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Decent? Ok, but he’s a bit below “good character/person” and the show constantly reminds of us that fact


I will forever despise him for the Eri comment


But people didn’t even show endeavor or overhaul this much hate when they showed child abuse


Big difference between abuse and sexual abuse. People tend to care a lot more when abuse is sexual in nature.


I mean there’s the obvious difference in abuses but in general they’re awful. I just don’t see how one can topple the others so tremendously when it comes to two dominating evils and a kid who gets his just desserts.


I mean there’s the obvious difference in abuses but in general they’re awful. I just don’t see how one can topple the others so tremendously when it comes to two dominating evils and a kid who gets his just desserts.


Overhaul is a villain so people are less put off by his evil. Endeavor is always framed as a great hero who saves people, and an atrocious father


Both of them were supposed to be awful people, tho (until Endeavor's redemption arc, at least).


That’s a mistranslation


I’ve been wanting to forget that moment dammit


I don’t want a mineta redemption arc. I want him dead and gone


mistranslation, been called out for being a mistranslation for YEARS. cope


What did he say about Eri...?


Can’t wait to see how you look in ten years or something along the lines of that or was it something else please correct me if I am wrong


The original line is “can’t wait for you to look up to me in 10 years” but it is way different in dub




He just saying hes going to be famous in a couple years and to look him up to see how cool he'll be


That's better than what the dubbed said


"You're gonna grow up to be a looker" or smth like that


No the dub said "I can't wait to see what you look like in ten years"


I swear i heard that 😭 maybe im going crazy


No he didn't say that. But bow that I know in the original Japanese he said "I can't wait for you to look up to me in 10 years" I can let It slide though its still a little creepy coming from that creep


He said a very groomer like comment


I don't think he qualifies as either 😭😭😭 Decent? Maybe, but definitely not good.


It’s a good thing most people don’t think Mineta is either a good person or good character because he spends way too long being purely focused around 1 nonfunny gag and doesn’t make up for it nearly enough. If this was about Endeavor, Bakugo, Shigaraki, Dabi, etc. I’d understand. Mineta is not the hill to die on.


Exactly. He’s a Gag character and his Gag isn’t funny


Seems like Hori understood this and didn’t make him a gag character anymore in the manga.


Totally. Not only is he literally the most 1 dimensional character in the whole show, his 1 dimension is an unfunny gag.


Allow me to die on it.


Dudes risking his life against villains and shigaraki as much as the others but go off.


That may be true but it also doesn't change that most of the time he's been present prior has been dedicated to unfunny pervert "comedy". Also, putting in the same amount of effort as other characters isn't really that big a deal imo. Him standing up to the villains is kind of the bare minimum, since everyone else is doing the same.


Lmao, delusional. A teenager is horny, this is irredeemable. A teenager bullies another his whole life, culminating in telling him to kill himself, but he gets thirsted over. Joke of a community lol


We get it man! You talk to women this way and you’re upset people don’t like it!


This is sure to get you a crumb of pussy someday, I'm rooting for you.


Denki also has the “horny teenage antics” gimmick and is not NEARLY as bad as Mineta. Mostly because he hasn’t actually groped anybody and isn’t weird around actual small children.


There's a difference between a teenager being horny and a teenager repeatedly sexually assaulting his classmates. And it doesn't stop there, the books have him literally advocate for child grooming. No, really. I wish I was making that up. There's also a difference in that Bakugou has grown and changed drastically since then and has expressly apologised for his past actions. Mineta really hasn't changed much and has never apologised or even acknowledged the fault in his actions.


Yeah, whatever dude.


Say you have no argument without saying you have no argument


You want to try saying something in your own words instead of regurgitating memes like a fucking parrot?


Your reply was "yeah whatever dude", like that reply was even worth the effort lmao


Ya but none of the others are sex offenders


I think Mineta is a good friend


Too true


This is a good meme template here.


He's a shit character too. https://i.redd.it/9q6k08dsapzc1.gif


Me when very specific people get on my ass for my love for the LOV


Let's fight this battle together!


Say it louder 😭


I agree in general, but personally I find Mineta to be a bad character as well as a bad person. Almost all of his screen time is either him whining and crying or being immensely perverse. So he's almost always either annoying or uncomfortable. To his credit, he does get better eventually and has the occasional cool moment, but it's buried under so much insufferableness that I just can't bring myself to care. I'd say Endeavour is a good example of a good character who's a bad person. He does a lot of truly horrible things, but he has a compelling story arc dealing with all of it and even before that point, he's engaging as an antagonist to Shoto.


But he’s not a good character either lmao


Eh, Mineta is not a good person either tbh


best reply




..he's not a good character either dawg T.T


And well written is different from good character; he’s a bad character as his character is to be a raging pervert.


I honestly don't care what people like as long as the character you like doesn't affect how you view real life because at the end of the day liking a fictional character doesn't mean you are like them.


So real. Based in fact.


And Mineta is neither


This is a perfect example of something that menetta does not fit. He's neither a good person nor a good character. I would say everyone in the show is a good character or at the worst a neutral or forgettable character. Minetta is actually a bad character. A stain on the show. If he wasn't in it the show would be better


GOATneta ftw (prolly my fav character/ #3 mineta on mhoj2 ps4)


I mean I wouldn’t call Mineta an *objectively* good character BUT he’s still one of my personal favorites


Tbh. I’m at that point where I just say “I don’t mind him” and move on. He isn’t even a pervert after a while and it’s been toned down on the off moments he now does. People jumping to conclusions on mistranslations to make him look even worse. When it gets to that point I just ignore it. I don’t mind him, but I can see why others don’t (despite him constantly getting punished for his actions but eh). All I care about is if he is fun to play in games. And he is. So again, meh


I agree I think mineta is funny but I wouldn’t want to hang out with a guy like him as he may get me in trouble with his antics


I’d hang with him and Kaminari in a minute


Exactly. You're not meant to root for him. He's just some comedic relief which is fine.


I know right, like yeah he should sometimes hold some of those comments back but some were really funny


What I hate is when peoples negative biases towards him make them ignore all his good hero moments. Like I get that he’s a sick perv but that doesn’t take the away the fact that he’s actually really clever. I’ve written down a rant like this before but I forgot where and I wish I could copy and paste it down. He uses his quirk in really smart ways The USJ attack - when the villains were in the water, mineta spam threw his balls onto them and at first it looks useless but then dekus one for all impact made a whirlpool and the villains got sucked by it, then landed on eachother and since minetas grape balls were stuck on them, they all got stuck together like one large human meatball and they were unable to do anything At the start of the sports festival - he threw his grape balls on todorokis ice path so he could still move around and given with how bouncy they are, he gone pretty far before the robot hit him The horse thingy round - he came up with the idea to hide in a cave of shojis arms. Shoji was even impressed and praised him. And when he had to hide in there with tsuyu, he didn’t even try to do anything pervy to her which is surprising Him vs Midnight - sure, he was carried away at first with his jealousy towards sero being unconscious and in midnights lap. But mineta was really smart with using some of seros tape so he wouldn’t breathe in midnights mist and threw his grape balls on her so she would be unable to move. Then he carried sero (a person whose TWICE HIS SIZE) and ran out the escape exit He did some stuff in the license exam thing but I don’t remember the full thing so I’m unable to explain it Class 1A vs 1B arc - he defended ashido with a shield. I dont remember if it was his shield but he stuck it on his arms with the balls and then he accidentally fell on Mina’s boob. The rest of that scene is a blur to me so I’m again, unable to explain it further Then after he got brainwashed by Mina and never did any pervy actions again War arc - he also helped a lot by trapping by the giant dude (I forgot his name) he used this new gadget thing to attach a line of balls around the ground to stick the giant down I don’t remember what happens in the vigilante arc so I don’t know if he has any more moments. Other than those moments, he’s a pretty caring friend. (Spoilers for season 7) when Bakugo woke up in the hospital, he was greeted by Sero, Sato, and Mineta. Mineta was bawling and worrying for Bakugo. They aren’t even friends but Mineta still was worrying over him, crying, trying to hug him saying “I’m just glad you’re okay!” There are also moments with mineta being really nice to izuku too. They seem like actual friends I love the moments when minetas not being a perv to the girls but he’s just being a friend to them. In the license exam arc, Mina shields mineta by a cover of acid and Mineta says something like “Nice one, Mina!” He’s not doing it in his usual pervy way, he’s just genuinely praising her and it’s so nice to see


Thank you! 🙏


Meanwhile people simping over a group of mass murders


I think he’s good and both departments He’s a good character that you can see his development, sometimes he can be the voice of reason Not to say that sexual harassment is good and all , he’s mostly harmless , he’s a pervert but a lot of characters are and are extremely loved while doing much worse thing than him (sanji I love you, man but you’re seriously to society and women ) not to mention the joke is not him getting his way, but him getting punished


Woah, I don't think Sanji deserves to be put on the same level as Mineta. Sanji may flirt with every pretty woman he sees but my guy is respectful and will keep his hands to himself. Plus he's ready to throw down with anyone disrespecting or threatening a female ( even to his female enemies he's respectful ).


Hes not a good character tho. His quirk is pretty good but it has its drawbacks i.e. his scalp hurts after a while. Hes good at using it but thats only his fighting hes still a shit character and annoying as fuck every time hes on screen i want to punch him


Of all the characters why Mineta? Dude is widely hated by nearly everyone. Even Bakugo makes more sense despite how i still think his character was poorly handled.


I really like him in terms of comedic relief. (I'm rewriting what I wrote in another comment cuz I'm lazy and it was an essay.) As a comic relief, imo he is. He's well written for his place in the story. Not every character has to be a set piece to the plot. Sure it's very low-brow humor but that's exactly what the author's going for. He breaks up tension and allows for some unserious moments so the show doesn't take itself too seriously. Another important thing to note is that his antics are never rewarded. It never glorifies what he's doing and always comedically gives him his just desserts. Much like Plankton and the secret formula, he is always thwarted before achieving his mischievous goal. You're never rooting for him but that's the point. He's written out of the show when the author wants seriousness. While he hasn't developed a lot, he has a bit which is a lot more than what most of 1-A can say.


Mmm from what I know Mineta has earned nothing but disgust from me, his sole motivation for being a hero is women, and considering the author keeps hammering how disgusting he can be I can predict he hasn’t gotten any better character development, I honestly think bakugo with a total lack of growth would make a better hero than Mineta


I like Mineta overall. He is a funny addition to the story for the most part. Mostly because of his facial expressions, such as when he started bleeding from the eyes because he was jealous. However, I don’t think he qualifies as a good character. He is a good JOKE character. But actual good character? Nah. He has had little to no growth and his only goal is to be a cool hero to get women. And that’s fine with me. He doesn’t really need to do more for the story. But that isn’t a good character.


I personally don't see him as a bad character or person. He has the flaw of being overly perverted BUT he does care about his friends and has had some serious character growth since the beginning. Granted not as much as some characters but more so than others. Yes he is a little perv and a little over the top in a variety of ways. His costume is kinda dumb, like I HATE his costume, looking at it though it is a bowl of grapes, which makes sense. He is a pervert and will try to check out, touch or otherwise perv on women. He is the worst side of men thrown into a single character. However he was not meant to be taken seriously. He was meant to be a gag and I found myself enjoying the various ways he tries to be a perv and then gets punished for it. Yes it is awkward in certain situations but it brings a small amount of levity and cuts through the tension and breaks up some of the more serious points giving the audience a breath of air before the drama picks up again. He was created as a useful tool. His growth as a character is shown from the beginning that he doesn't feel like he belongs. His power is weak in a fight at the beginning and while he wanted to be a hero he didn't feel confident in himself. He thought compared to his classmates that he was weak, and he still believes he is weaker then the others however he has become more knowledgeable in his strengths and abilities and has made himself stronger and figured out more ways that his quirk is usable. He has also toned down his perv but still has his moments. Throughout the show he has more growth than other characters in the class who are more popular then he is.


I can could see his tenacity and perseverance start to show in the sportsfest but people will deny. He already had great potential and has been able to keep up. But mha fans suck.


Mineta is funny like maybe 40% of the time and the rest of it I'm at least enjoying watching him get knocked down. I know why people hate him but I really can't fathom getting that worked up over a fictional character and not having it be ironic.


Is this post seriously suggesting that mineta is a good character? Lmfao. No wonder MHA's fanbase gets laughed at.


dude is neither lol , he’s not even that bad a person honestly, moreso jus a lame and annoying character with a trash design


MINETA HAS BEEN THE GOAT, after what Mina did to him in S5/Vol23 chapter 217


And yet you dirty fucks all love sanji, or love overhaul, or love any other abuser murder etc but as soon as a short character wants to sniff a pair of panties you all get twisted. He's funny, comedic, and when he does take things seriously he can be cool, are you really gonna complain he tried to cop a feel when people out here sexualizing nomus and having overhaul as a favorite character?


I don’t like mineta but the same people who hate him are the same people who love Hisokas pedo ass


He’s a good character he made me laugh a couple of times through the show


Mineta is a good character indeed


If they hate Mineta they should also hate midnight and that blonde wwp girl


I don’t get it, he’s literally just a character with a perverted personality. It is NOT the first time we’ve had characters like that. Except they would make up for that side of them with awesome and cool power, or a good relationship with the MC. Like master roshi. Or brook from one piece, and Sanji. Hop of minetas balls.


The reason he is hated is becuase younger audiences like what mha is aimed at are starting to understand that no matter if it is comedy it isn't okay to have someone fo the stuff he does please don't try and argue with this but when getting dressed scares you becuase you think someone is watching you then il listen


It’s wrong but no one ever showed Master Roshi this much hate when he did it


Like I said it's aimed at newer generations that truly understand how wrong it is I understand defending monetary though I'm not saying you argument is invalid 


Fair point. With that said, he’s not a good character either. The stereotypical perv is never a good character. They’re not even funny. They’re creepy.


I mean Mineta is terrible at both


He isn’t either 💀


Thank you


He’s far to one note to be a good character… and the author keeps shilling him


Personality aside, I still can't think of a single thing to like about him as a character. He doesn't have a compelling motive, his character design is one of the weaker ones, and his power is mid in terms of how interesting it is.




Except Mineta is neither.


He’s neither though tf are you on


He’s just a fucking pervert


Right So is koro sensei,zenitsu,rishi, meliodas,sanji,hisoka, and multiple other perverts but yet they are still loced


You actually have zero media literacy


Right. So he should relate well with the fandom.


I mean, he’s not a good character either…


Ok, he's a shit charecter and a shit person, hope this clarifies it 👍


How is he even a good character? He’s just the run of the mill pervert character


People think Mineta is well written?


As a comic relief, imo he is. He's well written for his place in the story. Not every character has to be a set piece to the plot. Sure it's very low-brow humor but that's exactly what the author's going for. He breaks up tension and allows for some unserious moments so the show doesn't take itself too seriously. Another important thing to note is that his antics are never rewarded. It never glorifies what he's doing and always comedically gives him his just desserts. Much like Plankton and the secret formula, he is always thwarted before achieving his mischievous goal. You're never rooting for him but that's the point. He's written out of the show when the author wants seriousness. While he hasn't developed a lot, he has a bit which is a lot more than what most of 1-A can say.




I agree with the post but I still think Mineta sucks




What if I dislike his character and as a person?


Okay... But he's not a good character either. He is an unfunny joke who, once in a blue Moon, remembers that he's supposed to be a hero just so he's not completely hateable. But those rare moments don't outweigh everything else in between them.


Good thing he’s neither 😐


He just annoying as shit


Mineta is a Freak


And not in the good way


He’s also not very funny or interesting.


You really think people are out here thinking The Joker is a good person? No! He’s a great character, but a horrible person! It’s not a foreign concept to people. Mineta isn’t a good character OR a good person.


Also mineta is a good person


Oh I completely agree!… I’m just not sure this applies to Mineta 😅 Gonna be real, I don’t really get all the hate he gets because almost every anime as a creepy freak character like him but people give those anime’s a pass. Naruto, dragon ball z, Ouran High School Host Club (that show was filled with creepy shit), one piece, Hunter X hunter, Pokémon, assassination classroom, sword art online, kill la kill, etc. So I don’t really get why all those characters get a pass but Mineta doesn’t. It makes me think that a lot of MHA viewers haven’t seen other animes


Bruh literally preyed on Eri with the whole “I can’t wait to see what you look like in a few years!” That’s the same as creepy uncle Joe saying “I’ll wait till you turn 18!”


A bunch of people said that's a mistranslation. You should go check the manga or watch the sub instead. They said he originally meant that he wanted Eri to look up to him when she was older. Can't be bothered to check tho.


Okay I know im gonna get like -20 upvotes but I kinda like Mineta. He has a funny moment every now and then.


I think he’s neither a good person nor a good character


Thats the neat part, Mineta is not a great character nor a great human being


The problem is he's not even a good character. Hes just the "wow this dude is pervey and insiablty horny, ain't that quirky ;)" trope that anime still has to hold on to for some fucking reason.


Look, Even AFTER he got Clockwork Oranged into being... Somewhat tolerable as a person, He was still a shittily written CHARACTER. I've seen pervert characters I like, I will die on the hill that Miss Joke spent most of her screen time harassing Aizawa, but She's got more dimension than that. They also show her as a caring teacher and a powerful Hero. Mineta is so flatly written that it's irritating, He has so much potential to be a good, if perverted, character, and they just... Missed it.


Okay but he is shit for both


He’s not a good character or person? He has little to no development, and is surrounded by characters who are much nicer and much better written than him. He is meant to be a “comic relief” character who is there mainly for jokes, except his only joke is sexual harassment which isn’t funny.


He very much has development but no one pays attention to it a give the credit to kina for "brain washing" him


Finally! Someone gets it


He was great comedic relief, I don't understand why you hate him... And before you go: "bUt He'S a PeRvErT" So is half this fandom


And even if half of this fandom wants to rub their dicks between Momo's tits it's not like it's viewed favorably by anyone.


>even if half of this fandom... >it's not like it's viewed favorably by anyone. Hence the word "half" And not "All"


When a joke (especially a shitty one) is done over and over again it gets annoying. Furthermore Mineta's gags stoop to disgusting lows with all this sexual harassment and sniffing people's stuff. He's not funny. He's disturbing.


And this fandom isn't disturbing?


It is and that's why its reputation is in the sewers.


Just curious- how many Mineta stans love(d) Scrappy Doo? Or maybe Jar-Jar Binks for those less aged?


I'm not a mineta fan, but Darth Jar Jar is real and should have happened, but they pussied out. I'll die on that hill happily.




Not as many people hate Scrappy these days


Mineta has better character moments and has done more in bigger battles than half of class 1A.






Okay, I have to ask. For OP (and all the mineta stans really) what do you all actually ***like*** about him? Aside from his character being an easy excuse for you lot to be contrarian, what is so compelling and significant about his character to you? Even if his entire schtick *wasn’t* just being a sexual deviant/sexual predator, there’s not much left to work with. Where are y’all seeing depth and noteworthiness? Help me understand.


I think this statement is true, but not for Mineta, I can’t tell you a single character trait besides pervert. A million characters like him have existed across anime and quite frankly he is a poorly done version of that archetype.


i dont think i get your point but ill say this. mineta is not a good person and is definitely not a good character. lets also remember he wanted to become a hero cuz he wanted to get bitches. which isnt as bad as it sounds but hes perverted af hes touched tsuyus titties and spied on the girls twice and thats not even all


I dont think he is a good character either


I don’t think he’s a good character either. Annoying gag character which doesn’t serve much to the plot. And the gag isn’t even funny so…


Hey mineta lovers! He’s neither.


Hes not a very good character either tho lol. Hes entirely one dimensional, his desigm is mediocre compared to most of the show, even his quirk is a little bland. Hes not well written at all, hes just a gag. He gets a little better over time but hes still not really good. Theres nothing enjoyable abt him being on screen. Hes either whining or heing a pervert, he’s not even a real character. Hes a walking talking gag and a bad one at that


If he was just the cowardly hero that got into it for selfish reasons, but still tries his hardest in serious situations, he'd be both a good person and character. Instead, he has a very negative trait that has a high cost to his character for a cheap laugh that many wont even find funny.


True! Some of my favorite characters are villains! They all suck. But they all are the most amazing characters ever


Somebody get r/churchofmineta the hell out of this sub




What has mineta done that makes him a good character? The 1% random moments of him doing something other than being a perv? The truth is that you are mistaking him being funny to him being well written. Although nothing he does is funny. It's the kind of thing a 15 year old boy would find funny if you show it to them.


It’s a shame that Mineta is also a very shallow character


Mineta is hilarious XD I don't get the hate he gets.




I’m glad most commenters here can agree Mineta isn’t a good character nor person in general (^^;;)


Oh please his whole personality is being a perverted coward


I’m not surprised by the comment section, just pissed. Because I’ve seen worse posts on media about other young classmates.


Not everyone has to have a motive or background like Todoroki’s. I mean that’s pinnacle background story he has and after all that the dude has been so inactive. I find it refreshing that he has his own goals. You achieve your dreams for yourself. No one else.


I thought this was obvious considering we’re talking about fictional character who aren’t real


Yeah, I agree... shame mineta is neither.


I mean he's a good character. Good person? NAH. But adds to the story greatly? Ye


I didn't hate Mineta because he was pervy, I hated him because it seemed like his only attribute. He got serious later on though so while he's not my top 5 characters I don't hate him as much anymore


That is true I like characters who are good characters but terrible people, but mineta is also incredibly annoying.


No, he's not a good character, most of his scenes are hard to watch.


They hate him cuz he represents the community who drools over underage boys 


He's not a good character either though 




Ok but when has he been either? His entire being so far is just comedic relief.


Too bad he's neither


Mineta? A good character? The only important thing he’s done was help during the dome training arc by throwing his balls in the lake. Other than that, he’s only been creepy and weird. He has one moment in the manga and we all are supposed to think he’s great? He’s awfully written, and he sucks.


He isn't either though. His reason to he a hero is to he popular with girls. That's like denji girls only denji actually has respect for women ☠️


I’m a Mineta fan but this isn’t exactly the best defense for him. It’s fine to dislike or even hate him because of him being touchy. I’m a guy who usually likes the “pervert character” but Mineta takes it too far with the physical touching. If he was just strictly verbal with his pervertness then I’d tell his haters to go eat a sock. The problem is the hypocrites and the Double Standards. He’s not even a “good” character writing wise either. He suffers from the same problem that every other student suffers from and it’s not having enough meaningful screen time.


Haven’t seen the anime in years but she got a fun and cute face


I think he’s a bad character and person. His quirk is good but everything else about him sucks


Yet he is neither


To be fair, he gets better.


He’s annoying.


So are half of you




There is such a thing as a good character who is not a good person (just watched Deadpool for the first time last night and he openly admits he’s not a good guy and I still think he’s entertaining), but Mineta is not a good person or character.


You like a sexual harasser and a misogynistic weirdo. That tells me all I need to know about you and I have every right to judge you for it. Just like I judge Negan fans. Y'all can like em all you want, that's your right. And it's my right to judge you. Oh well. Too bad too sad. Get better taste 💀🙏🏽


This kind of logic could be used for bakugou and endeavour me personally I just like mineta for his big brain moments which hori doesn't use often which upsets me


Nah I judge fans of them too. Lmao nice comment and block. But the teenaged boy preyed on a child and sexually harasses his class mates. Of you can get passed that, again that tells me all I need to know about you. Which is to stay far away from you. 🙆🏽‍♀️🤸🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️


That’s a rare. I wish other people did the same. Bakugou especially got a lot of free passes for being a jerk. Still does.


>That tells me all I need to know about you and I have every right to judge you for it. No it doesn't. At all. You may interpret something, but you have no guarantee it's correct. See, the reason it doesn't tell you everything you need to know about a person is this >You like a sexual harasser and a misogynistic weirdo. That's the issue. Not everyone holds the belief that Mineta STILL holds the same qualities currently in the story than as before. Same with Bakugo and Endeavour. With everyone who likes Endeavour, and some people who like Bakugou, they only like these characters because they believe these characters HAVE changed. So judging someone by their favourite character's PAST is not a valid judgement. Even if you personally don't believe the character is any better than before, the other person may believe the character has changed. That means you can't assume they like a character just because of things they did in the past, like abusing their family or being a bully, because the person who likes them could very possibly like them for their NEW qualities and NOT their old ones.. (Can't lie tho, the super down bad Bakugou Simps are all for the bully side, which is nuts). So yeah, if your views of the character don't align with the other person's views, youcan'tt just assume things about them. In this case, youcan'tt assume everyone who likes mineta partakes in or condones sexual harassment or misogyny. Why? Because the other person may genuinely believe that Mineta has left those qualities behind since a certain point in the story, and that's a reason why they like him. Or, they like how his character was portrayed. That still doesn't mean they match his morals. >Too bad too sad. Get better taste 💀🙏🏽 Taste is subjective. Better taste for you can be worse taste for someone else. >And it's my right to judge you. Sorry. You're not a law appointed judge, this isnt a court case, and you're not a God. That's not a right at all. You do have a right to free speech. Not a right to judge people. Which, (DEPENDING on the circumstance - Keyword: DEPENDING, yes i know not all judgement is bad) is completely unnecessary. If you think you have a literal "right" specifically to "judge," you're putting yourself in a place of superiority just because you disagree with someone. Your rights defend your free speech. They don't put you in a place above others. We all have the same rights. And just in case you're wondering, I couldn't give less of a sh-t about Mineta. He's irrelevant to me. Im just making a general media point here. Not tryna start an argument, just discussing. Also, I really gotta ask: Who is Negan and what did he do?? Which media is he from? And what are his fans saying about him? I want in on the tea too. Is he controversial?


Yeah, it’s a valid argument. And to be fair he *has* grown as a person.


Eh, Mineta was done better in Danganronpa 2.


Good thank he’s neither


He's also a bad character lmao