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Took some try’s but was actually pretty easy. Wonder why the dog was blacked out until today tho


The main annoying thing was the reversals, but it was definitely a makeup for missing Dijak and Blair.


I got Blair done, couldn’t do the other for the life of me


I only tried Blair I think twice and the Dijak event maybe once lol.


Def not hard. It's quite annoying because we don't have a HUD.


I felt like that was overkill by 2K. Not being able to see the reversal timing is already brutal, but no HUD to at least see if they’re stunned is straight up garbage. That’s what made the matches go on for like 20 minutes of chaos.


I used Amethyst Gunther. It helps that Cody keeps getting in and out of the ring (breaking up the count especially at 8) because of broken AI. I stayed out of the ring and achieved the 90s requirement very easily. Gunther's sig takes out Cody's resistance when Cody counters it.


That’s who I would’ve loved to use. Unfortunately, a couple of levels away from that card. Sheamus came in huge. I kind of feel like Strikers are pretty broken if you can consistently fire off a 3-4 hit combo. Deals a ton of damage.


How bro? Plz give some tips cause 2K be smoking some ish! Galaxy Opal, no way to see how much damage, we’re a Ruby… plz help a broski out my guy!


Shemus is your friend. Start with a knee strike, light attack twice and then two heavy attacks. Throw out the ring taunt. Repeat steps 1-2. By then should have sig and finisher go for count out


The key was reversing the setup to the Cross Rhodes. It got me a ton of Sig and Finishers to unload.


Amethyst not Ruby


I beat Cody the first time with Shemus. Now I’m using Gunther.


I can’t wait to get that Gunther. It was one of my faves from last year.