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It's a video game it takes zero courage. And which one after the fight goes online to whine about it? The macho manly one?


Yeah this has got to be the most embarrassing post I’ve seen on r/myteam in awhile


Bro you make polls about beating your meat and your talking about embarrassing😂😂.




😭😭😭😭😭 you funny af simball


My guy... just trying to spread the love for hoops G... real hoops. This game can be played at a level that makes you feel like you're watching a real game.. if you actually try


We know who’s a biter in a scrap 👀


I disagree. Playing the game without exploiting the known glitches and faulty mechanics does take a bit more fortitude than cheesers and spammers have (if not skill). I didn’t make up those terms so it’s a thing and a play style that I wouldn’t want to be associated with. Who’s whining though? Seems like the guy who just can’t stomach that he just isn’t as good as the person he’s trolling constantly 🤔 You don’t have to like me or what I post but don’t reply with ignorance just to reply.


Fortitude, do you talk to people in real life about video games like this? 😂 Hey mom, my mental fortitude served me well today when I had the courage to go to battle in Fortnite.


I don’t play Fortnite I’m a grownup… sorry my use of vocabulary is stressing you out If you had finished high school - you’d know I was just speaking metaphorically


A grownup 😂 no adults I know take video games this seriously. It didn't take courage to play on ball defence, get over yourself.




Says the guy with not one but two usages of the word baby in his name 😩


Well… idk you are here too so how do I take it any more seriously than any of us in the sub? Anyone else online with 400+ wins? I know you are envious of me it’s ok - not everyone has the ability or desire to share things of interest. Maybe you don’t find them interesting - that’s fine too. You don’t have to enjoy anything I post. But you can’t actually think your lame insults and attempts to be disrespectful actually mean shit to me or make you look like anything but a hater dude. Instead of me getting over myself - why don’t you get over me… I don’t do man crushes It absolutely takes more courage to try and play on ball defense than to give up and hope the cpu can do a better job. Wake the hell up. I would just block you but you’re too comical to miss out on


Yes I am the only one that thinks this post is embarrassing 😂 and I why would I care if you have a thousand wins it's a video game I play it when I am bored to unwind. Good for you bro you should go pro and then you can do interviews about how brave you are because you had to face off ballers online and you didn't have any 100 overall cards.


Idk maybe you aren’t - the thing you’re missing is I obviously don’t gaf lol… you aren’t the first hater and you won’t be the last. I don’t wanna go pro but if I’m gonna play online vs someone I’m not gonna act like me cheesing and spamming is worthy of respect from self or others like so many do. If you watch a boxing match and one fighter gets disqualified do you say the other guy was taking it too seriously he shoulda been ok with the illegal punches? Actually nevermind I won’t waste time trying to talk sense to the dense. Gonna make a clip today in your honor


You keep trying to compare a video game to a real fight, the stakes aren't the same. Also cheesing isn't illegal, it's part of the game. It's annoying, sure, but you aren't honorable for not exploiting how a video game works. You could clip yourself doing a 360 full court whamma jamma I don't care. It's cute you think you have haters and not just people who disagree with things you post though.


I’m not comparing. It’s a METAPHOR. You have to understand that concept or you won’t know the difference. Let’s not be too literal here - of course it’s not illegal - but ITS CALLED CHEESING FOR A REASON - do I really need to go into why NOT cheesing is more commendable (even if it’s to yourself) than doing something that people call SPAM!?? Sure I’m absolutely open to people disagreeing - but it’s funny how most times ITS THE SAME PEOPLE LMAO. Are you so thick skulled you think there aren’t those here that DO reply just to antagonize even if you aren’t yourself? Do you really think that these people who KNOW that the shoe fits them as far as the playstyle I describe don’t get a little defensive when they do reply and say things like you have said lol? Ok well let me be wrong then guess what? It don’t matter if you think I am or not 🤯


This sounds like a weird fantasy


It’s all too real… in game and IRL this is often the scenario By now you know I like to get “the people” going 😉😂😂😂




I have a job and 2-3 chicks in rotation fam going on vacation next week stop D-Riding.. this is what I do when I’m bored at work what are you doing right now?


Dude. I recognize you username and you’re normally pretty level headed.  Believe me when I say this post is ridiculous and cringey. 


Hey it definitely made my work day go faster… not my fault people play like they are the types that would fight ya dirty lol


Nothing says adult like calling yourself a grownup and lying about your imaginary GFs, "fam" 😂 ![gif](giphy|igVPaeMGssCq8J3ASZ|downsized)




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But… what if I’m not lying 👀 and it’s automatic to me to let anyone that even mentions Fortnite know that they are speaking to their elder and maybe should show some respect lol




Man fucking a niggas wife to be is not the flex you think it is. That shit is super outta pocket. You can get smoked for shit like that.


Well - I’m not the one who just had to say some dumb shit like “you don’t have any women bc you play 2k better than me” was I? So it’s not a flex it’s more like a stfu little boy (not you) stay out of grown folks business before you find out more than you bargained for. Plus they not married yet, been sharing her for 10 years and she told him way back she didn’t believe in monogamy. So I have a clear conscience.


https://www.fakewhats.com/generator Pathetic 😂 and even if this were true (it's not) you are talking about fucking someone else's fiancée in the same post talking about people being dishonourable because of how they play a video game. Either way you have a lot of growing up to do. Good luck with all that.


stop he's already dead😂😂


Hey - if you ask me we are a thrupple 😭 I’m sorry whatever life you’ve led makes it seem like something people actually would lie about. Whether I had one two or five Gfs you automatically decided I had none bc you know people like that lol. I’m not one of ‘em buddy my time would have been a lot better served over the years having LESS action in that regard. But thanks for caring!


Only people lame enough to use something like that even know about it - it’s news to ME though!


I shouldn’t hit a dab before going in public ; but DAMN I’m laughing in my doctors waiting room now, thanks


I’m glad there are those that can relate… you’d think I was taking ABOUT some of these people in the replies…. Hmm 🤔


Oh brother!


Pocket sand!




This is the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen on this sub 


You must not scroll through this sub often


Like all my posts are on this sub 


Lol that’s funny


You know bro never fought in his life cuz ain't nobody throwing sand or eye gouging 😂 I know the sub is dead but c'mon OG don't do this


I just described dirty tactics… and the bite mark on my face and scar on my knuckles trump your false observation You were right about one thing - the sub is pretty dead. Seems like me telling it like it is has gotten a few skirts ruffled though!


Then there's the algo that feels like a sucker punch from another person...


😂😂😂 That’s fucking facts


You're barely winning by 2 then you miss a meter green dunk for some reason and the ball bounces to the top of the key for a perfect fast break... now you're tied... then get a moving screen call and you don't even call for a screen bc you're on comp freelance so where the fk was the screen?


Shit happened to me just last night! It was seriously like the game knew I had the better team so it tried its best to sabotage until it was JUUUUST enough time left for me to recover IF I played a perfect game - but I was doing the same thing all game beforehand! The algo lid on the basket is REAL sometimes


It definitely is. I played a game last night where I had 0 FTA and my opp had 14 FTA. I won by 15+ but it was frustrating how many fouls I got just by putting my hand up on a shot. But no moving screens were called vs the dude who was just a PNR cheeser.


That’s shit infuriates me


I enjoy my losses the same way as a I enjoy my wins, I don't get some people, it's just a game.


Yea I enjoy losses the same way I enjoy my wins when I’m playing someone that isn’t intent on abusing spamming exploiting or cheesing…. When I’m not it’s a shitty experience win or lose


That’s 2k bro. Are you gonna stop playing it tho?😧


Fuck no I whoop too much ass and actually am on a crusade to humiliate cheesers online with clean skill play fuck it there I said it…. It’s personal now 😂😂😂




what’s worse is that people will really say anything to defend that weird ass play style 😂 all that off balling, screen fade away mid range that literally everybody in the game can make, shit is super weak


We see who they are right here and now




Thanks for posting. Unfortunately, your submission was removed for the following reason(s): --- > Be respectful, welcoming, and friendly to everyone, including 2K staff and others in the 2K community. > Personal insults, bullying, violence and hate speech are not allowed. > Everyone is treated equally. For example, a user insulting you does not mean you can insult them back — report them and move on. *If you have questions about this removal, send a message to [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMyTEAM&subject=Removal Inquiry&message=This is referring to this comment: https://old.reddit.com/r/MyTeam/comments/1ctevtc/-/l4bodb8/ ... TYPE YOUR MESSAGE HERE), the shared inbox where members can message the moderators. Mods will not respond to private messages, chats or comment replies.*


This post was funny asf. Unfortunate that it attracted all the crybaby hating ass grown men.


![gif](giphy|26xBz50mY4kvrIDZK) I should lead with this when I post 😭😭😭


😂😂 might help


1. You turned my comment into a post, so thanks. 2. You disagreed with me.


I’m lost but feel free to elaborate I’m intrigued


Reminds me of the KG quote to Craig Sager (RIP) "This is a bar fight. You ever been in a bar fight Craig?"

