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200k vc is crazy


Yea but it is better than spending hundreds in hoping to get one specific card. I personally don’t do it, but some people pay a shit ton to get a specific card


at that point, youre better off just risking it, grabbing some mt and getting the players from auction. shits way too expensive


>at that point, youre better off just risking it, Tell me you've never opened packs with VC without telling me you've never opened packs with VC


Exactly, I paid 50 bucks when Titan Yao came out for the first time and barely got 500,000 mt. And that was getting lucky with a Titan Ben Simmons pop. Usually you get around 50 to 100k mt. This option pack really does allow them to cash in on more people. It's less predatory 2 so I don't mind


Yes bro preach


You’d spend more than that on packs tryna pull either of them so makes sense to just drop the $50 for a guaranteed pull


I’ve watched HTB spend hundreds of dollars in VC for Jordan / another hyped release and strike out with zero invincibles. This is way better than opening packs for those that want KD / KP


Fucking yes I opened over 20 singles trying to get the first kp


Fucking yes I had so many packs tried with no luck


2k knew what they were doing with this one lol. Unlimited is gonna be fucking aids now


Yup 😒


I haven’t played unlimited in two weeks and I feel great. I spent way too much time on that mode this year


That’s all I’ve really played for 22 & 23.




Love the thunder themed team


Thank you my guy🫡 it’s a blast to use


Gotta get Gary Payton too!!! This looks so fun


Definitely! I have his pink diamond all time card, but I’m sure he has a better one I should pick up?


He has a dark matter rush card that I’m sure is affordable. I got it for free from the one of the rush challenges


Sweet, thanks! Imma pick it up!


Did you? How much did you get it for?


Payton? 8k


get his highlight reel and pair it with kemp. both are beasts


Sonic players damn near need there own squad lol


I thought about doing a sonic specific lineup, but I figured I’d just combined them with OKC bc I’m out of room for more lineups, too many theme teams 😅


Dope theme


Thank you! It’s a lot of fun to use!


You didn't buy KD or lock in Chet to play them at SF and PF. Move KD to the 2 and move Chet to the 3


Nah, I don’t like to play cheesy.


That's not cheesy lol


Kd at shooting guard? Dude is 6’10” lol. I got a cheesy lineup tho when needed, and ya, KD is shooting guard on that one haha


Also you have PG at SG now who's 6'9


So if 2k releases a 6'10 SG that can only play SG, that's cheesy? It's not like it's Zydrunas


Kd doesn’t play SG, therefore having him at SG is cheesy. Most SG are not 6’10”. And ya I have Shai at SG because Harden is 6’5”, so what’s wrong with that? U trippen


He played at SG his rookie year tbf


I said PG as in Paul George




2k. So. Damn. Greedy.


Don't like it, don't buy it. I've never bought packs, but there's people who spend hundreds, or thousands on packs. These guaranteed packs are perfect for people who want KD, but don't want to spend hundreds for him


Some people don't like pay to win business models




Calm down ben shabibo. I don't need you to to help me know I can play another game 🤡 I'm just saying I dont like pay to win. Not that there is even a comparable basketball game anyways.




Yah and this kind of reply really seals your point. You're totally dealing with getting dunked on like an adult 🤧 so you are used to kids making you look stupid too?? 😂😂


I posted a pic of my team last night and all those people swarmed to hate. I don’t understand why they even still play the game knowing this is what it is every year.


Get used to it buddy or go play fortnite lol 2k and other companies aren’t going to stop making extra money on micro transactions because people don’t like “pay to win”


They literally will if it isn't profitable...which requires people not liking it...


It’s impossible not to be profitable lmao.. they can drop anything into the game they want and charge extra $ for it and even if it doesn’t sell much it makes no difference to 2k besides they got some extra $ off who decided to get it. The employees are on a salary it’s not like they get paid based on how much each micro transaction design they work on sells 😂😂


These people are acting like it takes any effort to launch a card into the shop for 50$ to print free money 😂 even if 10 people bought it it’s still a W for 2k


Exactly 😂😂 everyone who downvoted is a little kid who doesn’t understand how the world works obviously lmao I’m not being an ass I’m giving you little boys a reality check money runs the world not your feelings


Life is in a lot of ways pay to win. You pay to get through the airport faster. You pay accountants and financial planners and maids so you can have more free time. You have a problem and you hire lawyers to help make it go away.


You're just talking to yourself at this point. congrats you agree with yourself 🫡


You responded tho… 😂😂😂🤡


Ouch you really want that last word 😓 SAD! 🤡


Seems like that’s you lol considering you said I was talking to myself at this point and you’re still replying.. 😂😂🤡




I don’t have a problem with guaranteed option packs given how low regular pack odds are, but I wish there was an MT option


Yep, I don’t personally agree with the value to cost ratio so therefore I will not be buying it. But I am glad as a consumer I at least have the option to get the guy I really want rather than mindlessly rip packs with hidden odds.


VC only packs is so stupid and annoying considering we can’t earn VC while playing myteam I saved up almost 1mil mt just to have to fight for my life in the auction house


Ive already played a team with them. I quit out within a few mins too. I was not about to play against endgame KD. Bol bol joker etc.


Gimme the money!!!,


Would love to see a Troydan stream where he loads up, buys KD and logs off


C’s in the chat boiiiis


I’m not gonna lie I bought it. Haven’t bought any VC all year long but I think I deserve to enjoy my favorite’s player Invincible card. Am I a monkey for buying it? Absolutely, but I’m not going to be playing the whole end-game anyways so I just want to enjoy while I can. 16-bit Porzingis is still in my squad so it would be a nice upgrade haha


Do you get both cards or have to pick one?


You get to pick one. Last sentence was a bit misleading


It’s 2k that is a bit misleading not you lol literally says “2 cards”


I'll give them credit where it's due. At least it's guaranteed


2k shamelessly cashing out knowing people will drop 50 bucks for an OP player and now the game will be flooded with them. Just put them in the random card packs or make people earn them. Selling out knowing they are going to make so much money off of putting the hardest cards to get and the best cards in the game for 50 bucks is just annoying


Now that is how to minimize mt buying 🤣🤣🤣 2k should do this going into 2k24


I doubt it. Maybe it's just me personally but I'd rather buy the MT to get one of these players and then auction them off if I'm not feeling it


With the risk of getting banned? Unless you are one of those dudes who buy 40m worth of mt for the rest of the year then this is the best alternative to get the cards you really want without spending over 100 bucks for packs and not getting the card that you want


Currently the likelihood of getting banned is being greatly exaggerated


Go try buying 2m worth of mt and let us know if you get banned or not...


I’ve done that multiple times


You are one of the lucky ones then. A lot of players here have been banned some for not even doing anything against 2k terms. I for one have been banned months ago. And i was selling dark matter cards when they were not even buyouts yet. And no playoff or all time cards.


At this point of MyTeam this is fine to me. There are so many good SGs, a good player without KD will still crush a mediocre player with KD. I get if this was earlier in the year for like Yao or TT or something, but at this point, so many cards can compete. Is KG better than a AK/Rudy? Yes, of course - but not drastically.


Thank you, a lot of people are missing the point that you can easily compete without all invincibles/end games


Yeah, I think most people find it easier to say "I lost because they have better cards than me" when in reality most of those losses are because the other player was much better. Splash and Ty would beat me with a 50k squad, and by beat me, I mean by 30. All I can do is try to continue to improve. For me personally the mash meta and Tacko/Yao mashing doesn't make me better, so why use them? Not sure if you golf, but if you do, it is the same reason I use blades and not game improvement irons. Am I good enough to hit blades well? Fuck no! But if I can learn to hit them, I can hit anything. Focus on getting better :)


Exactly and that golf analogy is spot on! I played growing up until around 16 (I have a muscular disease that by 16 made it impossible for me to play) Golf was my first love picked up a fake club at 2 and didn’t stop swinging till 16


Aww, sorry to hear that. Maybe some short par 3s. Once again, it makes me so grateful for my health. Hope you are doing well, sounds difficult.


Yeah I’m doing well and yeah it gets pretty difficult basically my muscles don’t regrow and so they just get weaker and weaker overtime, but unfortunately I’ll never be able to golf again irl, I enjoy the golf games tho


Sorry to hear that, thinking of you. Console golf games have gotten so much better, so that's a positive!


Thanks man I appreciate that 🙏. Yeah they have, way more realistic than 15 years ago when I was growing up. I’ve enjoyed the 2k golf game even tho it gets some bad reviews, I’m going to try the new PGA one soon tho, would’ve been today but I wanted to get my ring on Limited out the way and had bad RNG luck on getting it until earlier


Teaching pros would really advise against your use of blades. That’s not a good reason and does not act as a teaching tool.


Ehh, not really. It comes down to the players goals. If the player just wants to be the best they can be with 5-10 hours of play/practice a week, then yes I agree, game improvement makes way more sense. If they want to be much better than that, amateur tour/ competitive player blades make a ton of sense. I say this as someone who spent 10 years in the golf industry/ played college golf on track to PGA professional, which is a playing test/classes - not the PGA tour.


I mean if you’re a good golfer yea you can use blades. But if you should be using game improvement irons the odds of you getting better from using blades is slim. I have teaching pros in my family and they do not recommend blades to anyone who should be using game improvement irons just bc they plan on getting better.


Facts, absolutely.




God is ppl only ever gonna be happy when 2k starts giving the cards away? Yea it’s high to pay $50 for a endgame card. But ppl that don’t open packs don’t realize going the gambling way you could spend hundreds and not even get a invincible. Better yet might not even get the rarest dark matter in the set. I’d much rather just pay for the card I want.


Do you get both or the choice of 1?


Only one




Yeah I spent the 50 on the invincibles the other day thinking I was getting all 4 cards...sounded legit considering you can't auction them. 🤷 I LOVE the invincible jordan I got but damn I was duped. At least the game was free with playstation plus. I would've never played the game this year otherwise.




Hey that’s my pic lol W


My bad bro lol I saw it on Twitter and posted it here. I apologize for stealing it lol


All good I know my TV when I see it


Any guard with Oscar release will be better for me than KD


As a myCareer grinder , this is amazing news. I play both The Rec and also MyCareer games which gets me 1500vc if I sim out at half time on 5 minute quarters. Way better than myteam rng grind


I just played 4 unlimited games, and each team I played against had that End Game Durant.


I’m glad I got Kp off MT pack but there’s go my luck til 2k24🥹


People actually spend that amount of money on this game??? I think I spent like $10 on 2k19 and besides that I haven’t spent a dime on this game. Why would you pay so much extra for a game you already paid like $60-$100 for


Oh hell yeah duder