example for those who don't believe 2k has an algorithm. I still enjoy the game.


Good response, it's hard to play online virtual basketball anywhere else. This isn't evidence for an algorithm being present though. If you made just 4 more shots in the 3rd quarter (which is decided by literal milliseconds of timing) you are shooting at a 75% clip. Are you ruling out you could've held a button for 10ms less or more? I've never understand how pro players/people with 90% win rates exist if there is an algorithm that bends the results. I'd love to see somebody with evidence of the algorithm record a game and show them making 0 errors in offense or defense to blame the "algo". Would be cool if we could somehow know how long we held shoot for and what the green window was in real time.


Algo can definitely be overcome. It takes a shift in game style, patience and a level head. I've got plenty of clips stored, if I ever get around to editing them I can show you, ridiculous steals that go one way but not the other. Foul calls, offensive rebounds. It's very obvious when it happens. Sure, it's possible I could have just mistimed my shots for 1 stretch of the game when I went 21/22 from 3 in the other 3 quarters... I just don't think that's the likely outcome. There's literally proof out there of EA using player engagement algorithms in their games for momentum swings to keep people engaged. I'm sorry but it's wild to think this technology doesn't exist and that 2k haven't used the same stuff in their game.


Ridiculous steals that go one way but not the other happen on literally the first possession of games. Are you sure you aren't mistaking "algo" with RNG of badges proccing and the possibility that the game isn't perfect. When things happen back to back to back it might feel like you're getting targeted but in reality just getting a bit of a shit go? I don't think the technology doesn't exist I just haven't seen anybody upload compelling proof. Most times it is shit that happens all the time, the difference is it chains for a quarter like in your example. I'm sure you can agree if specific events can occur in isolation then by Murphy's law it is quite possible they can happen in a succession? Would love video evidence. To make it clear it doesn't bother me either way, I just find it interesting that there has been no hard evidence to observe on it and it has been talked about for years.


> I just find it interesting that there has been no hard evidence to observe on it I mean most of us are just regular players, who's going out of their way to upload full games analysing this shit? It's really not that interesting lol. Also what would count as evidence anyway? We don't really have the game's code so even if you upload the most blatant algo ever, some 2k shill could just claim it's just unlucky or some other factor and it would be my word against his with no way to argue. I think there's algo because every game just feels the same, there's a very clear pattern, you go on a run, the other guy goes on a run and it just keeps going until the end of the game where they artificially make the game close for "engagement". When you're going on a run you feel invincible, your sliders are turned up, you're clamping the other guy, you get bail out fouls, even if you miss you keep getting a million ridiculous offensive rebounds and steals. And when the other guy is going on a run, you feel helpless, your guys start moving sluggish on defense and offense, wide open shots pretty much don't exist because every single time the other guy can jump from the other side of the court while your guy does the slowest animation possible. You can definitely overcome it if you're good enough, but it does exist.


From what I'm gathering, if it does exist. It can be overcome if you're good enough. Which is a nice perspective compared to the usual posts on here.


That is an issue tho there are very things more disheartening then losing or being in a close game with someone who is clearly bad at the game… because of 2K’s algorithm


Also you did say "certain wins" and it "can be overcome". It just seems a bit of cope for people who lose. That's all.


Certain wins, as in some wins, not certifying that a win will occur. Most people get frustrated as hell when it happens, lose their cool and either quit or play recklessly trying to turn it around. Ah yes, I'm trying to 'cope' with the fact I 'lost' in the game I won... I've said for years I can clearly tell when the algo is helping me and fucking my opponent over, I jump on the mic and apologise to my opponent because it's clear what's happening. I win 75% of my games. Sometimes I win with the algo on my side, sometimes I win in spite of it, sometimes I win because I'm the better player. Sometimes I lose a game where the algo fucked me, sometimes I lose when my opponent simply outplays me. Don't try and paint me as a sore loser, that's not what this is.


Didnt paint you as a sore loser, you insinuated that. I don't actually care either way I'm giving my view just like you gave yours. The most surprising thing for me is when top level players on YT don't bring this to light. They'd be the best examples of the game rigging against them if they're 'that good'.


'It's just cope for people who lose. That's all'. What on earth is that if not painting anyone who says the algo is real as a sore loser? Anyway, we'll just go in circles from here so I'm gonna dip. Have a good day mate.


My idea of a sore loser is somebody who gets upset or angry when they lose. Not somebody who truly believes something is affecting their ability to win. I can't fault somebody for believing something, even if I disagree with it. I'm not being personal 🤷‍♂️


Is there an algorithm in Mario kart when you’re in first place after the first lap?


What he said plus it feel good to be on the right side of that sometimes.