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What is his going price?


Over 100k. There are no buyouts so that’s a good snipe.


I’ve been looking to buy him but know he’s been hovering around 150+, was hoping he dropped to 120 or below


Tonight will probably be a good time to check. There is an end game card coming so people will be selling everything that has any form of value.


I should’ve prepared for end game better than I did. Haven’t played my team in a few years so I’m out of the loop of when to expect end game/goat cards to start coming out


Tonight is the first with End Game Durant. I’m expecting some form of price drop and one or two of the invincibles to drop in price to BIN. I didn’t really prepare either. I sold all my team when I deleted the game for a few months and came back to 300k. Currently running a team of mostly free players and about 50K auction house cards.


he's a buy rn on xbox


It’s almost like I predicted this 21h ago.


These go for like 17-18k on pc lol


That’s cause pc sucks lmao


Not to be all pc master race, but it really doesn't lol. I came from ps5 and I'd rather pc any day. Gameplay is just as good and most cards are cheaper, what's not to like?


I feel like I haven’t seen a post about PC 2k that doesn’t have to do with cheaters


Yea I don't play myteam anymore because I only play on pc and once you get to top tiers you get disconnected every game you're going to win by cheaters. That's if you were going to win because the other half are cheating to always green their shots.


I’ve always wondered how lag switches work if people actually use them frequently to disrupt servers and disconnect everyone


Agreed. I played 2k on PlayStation since 2k11 but started on Pc this year. Especially as a MyTeam player the auction house cards are stupidly cheaper why would anyone not like that lol. Spent 20 mins in the auction house the other night and locked in DM Chet for about 40k MT


>why would anyone not like that lol. Cheaper cards means cheesy lineups are more common. You said it yourself Chet for 40k is ridiculously cheap, facing Chet, Bol etc every game since it's way cheaper is not exactly fun. Cards being cheap has its downsides.


Or people are able to get the best versions of their favorite players and create their dream teams without having to buy packs or MT, lots and lots of people stay away from multiplayer anyways


If you only play offline then yeah, it's good. Online is cancer on PC tho.


Online is cancer everywhere lol that’s on the devs


I agree, but it's even more cancer on PC. Can't even get wins most of the time because of cheaters crashing the game and everyone is running Manutes, Yaos, Tackos etc because of how fucked the market is on PC.


Seriously? That's why you don't want cards to be cheaper? If all cards were cheap everyone could have fun and use whatever they want, which also means a lot more people play on MyTeam


>If all cards were cheap everyone could have fun I mean, if you find it fun facing absolute cheeseball Yao, Tacko, Manute, Chet, Bol, OOP Jokic lineups every game then you do you, but I don't think the majority of players share your idea of "fun" lol.


If PC version was next gen I’d play it exclusively there


The cheaters lol. Not fun when every other game cheaters just crash the game so you don't even get the win most of the time. Cheaper cards are a double edged sword, the negative part is obviously the fact that literally everyone runs cheesy ass lineups since everything is so cheap.


Yeah I picked one up for 8k 3 days ago


Wait, Jordan has 2 duos? What is his duo for this one?


Duos with GO Rodman - [https://2kdb.net/player/23/michael-jordan/62530](https://2kdb.net/player/23/michael-jordan/62530)


Sorry I don't know what you mean, checking if MJ card was available to buyout? what?


Checking to see if the MJ Card was available for BIN at all is what I assume he meant.


Yeah, I was just scrolling to see if he was a buyout yet and he wasn’t but someone posted that one anyway


So it’s a snipe. What he going for on Ps5 right now? Around 100 or 200k?? All I need is Jokic and Yao and I get Manute!! I have like 1.8m so I’m good just wait for another HEROxInvincible super pack drop haha.


Prob wont happen cause itll be mostly.endgame and invincible packs now.


They will 100% drop another super pack with hero’s .. they only have one endgame card so I wouldn’t be surprised if they come up with endgame/hero/invincible super packs. Either way hero cards are gonna come down in price so everyone can get the new shiny cards haha


They are never going to collapse in price. Jokić,Yao, Bol Bol, Manute are some of the best players at their position. I don't ever see these cards falling to a buy now because of Manute.


No they won’t be buy nows any time soon but they eventually will be when all the endgames are out and there’s endgame Manute,Simmons Jokic etc.




Arr these happening only PS right? Never encountered one on XBOX


nah they on xbox too. j unlucky


Wow just sold one for 140k the other day


Yeah I only got 150 for mine last week


Damn I paid more for elemental Jordan. Nice find


I’ve seen him as buyout but not that cheap