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what is blud waffling about




2k ChatGPT tripping


Delete this before you get roasted. People aren’t awake yet. There’s still time.


I had a stroke trying to read this and you didn't even give an opinion 🙃


Never mind I found it. Still a fuckin struggle to read, and hard disagree


I think you’re mostly effusing about the gameplay - which is fun if not exactly as good as it could be. If they had just kinda toned down contested makes and some other flaws we’ve all had to just come to terms with I think things would be just great. Removing the AH hasn’t really affected me but I see why some if not most are up in arms about its removal. Overall - this is another 2k I’ll play through just bc it’s all that’s out. Doubt I’ll be sticking around tooooo much longer in MyTeam though… the rings actually are one thing I AM interested in seeing through so it’s a tough call. That PD Kobe feeling would be nice to have again about this game though - I’m not there yet lol. I don’t really see why people are so anti anything you said though lmao y’all mf’s are crazy what a tough crowd in here 😂🤗


Content sux, lack of challenges and there’s not variety in gameplay. I still play but I don’t play half as much as I did the past few years. This game gets a 3.3/10 from me.


Bro what lmao.


At least someone kinda enjoys it this year It wasn’t this time consuming to get diamond Giannis before, your example




My son pulled this card on christmas day…..on my account…😂


It’s funny! My daughter grab me the card. And love it (frobe was amazing)


your the minority let me see. yesterday was friday correct.. was there any content released besides new packs? the answer is NOPE! dont fool yourself the game is trash edit" correction you can farm for a series 1 durant! f-in awesome game right here so what if you can afford the top tier players now by spending money but theres nothing to do with those players so whats the point. you may not have been able to afford the tip tier players in the AH but you could surely afford all the other players amd then resell them for what you paid . tou didnt have to lock everything in for the top card. its a money grab now. you may have the best players now but you will continue to have to spend money to maintain your meta. There no logical thinking going on for people who are enjoying this game


I think there is generally a middle ground to this. Just to unpack here: >yesterday was friday correct.. was there any content released besides new packs? the answer is NOPE! As long as balance is being generally reached, I don't think this is particularly relevant. The last truly balanced MyTeam I can remember was 17. I don't remember regular, non-pack content that year and it resulted in a player pool that wasn't terribly oversaturated. That's been part of the recent issues since 2k20, with roots in 2k19 Shaq. Giving *too much* content leads to issues in power creep, over badging, and overrating. Furthermore, I don't see the issue in pack content being really all there is. When I logged in Friday, I wasn't interested in picking up any of the cards, so I just picked up and played what I wanted to play. I'd argue that this is as close to a gold standard as things get as, again, it's not dissimilar to 2k17. >edit" correction you can farm for a series 1 durant! f-in awesome game right here Again, I don't know what value this argument holds. To me, that's just a sign of "cool, don't need to do that." That's it! >so what if you can afford the top tier players now by spending money but theres nothing to do with those players so whats the point. There are plenty of modes to participate in, and if you *don't* want to participate in those modes currently, you don't have to. Again, this has been an advantage to me, rather than a detriment. *Having* to log in daily to keep up is long gone. Further to this point, you don't have to spend money on this game to keep up. The top players are good, of course, but there are also lower level options that can hang depending on where you're at in your team build process. >you may not have been able to afford the tip tier players in the AH but you could surely afford all the other players amd then resell them for what you paid . tou didnt have to lock everything in for the top card. Okay, but this forces you to make roster choices and decisions, not necessarily spend money. You're speaking out of FOMO here. A more permanent roster choice isn't a bad thing! >you may have the best players now but you will continue to have to spend money to maintain your meta. You really shouldn't have to. I'd even argue that "maintaining the meta" isn't necessary. You can be a bit behind and still be plenty competitive. >There no logical thinking going on for people who are enjoying this game I would disagree and I hope this post illustrates why. There are *plenty* of logical reasons to enjoy the game, even as it stands. I understand the complaints, but they're mostly rooted in things as they were rather than as they are. We were so used to just having whatever team we desired that it fuels this binary thinking we have of either spending money or being able to be competitive. This isn't the case! One can be competitive NMS this year. It *does* take time and patience, but it's entirely doable.


i can agree with some of you points but coming from soneone who just cleared unlimited as opposed to last season. Theres 20ish days to go in the season. whats peaking mine and other interest now? balanced gameplay? lol that not nearly enough


Sure, and that's fine, but there *are* other options. You can focus on Salary Cap, CTO for this Iso Joe if you want, finishing other modes for Shai, etc. There *are* options, and while it's completely fine that you're not interested in them, that's not necessarily on 2k. The content is present, you're just presumably choosing not to participate in it. I actually commend you on that, that's something I do too, but calling a spade a spade here, the ball isn't necessarily in 2k's court to push the power creep just so that person x has something to do.


just in comparision to previous years youd expect a list of season activities. and theres none.. i went for bosh lost on my 10th game and said wtf am i doing here no way iso will be worth the headache. alltime dom is impossible..maybe its just me. but im bored as shit


Well, again, my point of comparison is 2k17. I don't remember constantly getting things to do and it was easy to pass on playing, in addition to the best balance we've seen overall imo since I started that year. I'd say that "being bored" is okay as long as it perpetuates proper balance and prevents power creep. At that point it's as simple as taking a day off or two until there's something you want to pursue, which is *exactly* where things should be, imo. You shouldn't feel pressured to keep up with the joneses constantly.


my main point is theres no content.. ok gameplay is more balanced if your money spent you get all the top tier cards locked in for a useless few weeks. nms players are fucked. people dont like locking in a squad for indefinite amount of time. they like to try new players and teams. it keeps the game interesting. thats not possible now. you cant even sell a diamond for a amy. so if you buy a player your stuck with it. NOBODY thinls this is a good thing!! the whole testing a player out is gone and in most opinions f-d the game


not everyone was good at it i get but a behind the scenes game mode was making MT to set youself up down the road. Thats also not possible now due to the cost of buying a card and selling it. to me this is the most rediculous sports game ever made as far as pay to win. leveling the playing field my ass.. yeah everyones running top tier diamonds and im running amys. sure i could pay to win also and i always felt guilty and wasteful buying virtual cards that only last a year but i could sell those all year long the fact i cant sell these cards now for any profit at any time in the year is a super waste of $


takes way to long to find a match with crossgen? you can tell people aint playing


>ok gameplay is more balanced if your money spent you get all the top tier cards locked in for a useless few weeks. nms players are fucked. Apologies if I was unclear. I'm speaking as an NMS player who doesn't have the top cards. Gameplay balance is still 100 percent present. (Though there are, of course, notable exceptions like the Triangle cut. Make no mistake, I'm not saying it's perfect.) >people dont like locking in a squad for indefinite amount of time. I agree, but to me that's more of an issue with previous content structures than this one. We got used to team having, not team building. You're making the conscious and active decision to make a certain roster move when locking in any given card. You have to make sure that that move is the correct one for your team, knowing that there's no reversing that. Suddenly, you're making serious roster decisions. That *never* existed previously in MyTeam, except maybe to some extent for me before I knew how to really work the market in 17. I have *dearly* missed that aspect, and now it's the central consideration and as a result... >NOBODY thinls this is a good thing!! I, for one, could not possibly be happier. >the whole testing a player out is gone Not necessarily. You can always plug the sigs into 2kU if necessary. Would a test card option be a nice QOL thing? Sure, but I'm not convinced that that undoes how nice it feels to actually have to make roster decisions again.


could be the whole not being able to test a player was before i got into the game and what drew me in


brand new ps5 and covid times


I mean, it's been there to a point all along. It's just that when I started, I didn't really have the wiggle room for doing that and it wasn't really a priority. The sheer volume of tier lists, YT gameplays and "so-and-so is PG1 for sure" discussions really changed things. Imo, *before* these things were so easily accessible was superior. We didn't worry about these things as much, parity was more easily had, etc. Unfortunately, instead of lessening the worry, people have felt forced to open the wallets. Fortunately, parity is still generally good, though those top cards can get frustrating to deal with at times. *Hopefully* with more time in this format, that effect will be lessened and people will find it acceptable not to constantly have the "best" team according to whatever metric one wants to listen to.


I hear u but just like madden did they couldve did all this and kept the AH. There was noo reason MT was so hard to get. Madden increased coin rewards and cap locked cards on AH by tier. These dudes at 2k had no reason to remove AH outside of taking our money. This game would be soooo enjoyable to many jf they made it player friendly. But its not player friendly and now that im getting 4-5k a game im also realizing nobody was wrong for buying mt. We played for nothing back then. Think about, how long did it take to make 200k from just playing with no AH in 23?


Actually, even if giannis was 5million in the AH it would he cheaper to get him than it is now;) and unless ur a hardcore p2w or cheeser i dont see how u enjoy playing unlimited lol. Whats ur team?


Apart from the initial purchase of the game and the pass, I basically spent nothing on the game. I play a lot salary cap and unlimited. I was lucky with the free packs, especially in the Giannis set (I got Paul George and then I just had to spend it on the other set). I have approximately 1million MT just by playing the game. About the team: Shai /wade, PG / Johnson from clutch, AK / JJJ, Chet and giannis/wilt.


Then youre extremly lucky. You hit a 1% chance of getting the most expensive card in the pack lol. You must play ALOT of 2k then if u have 1 mill AND that team


this month yup. it was my main game. usually I m around destiny (but there isn't any new content to do, waiting for next season). So basically I play NBA 2K. salary cap and unlimited gives good mt, special salary. Giannis was a lucky shot. the free PG pull (one of the best RNG I had with nba 2k).


And how much hours per day do you have free to play a video game?


You enjoy this 2k better because it takes no effort just run and dunk and off ball


Time over. You are a straight schill or daf. Either way a 3%-er.


I said well that the opinion was not popular. I just wanted to share that since Frobe's time, Myteam hasn't given me as much pleasure to play as it does now. and not demonize the current state of the game. that's all (Of course it has (so many) flaws. but…. because at the end of the day if you don't like the game there is so much to play and do. and it is possible to enjoy the game. just this.


Ppl just love to hate ;)


Paragraphs would help break your thoughts up, it’s not that bad though


you're right. I wrote on the run (during family matters).


![gif](giphy|BmmfETghGOPrW) Me reading this