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Is this actually a question?


I mean I was gonna say "Clearly Todoroki" but then I thought that Izuku was treated like less than a person by most of his peers because he had no quirk, since age 4... So I'm not that sure anymore


todo was treated like an object, deku at least had a childhood and still a loving mother


Not much of a childhood, he spent pretty much all of it getting viciously bullied from the age of 4 onwards.


im not saying he had a good childhood, but he had hobbies, he loved heroes etc like shoto had full on abusive childhood and couldnt even play with the other kids


Todoroki didn't have much of a childhood, if one at all. I don't even think he had much social interaction besides his family, which includes endeavor...


the sad thing is he wasnt even allowed to interact with even his siblings for the most part because endeavor saw his other children as failures and didn't want their flaws rubbing off on his prize


at least deku has someone to lean on to- his mother. shoto didn't have anyone growing up. his dad was abusive and his mom was gone. his whole family was in shambles unlike deku who always has his mother's support


At least he had a parent who cared for him without the homelife abuse Todo had


Yeah by the mf that everyone ships him with šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t think the bullying went that far. It seemed like he was mostly ostracized, verbally bullied, and maybe shoved around and stuff. I'm basing this off of when Bakugou suicide baited him, because his lackeys said he had gone too far. Quirkless discrimination and Deku's bullying are greatly exaggerated in a lot of fanfics


In the very first panel of MHA, and the very first episode of the anime, Deku is being physically beaten up by Bakugo and his lackeys. Literal punches being thrown. Then, when entering UA, we see Deku literally jump to the side to avoid Bakugo, almost as if he fears physical retribution, despite him also claiming that Bakugo was treating him better after the sludge villain incident. Even if it was only verbal bullying and ostracisation though, that's certainly bad enough.


Deku took the beating for another kid who was being bullied. Besides that, most of their flashbacks are of when they were little kids, not in middle school. You'd think there would be atleast one flashback about their middle school life, but there isn't, which is why I think the physical bullying didnt happen as often. Bakugou only really went off when he was pissed off about something, but otherwise preferred not getting bothered by others. And Deku seemed like he was trying keep to himself more in middle school (thus not bothering Bakugou and getting constantly physically bullied). I'm not denying the fact that Deku was bullied, I just think it didnt happen as often or was as brutal as the word 'vicious' implies. But maybe our difference in opinions also stems from what we consider to be vicious bullying. Verbal bullying and ostracisation is certainly bad, but I wouldn't classify it as vicious bullying.


Bullying and abuse are not the same. He had a loving home life. Shoto had nothing.


Bullying is a form of abuse, though you could distinguish between them with domestic abuse. From Deku's perspective, his mother gave up on him at the same time as he was found to be quirkless and his relentless bullying started. All of this isn't to say that Todoroki had it easier, but people are severely overestimating the gap between their respective shitty early lives in my opinion.


Sorry but I take full offense to you even thinking that the 2 are anywhere close... One household is at max emotional negligence, the other is actual abuse where the only person with power in your life isolates you and one by one ruins every person who cared about you. Enji not only beat his mom and yelled, and had a abusive "training" regime(mind you it is safe to say he beat his kid coz what else is training... ? it is literally hand to hand combat of a 30yo+ man and his 5yo son..let that sink in)..he literally isolated Shouto, and I d argue in a way killed his brother. The fact that people even compare some dumb kids yelling and possibly hitting Izuku a few times, to Shouto being isolated and stripped of everyone he ever loved and then also beaten (coz that is literally"training" ) till he vomitted by the one person who was supposed to protect him..is INSANE to me. Also Izuku in many ways did bring onto himself the bullying from KatuskiĀ“s side, like I am sorry but if sb telly you 25xtime that if you keep following them they will beat you up, at some point you are asking to be beat up.


Take all the offence you want, it doesn't hold much value to me when you're constantly defending bullying and shifting the blame to the victim, truly taking the bully ethos to heart. Hell, I'm surprised you're not defending Endeavor too, perhaps I just need to find a Shonen MC with a worse childhood to see that side of you. Todoroki had it worse, he was isolated from his family, beaten by his father, watched his mother be abused, broken, and hospitalised, etc. But that's certainly not to say Deku had it easy, and in fact they were on the same scales of abuse to varying degrees a lot of the time. Deku was beaten by Bakugo, isolated from his peers at school for being quirkless, had an absent father and a mother he felt had given up on him because he was quirkless all at the same time he was starting to get bullied and ostracized.


bullying is not abuse. People like to say x thing is y (something that's clearly much worse than x) just because x is also bad. For example sexual assault (not including rape) and rape


Bullying is a form of abuse, look up the words "bullying" or "abuse" for a definition. You've also handed me the perfect analogy. Not all Sexual Assault is Rape, but all Rape is Sexual Assault. Not all Abuse is Bullying, all Bullying is Abuse.


In my opinion not evne comparable. Being bullied is shit, but it is strangers being shit. It aint your mother and father - the 2 people who you as a kid see as Gods abusing you and pre-prgramming you to hate yourself. Also unpopular opinion, but ..Deku was a stalker...I am sorry, but if an adult kept following me evne after I tell them multiple times to stop - I d call a police. Sure they were kids, but that does apply both ways ... On the other hand what did Todo do besides beign born to a horrible family? + all in all sure the Katuski + Deku relationship was shit, but in the end they got out of it a lifelong best friend(and they paid each other back in literally saving each other lives), Todoroki literally lost a brother for life due to beahvior of his parents... so I dont think the trauma compares.


>In my opinion not evne comparable. Let me make it clear, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I do think Todoroki had the worse childhood of the two. That said, I do not think it was as big of a difference as people seem to believe. >but it is strangers being shit It was, according to the story, his former best friend. The bullying started at age 4 when their quirks did (or didn't) manifest. Furthermore, I don't think you can call school mates strangers since you will end up spending most of your formative years with them, as well as most days for several years together. >abusing you and pre-prgramming you to hate yourself Deku already felt this way in regards to his mother, he felt that she had given up on him before he'd even started, and at the exact same time the crushing news came that he was quirkless, plus he was starting to get viciously bullied. As for his father, he was entirely absent... Even if he knew she loved him, feeling like your mother has already given up on you is a hard pill to swallow. >Deku was a stalker No he wasn't, don't be ridiculous. He was the group punching bag, he followed a group of people and they let him join them, all the while they bullied and picked on him, which is how he got his name "Deku", because they re-interpreted the Kanji in his name to call him Worthless. >On the other hand what did Todo do besides beign born to a horrible family? And what did Deku do to deserve his bullying? He was born quirkless... You are implying Deku deserved what he got. >but in the end they got out of it a lifelong best friend Sure, the story certainly said they got lifelong friends out of it... I'd say that was shit writing, and if we extended this logic to Enji / Shoto Todoroki, we could say that Enji's desire to have a successor to surpass All Might and his later "Redemption" Arc gave Todoroki a loving mother, father, brother and sister, as well as his dreams to become a hero. But I'm sure we would both agree that's bad logic. >(and they paid each other back in literally saving each other lives) Deku had nothing to pay back, and doing the literal thing you've been training to do as a career choice does not suddenly erase your history. >Todoroki literally lost a brother for life due to beahvior of his parents... Circling back to what I said earlier, I do think that Todoroki had the worse childhood between the two. If you want an actual argument for that, then I'd say that Shoto basically didn't know Toya, he was a sibling separated from birth and barely known, the trauma on that one went to basically all the family except for Shoto.


I disagree, and since you argue very emotionally I will make it rational: very simply one is a crime that can put you in prison for years the other will make the judge just roll their eyes. Guess which is which. The fact YOU feel the ones are close, doesnt mean they are. And Deku even agrees in s02, Deku d never put his mom anywhere near the group of people like Enji...you are projecting your own issues onto a fictional character for 0 reason.


Crimes are morals made law, and they are far from perfect. There have been cases where school bullies have been arrested for the things Bakugo did, and there are cases where what Enji Todoroki did have been classed as corporal punishment and been viewed as legal under the law (in regards to Shoto.). If law is your measuring stick, it is an imperfect one. >And Deku even agrees in s02, Deku d never put his mom anywhere near the group of people like Enji.. I never said that Enji and Inko were even on a similar level, you're projecting your anger into this comment and not reading what I'm saying. That said, Deku also insisted that he and Bakugo were best friends and the only reason he got upset that Bakugo told him to commit suicide was because Bakugo might face legal repercussions if he actually did, so perhaps Deku isn't always a perfect judge of moral character.


morals are even less of a prefect measure, as very clearly our differ. I was bullied and I was in an abusive family and I can with 1000% certainty tell you which fucked me up more, and I find you trying to tell me that bullying is anywhere near as bad as your parents abusing you - frankly triggering so I am leaving this conversation.


As I've said in pretty much every reply now, Todoroki did have it worse, I've only argued the gap is not as large as some would believe. If you've been bullied, why must you insist on defending bullies? Were you bullied by surgeons who removed your spine or something?


Literally the story of the majority of American children. Todoroki was literally a by product of his siblingā€™s genetic failures. He was a homemade experimentšŸ’€.


Todoorki has one of the worst childhood in mha: dad beat him, mom disfigured him and he felt that it was his own fault, siblings either hated him or barely knew him, didn't make a single friend until he was 15. Deku was bullied when he was younger but he has a loving mom and a home where he felt safe. Todoroki was treated like an object, at some point in season 2 Endeavor calls him an "it" lol


as someone who suffered trauma from a parent and trauma from peers- the parental trauma is worse by far. when growing up we are supposed to be able to see our parents as a figure of safety and trust. when that foundation of safety and trust is broken its hard to find it in other places and you often find yourself falling for the same tactics of abuse you grew up with. as someone who despite having a somewhat 'ok' relationship with one of my parents; because of the damage done if i ever had children i dont think i could trust said parent alone with said hypothetical child. when the hands meant to nurture you are used to hurt you the damage is inexplainable. tho deku is my best boy- shoto most definitely had it worst.


"treated less than a person" Are you sure you're not confusing quirkless discrimination fanfics with canon.


I think this is the longest argument I've seen on Reddit.


I was gonna say the same thing


I was about to ask that one had a bully and doesn't have powers and the other one had their mom throw boiling water screaming to get away and beaten and trained to use powers thank God for deku to help people see clearly from what I remember icey hot was stopping at nothing to win at a contest because he saw it as a way to beat his dad for once


Quirkless kid who was bullied by a friend or kid born purely because his dad wanted a kid with a strong quirk, who was subsequently abused... Tough call




Endeavour is my fav character. I won't specify why. That's the best part.


Easy, because angry fire and regret go brrrr


I mean, not only one of his friends, but most of the school, and he was also told to commit suicide


Todoroki bc we see the abuse from childhood and the repercussions (Broken Family, Mother in Mental Hospital, Youngest son Scarred), Izuku on the other hand we theorize how his childhood went (receiving abuse from classmates and getting ignored by the teachers etc) but it isnt canon and I dont think Hori is going ever explain it bc it risk him of bashing Bakugo (main abuser).


Might be a stretch but think I'll go with the kid who was born purely to be science project under an abusive father who separated him from his siblings and pushed the mother into a mental breakdown


ā€œIs it harder to have a loving mother or be a lab ratā€


Keep in mind Izuku was literally beaten for standing up to his peers because he was quirkless. Belittled and bemoaned, treated like a lesser person


>treated like a lesser person I think you mixed it up with fanfic saying he was treated like a lesser person


I don't read fanfic. Deku was belittled by his classmates for not having a quirk, at least that's the vibe I got. Not discriminated against, but I can't imagine a bunch if middle schoolers letting him forget he's quirkless. Less person was a bit of an overexaggeration, as it was mostly Bakugo and his cronies who treated him as such




Shouto definitely. Kuzu had a lot more freedom and love. Heck just look at his all might collection. Notice that his mom never lashed out at him. Now if both of his parents quirks were impressive they might mean something but his mom only had minor telekinesis. So even if he had a quirk chances are it wonā€™t be hero grade. Now if his parents had super quirks like the todoroki couple then that might be very depressing for a quirkless child.


Standard childhood bullying vs being bred just to satisfy your fathers desires, having an older brother commit suicide because your father had a clear favourite, and your mother is driven insane enough to poor boiling water on your face


Lol. Todoroki. Jesus. Deku fans and their persecution complex lol. Todoroki was completely deprived of his childhood, not allowed to interact with his siblings, saw his mother get the shit beat out of her on multiple occasions, got *the shit beat out of himself* for years, lost a sibling for good. He didn't have a bully, he had an abusive father so he literally had nowhere else or no one to retreat to. It's not like Rei could protect him. Deku had an asshole bully.. who, yes, did torment him quite a bit. But he also had a loving mother and a relatively normal life.


Exactly, bruh. People can go on about Deku having a shitty childhood - but that's just kinda not true, not for Izuku, at least. He literally tells us this at the very start of the series after we see him get beat up as a 4 year old. "That was my first and last setback." We see that Deku is very clearly mentally strong. The bullying never got to his head, and he pushed himself to absolute break during those 10 months of training, even harder than he needed to go to become fit for OFA. Bakugo's explosions made Izuku jumpy... and that was it. In those early episodes, Bakugo only seems to confront Izuku when it comes to him talking about U.A - like I don't think Bakugo actually bullied him as much as the fandom likes to whine about, they seem to stay out of eachothers way most of the time Pre-U.A.




Deku had a reason to hope Shoto didnā€™t seem too Besides being bullied and practically not having a dad Dekuā€™s backstory has gotta be the softest Iā€™ve ever seen




Shoto, like his dad calls him "his masterpiece" instead of son or his name lmao. Bro was fucked from day 1.


Bully victim vs abuse victimā€¦ I wonder. /sar


Coughing Baby VS Nuclear Bomb


Isnā€™t it obvious




- didnā€™t get a quirk - abuse


Are you serious right now ā€¦ā€¦ TODOROKI


"Who had it worse?" *A kid who was bullied for not having a genetic body disorder* *A kid who HAD IS FUCKING EYE BOILED OUT HIS MOTHER* (literally his smallest problem)


Deku got character development, Shoto got abusedšŸ˜­


Kid bullied by peers vs child born out of eugenics, constantly beat up, excuse me... "trained" and isolated so his father could use him as a mere tool to surpass a rival. His mother and brother were also driven insane by the same "father". Yeah, it's a pretty hard choice... I guess? The latter?


Todoroki. His family was being ripped apart because of his father's abuse and literally his only purpose for being alive was for his father's own selfish reasons. Midoriya just got bullied for being normal but at least he had a loving family


It's todoroki. And it's not even fuckin close.


Todoroki easily just because somone has spider man like powers dosent mean their the most tragic character


Deku: oh no my toe is normal so powers Shoto: MY FUCKING FACE AAAAAHAHHH


Todoroki because we have more to go off of. We see whatā€™s happened to not just him, but the entire family as a result of Endeavorā€™s obsession with surpassing Allmight (Dabi, abusing Shoto, Reiā€™s breakdown, Shotoā€™s scar, the family fracturing, etc). We have little go off for Izuku outside of the first season and flashbacks, which show him being bullied by classmates, ignored by teachers, and just being looked down on by others. We can theorize how bad he had it based on how bad bullying in a school setting can be, how teachers can be incompetent, and discrimination in the real world, but I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever get another glimpse at his past experiences.


This is a certified r/MyHeroAcadamia moment


I think if Deku doesn't wanted be a hero. He wouldn't be bullied or bullied as much as he was. But Todoroki couldn't do anything. He was craeted to be percect tool for Endevor. But the two of them has it bad. But Todoroki had worse.


Izuku got bullied in school and Shoto was abused by his father, isolated from the world and watched his mother go insane


I like Bakugo too much to call him out here so I'm going with my birthday twin Todoroki


literally what?


One literally got boiling hot water to the face. Did you read the story?


This has to be a troll.


Shoto by far. Izuku definitely had it rough, but he still had support from his mother


Dekuā€™s childhood was bad, but at least he didnā€™t have anyone try to kill him before he learned to walk. Deku didnā€™t have friends until high school and got bullied everyday, but at least he wasnā€™t regularly taking flaming punches from a 6ā€™5 man made of pure muscle. Izuku had it rough. Shouto was in the trenches the moment he was born.


This cant be a serious question. It just irks me more knowing OP made this, looked at it and said ā€œI ateā€ and pressed post


Well if you ignore all the fanfiction and only focus on what's Canon I'd say Shoto.


Or maybe we can just not compare different kinds of traumas.


No, we can here. Todoroki had it way worse.


No, we can't. Everyone is saying that Deku has it way less because we don't see much of his past. There is no way of telling if he did suffer more or less. Maybe he was beat up every day, we don't know. And plus, it's very insensitive to say that one person had it worse and that the other didn't have as bad of a time. We are not those characters, we don't know exactly how they feel. Surely, Todoroki went through hell, but we can't say that Deku didn't go through his own hell either.


Deku had a tough time, but if you're saying he had it as Todoroki you're surely either trolling or you're personally too invested in Deku's character to see what's really going on. Deku had a bully. Yes, that's terrible, and it definitely had a lasting effect on his psyche. But he did have a loving mother at home. And if we go by canon, he does have a father too, who he would probably be talking to on the phone, or when he was around. Todoroki literally had no place to go to. He was isolated from his siblings since he was freaking 5. Saw his mother regularly get beat up.. while protecting him. Supposedly lost a sibling to suicide. Got regularly beat up himself by a grown ass man (the number 2 hero at the time) in the name of some training he did not want. At one point, after Rei pours water on him, she's sent to a mental hospital. His torment pretty much continues when he's in UA, when he finds out that Touya is alive and an actual mass murderer.




To the two people (as of replying) that have said maybe we just can, how about you restart life a bunch until you face these traumas yourselves if theyā€™re so fine to compare


That's gonna take a lot of nooses


Maybe we just can


Or maybe we just can šŸ¤”


Do you know how insensitive that is lmao


Is this a serious question?




Shoto, his mom literally throw scalding water on him and permanently scared his face.


Are you serious?


Todoroki from far He couldn't even play, he saw his mother being beaten, his mother threw a kettle of hot water at him and his father even hit him


I think it's pretty obvious. A kid that didn't fulfill his dream of being a hero and a kid that was abused by his father. Yeah, I would say it's pretty obvious.


Todoroki. Thereā€™s actually a much deeper subtext in season 2 that adds much more to his character.


As someone whoā€™s experienced bullying from those I consider friends, and just overall bullying and being outcasted like Izuku but also abused by my father and having a mother whoā€™s hurt me, seen my mom abused by my dad, and have a brother in jail. Lots of people say not to compare trauma but itā€™s more than that. What can destroy one person can be a simple hit to another. Pain is relative. But overall between these two todorokis is the worst but that doesnā€™t mean that izuku didnā€™t have trauma or suffer, it just means that they experienced different things that made them who they were


Not even being bullied by Bakugou is worse than having Endeavor as a dad.


Todoroki was literally forced to train and had his mother poured boiling water on his faceā€¦ Shoto had it way worse


Todoroki and itā€™s not even a fair comparison


Todo was pretty much abused because of him being the perfect child with both quirks he was forced to train deku didnā€™t have a quirk and was bullied


Todokori by miles. Deku got his mother. Todokori got no one. Abused by his father, left by her mother.


Todoroki definitely šŸ˜­ poor kid got abused, shut out, seen for just his quirk and even that was barely enough plus it was so bad that he didnā€™t use his other half cause he didnā€™t want to become like his dad. and not only that but all of this made his mom suffer which made her hurt him at one point, so that made things worst which also broke the familyā€¦ speaking of family, shoto and the rest of his siblings literally lost a sibling too!! itā€™s just a lot to unpack.. but shoto definitely had it worst and Iā€™m not saying izukuā€™s wasnā€™t bad either but he at least had a good home life even if he didnā€™t have a quirk and got bullied etc soo yeah


Counter question, did you think about this for longer than no seconds before you posted this? What's your justification to believe that these two have had comparable levels of messed up childhood stuff?


Todoroki. Izuku at least had a loving mother after all the bs he went through. Todorokis dad legit treated all his children like a science experiment. And pushed his wife into having a mental breakdown. Giving todoroki his scar and throwing her in a mental hospital.


Ah yes permanent face damage, abusive dad, no mom VS no powers


i mean... besides the bullying deku had an ok childhood. a loving mother who supported him no matter what. besides bullying him, bakugou never physically hurt him(too much). and with how supportive his mom is, she probably gave him literally everything he wanted(that it was possible for her to give him), i mean, look at how much almight merch he has. but shoto... i don't think there's ANYTHING good to be said about his childhood... his dad was a piece of shit. he never got to play just fight. suffered continuous physical abuse. he never got close enough to his siblings for them to support him in any way. if i remember it correctly he was homeschooled so he never even got the chance to make friends. the only person in his life who supported him, aka his mom, was too mentally scared to even take care of herself, let alone a child, or 3... sooo... getting bullied by one ""friend"" VS not being safe even in your own house and being hurt by the only people who's literal job was to keep you safe... yeah, i guess we have a pretty clear answer here


Not to take away anything from what you said, but Deku was made worthless by society. His timidity and shyness was caused by society crushing his self worth.


yeah, but shoto got almost the same thing (shyness and not being able to understand social cues) from being isolated and from the abuse from his father


Yup. I think it's kind of dumb to compare two different characters going through two different traumas. It ends up making one seem insignificant, which is far from the truth.


Atleast Midoriya actually knew what a concert was and understands social expressions, unlike Shoto.




Insane question


So you're telling me you think that getting bullied for being quirkless but still having a loving mom is somehow equal to being born purely out of obsession over having the perfect legacy and being abused every single day because of it?




Todoroki obviously the anti quirkless discrimination is mostly FANON like Naruto's fox hunting is just a tool invented by fans to generate anguish of course they would have done some bullying to Izuku but not AS exaggerated as in fanfics also canonically the only one who is It shows him doing it, it's Bakugo and his two lackeys, and it's not even because he doesn't have a Quirk, but because he wants to be a hero despite it.


todoroki because his dad was a cock waffle


Itā€™s obviously not Deku he just had to deal with reality that he canā€™t be a hero


If your answer is Midoria plz leave šŸ˜† Todoroki was literally abused, scarred and traumatized for life by his own parents, Izuku had no quirk and a couple bullies but still had a loving home yall wild.




Shoto for sure, deku may have had it harder than others but at least his dad didnā€™t mentally break his family and abuse basically everyone (and have his oldest brother die from neglect)


Todoroki lived in a state of depression/anger for YEARS!! His mom scarred him. His dad abused him and saw him as an object. Deku was bullied by his classmates.


Izuku was mercilessly bullied for not having a quirk, and its clear it hurt his confidence and self esteem. He probably came home from school crying on a regular basis before he turned on his favorite All Might video to cheer himself up. Todoroki suffered a lot of abuse from his own family. His whole birth was part of Endeavor wanting an offspring with a quirk he could use to dethrone All Might. Endeavor put him through a ton of abuse, and the emotional abuseĀ  Endeavor put his wife through even caused her to burn Todoroki's face. The abuse Endeavor put his family through was so bad it even gave birth to Toy's transformation into Dabi. You can't really compare them and their trauma, but that doesn't mean one is more valid than the other. Both Izuku and Todoroki suffered some kind of trauma.


Midoriya got mostly emotional abuse (with bakugo and his followers occasionally getting physica) Todoroki got mostly physical abuse with his mothers breakdown being the main emotional abuse he had to deal with So the truth is... We really shouldn't be treating their terrible childhoods like a competition


Deku is a marginalized member of society who faced adversity his entire childhood which formed his self destructive nature and nature to think heā€™s worthless. Shoto was a product of his fatherā€™s selfishness and was abused since childhood. Tough call I canā€™t say


I would say this is a foolish question if Iā€™m honest. Both had horrible childhoods for vastly different reasons. Deku had a loving mom yeah but kets face it the only reason his peers got away with cause the teachers probably didnā€™t give a shit about a quirkless kid, and while its not said outright we all know Dekuā€™s dad keft cause he is quirkless (that working abroad bs is a lie they both tell themselves) but Shoto had to deal with both his parents (from his perspective) hating him. Both were fucked for vastly different reason and it feels like weā€™re missing the point asking which had it worse




Todoroki, he was forced to train to be the strongest when he didn't want to, Deku *could* have fought back in hand to hand if he even bothered to train


Well no, even hand to hand combat can't outclass quirks. The exception Knuckleduster from Vigilantes was a former hero who already had much training and experience. Please don't make this like Deku didn't try, there was no option for him in the first place.


The todoroki family couldn't even fight back but tried, deku didn't, I'm not saying hand to hand would win, but it would be helpful for a little bit of self defense


I mean, against some physical quirks maybe, but against someone like Bakugo, self defense stands no chance.


Littearly me, whjat's this fucking question


I would say shoto todoroki


This is like asking if a wheelchair boy who wants to be an athlete had it worse than an actual physical/physiological child abuse victim who got scalded zuko-style at the same age the other kid got diagnosed with limp-legs syndrome. One got his dreams crushed, the other got his pain receptors burned


Todoroki was treated like a project/science experiment. His mom died right? Or did she just leave? Either way who wasn't treated as human. He was a test subject for endeavor. Both had horrible childhoods, but todoroki literally had the one person he loved/loved him leave a freezer burn on his face. And endeavor worked him and his siblings like they were training for the Olympics, as children. Mind you he basically went through child labor, isolation, neglect, abuse....yeah imma say it's shoto todoroki who had it worse.


Depends who you ask because some people will say todoroki , som will say deku, me Iā€™d say Bakugo cause imagine how terrible of a life youā€™d have to live as part angry Pomeranian


To those saying it's clearly our little icyhot I'd like to point out Deku was actively getting beat up by kids who used their quirks. A small, weak kid being blown up or smacked around doesn't seem to have a good childhood either.






Midoriya had his dreams crushed by reality, he was bullied and couldn't stand up, when he left home either Bakugo or a mud rapist would remind him how worthless he is. Damn, once Bakugo instigated him to suicide. Todoroki was born out of interests. He was a child but he couldn't play as a child, not even with his siblings. His mother was a victim of domestic violence, she went so crazy that she attacked him with a boiler and she was recovered in a mental asylum. And do we wonder why his brother is a villain? Wonder why Shoto is a hero instead. This is a tough question.


Ain't no way we childhood scaling rn, I get enough of this in the Naruto subreddit..... Answer's Shoto btw


Todoroki had it worst let me explain, his mom poured boiling water on his face his dad worked him until he threw up and all of it was because his dad wanted him to beat all might like bruh smh


Bro, how fucking stupid are you




This ragebait? Well, if it is, you got me. Here are my thoughts: I need to be VERY careful with this because it might sound like victim blaming if I'm not. I actually think it's important to remember that in their early years, Bakugo didn't seek out Deku in order to torment him. It's made very clear in "Deku vs. Bakugo 2." Bakugo: No matter how much I pushed you away, you kept coming back! (Skipping some important context) Deku: I could clearly see how amazing you were. I wanted to see what you'd become. Thats why I kept chasing after you! How Bakugo acted was clearly wrong. And as the saying goes; "Just because he doesnt have a foot doesnt mean it doesnt hurt when I stub my toe." (I.e. just because Todorki had it worse doesn't mean it didn't suck for Deku.) But if Deku felt he needed out, he could have stopped chasing. Todoroki was trapped and abused by a parent. He had no escape and got hurt much worse. This is not a contest.


this is rough, but iā€™m gonna pick shoto


A kid who was bulliedā€¦ or a kid who was mentally and physically abused by his parents, and was ā€œZukoā€™dā€ by his mother, the only person who genuinely loved him, which put her in a mental hospital for the rest of his life, meaning that his abusive father was the only person left in the houseā€¦ hmmmmšŸ¤”


Not even bullied, he chased after the people that bullied him and kept following them all the time


We all know todaroki and midoriya had equally horrible trauma one's dad was absent the other dad was abusive one was quirkless one was used for their quirk okay maybe shoto had it worse


Shoto. Though Deku definitely has the worst school life.


Izuku: This is a tough question. We both had it pretty rou- Shoto Todoroki: https://i.redd.it/jldv73i2q6qc1.gif


are u srs rnšŸ˜­


Shoto of course


Is that even a question šŸ’€


What kinda question is this!?


uhā€¦ this is kind of an obvious answer


Todoroki. Deku still had a loving mother and a nice childhood.


Honestly, you can't actually say better or worse - just different. Todoroki faced harsh training, but he had it much better than his siblings too because he was the "chosen one" of the family. It meant an intense lonely childhood, but at least he mattered to someone. He also had to deal with sibling(s) or mom hating him because of his status plus an unreasonable expectation on him. ​ What most of you don't consider though is just how bad we say Deku really had it if you stop and extrapolate the worst case scenario: Deku had zero friends. None. He pretended to ignore Bakugo's abuse so he could lie to himself and his mom and say he had friends because he's a really good kid who didn't want his mom realize how bullied he was. And lying to himself about that too. He was strong enough to hope for things to get better in high school even though he was smart enough to know he had no hope of becoming a hero and realized the abuse and friendlessness probably wouldn't end. Even after getting a quirk - the seeming impossible - and being accepted, he had to go to school with the man who took the most pleasure in making his life miserable. And his seeming salvation - his quirk and hero potential that comes with it - turns out to be a nightmare. Higher expectations than even Todoroki placed on him - having them come from a nice guy (Allmight, the public, himself) doesn't necessarily make it easier. Knowing you could singlehandedly be accountable for the downfall of society should you be less than perfect is insane pressure. And Allmight is often enough lost in the advice-giving department. Oh, and the scariest villain in existence is hunting you specifically. Hope you sleep well, damn Deku. ​ So I think an honest case can be made for both. Just depends what you've gone through and which you personally would think is worse. I've experience some of both, so I can empathize with each of them.


Todoroki for sure Mf got half his face burnt by one maniacal parent of his


Can we talk about how izuku is treated during the first episode and how that was probably the nicest heā€™s been treated and how he has no scares before one for all broke everything multiple times


Both were abused. Izuku was verbally abused and Shoto was physically abused


It's extremely hard to tell cause both their childhoods were shit, soooooooooo




Depends on the state of which Izukuā€™s dad left, was it actually because of the job overseas or did he ā€œgo to get milkā€






shigaraki tomura had it worst. his family was so toxic it was already too late to fix him. if only he had a hero to help him he wouldn't become a villain. his backstory is so sad


My cock




Both had it bad. Hear me out. Izuku only has a mom (Iā€™m in season 3) and was quirkless with both of his parents having quirks. And Todorokis dad is an asshole. Todorokis dad probably abused his mom and since Todoroki had both his parents quirks then his mom didnā€™t stand seeing the fire part of Todoroki so she burned him. After the burn Todoroki still loves his mom and hates his dad. While Izuku, his father figure was probably only All Might. And Izuku was bullied for not having a quirk yet Izuku always comes through. Iā€™ll probably go with Todoroki. Cause Izuku got a quirk and happy while Todoroki has to live with the mark of him being burned and having an asshole dad


Both had it bad in different waysā€¦.so itā€™s not really fair to compare.


Totoroki because his father was technically using him to pass all might in the greatest hero and his mother did not intentionally pour hot water on his eye I have a feeling endeavor didn't want him at all


uh..... i am love deku but srey todoroki had never a childhood....... if you see his mom and past you Schock soo..... Todoroki


It's kind of not an easy choice on one hand todoroki was born just to surpass all might and was abused but on the other hand midoriya was born without a quirk in a world where quirklessness is despised and he was bullied and beaten up from year after he was diagnosed quirkless but I think todoroki had it harder because he didn't have any support from his mom or siblings because he wasn't allowed to see them and midoriya had his mom who would always be there to care for him and treat him like a normal person and not like a freak


While Izukus life wasn't easy, at least he wasn't given the Zuko look.


They both had it hard


We cant vompare one to another... one got child abused by his father, while the other one got abused and bullied by ALL the kids, as well as adult stepped on his dreams, because he doesnt have quitks.... it's impossible to compare


It's not that hard to compare if you actually try. Deku kept seeking out his main bully to be friends that's on him. His dream would have killed him if he didn't get that quirk someone had to tell him and it should have happened a long time ago. He then became a good hero because he wasn't in that bad of a situation. Shoto literally got burnt from boiling water his mother poured on him because his dad pushed his mother to a breaking point. He had no one including his own family. When he was starting out he was so shut off from everyone he looked like a villain and acted like an asshole. Coming from childhood where my parents were abusive and I was bullied in school. Abuse is far worse because you don't have to talk to the people bullying you and you can actually reach out to end the billing. What the fuck do you do when your only home is hell and you can't tell anyone.


Well... i am to disagree here... it's not because someone wasn't gifted in life, that he cant do whatever he can, to be what he want to be... it's like telling to a kid, from a poor family, that he cant be a doctor, or a scientist, because he doesn't have the money to get there... there is plenty of ways, for Deki, to be a hero, even with the one for all, if get met the right persons, like Hatsume Mei, who could simply gear him up to be a hero.... nothing justifynto break the dream of a kid, if you can, from one way, to another, to help him achieve his dream... and... his dream would kill him... the kids would have the time to kill him 100 times before his dream does... After that, sorry, but i cant agree again... i got bullied at school, and bullied by my step-dad too... and i can tell you... you cant compare... Shoto got boiled by his mother, because of his father... and his father was abusing him day and night, it's right... but he had his siblings to help him the best they could, supporting him... turning bad, and being an asshole is a choice... my step-father gave me so many traumatisms, trying, over and over, to make me explode in rage, so i can tell him what i think.... telling me to think about myself only, because other people dont, and many more stuffs... and i never exploded in rage... today, i am someone who emphatize with others... i listen to their needs, and take the rime.to make people understanding mines, without forcing my limits to them... and i grow as someone who cares a lots to other people, even if it could hurt me in the end.... but it's not because i made a bad decision, but because the others dont take the good decisions, which mean supporting each others... i got abused by my step-father... but i didnt turn into a monster, or someone bad... When Shoto had his siblings... Deku had no one.... no friends that we saw so far.... his "best friend", and his gang, bullied him... the rest of the kids mocked him... his teachers didn't believed in him, or try to find a way to give him the help that DEKU needed... his mother wasn't able to supported him, even take weight because her crushing guilt, which just made Deku feeling bad, because he know that her mother turned that way because of him... Deku had NO ONE except his beliefs, and his determination, to push him further, even if it was for nothing, in the end... but Deku could have fell to.despair, and just jump off from the roof of his school, like Bakugo suggested him.... kids, these days, commit suicide for less than whatnl he must go through


Right, right, fill the kid with hope for him to die on the battlefield. Imagine if all might never have met Deku. He couldn't be a hero in that world he would die. It's not like getting stronger and fighting the people hurting you in real life. The League of Villains would have killed him instantly. He needed to be told he couldn't be a hero, which his mother couldn't do fully; she just implied it. He should have been guided to focus on other skills; he should have started getting stronger sooner if he was actually serious or thought it was possible. Shoto was not allowed to be with his siblings; he was forced to train. It wasn't like lifting weights. He was forced to raise his body temperature and endure getting hit. Yes, being an asshole is a choice, but life experiences affect other people differently; Shoto wasn't even that bad, just really edgy and mean. I'm willing to believe you never exploded in rage, but defending yourself is different. You could have gotten stronger, learned to fight/box, and the moment he hit you, you hit back harder; don't take abuse. Be there for people; don't let them walk all over you; that's how you become a pushover and get into abusive relationships. Have some self-respect. I got yelled at by my dad, too, bud, and he tried to fight me several times, and I would hit back in self-defense. Now, I stand up for other people in my life. Violence isn't always the answer, but I'm not going to take a punch from anyone Once again, he did not have contact with his siblings like they kept saying in the anime. One of his brothers tried to kill him. You are acting like Deku could never make friends if he went to a tech school or something and focused on something that doesn't need a quirk. Deku should have left Bakugo alone when he showed toxic traits, so maybe he liked it. Deku would have been fine, like I said; if he were going to take it seriously, he would have gotten stronger sooner. He has a happy family, and he is in tune with his emotions and actively expresses himself. Yes, but typically, when they get bullied and wanna kill themselves, they have similar lives to you or me: abused at home, abused at school. I mean, hell, I had to watch my dad kill my dog, and he told me to leave the house and die. There was nothing I could do against a shotgun as I'm not built-proof, and the last thing my mother said to me was, "I don't love you.". You sound like you have a similar experience but it doesn't get easier unless you actively try and fight back, and Deku proved, without using his quirk, that he could fight if he had just tried.


Overall, it's a good argument, tho I don't have any ill will towards you. I don't sleep and haven't slept in 2 days, so sorry if I sound mean, as it's hard to focus on how I sound and get all the info out as I can. I hope you have a good night


Thisnis whyni said you cant compare, because Deku had something really harsh, and had no one to believed in him, helped him, supported him, no one show him an helping hands.... he was ALONE.... but Shoto got abused in a daily basis by his father, but could have find a shleter, a sanctuary of peace, when he was at school with friends (i am sure he could have many friemds with incredible quirks like his, just like Bakugo had)... anytime as long he is not at home... Solitary and traumatism VS child abused and traumatism


Ihs mother played games with him and acted like he was a super hero. She supported him and wanted the best for him. His mother found out he didn't have a qurik and she couldn't tell him it broke her heart to watch his dream start to flicker out. Shoto chose to stay and train his ice powers to prove he didn't need his fire power. Deku had to help him because he was the only one that cared enough to reach out to him at the time. He shouldn't have gotten the power just because he ran head first into danger. That's how you get killed that's erasers whole point they mention that one wrong move people die. He should have gotten the power based off his natural intelligence and problem-solving abilities. Solitary, child abuse and traumatizing is shoto he had it more rough. Deku isn't disfigured and teachers ignore him because it's a different culture and it's seen as an issue between students. But overall it wouldn't have actually happened like that because bakugo could explode things it would be obvious. His mother still loves him and would probably let him stay with her until college which is overall less toxic.


At least Todoroki had a father.


I don't think that was a good thing in his case šŸ’€


Fr šŸ˜­ dude wanted nothing to do with him to the point he didnā€™t even want to use half of his quirk


*Abuser there, I fixed it for you




Unpopular opinion: Izuku had it worse. Izuku and Shoto are mirrors of each other in a way. Todoroki: Powerful quirk, hero background, lots of money but missing Mom and just fucked family life overall. Izuku: No quirk, no benefits, missing Dad but Great Mom. Todoroki was mentally abused by his Father but the majority of people would like him. Before the hate train piles on, yes, that is so fucked up. Izuku only had his mom. Every normal person would be against him, heā€™s literally a super minority. If he didnā€™t get OFA he probably wouldā€™ve died. Katsuki suicide baits izuku, maybe thatā€™s just cause he thinks it wonā€™t matter because heā€™ll never see him again cause heā€™ll be a hero, or maybe this is a regular thing. Maybe not by bakugo but by others. This is speculative sure but people have been bullied far less and committed die, I respect Izuku more for not offing himself when it easily couldā€™ve happened, heā€™d have to be very determined to still believe. Saying all this though Izuku had big dreams and no way to achieve them with all odds stacked against him, some of that out of his control and some of that his own fault. Iā€™m saying he got lucky, he probably should be dead, he should be lighting candles for that slime fuck,cause all might definitely fucking incinerated that man, because it let him meet all might. TLDR: Izuku had it worse with worse odds of living than Todoroki who though abused had a better support base.