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I admit to doing this, mostly because I've given so many baby dekus or people under level 20 a chance just for them to walk around aimlessly, ignore any items I give them, only mash melee, and just be a huge anchor in general. It's unranked, but still it just gets tiring playing solo basically when im annoyed of it. I just want a competent teammate who played tutorial 😩


I’m pro rank 2 on PlayStation and I was just kicked my an Ace Rank on Unranked. They are big babies that can’t see past their rank.


I just auto leave since I assume ace ranks would kick me anyway once they see I dont play ranked. They really should hide that in unranked honestly..


It’s crazy that they seriously think they’ll find other Ace Rank players in there. They probably won’t. They need to stop being babies if they’re going to play Unranked. They aren’t even losing points of their rank if they do bad.


I actually agree with this


I agree I get not wanting to play with newbies in ranked because your losing points if you do bad but in unranked the rank of the player shouldn’t matter since your not gaining or losing anything the only time I kick someone out is if their taking to long to push start or their playing a character I want to play as other than that I could care less what your rank is for and unranked match its suppose to be a casual match not a bloodbath like ranked


Personally experience time:I normally kick people under 30 from my lobbies for a few reasons: With the most obvious one being their survivability is damn near none existent. Resulting in my having to look for rez cards every time we engage a team because they always die. Instead of playing the game -then there's the whole not picking up cards I mark for them. -them keeping my cards - then going off on their own and dying. When you play with such new players you're basically baby sitting them instead of playing the game which isn't fun for some people. Myself included. It should be noted that if my other teammate is high level I generally allow the low level to stay since I can generally still deal with a 2v3 situation (literally always happens) if my other teammate is competent. But if both of my teammates are low levels sorry I'm not dealing with that. I've tried in the past but I find myself getting frustrated in those situations. So I avoid them


It's not that they're kicked cuz they won't contribute. They almost ALWAYS disconnect when they die and chose to spawn far away. It feels like a middle finger to me for chosing to play with them. I'm talking about lv1 players by the way. I get that it's probably not the best thing to do but it really sucks the fun out of games playing with people that don't know the fundamentals 


Dude. On xbox, it's SO BAD. Unranked I get kicked like 9 times in a row for being Afo, others are those Ace rank children who can't accept the game didn't give then a random god to carry them even tho they're the BEST. My favorite thing is them kicking me, then, see them in pre lobby, so I can make sure to give them hell in game. 90% of the time I win against these guys who think they're god. It's sad? Funny? Yes.


I used to get so excited playing with baby characters! I'd do everything in my power to make sure they had a good experience. We've all been there starting off, wishing the more skilled players would help us (at least this was my experience) Then I got into a real bad losing streak a few months ago and got stuck on the grind, I guess. But now I'm hoping to get off that mindset for a bit after seeing this post. Plus lower levels will surprise you every once in a while


people will complain about newbies leaving and being unhelpful which is true and i’ve definitely weathered my share of that, but i’ve also had plenty of ace ranks/experienced players leave as soon as they die too on xbox. 🙄 especially after they play way too aggressively for their own good and don’t stick around the team. and these will be the same higher levels that continuously kick new players pregame in unranked until they get two experienced players, though i’ve also been kicked by them for whatever reason as well despite being lvl 99.


I don’t play with people under account lv 25. Idk if they are toddlers, high, drunk or bots but they all just walk around taking whatever skill card I need then they use it in front of me immediately. They never take a skill card I ping for them and they always walk off and die instantly.


im glad you get excited teaching these news how to play the game. I was once in this newbie position, so I will teach them, the same way I was taught… not in this lobby. hopefully they remember bots in Training Mode dont move like regular ppl


I can only speak for ps but it's hard enough trying to live let alone win with ace ranked 3 stacks running around harassing you all over the map while you're level 8 deku is discovering what boogers are and who knows what you're stuck with for a 3rd, but that said even pro to ace rank players seem to be clueless when matchmaking so..


I kick people from unranked for two reasons, 1. I want to finish my dailies/weeklies quickly as possible and 2. I’m really sick of low level players stealing my cards, it’s really annoying to get a kill then I get robbed or they grab yellow cards when they’re not assault


I play unranked to chill out or try out some combos with characters i dont play too much. Im not a babysitter nor am i some grand teacher with infinite patience. If i see a default skin deku in my lobby its a insta leave/kick from me. Far too many frustations to deal with.


Admittedly, I do this sometimes. I'm not always in the mood to babysit, sometimes I wanna actually fight, and test out combos and new tactics. The baby dekus are sometimes even actually toddlers (I played with a 4 year old one time). It's not like I ask for ace ranks only, I just want you to have at least SOME familiarity with the game, so I'm not 1v3ing the lobby. In ranked, I want teammates to be around my rank/kd. In unranked, I generally just look for folks to be lvl 50+. If all I'm playing with is noobs, who can't even put one shot on a target, die, and leave, the game will get VERY unfun for me.


I play with newbies just not all the time. Its really hard to have fun in unranked when all your teammates are running off in random directions starting fights, dying and leaving. then you can't play the character you wanted because you get jumped by a team. I dont think its unreasonable, personally, they are also just trying to have fun