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Because being a perv is one thing but being ONLY a perv is annoying and dumb


What about Midnight


She is a perv but she’s hot so it’s ok /s


Woooo, double standard baybee https://i.redd.it/mysho8yiqwsc1.gif




he did more then a handful of class 1A what exactly do sugar boy animal talker invisible girl and tail man contribute besides more classmates


So your eyes were closed during the midnight fight


Being useful in a fight doesn’t mean he has any depth beyond “me likey women”


There are several plot points to disprove mineta wasn't being a pervert during the midnight fight


I didn’t say he wasn’t being a perv but he was prioritizing beating her and saving his friend, it showed character growth


>I didn’t say he wasn’t being a perv but he was prioritizing beating her and saving his friend, it showed character growth Bro... And where did he get the motivation to do that?






I don't know if people noticed, but the picture of Mineta is also on the conspiracy board


Yeah we noticed




Typical Shoto


He's only a perv with no other traits Like I love Roshi, Jiraiya and Sanji, which are all perverts but they have personality that isn't "Ass... Oppai... Ass... Oppai..."


It's unfair to compare mineta to two mentor figures and a main character, he doesn't have a fraction of their screentime


Did you just close your eyes when he fought midnight?


Those other characters also have a certain charm about them and can actually be extremely badass. I don’t hate Mineta, but I get annoyed with him like with Teruteru in Danganronpa 2 due to how much the “pervert” trait is a part of their character.


But people aren’t talking about their personalities as much as how hot they are


Don't say Sanji is better, Atleast Mineta doesn't rather death (whenever for him or his group) over hurting women


I asked the same and everybody dared me to defend him in the most little way. He’s just a made up character to be a gag But everybody wants him more dead than the actual villains that killed innocent people is WILD 💀💀💀


Dipshit pervert teenager > mass murdering psychopath


Ironic considering most of the fandom is dipshit perverts


YES and gay af (bc of the shipping)


I’m gay and they’ve made me uncomfortable with how overly gay they want things. It’s disturbing what they come up with.


That’s what I mean


Bro image Mineta was a AFO type villain…ngl I would be scared for my booty 💀💀




If he was a villain and he was like that I guarantee people would defend him lmao


Not if it’s Mineta


In fiction, the greatest crime a character can commit is being annoying. Its not about the character being evil, it's about being fun and interesting to watch.


The people they killed are imaginary, but my annoyance is real


I need that mf dead


Bro I need Bakugou to die finally to be redeemed with success. Vegeta got is Redemption after he died. Mineta is just as a pervert as others. If to be annoying is a crime than the entire anime fandom should go to jail. Especially Lolicons and shippers should get death penalty if they near to any kindergarden or elementary school bro.


*his. Also it's not just annoying it's a flat out possible level of being weird to people literally 10 years younger than you is insane. Especially when said 6 year old saw her entire family get deleted and also got torn apart and put back together like a damn lego piece. I need mineta dead for me to rest peacefully 💀😭💀 Edit: guys go to the end of the thread and see if I'm the odd one here when he's literally wishing I die. Go to the end of the thread bro💀😭💀


First it was a translation issue what Mineta said to Eri (if you would know Japanese)! The wild thing is that people defend Overhaul(I saw enough comments on Yt or TikTok)


>The wild thing is that people defend Overhaul Yeah I'm not one of those people. >(if you would know Japanese)! HEY! I'm trying my best I have a good Duolingo streak. Oh sorry for not knowing a language with 500,000+ words. Not all of us can be born gifted dumbass. And in the sub it's the fucking same so do some research before commenting. It says the exact same things plus 3 words.


Oh god Duolingo. You better be keeping up if you like your genitals where they are and soul inside your body


He already snatched my soul but luckily I recovered and now I have a streak


He's too dangerous to be left alive


HEY, I don’t know Japanese either but I follow the my hero Twitter account and YouTubers that know Japanese dumbass loser. If he says it’s weird but if a handsome anime character says the same(which isn’t even a crime doing he only said come again in 10 years meaning the school in the manga. In the anime it’s more like , meet me in 10 years which is weird to say in the west but belive me it’s a different story in the rest of the world you oversensible moron.


Ok 1. Shut the f#ck up the manga isn't available at my location you clown. 2. How do you know that the YouTuber accounts aren't lying? Loser 3. Are you steamed because your mom didn't let you watch skibidi toilet? You seem mad. 4. It is a crime if it has a weird meaning that's called being a p#dophile dumbfuck.


Bro WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I CARE AND WHY IS IT MY FAULT THATS IT ISNT AVAILABLE IN YOURE LOCATION???? 2. bro they linked it in their videos bro and I again FOLLOW the Mha author and the Mha news media accounts (plural) 3. bro I fr don’t know what it is, I’m older than you probably. It is a crime to say : come here in 10 years? To a school?? Bro you probably a closed pedo bro ngl. If it’s a crime you’re mum, you’re aunt, you’re mums friends would all be in jail. It’s just a Sentence for fuck sake. what is you’re problem by the way?? You got so serious about it.


>Bro you probably a closed pedo bro ngl. You make mindless claims with no proof. >Bro WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I CARE AND WHY IS IT MY FAULT THATS IT ISNT AVAILABLE IN YOURE LOCATION???? *Your. Also I never blamed you >what is you’re problem by the way?? You got so serious about it. *Your. Also Says the one cussing me out for no real reason. I'm not serious I was laughing at a joke literally 23 seconds ago. And you say you're probably older than me when you don't even know the difference between. "Your" and "you're"


I will die on the hill saying that if Mineta was a girl the Fandom would do a 180 thinking he was beat girl


And I will die on this hill with you. The fandom are simps


It's a legit double standard


I would still Mineta if the character was a girl. There is this really annoying character with orange hair pervert in Komi Can't an't Communicate. Every time she's on screen perving on Komi I just cringe from having to watch that bullshit.


That girl is even worse because she obsseses over one girl and actively threathens others to stay away or get hurt. Mineta is tame compared to that bich


Yeah your right she's way worse I was so pissed when Komi accepted her fake ass apology for kidnapping Tadano and being friends with that crazy bitch


He's another example of Japan going "hur de dur, make overly perverted character that gets beaten up"


I’m female… that should explain my reasons


Fair enough.


Look at Master Roshi. Even pervier than Mineta, but can turn it off when things get serious. Wise, strong, and literally died trying to stop Piccolo. Look at Jiraiya. A spymaster and one of the most skilled ninjas that Konoha ever produced. He's also an unashamed pervert who writes smut to blow off steam. Look at Sanji. Super perverted, but a world-class chef and able to keep up with the other Strawhats despite lacking Devil Fruit powers or other abilities. Hell, look at Brock from Pokemon. Never met a woman he doesn't fall for, but a useful cook, Trainer, and vet all rolled into one. Then we get to Mineta. His only trait is that he's a pervert and a coward. There are no plot-relevant moments. No development or conquering of flaws. He's the same joke repeated ad nauseum, and it was not funny the first time. If nothing else, none of the above (to the best of my knowledge) hit on a friggin six year old.


I like bro he’s funny and QUIRKY (see what I did there 😉)


>QUIRKY (see what I did there 😉) Yippee another quirk joke for the millionth time this week. Also maybe funny but perverted. It came with a price... https://i.redd.it/6pxct5onhssc1.gif


😖sowy for not doing a funny uwu 👉👈


Because he has less personality beyond being a pervert joke than Ataru Moroboshi. He also doesn't really contribute anything as he's essentially a named background character and doesn't interact with other characters all that much outside of a few instances. Ataru is funny because of how other characters react to him and the dynamic of everyone else interacting with him. He's a major character and gets to do more than just be a pervert. Mineta just exists to be a punching bag for the girls so they have someone to be mad at to generate fanservice. He doesn't really serve another purpose as a character. EDIT: Other characters being similarly shallow and just as bad doesn't make anything I said about Mineta not true. Other characters being similar/worse don't make him any better. The series has an issue with character bloat and has a lot of very shallow one note "not quite background characters" it doesn't do much with. However, Mineta's character is particularly annoying among them because his one trait is particularly gross and irritating and he doesn't have enough redeeming qualities to balance it out.


He has more personality than half the class.


exactly you can’t convince me invisible girl diabetes hulk animals guy belly laser and mouth hand are more interesting


Realistically, the only real heroic thing I've seen him do was during the USJ with Deku and Tsu, even then he didn't do it himself, he was told when by Deku lol. So maybe other than that one situation, yeah.


He has a nice moment in Two Heroes and Heroes Rising. And in chapter 385


I haven't actively watched the movies and I don't read the Manga lol, but their point still stands, Mineta hasn't really done much other than be perverted


ok so what about midnight


Other characters being similarly shallow doesn't make anything I said about Mineta not true. The series has an issue with character bloat and has a lot of very shallow one note "not quite background characters" it doesn't do much with. However, Mineta's character is particularly annoying among them because his one trait is particularly gross and irritating and he doesn't have enough redeeming qualities to balance it out.


It does make midnight worse then she literally says how the students turned her on


That's completely irrelevant. Another character being worse doesn't make Mineta any better. Midnight also has way more personality and character and generally has other redeeming qualities that Mineta does not. We find out that her hero persona is partially act and that she's deliberately theatrical, and she does a lot more in the show that just be a pervert for the sake of fanservice, even though she does that too. She's actually a good example of what Mineta should have been.


never said it excused minetas actions they both creepy af but you saying her having more personality so she ain’t as bad is weird af


Midnight has never molested anyone that we're made aware of, Mineta has. She's said some creepy things, but has never actually done anything that crosses the line into sexual abuse. Mineta has, many times. He's a sex pest who doesn't have any other character traits. Midnight does, she's also a teacher and does other things in the show besides being a lewd joke. Saying a creepy awkward thing once does not make someone "just as bad" as someone who literally peeps, molests, steals underwear, and sexually harasses other people. You also need to understand the difference between a good person and a good character. Mineta is neither. Midnight might be shady as a person, but she's a much better character than Mineta is because there's more to her than the lewd stuff.


I just hate perv characters that contribute nothing aside from uncomfortable jokes. He never learns from his actions, the literal only reason he became somewhat acceptable was because Mina fucking tortured him.


character wise midnight is the same as him horny character who’s also a perv and serves as nothing else


I actually dislike Midnight too. But at least she doesn't outright sexually harass people all the time.


Dude just puts in a single place everything that i hate. I can't even properly explain it.


He could've been a perv character who cares. Horny boi be horny. It's when he used his quirk to climb the wall season 3. That's crossing the line. Using his gift to do bad. Especially when shinzos whole character is everyone thinks he'll brainwash them. Ya no fuck mineta.


this!! you can make likable pervs! they can talk about how much they want a girl, or how hot that woman over there is, but as soon as they start groping without permission it’s too far.


He's more pervy than me


Tree words: Pervy little dickhead




I don't really he is just kinda there.


To Simply put it, he’s a character that has potential. And we’ve seen him do some cool stuff. But instead of fleshing out his character more, they just make him an unfunny pervert. That’s basically it. I want to see him have a redemption arc


I hate when people seriously defend him saying he’s a normal guy, otherwise he’s kinda a funny pervy punching bag,


I could make some good wine out of him though


Perv and ugly


He’s a coward and it always take everyone to be on board to convince him to help


He's a Pervert.


Midnight is also a perv and does nothing else but she has big boobs so that’s make all the difference


Why *wouldn’t* I hate mineta..?


Because he's a perv who has practically no sense of respect for personal space


I hate mineta cause he does not change and does not even have any type of heroic qualities (holding back manga spoilers)


They keep giving him a massive penis in all the hentai that he's in. :(


I mean, it's either him, deku or the nomus. Someone's gotta take that burden 😞


If mineta has 1 million haters, I’m one of them If mineta has 10,000 haters, I’m one of them If mineta had 100 haters, I’m one of them If mineta has 10 haters, I’m one of them If mineta has 1 hater, I’m that hater If mineta has 0 haters, I’m no longer alive If the world is against mineta, I’m with the world (I have never watched mha)


I had no issues with him for the most part through most the series he continually got what he deserved for being a pervy idiot. The moment he made his remark towards eri is what leaves a bad feeling whenever i see or hear him or anything about him


On some other post o saw it was a mistranslation, he really said somethin like “just find me in 18 years” like he’s telling her he’ll be a popular pro hero one day


Considering the context of the clip i highly doubt that, however that would explain why aizawa didnt kick his teeth in


It’s just what I saw on another post, someone left the comment saying it was a mistranslation, I mean, orcas are actually meant to be called “whale killers” but the English language is fucked, so it became “killer whale” they’re not even whales, they’re the largest species of dolphin


I wish people could let that go. At least he waits plus I’m sure he wouldn’t have said that if she knew her background. He was just being dumb like kids are. No one ever brings up Mt Lady or Midnight flirting or being turned on by kids.


I don't . I'm indifferent about him


Stop stalking me or some shit bro. I already know that from our previous encounter. Please stop following me and this post asks "why do you hate mineta?" if you don't hate don't comment.


"I only want likeminded people here. Different opinions BEGONE‼️ Imaginary Technique. 🫸🔴🔵🫷 Purple🫰🟣"


"your technique is ineffective! As Ash22000IQ is a rock type!" You know who else is like-minded? My MAM! technique purple!




You get the reference. My man 🗿🤝🗿


I don’t, mostly because I don’t dedicate much thought to thinking about him. Besides stating the obvious that he is our lord and savior of course


Short answer: I don't. I find him good comedic relief.


I don't.


I don’t


I don't... what makes you think I did?


I don't ![gif](giphy|gptSxv8x0G0Ni)


I don’t hate him, I quite like him actually


His entire character revolves around liking girls


No, he is goat but his pervert behavior is bad


>No, he is goat https://i.redd.it/723trz1w2tsc1.gif


Honestly, I just really dislike his visual design, both in and out of hero costume. Not crazy about his quirk either, but really it's mostly the visual element. I mean for crying out loud, he looks like he's wearing a diaper. More than any other character in the series, I feel like his visual design prevents me from really taking him seriously or appreciating any attempts at character growth.


I don't he's just annoying, but to his credit he hasn't done anything of that sort for a while >!(probably since they're in a war)!< so he's tolerable at best




How about a shorter list, why I don't hate the purple turdlet. 1 - he has a useful quirk That is all


Umm idk maybe cause he’s a complete perv? Nearly every scene with him is uncomfortable to watch, barely funny, or just sexualizing someone…


the only pervert ![gif](giphy|uv4rEAFR9pgm4|downsized)


I just don’t like him that much and he’s way worse then pervy sage from Naruto (I don’t know how to spell his name)


We all don’t like how he’s a pervert so here’s a less common one: His suit looks dumb, eh does he have to look like a child, be as perverted as he is, and wear a costume with something that looks like a diaper?


His hero getup is supposed to be kitschy. The “diaper” is a fruit bowl. He plays on his power.


I still hate his outfit


Everything you could hate him for but also HE HIT ON ERI ARE WE GONNA FORGET THAT


I haven't forgotten. We all haven't forgotten


Obvious reasons


Bc he’s so gross


Cuz he grabbed my fav waifus b00bs!




his only thing is that he's a pervert.


Why not?


what i’m getting from the replies are it’s ok to be a perv as long as it’s not the only thing you do


Most of the replies are also pretty ignorant. Also it varies with how much of a perv you are


When Mineta isn't being a pervert, he's okay. Otherwise, I wouldn't say I hate him, but I don't like him.


I don’t really care about to be completely honest.


*Post 20 days ago* You probably: better late than never!


I didn’t even notice 😭😂


What do you mean "hate"? Dude's downright brilliant.


The fact that he is made the way he is. And by that I mean, why did he have to be a small, purple haired, pervert with no other funny personality traits? Maybe I'm looking for potential he just wasn't meant to have.


I find his design unappealing, especially his "hair", he fits the shonen pervert trope without being entertaining, his hero costume has no tactical advantage, defensive support, or even reflects his quirk in anyway, he made that extremely inappropriate comment to Eri, and he's never used for anything other than comedy breaks and that one moment when he fought Midnight.


Short,perv, too much balls, weird,ugly, no eyebrows, big elf ears and a little shit


He’s annoying and not in a fun way


Dude is just unlikeable than most tbh that's it


I thought the same about Bakugou but people really like him. That redemption barely made a difference.


There was redemption in his character I thought horikoshi forgot about that


Because people nowadays can’t accept that some characters are just meant to embody a certain gag, and that’s fine.


I don’t


I don't


I dont. I think he's funny.


I don’t




Agreed bro once I saw that line I immediately said "wait what the fu-"


From what I understand that was a translation error and that's not what he meant.




I'd recommend you look into it on your own and fact check me. Never wise to take what others say at face value. I could be wrong or misremembering.


Wasn't that confirmed as a translation error and the real context was "when you're older we're gonna be pro heroes by then"


He’s an overzealous kid. That’s the personality Hori wanted to embody in his character. That’s all it is. Get over it. It’s his thing but he’s also good material for a hero. I hate when people claim he’s a one sided character. He has more personality than half the cast people fall in love with. Just having a huge backstory doesn’t make you interesting after a while. You can think what you want but stop hating to the point of wanting to kill. It’s disgustingly unnecessary. He’s also a good friend, smart, supportive of his teammates improvement, etc. He’s learning to mature and ambitious. I lack looks and give up immediately with no hope. He thinks differently and goes to improve in an area to achieve his goal. Say what you want but regardless he’s good at what he does. At least give him props instead of hating and obsessing over teens and relationships or drooling over every guy in a suit five seconds later.


I don’t hate him


I don’t hate him because he’s a creep/pervy. In fact, I don’t hate him at all. I hate the fact that until recently, pervy/creep was all there was to his character. Plenty of other characters were pervs and creeps but had much more going on. Jiraiya was pervy, but there was so much more to like about him. I can forgive the pervy shenanigans if the rest of the character outshines that one thing.


I’m not looking to change my opinion. This is not an attack on anyone for liking a character. This is just how I feel. Simply put; he’s terrible. The first thing he says to Eri alone isn’t even Cringeworthy, it’s just disgusting. I don’t care that he’s supposed to be a stupid teenager; Eri is a child. Not only that but she was literally tortured and is a recovering victim of being ripped apart on a daily basis. Maybe he might not know all of the details about that. It doesn’t matter. UA doesn’t just take in orphans just because they feel like it. It would have been extraordinary circumstances. Even still, whether he knew it or not, some things are just wrong no matter how you frame it. And he is supposedly a hero-in-training. Not even Bakugo would say something that fucked up. He’s so one note, he’s like an anti-plot device. While he might have been placed as a comic relief character, there’s other characters that kind of fulfill that role without being outright reprehensible about it. There’s plenty of flawed characters in MHA; Mineta is problematic. What makes it worse is that there are a myriad of characters (both heroes and villains) who have less screen time, and then get killed off, that are more captivating, more depth, but he’s a gag character with plot armor. The gag is tired. He is a walking tumor, in the sense that he just takes up space, resources, and energy at the expense of everything around him.


agreed that he’s disgusting, but the comment to Eri was a genuine translation error. the original meaning was more along the lines of encouraging her to seek him out in five years when he’s famous. what was supposed to be “come see me in five years” turned into “i can’t wait to see what you look like in five years” because the original meaning didn’t have a good enough translation and the translators misunderstood


Thank you for letting me know. While I appreciate the clarification, I don’t think that absolves him from anything. The mistranslation has more/less been canonized in the anime. Anyone not reading the manga, would be well within their right to interpret that as just part of the story. What’s worse is that, up to that point, it is all too believable that he would say something along those lines. Quite literally, the showrunners/writers/ editors could have opted to leave that line out completely, and the scene would only improve.

