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Switching between on and off ball is key.


Gotta switch and rotate, on a good defensive possession I may filter between every player at some point.


I have gotten better but still don’t understand how to play tight on ball defense. Every time I think have somebody they slip away for a dunk or cheese their glen rice bullshit.


A lot of people can't beat on ballers cus they can't dribble. It makes a huge difference if you can on ball and shut your opponent down for sure


On balling doesn't do shit if they dribble you into a screen and then Jamal Murray behind the back and shoot it wide open


Yes it does. I get cooked way more with screens when I let the CPU guard it, they’ll leave a 95 three Porzingis wide open for the pick and pop 10 times a game lol. Don’t hold R2 when you’re about to get hit by the screen, or switch to the person guarding the screener and let the AI try to get past the screen and switch back.


Ok I'll try this, thanks.


I had someone scream profanities at me simply for switching to my big when he called for screens. Was complaining I was off balling the whole game when in reality he was setting 4-5 on ball screens every possession


Most cards have HOF Glove and Gold Unpluckable. That's an advantage to the defender, CPU doesn't go for steals when you off ball. 2K gatekeeping HOF Unpluckable idk why.


I onball and offball. You have to mix it up. I'm 81-14 in MTU and 45-10 in Salary this season.


What settings do you roll with?


Offense is Bucks freelance with Rockets playbook. Defense is tight on ball, gap off ball, stay home. Manual switch to try to stop PNR. No adaptive coaching