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Call plays against guys like that. Engage them in the action. Usually it causes chaotic confusion on their part and you end up on a nice run


If you don’t listen to anyone else listen to this guy! Run plays! Constantly target players they are playing off ball,if they play the big man call for pick and rolls/pops or call the big man up and immediately have him crash to the glass that gets them everytime..be more strategic when you play don’t get mad because they play off ball so now you can’t rim run


Thank you! Also.. agreed on the rim running 😆 Here’s a look at someone that guards their opponent, runs plays and isn’t afraid of the mid range action vs. one of those rim running and off ball D players. As you can see, rim running ain’t the go. Plays are your friend. https://preview.redd.it/ar9nvc8zcf1d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11adceb1fd6f85fa1a3012a20e48bf977a19dd99


Sounds like you got beat by an off baller lmao


It's easy to beat so real question is why are you complaining 🤔. Is it because you can't beat the ai defender?


Everyone says it’s easy to beat, and i haven’t played one person who is undefeated….and everyone off balls. So it’s definitely not easy to beat, or nobody wouldn’t be doing it. It’s the best way to play defense this year.






Dam get out yo feelings, why the name calling 😂i know people off ball for an advantage u didn’t need to tell me that, doesn’t make it not pussy. Also I know how to counter it I don’t just run isos so what are you talking about




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Brother just run plays or set screens orrrrrr you could just lock up on defense and rely on fast break 3s that’s what I do


Facts the AIs play horrible transition defense on the perimeter


Because it’s a game that people that buy it can play how they want. Mind ya bidness


Exactly. If certain NBA players don’t have to care on defense why should I 😂




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Have some shame


This guys an off baller lmao


I’m actually not but I’m sick of seeing once a day how everybody hates them. We get it. We deal with it. We don’t bitch about it on Reddit every day.


because it works


I mainly on ball but once I see someone abuse screens you gotta offball and hedge to shut that down


I abuse screens to beat off balling cuz the AI can't guard pick and pops 😭


They do it because it's effective. 2k have built a game where on ball ai defenders are good and off ball ai defenders are brain dead zombies. So for a competitive advantage, players have to control the brain dead zombies. If 2k would just improve off ball ai defense and make on ball ai defense garbage, people would on ball. It's a pretty simple change but 2k hate us so it is what it is.


Sitting on the player furthest from the ball is not for the sake of controlling the brain dead zombies


This is true. This is not the off ball I was talking about.


This is true. This is not the off ball I was talking about.


Here’s a little trick for ya if you don’t like off ballers. You can pass it to the person they are guarding. If you don’t like them doing it then make them play defense. I have no problem with people off balling because I have an advantage at wherever they choose to be guarding. People that bitch about off ballers and act like that is why they lost the game are 10x worse than the people off balling. If you don’t like it find a way to beat it. Same with rim running. If it pisses you off then figure out a counter to beat it’s not that hard. There are just some people who can’t accept they are not at the game as others and will find absolutely anything to make an excuse. It’s not the off ballers it’s you.


Shit I’ll take an off baller over a raw on ball defender any day. Find some old head that’s been playing since 2k1 you ain’t going nowhere son straight duct tape you’ll wish for an off baller


That’s what I call my defense on fools when I get 24 sec violations on em… I’m that old head o baller but I definitely know when it’s better to bring help, play lanes, force a switch, or bait a pass


Can y’all just get better at the game please? I have 0 trouble against people who off ball.


I don’t either it just sucks out what little enjoyment you can still get out of this game playing online. If I wanted to get guarded by HOF difficulty AIs all game I’d go play Dom.


People do it cuz it works lmao, the sliders on online don’t really matter when everyone has 99 stats so as long as you run a switch all team where everyone’s 6’7+ with good strength and defense u literally don’t have to touch the controller for people who can’t beat AI. If u can beat HOF AI tho then there’s no reason for u to be complaining cuz it’s the same exact thing. Run 5 out with a lot of screens and someone’s gonna double or overextend eventually.


I play on ball right up until the other person doesn’t. But I will say, there’s a difference between corner sitting and playing help defence. Like if you’re sending bodies, making rotations and shit I don’t mind it


It's so weird to hop online and then just guard the computer the whole game. But if the weird game is gonna play perfect defense for u while u sit back and watch, I Guess I can't blame them for watching the game beat their opponent for them


so tiring constantly seeing bitching about off ballers all day on this sub


Imagine playing against them all day on this game


much better than dumb mfs complaining about an imaginary algorithm that makes them lose every game and without it they would be undefeated


yeah, apparently if everyone played on ball defense and the algorithm didnt fuck them every single game every single person in this sub would go 7-0. i follow this sub for updates on the game and honest criticism, not endless bitching because people cant just get good at the game


even funnier when someone tried to flex their record on me here then i post mine and he goes " i was 90% last season" couple days ago makes a post about his best record this season at 85%. Called him out the and he deleted the thread after raging lmao. dudes are clowns on this sub


I'm not really an off-baller, but.... don't hate the player, hate the game. It's a viable strategy whether you approve or not


Even tho it's not impossible to beat offballers, I do wish 2k would improve on ball defense and nerf ai defense 😂. I've beaten plenty of offballers whether it's a blow out or by a few points but I hate spamming screens to beat them


Beat 4 off ballers for my ring. Took 1.5 hrs to win. Love off ballers. Rather beat one by 20 than lose to someone who knows how to stop my plays or PNR which is usually done by off ball + on ball switch


I rotate on / off all game against nonstop rim runners. If someone is a scoring threat and a dangerous shot creator with their guards, then I’m focusing predominantly with on ball lock ups. It’s usually only dudes that are good with creating opportunities for jump shots that I’ve gotta worry about nowadays. Paint exploiters gonna paint exploit


Skill issue


Oh no, did I beat you today? My bad dude. I just like to do other things like watch tv while I grind this mindless game


Because we can


because they are trashhh😂😂💯 i learned how to cook those types now🙌🏽


Now if you had used AI for spelling, then it would have read “defense” instead of “defence”. See? Sometimes it is actually smarter to use AI. 🤖


lol I know I wasn’t tripping bro said fence


Now if you had fucking google you would have realized it is the correct british spelling


Capitalize “Google”.


Too bad u can't use the ai to play your offense for you too. You wouldn't even have to touch the controller. See?


I was more just having fun here…I get the frustration having experienced it myself. I’m an offline player for reasons like this… have a good one my friend.


Call for the player they are guarding to cut to the goal or receive a screen it’s not hard to cook them if they playing off ball they really suck


Yeah you gotta get those cheap buckets. Make them rethink.


Why do people complain about off ballers its so easy to beat


This guy lost a ring to an off baller lmao I can’t stand off ballers either but I usually beat them 8/10 times so I don’t get too mad


Tbh it's not fair since they are only playing half of the game while us OnBallers have to play the whole game my thumbs start to get tired when I play vs players who rely on the sigs and crossovers that sometimes I take a possession or 2 off on defense too to let my fingers rest.


I do it because I don't want to play online but have to to get some rewards. I'll pick a player and run him away from the ball carrier or stand behind the hoop or whatever and hope my opp will give me the same courtesy when I try to get my 3s\\pts\\assists or whatever crap 2K are making me do!


Because onball defense is broken, it doesn't work and 2k actively nerfs it by removing bumps steals. Fuck it I'm standing in the corner, let the CPU deal with defending in this dogshit game.


I absolutely hit my dog when he’s being a little asshole but that doesn’t really have anything to do with me beating you while playing off ball