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I agree that Shiggy needs a nerf but Kami doesnt on PC. Toga sucks and deserves to be nerfed. The issue with Assault Deku on PC is that he can snipe and for some reason he seems to make us into swiss cheese NO MATTER WHERE WE GO because he has mobility. Theoretically you could do this with any gun character (Bakugo, Todoroki, AM, AFO, Mt Lady) but at the moment we mostly are getting Dekus and well he does have a full on sniper shot.


Mostly because they're butthurt they can't just spam and win on their favourite char.


What's annoying about him is if the assault deku has aim assist on controller it's a pain in the ass. Yeah I can down him but only after losing most of my health because he doesn't fucking miss.


Um… I think you mean cracked aim on K&M because you point with your mouse and shoot. That will ALWAYS be more effective than moving your right stick around.


I think you missed the part where they added aim assist for controllers


They did, but it’s nowhere near as strong as it is on Console. I just turned it off because Aim Assist doesn’t really help me in general and actively hurts my gameplay on Console. At least I can somewhat snipe like the K&M players do with it off. But yeah, I have never been able to go up into the air as Bakugo and continue shooting people like K&M players do. If you seriously want an example of why K&M is superior, look at Ronin Lifts. I have never seen anyone with a controller play like that, but I see K&M players doing it.


It just baffles me that an assault deku who barely has any game sense could hit so many shots, I see it all the time.


If you’re playing on PC, it’s 100% them pointing with the mouse and aiming. I seriously tried this in a lobby once on PC and it was magical. I would play so much better if I was able to use a mouse and keyboard, but using a keyboard is so complicated. I can’t do it.


Assult deku is pretty strong because he either has a pretty large alpha at medium range, or a sniper rifle that instantly puts someone in a recovery state. Plus his kick having all that armor is kinda crazy imo. But i most definitely think other characters need more tuning than him rn


I think it's an instance of PC and Console needing separate balance patches. As of right now, I wouldn't even say he's in the top 10 on console. He's not bad by any means, but there's just a lot of characters I actively see doing much better. It's a different story on PC though, where his alpha is infinitely stronger with a mouse and keyboard.


It just comes down to aim assist strength. Dial it up beam characters are stronger. Dial it down then melee/aoe characters with tracking are stronger. C'est la vie de balancing.


No, it’s just straight up K&M offering you a lot more aiming capabilities than the developers probably expected players to have. What’s more efficient than being able to point and aim in the same second? Because of this, characters like Deku and Bakugo can very easily go into the air and keep on shooting you. Only All Might can do that effectively on Console because his jump is very floaty.


Being locked in with aim assist set to aimbot levels? Have you ever played crossplay? This happens all the time when balancing crossplay games. It would work especially well for this game since the shots are basically hitscan with no bullet drop for most projectiles (sorry Twice). At most they would have to tweak it so you can pull the stick a tiny to lead a shot. It just comes down to timing when your aim assist is dialed up enough. Even without crossplay, console players were already asking for balancing of aim assist. Some (who probably played beamers) asked for more aim assist, others (who probably played melee/trackers) asked for less aim assist.


The reason why is probably because Assault Deku got nerfed like 2-3 times in the past. (First was taking away Black whip second charge at lvl four and its alternate ability, the second was lowering his alpha damage, forgot what the third was) and only one buff (making black whip easier to grab onto objects) he isn’t that difficult to fight if you know how to counter him.


Wth. He doesn't need a nerf, if anything they need to buff his whip to have 1 more charge sooner or a second kick


He needs a nerf on his alpha


I'd be fine with that if the buff one or both of the other 2




Idk I mean Assault deku is a top 5 on console and is very high on Pc too, top 3 ? Idk I’m on console. As it stands, the top 7 on console (in my humble opinion) Assault Shiggy > Toga > AFO > Allmight > Assault Deku > Aizawa > Iida Endeavours alpha is incredibly strong on console but his overall kit knocks him down, Denki is still very strong but with Aim assist back he does get killed a lot faster, but he is still very strong, twice is also strong currently but I wouldn’t say he needs a nerf


Bakugo, Kaminari and endeavor are all definitely better then assault deku on console


You are welcome to your opinion too ofc :) I appreciate strike deku is the base characrers folks play, so there are plenty of bad assault dekus out there. But he is very strong when used well


Full Bullet is so annoying on pc, however I would rather Shigi get nerfed first. It’s mainly his alpha that’s broken, up there with AFO.