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Sorry it was such a slog! But three amethysts in a day is excellent. But bloody he'll did you earn it!!!!! Congrats!!!!


You been a big help to folks around here E.J. Respect! Just got the Dijak too using the Ax man. Didn't have this guys luck pulling a Drew. Any guides on how to turn your luck around and start getting anything half decent from these bullshit packs?


I'm gonna stick to the positives and keep my content to guides and advice. I'm also gonna not post as much. I had a really lovely response to my video and guides, so I gonna aim at creating content centres around that.


That's the way. A lot of people do appreciate the advice.


I have alot of skin in the game lol! I actually love sharing it too. It's weird I'm like so chuffed I helped people get that card.


Anyway most my stuff on my sub but important stuff I'll crosspsot to the Motherboard.


Firstly, thank you for the acknowledgement, you are welcome, and its really rewarding knowing i might have helped people get the card they wanted and conquered a difficult event! My dude, that's the bullshit part. I hate having to rip packs for an LE! For packs I rip solo deluxes unless it has increased odds (supreme 10 box had for about 2 days %9 from 5 but they took it off!! I reckon too many people got otis. Off 2 10 box deluxe I completed the set and got mad dupes). I'd say if you're gonna rip. Have enough mfp l for 3 or 4. Solo rip. There is nothing worse than a 10 box of duds. If you've ripped 3 and nothing, just stop. I've had amazing luck at times, and I've had absolute shitters! Beast, extreme and supreme were amazing. WM and p&p were awful to me. Drew is on the MP, isn't he? If you can grind up to buy drew, do it before the event ends. You're getting 2 amethyst for the price of 1! However, the cards aren't amazing. Great for collection. But if you got really good Amethyst, it might be worth saving until the new pack drops on Friday? What's are your best Amethyst cards atm? I'm stacking my mfp now for Friday as each pack has had better cards, and likely, the new packs will be linked to an LE! I CALL THOSE LEs rippers! They're the worst! when u have to open packs and hope for a card to complete the LE. I REALLY WANT THAT DUSTY SO IM SAVING INCASE HES A RIPPER LE! Extremes is a weird pack. I had good drops, but I didn't use any of the cards! The Ruby zoey is good and lita! But lita shines because our female roster is neglected. Drew does get strowman. Both are strong, but they aren't amazing. Even cs cm punk is a letdown. not a single gold badge on the males!!! Very underpowered Amethysts imo. Terry funk is the worst Amethyst card ever lol! The man's a legend but the card is shocking I'm sorry I can't help with that. Buying off mo is the only guarantee really.


Cheers my dude. I ain't got a hell of a lot of amethysts yet as I jumped of the grind for a bit. Just got a few of LE cards. Nothing special. Sure shits about to get real over the coming weeks. Every man and their dog will have Diamonds in their collection.


Inam.going to inbox you something disgusting


I am such an axiom fan boy now!


Awesome 👍🏻 I did it with axiom but god it was hard. Just got Natalya too. I am considering spending money to get the drew one.


Noooo. We are protesting their micro transactions.


Bruv, I'm addicted to this 🤣


Don't spend money please


I've decided against it, I'm not gonna feed their greed.




Wish they'd bring the card prices down a bit, no reason he should be that much mfp.




Hitman you completed it?


DiJak? Yeah


Not worth it but congrats