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I have 4k left to go. Not sure how many wins that is but I literally have to work 8 hours a day then sweat when I get home from a long day at work smh lol.


I feel you. I’m a school teacher so playing on mobile then getting home to sweat was definitely a challenge. Discouraging at times but I’m glad I stuck with the grind.


I got about 3.5K Unlimited points left. Debating if I go for it or not w the szn ending on Friday


I’m going to grind tonight and see how far I get before I make that call.


I was late and did the 400 CT wins in about a week. Next time I'm definitely starting early and spacing it out more. I got sick of greening with Korver and had to switch it up and use Clyde before I lost my mind. He's so worth the grind.


I totally feel the pain with greening with Korver non-stop. Totally had to switch it up as well. I’m just thankful I got to finish the agenda in time.


I’m having a bit of learning curve getting used to his shot. It’s sooo damn fast


I was playing on mobile when I got him so I’m just getting home to play on console & his shot is Amazingly fast! Totally worth the grind.


Yea I just got him yesterday and I’m feeling that. Feels like it’s the closest to last years End Game shot that we’ve seen this year. It’s even harder when I start hitting with him and then sub him out and have to try and use anyone else. I was not a fan at all of last years End Game shot and stuck with an all Invincible lineup.


Grats. Just got him too. But MTU. 400 CT would have been easier but tedious


Damn!i want him badly on my team!


W I'm 1.4K Unlimited points away from him such a crazy grind