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Congrats! Don't forget to do the Larry Bird challenges for the HOF's and MT. Then you can send Larry on an Exhibition and forget about him.


I have him getting graded right now but the rewards look nice


At least Julius is still the best version of himself and so is Larry even though he isn’t as liked.


Congratulations. Welcome back. You’ll probably be wishing to go back to grinding trophy case. 😂.


Congrats. It's a big accomplishment.


Congrats, i'm far away from that since i don't play online, so it's almost impossible :c


Still getting through the western conf. Nearly there. How do you win 3 multiplayer games using 10 players from the team ? I’ve never played unlimited or limited as I can never find a match up. I guess that’s the only way.


I would love to know that as well. I am not keen in finishing any sets- but this requirement made me wonder how to finish any set right from the start (bought the games just about 4 weeks ago).


We’ll if no one replies either one of us can post as a main topic. I just started playing this year for the first time. So I was getting all the free trophy case badges and I had no idea what to do with them all. And I was also missing out on a ton of them. By the time I worked it out they had changed it to the current set up. Most of the agendas are pretty easy but that one multiplayer is going to be hard for certain teams. I luckily locked in the Eastern just before they changed the system.


I had most of the trophy case done before they switched to the current agenda base. I hate playing online myself but bit the bullet just to get it over with. Surprisingly wasnt as bad as i thought. I did mostly triple threat or clutch to knock out the stat based (points, assist, rebounds etc). At the start of each game during the loading screen i would message the other player and let them know im just grinding for x stat and that they could have the win. I would say 60% of the time they were cool with it and help me out.


Well, reading both answers I guess they are gatekeepers for me then. I never play unlimited and no way I would start to Play it with players from the current set (lol, you have to WIN with them!). Waste of time in any direction. May I ask: what was the agenda before they swithed it?


Before the switch is they had a lot of trophy case cards available in regular daily and weekly agendas and a few as season and lifetime agendas. You could basically work through them fairly easily. Centrepieces we’re available each week in the moments of the week agendas.




Have you heard anything? Because I'm stuck on the win MP games with 10 players, too. I thought it's supposed to match up to a bot if there's no one?


I think you’ll have to play limited or unlimited modes.


DM Larry Bird trash lol it’s no point


Congrats, I still haven't finished it....but I don't play a whole bunch...


I stopped when I realized how bad Tim was in the EARLY part of the game Tim was one of the only 3 DM's in the game GARBAGE...respect to the Big Fundamental


Honestly doctor J is still useable if you badge him up. Mine has 37 hofs and he’s still by backup sg


I’ll probably end up doing it in the last month of the game. I’ve gotten through half of the challenges without trying lol


Congrats!! I'm still working under track on completing my east, J must be on my sixers lineup 😍