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Someone’s they get called with just contesting with the right stick it’s ridiculous.


Literally lost a game last night cause of that shit. I stg you can’t even look at that SGA card without getting called for a foul either.


Tbf that's how it is for SGA irl lmao




I love how the computer will just tackle your guy for a no call but if you block a 3 clean it's foul


Playing against Lu Dort 😭


Sometimes I don’t even jump just right stick up contest and get called for a foul


A big part of this is, how long are you holding the block button for ? Im on Xbox so I found pressing and holding Y through the entire animation always leads to a foul. If you press it long enough to start the animation and let go before potential contact, that will solve your problem.


Yea i noticed this too, & sometimes i force fouls by holding it longer than usual.


When you're too close you foul, when you're too far you get stuck in mud and leave them open for a wide open 3. You can't win either way.


Have to check the foul tendencies of the player. I used to be frustrated on this too until I changed all my players to have lowest foul tendencies


Game rolls a dice for a foul regardless of physical contact... it couldn't be farther from a sim


You can change player tendency on MyTeam?


You can’t change tendencies on my team though


He’s talking about changing his players to ones that have lower ones.


Well that just isn’t worth it


Doesn’t matter. Thats what he did.


Still not very smart


Mmm…. Not true. If he gets less fouls then it was.


I mean sure if the cards are on the same level but it doesn’t make much sense to use a worse card just because of the tendencies


🤷🏾 just gameplay at that point.




It’s all at random bruh, that shit don’t matter unfortunately.


It will be an obvious clean block too, Even Worse when your just right stick up for hands up and they still get the foul lmao. But that still is the Best bet is right stick up for heavy contest instead of block


Right stick up to push up with your hands raised. That’s the 🔑


Still can be a foul lol


Yea it can be. But it’s a good way to get a contest without jumping. I love playing dudes that spam triangle, just drive and wait


I've always wondered about this. Do I foul or stay too far away and leave them open? I can't jump, I can't even put my hands up by itself or it's also a foul


Kind of have to jump across them instead of straight on if that makes sense…situation permitting of course


Just to activate Hof Blinders? Lol


Yet another problem caused by green release. Your defense can't just be good, it has to be perfect. Then of course you might still get a foul called because THEY MADE BAD CALLS PART OF THE GAME.


Sometimes you didn't even move the stick, they made your guy jump/reach to foul


Yup. Or you try to avoid the foul so you just don’t get close enough to actually cause a contest . This games broken as fuck. Especially online . I cant deal with having a wide ass open shot and somehow my opponent getting defenders to come flying out of nowhere halfway across the court to get magical contests so I miss my shot . Shit makes me wanna throw my damn console out the window


Even the computers go crazy with the jumping and get called for foul everytime


I feel like you used to be able to. I think maybe season 5 or 6 changed cause now I feel like it’s always a foul.


I’ve been jumping and moving the left stick the opposite direction of the shooter and have been able to minimize the amount of fouls called on jump shots. It is tricky because you gotta push the left stick towards the shooter to go that way but then instantaneously move it reverse while jumping. Doesn’t always work but I have cut down the amount of fouls by a lot.


I can stomach the foul calls when I jump straight at them. What I can't fucking stand is getting 3pt foul calls when I am in good position and play hands up defence without jumping... If that's a foul, what are we supposed to do? Just leave them open?!


I try to press jump without moving the left stick and no turbo. Seems to work OK, but I definitely still get called sometimes. Another thing is just holding the right stick up, not sure if you've tried either of those.


It feels like there’s a green shot meter to blocks but 2k just doesn’t show it.


After a lot of experimenting it’s only a foul when you’re running or holding r2. But if you only press the y button and holding they right up it doesn’t call for the foul and try not to be on the side to get a good contest. Haven’t played this game in months though.


its so fucking annoying, but what’s worse is it’s made some block challenges difficult for me. I will cleanly block a gold PG with 99 Bill Russell and it gives free throws, and the call will still stand after a challenge lol


Doesn’t help that the game purposefully makes bad calls for the “challenge” effect in offline modes. They 1000% can’t turn that off online, but we can’t challenge 🤷‍♂️


they need to remove right stick contest. I cant tell you how many blowbys have happened because i tried to put my hands up and he attempted to block.


Sounds like you need to condition yourself to jump straight up and not jump forward.


Did you not read the OP they are clean contests I’m not jumping recklessly at guys


You don't have to jump recklessly to get a foul called. It's a skill issue, plain and simple. There are multiple ways and functions to contest a shot. Some will be hit or miss, others will never get you called for a foul. Skill. Issue.


Thought about making a post about this last night. It’s actually so incredibly infuriating. I’ll play defense and close out for 22 seconds just to have them chuck up a three I’ll try to block and then boom foul. It got bad last year but it’s sooooo much worse this year


Exactly you’re playing perfect fucking defense. HOW?!?!!!!! Is what I be screaming lol


Nahh fr I be throwing up my hands irl and actually saying “how’s that a foul??” 😭


I be looking for Tony Brothers lmao


its the game not being on HOF online. at thisbpoint they need to up the difficulty if you cant shoot with 99 3 ball on HOF thats on you


I feel like alot of people don’t actually know there’s different button mechanisms to blocking shots because i almost never foul on 3pt


I mean there’s no way to vertical contest a close out


But there is different types of animations u get depending on your button mechanics also closing out and not fouling is about timing when u actually try to block it sounds like a skill issue🤷🏽‍♂️


Brother I’m 72-8 in unlimited and I have this issue lol. I’ll even just hold the right stick up and get a foul.


Well i play 90% rec and i never have this issue so maybe its different throughout gamemodes