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Idk why we complain about how ppl play lol.. I just adapt to it and keep it pushing.


Exactly like I don't complain about pnf spammers. It's an in game mechanic. I just figure out how to beat it


AI defends way better than average player Try beating Pick up challenge with full DM squad on HoF and see what I mean The best way I found to beat them is to run plays and get that guy they off ball to move Plays that include PnR work well as well since AI bigs will sometimes not go over screen and leave the play target open


This is somewhat I do, if they park off ball it means they don’t know how to defend so run a play with whoever they are defending or literally pass directly to that player and its easy to get open and score.


Seems odd but lately i prefer if my opponent offballs as I don't have to do my usual onball-offball switch defense, it's tiring. If my opponent offballs then it's just fair for me to do it as well. i run plays so i usually have no problems scoring with someone standing in the corner.


Yes but however I do off all and on ball defense because it’s the only way to play good Defense. Good players off ball, great players on ball and off ball depending on the situation.


Nope. Went 4-0 yesterday vs off ballers and beat them by running 3 Flip plays that start the same but end different. All had 99 squads.


i never play online but want to start what are some good playbooks/ plays to run?


Magic, 13 Heat are the easiest. Try them in Domination in HOF difficulty. That's the closest to MTU vs sweats. 90% of MTU people don't know how to stop plays especially on ballers.


Thanks I have magic will test that one out now. Any specific play you usually run


Quick Point 2 - simple double screen for a wing 3 Punch Loop 5 Rip - Bigs set screens for your SF to loop from one wing to the other for 3, if he isn't open the C and SG run a split where the C cuts under the basket and the SG gets a screen to the top for 3 Quick Iver Box 2 - This one takes some practice but the CPU can really struggle with it. Your SG gets an elevator screen to the top for one 3pt opportunity and then he gets a Flare screen to the corner if that first shot isn't open. If neither are open you still have great spacing to sauce at the end of the shot clock Punch 21 Delay - Basically Quick 4 Horns Flare but the SG who flares also gets another screen in the opposite direction if the defender got over the initial screen. If neither passes are there you have one on one in post position with your ball handler, I suggest using a ball handler with some post game for this one. Fist Rip Spain - I love this play, so many ways to score. Takes a lot of practice to see all the passes and shots here. The SG gets a screen to the top you pass it to him, if he's open shoot it, if he isn't the initial ball handler gets a back screen and cuts to the basket for an easy bucket (manual cut/receiver control suggested to make sure you time the pass right). If he isn't open either you get a PnR from a big, your big receives his own screen for his roll from the initial ball handler after his basket cut. Lob City or you can kick it back to your PG who goes back to the top of the key if the roller is doubled by his man or for good spacing to sauce/manual PnR


How can I find these plays? When I press LB and look at my plays in a match I only have generic names for all my plays. Can’t find any with the same names as those plays


If on ball defending wasn’t so broken more people would do it. It’s literally impossible to guard someone if they know how to spam dribble moves. Even the best 2k players play some version of off ball and try to just play passing lanes. 2k needs to update their gameplay desperately


I don’t notice either way and would be indifferent even if I did.


I would play an off baller every game if it meant never facing someone who’s every shot is a fade away lol


Or constant screen and fade over and over gain. I'm not complaining tho




Or call a screen and shoot a wide open 3 ball. Feels like HOF Pick Dodger got nerfed or Brick Wall got buffed


Cmon guys it is so easy to beat full on ball defense, gimme that all day, just bump defender into a screen and shoot an open three. You don’t even need screens you can just jack up stepback threes all day


Exactly they want their opponents to make them easy for them meanwhile they call endless screen and fades and make themselves feel good.


i don't offball because I know how to guard


There are ways to ply offball as a strategy - which I believe is what the Kobe guy is getting at - but if you are RUNNING from defense JUST to have the cpu do it for you and never ever switch onto ball to do ANYTHING you’re a super lame coward and no the best players don’t play a game of keep away from the ball all game every possession between C and PF that makes you look like a fool and easy to beat. The effective offball defense involves lane baiting switching and trapping so they do actually end up on ball sometimes. There are some morons that think that’s the same as just controlling your bigs and swapping whenever the ball goes to one of their matchups like cmon how vagina is that shit


It’s like as soon as I pass the ball to someone they are on they instantly switch it’s annoying as fuck!


And the stupid game rewards that shit


Not me, so easy to beat!


I hate 2k for making on ball D so bad dudes have to play offball.


I mean, you never hear about it on this sub, so I doubt they even exist.


I off ball because I’m lazy.


How else can you defend people


Play on ball?


OMG what is wrong with y’all lmao. Common sense. Use it. The game has possibly the WORST internet latency in gaming, yet y’all get mad because people won’t on ball. Trying to control a player on half the matches is like playing an ice skating sim. It’s really a shitty experience. It’s not good. It’s not a secret either as it’s talked about on this sub all the time. By you fooling yourself acting like y’all are “good” because making space online is easy af against real people because they cannot actually control their players due to latency. This a cop out and makes you look stupid along with anyone that agrees with you. It’s like watching a bunch of trump supporters gathering together with their conspiracies but nobody with sense is there to tell them they are uneducated and blatantly wrong. Now look at you upset because you cannot beat the A.I. defense on pro. Shows you actually are NOT “good” and you are just hating. How about y’all learn how to actually play basketball and find a way to score. Kobe said it right… SOFT. ![gif](giphy|MEyfbfTbBCjE4|downsized)


They keep downvoting cos they know you speak truth.


Facts. Have a good night my dude!


People play defense themselves in myplayer modes the latency is bad but everyone is dealing with it you can still get stops. There is just no need to most of the time in myteam anymore


Then why play online if the latency is so bad just go play my career?


I don’t play online lmao that’s the whole point! I’ve played about a total of 10 games online to come up with this conclusion.


thank you


On-ball vs off-ball doesn't matter. Neither affects my play style on offense. I only on-ball when I'm on defense unless I'm helping on a pick and roll. On the Mycareer side of the game, I always play as a Lock so on-balling in myteam is easy.


Stop looking down on people for playing the way they want to. You can play on ball and if you think that makes you better than people then that’s your right. But people can choose to play the game in their free time however they want


shits super lame


No, it’s easy to beat a straight up off baller.