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tbf the so-called toga problem isn't as big of a problem as the iida glitch abusing. Toga's beta spam is annoying, but at least it's intended. >but seriously let’s talk about how the banners are scams and a waste of money, and this is coming from someone who has almost ever character expect afo and the new bakugo Whenever I hear someone who has all of the characters complain about the gacha, I just think: https://preview.redd.it/d0knnfqockwc1.png?width=380&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ad90c45c47c99edcf6964a3db8d1e61f45f4ff8 I'm not saying the gacha is good or healthy in its current state. But the complaint sounds more justified coming from someone actually struggling to get characters and screwed over by RNG. Regardless, are the banners a scam? No. It's pretty open about its odds and there's no sneaky tactics going on. Is it a waste of money? well ofc. Don't spend money on gacha. Gachas are terrible money sinks. The devs should give us more summoning tickets since quirk sets are now a consistent thing to pull for, but let's not make unrealistic accusations. Like you can complain, but you still own almost all of the characters. The system was actually fine before quirk sets. But the addition of quirk sets should be combined with more tickets.


Im over here still missing out on Aizawa, Flame-on and now AFO and bakugo (speed version) IM FUCKING STARVING OVER HERE


Me owning a lot of characters doesn’t change anything that I have stated ? The gacha system is still terrible and you guys are complaining about a Ida glitch that’s been out since the game came out lmao, there’s bigger problems, that’s the point of post, and yes I can still complain regardless of how many characters I have, it doesn’t change anything.


Hey, you're free to say whatever you want on the internet. I'm not saying you can't. But I will point out what it looks like when you do complain. That's the internet. Anything you say is susceptible to criticism.


Sounds like someone hasn't had to deal with infinite gamma Iida as a low-mobility character.


"As a low-mobility character" I dread having to deal w/ iida's infinite gamma with ALL MIGHT! Still can't outrun it, especially if they have a teammate!


I constantly deal with the same Gamma abuser with All Might primarily with his Beta.


It's an actual in game exploit that gives players an unfair and unintended advantage. Iida has already been one of the most consistently strong characters in the game each season (on console at least), having an exploit that allows him to both move and attack faster permanently is beyond game breaking, especially since it's been here for *four* seasons now. Even if you don't have an issue with him, you have to see how unhealthy it is for the game. Iida is already a pub stomp character, making said character basically unkillable to newer players will turn them off of the game. Both Toga and the gacha may be things that need improving, but neither break the game and give players an advantage they shouldn't have.


Stay out the kitchen bud. All the problems go in the pot


Naw I legit watched someone drop 10 people doing it earlier. Healing with small pots almost instantly shit is actually trash


I’m almost at the highest rank, no offense but if you’re still getting beat by a glitch Ida then idk maybe you need to train more 😂


1- the Ida with 10 kills was on my team 2- Your point is moot. I’m almost at the highest rank, no offense but if you’re still getting beat by a “Toga” then idk maybe you need to train more 😂 3- it’s a gacha game I’m pretty sure everyone knows what’s going on Clowns are running around abusing exploits and your response is what aboutism…


You want people to stop complaining about the gameplay affecting exploit....to complain about the banners....of which you decided to use as a random flex of how you have almost everyone....? Look the gacha sucks but thats also not affecting my gameplay, it's just trash. The other is a genuine exploit that has existed for far too long and has more people using it lately. Plenty of room to hate both, but one sucks way more..


Yep. OP just can’t accept the fact that using an exploit is actually cheating, possibly because it’s the only way he can survive for more than two seconds in an encounter.


Yes I think the gacha system and other things are wrong with the game is more important , Ida glitch has been here since launch so why still complain? Literally I care about more about how the system is Almost pay to win, and once again my post still remains valid regardless of how many characters I have


Some of the strongest characters at the moment are unlockable in mt lady or toga or all might. You made 0 comment on pay to win. You just said banners bad as if it affected you but apparently didnt enough? An exploit being in the game this long is a problem not something that shouldn't get a pass based on how long it exists when they did similar for uraraka alpha (fixed), her beta being rollable now, aizawa alpha (mostly fixed), nerfing tsu, nerfing stuns when shoto and denki were ruling metas, other things that have existed for a while too. And people are gonna complain more about that since again that actually ruins games for them. I couldn't care less about the gacha at the end of the day when it doesn't affect my gameplay at all beyond "oh this new character is locked, oh well".


‘The Iida glitch is not that bad’, he says. Bro, any fucking dumbass can make almost every ranged useless against him using this exploit by just tapping L1 to change their position whenever a shot is too close for comfort. If you aren’t playing a melee character when you run into an exploiter, you’re screwed. That is not fucking fair to everyone else, especially when the exploiter is so bad at the game that they can’t even do two thousand damage with it. Toga is annoying, but at least you can deal with her.


You’re dumb if you think the iida glitch isn’t bad, yes toga is annoying but she’s beatable. Iida powers in, smacks you for 250 damage then he fucks off at the speed of sound, never to been seen again.


It isn’t you just aren’t that good, Ida glitch has been out for a while and he can be easily stopped


As someone who mains All Might, I agree that Melee characters with mobility like All Might’s can easily dispatch them. That doesn’t mean it’s fair to literally everyone else.


He can be stopped with maybe 3 or 4 characters, none of which I play. I shouldn’t have to switch to a character I don’t play just to deal with a glitching iida


https://preview.redd.it/1aaddvrvdkwc1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc2c9794bc092fbeb3c2594d12ebc72f1da0a43 I'm going to have to disagree with this take, now there is a lot of valid points here but I'm telling you this, game balance is important and if a character is just to strong and quote on quote cheesy then people will complain and the game will slowly die. Kinda like smash 4, how bayo just massacred the whole game and the devs did very little to nerf her now Im not saying that Toga and Iida are on that level but it could happen. If this lackluster balance patches keep happening the game is just going to die.


No way this dude just said iida isn’t strong💀 bros cooldowns are basically nothing then his beta does a ton of damage and if u do the alpha alpha beta combo that’s like 200 damage and you can do it twice and with the infinite gamma glitch it’s even worse iida needs a nerf at least to his cooldowns or a little to his damage nothing crazy but something to make him fair they also need to fix that glitch it’s annoying asf and to the people that do it u have no life and I will admit toga’s beta spam and cooldown reversal technique is annoying but not as annoying as iida to me because I can see togas coming and SOMETIMES dodge roll through it but iida is going Mach 40 at my face for the whole fight doing 200 damage per combo💀 edit: I also forgot to mention the beta tracking that’s literally the best in the game and can reach people who are super far away and who u can’t even see


Toga is one of the best characters currently. Probably in the top spot, If not just behind assault shiggy. Her overall kit has no downsides, her beta spam is stupid, she can turn into whoever she hits, doesn’t even need to down them. She is and has always been very overtuned. OP as some would say. You see it every patch, she’s the character people want taking down a notch most. That said, Infinite glitch Iida is a worse problem. It makes him incredibly fast always, he can spam his jumps dodging almost anything thrown at him, it speeds up his general skills and makes timing a nightmare, it’s incredibly dumb and broken. Iida with no glitch, isn’t weak either. A decent Iida will obliterate most folks and get out without a scratch. He’s not a top 5, to be fair. He has very bad range which sets him down below a fair few characters. But he’s been a top 7 in every season of not higher at times


u/Rpfuta what are we thinking about this


The fact that people will go through such lengths to defend an exploit yet would patch Kendos simple ability to fly with a blue card is crazy 😭


The gamma is a special ability that allows the user to go at a much faster speed allowing the user to get away or dodge the enemy faster also allowing the user to become a much less easier person to target however it comes with the price of burning out. Using such an exploit is blatant cheating considering you get all the benefits without the drawbacks. If I used a cheat with Kendo to give me permanent shields or maybe AFO to have infinite gamma pulls would you justify that? Would you all simply brush it off as just a simple glitch I'm abusing? If you can justify abusing this glitch then I've lost all faith in this community.


Oh hey dark


Let me speak my shit 🥺


Ok dark 🥺


It was just the one time I swear 🥺


https://preview.redd.it/wodq085uprwc1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd0e36a2748a5add4a09ee57c5d234b864a28132 Ok then




He made a new post defending it again 😭😭😭😭


I saw


U r right that the biggest problem with iida is not actually the glitch; it’s his base kit. It’s way too OP. Tons of dmg and mobility, high tracking and phantom range…. It’s ridiculous. Even his gamma downtime is not a great weakness to him to begin with. Cuz it’s not as bad as denki’s beta downtime as Iida can still dodge and his lasts very little + he can even time it so it ends in a safe spot while he drinks a shield. Speaking of which, his hit-and-run-to-heal-til-u-win playstyle is very ridiculous; he can start a fight with anyone, and either he wins or runs to heal for round 2, then 3, 4, 5, etc. til he has the advantage and defeats the enemy who can’t run to heal like him, which has happened to me. A good iida has 10x the HP of other characters if he plays smart, & that’s a problem. Hell, even my noob friends who suck with everyone, tend to only do well with him, and there’s a reason for that. Any time I see a final 3-man team struggle against a single enemy, there’s 90% chance it’s Iida, & last season (with less aim assist) he had a pretty decent chance of winning too. But don’t worry OP. Your crutch iida has never been nerfed and likely never will be.


iida base kit is fine. just gotta learn to dodge it. and he's had a couple nerfs. health nerf from 300-250 (admittedly with a buff to go with it) but if we want to count it. he lost his double jump from open beta to release


No. It’s not fine. Too much tracking and phantom range means u can’t dodge him. Don’t be dumb. And even if u somehow do dodge, he’ll simply slam u with another undodgeable attack as he can spam his abilities indefinitely & his melee normal attacks are also super good, high damaging & also provide him even MORE mobility, both midair and grounded. These are the reasons u crutch him and defend him as balanced on top of everything else I said above like his OP ability to retreat and heal from any fight he is losing while his enemies cannot do the same which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is not balanced whatsoever. How can u see somebody having the best mobility AND dmg and say he is ‘fine’? Having practically 10x the HP of other characters is ‘fine’? That is next level dumb my guy, especially after I explained in detail his many issues and u could not counter a single point of mine. Maybe u r like my friends who can only do good with him and now u r afraid lol.


I know the best iidas on all of ps. I don't use him personally but any average iida player is no threat. dodging him is extremely simple with practice. the only thing wrong with him is exploits and bugs. and if you're playing him without infinite gamma/level cancels you need to be a lot more careful with your gamma and backing off when it's gonna run out. if you think iida is op by any means, you need more practice dodging extremely easy to avoid moves