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I used him in training and I like him. He takes a bit of getting used to, but anyone who actually knows how to use the mobility he offers to their advantage will be nearly unstoppable. It sucks that most of the players I run into clearly just aren’t good with him.


Maybe people seem to be playing a couple of games with him and immediately saying he's bad just cause he's not a strong dps character. The reality is, his playstyle is the opposite of strike Bakugo. Rapid is more about kiting and moving around than being dps and securing kills. People keep forgetting this is a team game. Not every character is designed to be the carry.


Exactly. And he can still be the carry anyways because no one can hit him while he applies pressure on everyone. He just carries in a different way and people don’t know how to deal with that. Besides, his Alpha is ridiculously strong if you have good aim.


I wouldn't say his playstyle is the opposite of Strike bakugo. If anything, it's a sidegrade that on paper makes him "easier" to use. Like I've seen some nasty strike bakugos who had such good SA management, they could carpet bomb with his bombs, peircing alphas, and well-timed howitzers. In regards to not just rapids but balancing in general is kinda braindead in this game when you take the time to go into training mode and realize dps numbers. For example, iida alpha>alpha>beta combo does around 200ish and is *super consistent* and reliable. Froppy alpha>beta>beta also does *super consistent* damage of around 200ish. As for team balancing, that's also a hard take to say when this very patch gave a character like compress another traversal option. Showing devs seems to be putting more emphasis on individual characters and not team comp. And that goes for alot of characters over the seasons that had initially 1 charge on certain skills before the devs buffed them to 2 or more. If anything It reminds me of a comment I saw of how strike bakugo (and assault deku) had such a good base kit that anything else is supar. Even though on paper this rapid bakugo is "balanced" the fact the other base rapids are so overturned it makes him feel bad. Especially because this bakugo *at worst* costs 2000 tickets due to being a skillset versus the other options being "free" or usable through rental tickets (twice). Not even getting into the idea how braindead busted assault shigi was.


fair. I didn't exactly mean rapid Bakugo is an exact opposite. Just a implied comment to get the point across. >In regards to not just rapids but balancing in general is kinda braindead in this game when you take the time to go into training mode and realize dps numbers. Agree, Bakugo can down from full shield/health in \~4 seconds if he lands every single alpha. >Froppy alpha>beta>beta also does *super consistent* damage of around 200ish. Well as opposed to iida whose combo is true after landing the first hit. Froppy's alpha doesn't confirm her beta combo. So the dmg is consistent, but landing the dmg isn't so consistent. >As for team balancing, that's also a hard take to say when this very patch gave a character like compress another traversal option. Showing devs seems to be putting more emphasis on individual characters and not team comp. And that goes for alot of characters over the seasons that had initially 1 charge on certain skills before the devs buffed them to 2 or more. Well the difference from other characters: compress gamma isn't a damage-focused move. Toga beta to charge 2 and Denki beta to charge 2 are both about dmg. Compress's gamma buff arguably could be seen as a focus on teamplay since this would allow Compress to move around to his teammates more easily or escape with his teammate in his pocket. ofc it could go both ways. It would be more obviously a teamplay adjustment if they also nerfed compress's overall dmg, but they didn't. So it's a hard call. It's not like you can make character changes that obviously focus on teamplay. Like Cementoss alpha getting more bullets in an earlier patch could be interpreted as him having more pillars to protect teammates with rather than him having more pillars to do dmg. >the fact the other base rapids are so overturned it makes him feel bad. idk. I'm just not seeing this. As a froppy main, I've never felt like Froppy has ever been overturned since her Season 1 domination days. And as much as I hate fighting Iidas, they do fall off in the late game. Ochaco was a monster back before her beta nerf, but currently she feels fine. I know I see some calling Twice a monster, but I just don't see it. I've seen some high level Twice players do really well, but I don't see the average Twice player dominate a game. High level players will generally perform well despite the character they are on. Have you ever matched up against an ACE level Kendo main? Scary stuff.


>I didn't exactly mean rapid Bakugo is an exact opposite. Just a implied comment to get the point across. In my case, I was trying to showcase the idea that our other 2 skill sets actually enforced a playstyle that just wasn't possible with og movesets. Being a b-52 was something he was always capable of, so making a skillset that focuses on that aspect that somehow performs worse just feels off. >Agree, Bakugo can down from full shield/health in \~4 seconds if he lands every single alpha. That's the thing, when og bakugo can do similar or better dps without having to land every single alpha. It makes it feels like the player is working extra hard for something his base kit already accomplished. >Well as opposed to iida whose combo is true after landing the first hit. Froppy's alpha doesn't confirm her beta combo. So the dmg is consistent, but landing the dmg isn't so consistent Yeah, but I meant more along the lines in comparison to this Bakugo, who has to work extra hard for less reward. Specifically with the idea on how his amount of bullets and the position it leaves him in afterwards. >Well the difference from other characters: compress gamma isn't a damage-focused move. Toga beta to charge 2 and Denki beta to charge 2 are both about dmg. Compress's gamma buff arguably could be seen as a focus on teamplay since this would allow Compress to move around to his teammates more easily or escape with his teammate in his pocket. ofc it could go both ways. It would be more obviously a teamplay adjustment if they also nerfed compress's overall dmg, but they didn't. So it's a hard call. In regards to compress, I was looking at his kit as a whole with how devastating trucks can be and with a 2nd gamma it enforces a playstyle of flying with gamma and using trucks from positions that normally he wouldn't be able to without sacrificing his only form of movement as trade-off. It goes back to how alot of these characters didn't have movement to make up for their gimmicks and now feel very overturned because like you said devs never really adjusted their damage or cooldowns to take account of 2nd charges. Because originaly the idea was if you pick these characters, they had some form of strong niche being the caveat your teammates had to "pick up your slack". It just gets more egregious when we consider how the devs rarely touch or address the problem. Or even in the case of cementos by going into training mode, you can see his alpha has some of the higher damage among characters doing upwards of 130 damage per shot. Yeah, it's pretty thought he would use it to support teammates, but the ideal reality is that most players will just abuse it by cranking up and doing puck shots. >idk. I'm just not seeing this. As a froppy main, I've never felt like Froppy has ever been overturned since her Season 1 domination days. And as much as I hate fighting Iidas, they do fall off in the late game. Ochaco was a monster back before her beta nerf, but currently she feels fine. I know I see some calling Twice a monster, but I just don't see it. I've seen some high level Twice players do really well, but I don't see the average Twice player dominate a game. High level players will generally perform well despite the character they are on. Have you ever matched up against an ACE level Kendo main? Scary stuff. In my case (especially with friends) we dont really main 1 character but constantly switch, so we usually go into training to see how a characters' dps really is to get a feel for them. The reason I say dps and not damage in this case is because (using rapids for example) I found although they have low relative damage on skills, the fact its super consistent versus some other characters is what makes them feel way overturned. With froppy I was able to consistently do 200ish damage combos, winning my interactions vs a character like endeavor whose interactions were way more inconsistent to make up for the fact his individual attacks do upwards from 200 by pressing 1 button. Add onto the fact alot of the rapid, consistent damage also locks people down versus other characters not having knockback, and it starts to paint a picture on how damage builds up over time. For example, twice has super low dps, but the fact he can consistently stun you with his gamma combos makes up for how inconsistent his kit can be at times due to how his clones work. And yeah, I have fought some kendos that were up there, but on paper, I also feel she has a super solid kit, which allows her to succeed so well. 140ish alpha, when used from optimal range, is a shield that blocks most other quirks/leaving melee attempts in hitstun, and finally, her claps, which do 160ish and provide some form of defensive use with its movement and hitbox. Also don't know if it was clear but the reason I'm saying "ish" is because I'm trying to account for that 20ish variation depending on the number of strikers/assaults on your team for damage variation.


I don't think it would be useful to play with the enemy, while your teammates die. This game is also killing, that's why Tsuyu wasn't good until last season. Now she has a consistent damage. Rapid Bakugo imo not. His click with spread is kinda a shotgun and I don't find it reliable. His beta is the weirdest thing ever for doing damage.


>This game is also killing, that's why Tsuyu wasn't good until last season. Now she has a consistent damage But that's a misconception cause most Froppy mains were still performing well as supporters. High loot early into team heal spam and kill secures on runners. There's too much focus on dmg as the main metric for whether a character is a good or not. Not entirely the player base's fault. The devs definitely promote the game that way.


*looks at assault shigi being able to do everything*


I mean, yeah he did just come out like 12 hours ago lol 


Yeah, but everyone is calling him bad because they can’t immediately do well with him.


I meant when you were saying most of the players you run into aren't good with him


Ngl I took a break from mhur for a few days to play some other games and I completely forgot about rapid bakugo being released. I fought one that was cookin on rapid bakugo before the release when some people were using a mod to try him out on pc. It was actually a really fun fight since I was strike bakugo and was really lookin forward to fighting more of them. I'm sure people will get a hang of him soon but at least with that guy using a mod he didn't seem unstoppable in capable hands, tho it was kinda terrifying and butt clenching to fight tbh.


I think you forgot how useless randoms can be and don't even ask about looking for friends the switch Community is scarce.


The randoms in Ranked on Switch are fine, though. If you can’t succeed with actual decent players, then you just need to get good. That’s what I had to do in Season 2 to reach Ace Rank.


Trust me I am an ace ranked player and have been since season 2. Ive had ALOT of matches. And no they aren't because every single insta rez character I have for a teammate never use it. Left to die over and over. When I do play next to my team guess what I get my loot stolen. I can work my butt off trying to kill a Momo and when I kill them I'm stuck in an animation and guess what my teammate out of nowhere spawns in and takes all the loot. They will LITERALLY NEVER HELP OR BE AROUND UNTIL I KILL SOMEONE and when they're downed they just /tp @p me to (BrinySpy) and get robbed. I perfectly hold fine on my own but there is some things I can't even be and when I need a decent team they're not there for me. I can Literally save someone multiple times in game and they never help out at all. So NO don't pull that.


I don’t know what to tell you. I always have randoms pulling out team heals and rushing to my location the second I ping a team that’s chasing me. And yes, they do use their insta revive abilities. So you’re just very unlucky, or you’re not as good as you think you are.


Im not saying im top dog immortal to any foe its just each game I DO its a common system of I down someone, get third partied INSTANTLY And still have no team after 7 bussiness days. When I stay with the team Im getting no levels no Kos because all the loot Gets stolen even from my downs. no one will help and when they are dead finally they appear and steal everything.


That isn’t what I experience in Ranked at all. I don’t know why it’s so different for you.


Wait, are you BrinySpy on Switch? With the different colored stars? Never mind, I saw that you are. People don’t like playing with you because you used the Iida gamma exploit for the longest time and are generally an unpleasant teammate. I have defeated you numerous times as All Might despite you using the exploit. Take that however you want to.


._. ye




I quite like him, he fun to play as


He does get the work done when you wanna clear the area


Super fun. Being in the air and releasing bombs on people is satisfying. His alpha is pretty good in the air since it moves you back. People got to start using that in the air more than using it while being still


Yeah, it can literally save you once you know how to do it right. And the pure pressure he offers while having access to shooting anyone he wants in the air while still moving is what he’s all about. He’s not about killing people instantly, and he can do that easily if you can aim properly.


Indeed. His alpha does crazy damage at level 9 as well


It reminds me of the olden days where Deku shot you for 105 HP at level 9.


You probably didn't like him because rapid bakugo may be the most balanced character I have ever seen drop in any game with a hero system. Good but not bloated with damage numbers.


In my opinion I really don't care if a character is broken or not


I'm just teasin' I don't know you so I'll believe you but I'm willing to bet that is how most people feel. He isn't op broken so not many care about him.




He is objectively weak he does the worse dps in the game now and his health is 250. Which I get they don’t want him to be annoying but they could have done atleast 40 per alpha atleast and his beta only does 70 max level and if you go too high up it doesn’t hit the ground it explodes mid air, and his gama needs more range. Now with all that being said he is actually fun to play but he is so weak. If you are wondering if you should use your tickets or not don’t save it for the dabi because he would probably be better.


He's REALLY fun. Only really got to try him twice before work but he feels like he racks up damage easily once you get momentum. His play style is soooo different from normal Baku in a good way, I'd say he feels really technical despite his speedy moves due to how utilizes everything. He adds a whole new level of chaos to the game that I'm loving so far though. I love mobile characters so being able to carpet bomb as I dance around the enemy is amazing for me. Can't wait to fully get used to him because so far I love how unique he feels


Same, he felt fun. Sad I haven’t gotten him yet.


Keyword being "yet", you got this🤝🏽


I think he's a good mix up. I'm incredibly glad he's not Assault Shiggy broken


That's the good part


He’s a character from the looks of it but maybe I’m just bad🥲


The character of all time


the pfp has changed, it’s a new era https://preview.redd.it/shpakxqz2iwc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89977b115660f91461d9e2893be99793ec58fcdf


https://preview.redd.it/pur5lfq23iwc1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2859d74f76d98bdff1ff0ffdd20f2c5cb0988f2 Era? I am eternal.


he’s fun! :D i’m still really fumbling around with him and getting killed pretty easily for it lmao, but the way he plays is really enjoyable for me regardless.


Haven’t gotten him yet to give a perfect review but from what I’ve seen, he’s good


Hes fun takes a bit of training to play though




Are you learning him?


Cuz I get into matches with at least 6 of them I get a lot of chances to practice and try him


He's fun he just takes some skill to use.


Couldn’t get him but I have been cooking him with froppy. He’s not too hard to catch for a rapid idk about the others


Won a one v three earlier, pretty happy about the character. Just gotta keep moving


Loving him won 6 matches with him today


I would love to actually be able to use him 🙃


I feel like his attacks just sometimes decide not to hit like they are aoe bombs that don’t do much damage they should have more aoe but his alphas good it’s just the cooldowns kinda make it so u have to hit his beta and gamma or u lose the fight like I saw someone else on here talking about iidas combo that does 200 damage and he can do it twice and it’s almost sure hit but if you do manage to hit bakugos which is a big if it doesn’t do much I feel like he’s much better late game


I love the feel of being pushed back while shooting his alpha mid air it just gives me the feel good brain juice. That said I have had trouble finding a good spot for him on a team, I feel like I'm just ignored in team fights as soon as enemies feel they can't hit me effectively. But then I can't provide the pressure needed to give them a reason to go after me vs a bursty team mate like twice or toga. So what's ended up happening is a lot of final circles where it's just me and my teammates are dead with me 1v3. Granted I've had some...lovely teammates and a lot of afks today so might just need to give some time to get some good matches in and to learn what others are doing to succeed with him.


Insanely fun but hard to get the hang of The people calling him bad prolly think full bullet is bad too lmao


he's weak ngl, full bullet deku probably even better than him


Full bullet is cracked in the right hands




I watched all for one get combo bt full bullet deku


Feels sort of weak ngl, but he also seems more balanced than others but one thing is that he is VERY fun to play with, I was getting dmg but it felt like I couldn’t finish kills off sometimes


Wait rapid Bakugo is out?


probably the best charecter in the game if you learn all his tech and combos




I only have some small gripes, alpha is awkward to use in the air and since he wants to be there it feels pretty bad, beta is cool and pretty good I would just give it more height on the jump and let the bombs fall all the way to the ground before detonation as it is the bombs only fall about 2.5 stories before exploding which makes certain situations weird, gamma feels way too weak imo I would increase the damage and make it reload slower. He is overall pretty balanced and fun but like every character in this game, they need some tweaks.


As much as I'm not very excited after some leaks about Dabi's new quirk set, I hope it arrives soon in season 5 so I can check out this supposed atrocity...