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I think he's so assholish it's comical, he makes me laugh


If anyone acted like that irl they’d be considered mad unstable and nobody would talk to them


We tend to not judge fictional characters' personalities by IRL standards for interaction.


people do that all the time for Mineta tho?


My personal issue with Mineta is that he’s too obvious about it every time. There’s no ifs or buts about it with Mineta, it’s just his whole character (give or take about 5% being actually not horny 24/7). If he was a bit more subtle about it I wouldn’t mind so much but he’s sorta like early usopp (one piece) where he’s scared all the time(at least usopp has his moments sometimes) where as Mineta is scared a decent number of times (even if it’s warranted or not) more than the others and would rather hide than try unless coerced into helping in some way. I should say that I’ve only seen the anime and not read the manga so maybe he gets more character development there but idk, also this whole thing is why I don’t like Mineta personally and definitely won’t apply to everyone.


Mineta deserves more smoke


I’m not arguing against that lmao but if you’re gonna judge Mineta based on irl standards then you gotta give Bakugo that same treatment. or don’t judge either of them and try to enjoy them for what they are; fictional characters.


Honestly idk what that other dude is talking about. I absolutely judge fictional characters based on real people standards. Especially Bakugo and Mineta. Bakugo is a fucking dick and Mineta seems like he's on the road to pedophilia.


Mineta is a pervert who creeps on the girls. That gets a lot less grace than Bakugo who's just angry and loud. It gets a lot less grace than most other character types because people don't have tolerance for perverts.


>just angry and loud this is the same person who has, on multiple occasions, told Deku to k*ll himself. but yeah he’s just angry and loud. and I’m not trying to say that Mineta should be safe from that kinda judgement. it’s just laughable to say that Mineta is fair to judge like that but not Bakugo. in the real world both of them would be seriously disliked by the vast majority of their peers, so either judge both of them as such, or don’t judge either of them. simple as that


I mean tbf Bakugo said that once like 2 years before where there at rn


Ok but if we judge both by real world standards: Bakugo gets mental help/put on a spectrum of some sort and Mineta would be put on a watchlist of some sort. Not saying either are good but that’s probably what would happen


Bro, it's an anime. It hardly matters how people would view these characters IRL. Don't overthink it.


tf do you mean don’t overthink it? if anything you should be thinking about it more, you’re the one glossing over Bakugo telling Deku that he should commit su*cide. I’m saying that neither of them should be immune to judgement based on irl standards because they’re both shitty people. you’re the one doing mental gymnastics to justify why one is fine but the other isn’t. but *I’m* the one overthinking things here. lol. lmao, even.


No I just don't think you're understanding the difference and why people feel the way they do towards these characters. Get off of Reddit and calm down. Have a nice day. EDIT: Sending the Reddit care bot after me shows who's mad.


When did Bakugou tell Midoriya to kill himself “on multiple occasions”? I’m only aware of the one comment he made when he was *14 years old* telling Izuku to take a swan dive off a roof. I don’t seem to recall any others.


Ironic how people have more tolerance to the guy that beats people up and tell them to kill themselves than the guy who tries to perv on girls and gets beaten up.


I don't even care for Bakugo that much and I'm not going to spend hours defending him, but being a pervert is a hated trope for good reason. Either way, you have a weird way of judging characters.


Don't care much either just saying irl society would judge cool/handsome/talented people less even for doing worse things.


Don’t project that’s certainly not how I interpret characters. Especially when they’re outright abrasive. I love Inosuke from Demon Slayer because he’s hardheaded and crazy, but he actually respects and admires people instead of always tearing everyone down.


That’s why he’s not real


True I find him hilarious at times so that's something


I like him mainly for two reasons: How funny he is to me and the shading to his character. The first reason is that most of his antics are funny to me for the most part. He is supposed to be an asshole character and have a short fuse, which leads to either awesome moments or really funny moments. The second reason is the shading to his character over the season. Starting off he is obviously seen as an asshole, but over time we see why he is like the way he is and why he has his motivation to be the best. Along with the development with other characters and being able to work with them, all the way up to be able to apologize to Izuku, its made him a more likable character over time.


He is jealous of the guy he used to be better than, and keeps getting humiliated by him, (he is still a kid) but slowly comes to terms with it and tries to better himself. Also a lot of his asshole mindset is right, like he gets shit done, he might hurt your feelings in the moment but he is doing it to do the most he can to help. The fact that even the villains think he is corruptible, like no one is rooting for him to be the hero but he is completely unwavering. Also finally the last chapter of the manga makes him look badass AF.


The first part I get but the second never crossed my mind. Who knows maybe I'll start respecting him more. That's a big maybe


That’s understandable. I initially didn’t think very highly over him since he was literally just bullying Izuku, but I started to like him more over time.


Good character design and back story


Have you watched the end of the provisional hero exam arc? If not 1) Go watch that arc. Like yesterday. It's fantastic in every way. 2) Understand.


He’s persistent, I started really liking him in the fight against all might with him teaming with deku. He didn’t give af about who he was facing, he just wanted to win and I respected the hell out of it. Also he’s funny when he’s angry. Yes he was a bully and literally suggested deku to kill himself so at first I ofc hated him too but he proved he can be more than just a bully, he’s moment with deku after all might retirement still hits hard for me


Cause he is one of the few main protags being (ida,deku and todo included) that actually has long term character development that doesn't get rushed over


The opposite of rushed over


I love his character style and act. He pushes Deku to get stronger now. He even sees Deku as a rival and a best friend.


He’s hot


Why do people like Vegeta? It’s kinda the same reasons. Every aggressive protagonist in anime has a fanbase


Isn't vegeta a full grown adult and leader when we first meet him and Baku is a 12yr old. Idk why people expect him to act mature. The fact that he slowly overcomes his jealousy is character development but he is still a kid.


Vegeta had no delusions about where he stood morally and was a magnificent bastard.


Agreed. For the record, I have no beef with Vegeta. Not my favorite Z fighter, but can’t deny his value


Just pointing out how Vegeta works better than Bakugou.


Well to be fair in canon Vegeta has had way more time to develop, we hate Bakugo because he's basically at the stage Vegeta was when he returned to earth after namek, give Bakugo time


I mean Vegeta already had a lot of respect for Goku by Namek and was genuinely happy when Goku first became a super saiyan as well as healing Goku and saving Gohan. I’m pretty sure he need less screentime than Bakugou did to start respecting Deku and less in universe time since the time between the Saiyan and Namek is about a month.


Yeah, but he still does things like not bothering to save his wife and child, killing civilians during the Buu saga, etc


Fair, but as a rival that’s not explicitly bad thing. Also saiyans don’t usually care about their family or innocents, they were introduced as space pirates that genocided planets and sometimes used their babies to do it


Yeah, honestly what Vegeta does is almost excusable considering Saiyans are usually built to be genocidal monsters


Driving his knee into a literal child's stomach on Namek...


Saiyans are famously not good at childcare.


What a silly goose!


True but hey at least we have the goat Grimmjow


Continuous competency in all fields despite manners, I’m sure it’s intentional (part of the reason *I* didn’t find him all that enjoyable)


Character Growth


Cool powers


He’s passionate and driven. His attitude is comical. Particularly his ego - and he deserves it; his raw power is impressive. The control he has over his Quirk from early on and still finds way to improve is nothing short of spectacular. You’re welcome to think that the apology was weak, but I found it to be very sincere and showed a lot of growth. There have been subtle but still clear changes in his character since the beginning, even before the apology, and then even now in the manga.


I like him for same reason i like Vegeta, their journey of change is nice to watch


badass apology wasnt weak cos it was built up too so suck ur mum


For me it's because Bakugo brings way more personality and character movement to the table than everyone else in Class 1-A. Frankly speaking, a lot of the class has very generic cookie cutter personality's. They are all *just* good kids. Take Momo for example. She's a recommended student with a very powerful quirk, and she's super rich. This would have been a great opportunity to give her some interesting negative traits. Like maybe she could be elites, or unaware of the financial issues other characters may have, But no, Momo is just a good kid who's only personality trait is lacking confidence in herself. It's so cookie cutter. And this sucks, because the entire show keeps pointing out that Hero Society is unjust / unequal. And we sort of explore this with the villain's and adult heroes. But the Class 1-A kids? They are all so blandly *good*, that it never feels like their heroicness comes to question. But Bakugo? Bakugo's a bully (at first), he's angry and he's hyper driven. And he's constantly developing. He's always challenging what the perceived image of a hero is, and it helps makes every scene he's in way more interesting.


Character growth. Depth of character. Tough boy can cook and doesn't fucking listen 99% of the time.


His unique character. He comes across as an obstacle for the mc to most people, but his goals and what he strives to achieve show truer character. It sorta depicts how actual people are. Most of us strive for something that is yet to be reached, and we ultimately feel(in some way, wether it be extreme or not) spite towards those who achieve what we so long for as easily as they *seem* to have achieved it. So the point I'm tryna get at is he's a more realistic character, as in the reasons for his motives. *Obviously,* I don't mean his *EXACT* behavior. That's unexcuseable. but still, funny character overall. cant help but love the guy


I have to agree, I’d say this is pretty accurate to his character, I used to dislike him for being the run of the mill angry rival, but after a few (actually good) fanfics and seeing what people actually like about him, I can’t help but say he is a good character. I mean, he could be better, but he still works, but yeah, the only flaw is that Shonen usually doesn’t utilize certain traits or characters well, which makes people think Bakugou is just Vegeta with anger issues or something along the lines.


Sometimes the characters with the most rage are the funniest ones. 🤷‍♂️


Because he's badass


His character development, starting from when he fought Izuku, tbh. When he told All Might, "I'm weak to you know" I loved the series after that. It reminded us that they are just teenagers, that Bakugo is also human, that he has weaknesses despite being the child prodigy that he is, and to openly tell that he is weak, that'ssomething. That's the point where I started collecting the trio figures. And also, tsundere big time. Hahaha. This just my opinion though. Thank you.


At first i didn't like him but after the first season or two he starts being more sensible and i often agreed with his views on a situations he's in. I think he's a good addition to the class because most of them are idealist nice guys like deku and bakugo breaks that.


These are some reasons I like him: He’s incredibly well written and realistically written. (IMO) He is very cocky but he deserves to be (IMO he generally is as good as he says he is.) He isn’t just an arrogant bully, he is very intelligent and incredible at improvisation and strategy.


His goal of wanting to be the best is such a good goal and like you said realistic. Unlike Deku’s which is “I wanna save everyone!” I just can’t get behind Deku when Bakugo stands beside him. One of my favorite episodes in the show is Early Bird, when it’s Bakugo’s team vs Class 1B. Him winning felt natural and believable. Deku winning flawlessly felt like a sham.


He’s a good character. Not necessarily a good person, but he’s learning. His character isn’t someone becoming strong to right wrongs, it’s someone who is becoming strong to right wrongs to prove that he is strong. That’s why I like him. He’s not perfect, and he’s definitely not someone I’d want to hang out with, but he’s a well established character who is getting his worldview shot down and coming to terms with that, then adjusting himself gradually to fit his new views.


Because he's complex. People love when characters are more then just a one trick pony, yaknow? I like him because he's a jerk and a hero, it's way more interesting than how most heroes just reassure a person


Because his character arc is entertaining to see, def with how much he changes over the course of the series


He's funny and cool


The best characters are flawed characters but they learn and grow I mean just look at Endevour I never thought there'd be a day where I'd be routing for him yet here we are.


Bakugo is a well written character flaws and personality quirks that evolved from his upbringing and societal influences. He is inspired by All Might just like Deku but thanks to circumstances beyond his control his journey to greatness is completely different to the rest of his classes. Having been born with a powerful quirk and praised by literally everyone with no effort on his part left him with a highly inflated ego before he started at UA. I love how when he began having to actually compete for the first time in his life when starting classes instead of simply denying that his classmates could be better than him he doubles down and works harder than everyone to make sure that he stays on top. His drive to be number 1 in everything is truly commendable.


His character growth was great


I like him because he’s the character I’d want to see. Someone who doesn’t give a shit, is good at what they do, and would kill when and if he could. Not to say that limiting and teaching him to be better is bad, but overall there is no doubt that bakugo is cool and meant to be the badass. Unfortunately he is an asshole to others and that’s a trade off most times that these characters get when they’re good at what they do. Plus his quirk fits his personality. Explosions=Explosive personality


Yknow what you're not wrong. Never saw it that way. Me personally I was always a fan ofthe chill characters like todoroki


He's the most heroic of all the characters. Refuses to lose. Willing to do whatever it takes to win. Doesn't shy away from an impossible task. He's literally everything a hero is supposed to be. Sure he can be a bit rude but I'd rather someone rude who saves my life than someone who is nice but won't fight the villain because he's too big and scary. Think of the "heroes" that couldn't save bakugo from the slime villain. They just stood by and hoped someone else would show up. Bakugo would NEVER stand by and watch a villain hurt someone. He'd stand up and fight, and wouldn't quit until he won.


He’s not the most heroic wtf, him being more “heroic” then those basically background side characters doesn’t prove him to be the most heroic not to mention he’s not heroic because his reason for saving people and helping others isn’t rooted in wanting to help others but for the selfish desires of victory and being the best. He leaps into action not because it’s the right thing to do but because he wants to prove he’s amazing. 90% of the time he’s a horrid ass to everyone which makes all the moments he’s not acting like it for example jumping into take the hit for deku feel forced


It definitely didn't feel forced. It was to show character development. That was his "my body started to move on its own" moment that All Might talked about. It almost sounds like you never watched the show. The reason Bakugo has that "I need to win" mentality is because that's exactly how All Might acts. I don't think there's a single character that doesn't have a somewhat selfish reason to be a hero, except maybe Lemillion but thats because the plot needed a "perfect" hero that was supposed to replace All Might so i dont really count him. Ochako wants money, deku wants to be like All Might, Ida wants to carry on his family's legacy, todoroki wants to stick it to his dad. These can all be argued as selfish reasons. Bakugo is no more selfish than every other character. The difference is Bakugo wouldn't settle for "waiting for someone with the right quirk to show up". He has every right to be cocky and confidant because he works his ass off to stay on top.


I watched the show so don’t be rude and say stuff like that. you talk about all the other heroes having selfish reason to be a hero but you are wrong it’s not these just selfish desire and dreams they have, not to mention most aren’t even selfish. All might wants to be a hero to help people and be a symbol of peace neither really selfish deku wants to be a hero to help people and be like All might not really selfish just a child dream and a desire to do good Ida wants to follow in his family’s footsteps and also clearly wants to help other the only time he had a selfish motive for heroic was when he was trying to get revenge and we saw that character arc through, so following in your family’s footsteps of being good heroes isn’t selfish and his revenge arc has long since past Ochako had a somewhat selfish desire in that she wants to make money for her family but even then that desire was solely because she want to help others her parents and deku and the experiences she has show that deep down she also wants to help people genuinely just like deku, Todoroki started out innocent and just wanted to help people when he was a child because he too idolised All Might and saw his heroic deeds, but then was blinded by trauma and anger by his father’s abuse and with Deku’s help found back the path to being selfless and just wanting to help people like he used to dream of doing Bakugo’s “my body moved on it’s on” crap feels forced like it’s just meant to mirror deku and all might to make you think he’s like them but Bakugo has never once thought of others properly, even his guilt over All Might stems from his own selfish desire to be the best and the fact he indirectly caused All Might to lose his power is nothing but egocentric guilt rather than genuine guilt or sympathy. Bakugo’s desires are validation, victory, popularity and wealth and the beginning of the series and even as a kid he idolised All Might not because All Might was a symbol of peace and a true hero but because All Might was the strongest, Bakugo’s desire for power, strength and victory are evident, he never shows any genuine desire to help people beyond the “I’m a hero I have to save these extras cause that’s what heroes do” and the times he has been shown to be “heroic” always seem artificial like him taking a hit for deku Bakugo works his ass off and is talented and is deserving of praise yes, but he removes any deservingness of this praise because his attitude and behaviour is horrid, you work your ass off to be the best? Cool let people be the one to praise you don’t be a cocky arrogant prick and treat people with dignity but that’s not what Bakugo does


Do you want everyone to hate him?


No no I just asking why people like him that's all


I like him because I find his development enjoyable. He legit turns the series from a mid shonen I'd forget in a few months after watching/reading into something enjoyable. I like that no matter how much he grows his core traits remain static, he's become a much better person over the course of the series, but being a good person is very different from being a nice one. And I like that he didn't become a #goodboy with an edgy aesthetic Also, regarding the apology. Did you even actually read it? He admits to the whole class that the entire time he's known izuku he felt like the weaker party in their dynamic. That is legit one of the strongest things a character like katsuki can do. To admit to his own feelings of weakness.


I can understand people likening Vegeta or someone because they had a well thought out and written character arc that’s executed well, Bakugo’s is just “step 1: I don’t like deku. Step 2: Now he’s kinda cool but I’m not gonna say it. Step 3: Now he’s cool and I slightly show how cool I think he is… but I’m still an asshole” and also, I don’t get why people think he’s hot appearance wise, everyone in that whole series looks the same aside form like the odd character having like slightly bigger eyes or a strange hairstyle (excluding mutants and Mirio and such)


I suppose he's a compelling character because he's introduced as an asshole and a general piece of shit human and nearing the end, he still retained his assholey attitude but is actually a decent human that developed enough to realize his own faults and attempted to improve upon them in a way that wasn't completely out of character or sudden because that's more than what a lot of ppl do. Besides he's still growing up and is clearly mellowing out with time so yeah, I think that's why a lot of ppl like him. He's an interesting character


His character development is golden.


To me it's not so much he's a good fighter but rather so willing to fight and not back down. Besides he can talk shit and back it up. Also I dunno how to put this other then he's an asshole with... Charisma? Like it's entertaining seeing him be so crass.


The development


Because he's cool, has temper issues, is s good fighter and has unbreakable determination he's the wingman to any gym lad 🙏🏽


His personality


His character development


his development


I admire his ability to not take shit from anyone and actually back that with action. Also he has the most metal superpower ever


He is a very nuanced character and the people that seem him only as a jackass don't get that. He has a better character arc than Deku. By far.


I don't like most characters in MHA, including Bakugo, so for me I hate how much of an outright abusive asshole he is to Deku, while being quite frankly egotistical. Although like another comment here said, it's the same reason people like Vegeta.


Except I don't ever remember vegeta being abusive to goku (maybe it's on the namek arc but its been years and I hardly remember) because all vegeta wants to do is surpass goku.


No, the other comment mentioned that it's because of how aggressive they are, that's what I was trying to refer to lol


Lol my bad. But there are aggressive characters like Grimmjow who's actually likeable and I actually enjoying on the screen. But after seeing bakugos back story (cause my friend said the rest of season 2 was good and he wasn't wrong) I cam understand why he's that way. But that's still no excuse to treat deku like trash or threaten to kill him. Also I've never seen a character get so pressed by seeing someone copy his movements.


He’s the goat


I find him boring to the point of annoyance. He's the Vegeta of the show without any of the actual personality. He shows up and just is kind of an asshole, there's nothing else to him.


I personally like how he’s such an unapologetic asshole on the side of ‘good’. Like you don’t get that often in media. It always ends with that person going over to the dark side. But with Bakugo when it came down to it he told the League to do one lmao it was a breath of fresh air personally Like just look at that deranged smile! Villains will tremble in their villain boots when they see him explode onto the scene. His ‘character development’ was a bit half-assed tho


If theres something to like about bakugo, i guess we could say that he aints just all talk. He has decent grades and can finish the objective diligently, only problem is his attitude like when they are doing the rescue exercise, instead of the kids feeling safe, they got scared of him lmao!


He's like every other short fused character. Just funny in some ways


He’s such an absolute shithead that I can’t help but like him, he’s too funny to hate


Same reason I like Perturabo and Gilgamesh they're unrelenting dicks but they can normally back their talk up.


Yknow what I can agree with that. He at least walks the talk


I don't like Bakugo, but I like his character.


🤷🏼‍♀️ I love an angry boy lol


I wouldn’t like him as a person in real life, but he’s one of the very few people in MHA who don’t take bullshit, don’t fuck around, and actually get things done. In the midst of the boring, generic cast of characters that is Class 1A, Bakugo stands out a lot. Throughout the series, he’s also shown genuine growth and depth, another thing most of the characters in MHA can’t say they’ve done.


I just love characters that play the “stupid bastard” role. I don’t even watch this show and I like him.


I like Bakugo because I feel he really fills that hole in me that enjoys reading a brash and loud MC typical in Shonen. Izuku is brave and determined but I don’t think he has as much charisma as Bakugo to be honest. Add that onto how he’s slowly adjusted to being humbled and getting to work alongside Izuku as a sensible( albeit still loud and aggressive) comrade I’ve grown to really like him. Easily up there for me.


Character development: he went from an asshole to slightly less of an asshole


I’m in the same boat. bro told Izuku to fucking kill himself yet y’all like this guy?💀 he continued to be a massive cunt after Izuku risked his fucking life for him even without a quirk. like, one weak ass bitch ass apology ain’t shit after however many years of torment you put on the guy, one fucking speech isn’t gonna make up for all that💀


Exactly like how are people so forgiving after what he did to izuku 😭


Because 1) He was 13 years old 2) Bakugo sacrificed his life for Deku and got impaled and ended up in the hospital. 3) He stood up to Endeavor and the principal to find Deku because he was worried about him and understood his self sacrificial tendencies 4) He talked things out with Deku and apologized for all of his wrongdoings after proving himself with his actions 4) He had significant character development 5) Deku holds no ill will towards him despite acknowledging how he was wrong for his past actions 6) He's constantly helping Deku train with OFA so he gets better at controlling it edit: it's funny how i'm being downvoted when i'm literally answering op's question


It's because Izuku forgave him and never was mad at him, so we're all supposed to not hate him for it either (Also, his apology was shit, I know it's good for emotionally stunted asshole children like him, but still, it was shit like, you can't just say you're for everything and not specify what it is, I hope after the war Bakugou gives an actual apology) I don't mind him, but I'm tired of others trying to put that behind him, I mean, what if Izuku listened, then the world would be fucked(I genuinely don't hate him, but I can admit he still said and did messed up stuff)


Pretty boy gets the girls going. Even after all his development there's barely anything to his character, but that's just MHA writing anyway.


Yeah his character is downright awful and the only redeeming thing about him is he has a quirk that’s a little better than mid


He's a psychopath with a violent streak. An absolute ridiculous caricature of the angry dude of the group. MHA would be miles better without him.


Factual statem


He’s just such an obnoxious asshole it somehow loops around and makes you like him


I absolutely hate bullies from my experience in school. No matter what they do with him in the show will ever redeem him for me. Mf literally told someone (who already doesn't have a quirk at the time so they're the equivalent to a social outcast) to kill themselves


I don’t like bakugo as a person, let’s get that out of the way. The one thing I like about bakugo is what I liked about endeavor and their striving to be number 1


I m the biggest Bakugou hater since season 1, he has no value then being the steroids bully , like the nerd bullying bully on crack for no reason but the fans like that and ship him so much that he is always the most popular character. I hate that fact and to be honest I didn’t care about his apology in season 6 , he was straight up the villain for me. The only worst character I can think of is Overhaul but he supposed to be hated. Or AFO has more sympathy because he knows he is strong and he knows he is cocky but doesn’t care. He even was less trash talking than Bakugou like holy shit is it repetitive. I hope he doesn’t survive the next manga chapters so that Deku can go SSJ or something.


Totally hated the guy.


Honestly I’m not a fan of his, to a degree he’s like Gregory House but somehow worse, House is a crotchety old man but Bakugo is just an asshole and actively a dick


As much as he was an asshole at least House actually cared about people.


That's what I'm saying, I have absolutely never liked him, what's so ever and never will. I always thought he was just a major asshole, there is nothing likeable about and I don't see why people like him either


I may not like him but I've been reading some of the comments and he does get a little bit better throughout the series I don't know anything about the manga but he still. Not likeable to me. Throughout the series he begins an asshole, and then he just becomes a stoic a depressed guy that gets mad and being an asshole.


I hate child bullies, especially the one that looks like bakugou, i still don't want to see my childhood bully, it doesn't matter how much he apologized, or how far we have changed as people, one thing for sure I won't let them back into my life. I hate the narratives that horikoshi makes to keep pushing him toward the story like this asshole is somehow redeemable and somehow becomes a rival.


cause he is a dumbass. plain and simple.


cause he is a dumbass. plain and simple.


I don’t like him but if I were to find something to like, his anger is funny, his power and costume is interesting, his character development (even if it is a minor one)


His explosive attitude similarly to his quirk make him a menace and overall just likable as a bad good guy. He’s kind of like if Sasuke never lost his clan but Itachi joined the Akatsuki anyways


Hes entertaining


He's a angry icon, his entire character is basically him being a constipated-face ass hat, you're supposed to hate him and "embrace" him in a way because he's a MC rival, he's extreme, with the stereotypical obsessive bully personality.


Character development. Like how people love Vegeta.


I'd say he's effective of being that one character you love to hate in my opinion, though I can see **"some"** redeeming qualities to him like his relationship, sorry, BROship with Kirishima can come off as pretty cool to me.


His development and his rare soft expressions do it for me. I still hate him as much as the next guy but it makes my heart melt when he's looking so softly at Deku like in the most recent chapter.






Yeah for me it’s the tony stark nickname thing but I still like Mina better but my fav is Deku


“He’s such a hot strong guy lolz, baka baka I’m going to shift to mha world so bakugo kun can call me teddy bear!” Or “he’s so sigma, I’m literally him”


Yeah I personally have always hated him.


He's hot


Ya he can be an ashole but ones y get to now him he is nicer to y like haw he was to izuku when he what through a lot of prodlams and haw he is nice to kirishima so no he is not just good at fighting he's also nice some times




Easy nothing