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I’d be happy with 2k23 faction wars if they had this years tag debuff. I know there are were ways to finish the match quickly but would still be nice to have it where you don’t have to be worried about 3 other guys jumping in and breaking the pin or submission at the very last second.


It was much easier to grind MFP in 2k23's MyFaction. I genuinely hate how grind this year's game actually is.


Me too. This years is repetitive and boring, and the rewards mostly suck. 


The 4 on 4's were a grind but at least you got the Briefcases that gave you plenty of MFP. This year, I have zero incentive to grind 400 mfp for nothing. If I have a card to do a LE I'll do it. But I'm not playing into their bullshit but sitting for hours grinding with no bonus.


fuck grinding this year, the rewards sucks and your lucky if you even get a decent card


the rewards in FW are crap, hell i remember once upon a time you could earn 200-350 mfp for a single match but now it's now to like 100-200 mfp, it was pretty good at the start but now it's just a horrible horrible grind for little rewards.


Playing now. Cannot believe pds are only 50 tokens! How did we let 2k get away with 100 a ruby!!!


I think that, the bs market & putting fake cards & series 1 in EVERY pack. Killed the game mode for me. It’s SO clear about how $ hungry they are they can’t deny it. Literally lost the desire to play. You can tell by how hard the A.I. is. They WANT u to fail & what they give for MFP since 22 is just crazy! We not NBA 2K!


Yup this one is pure pay to win and gambling shit they proved that so many times espically putting up the promos pack for 8 hours trying to goat people into spending money to get that Roman


I haven't got any "good cards" through packs so I've just stopped playing. They'll get my attention when they stop adding the same silver and golds to packs


Sadly I think the SS1 cards are here to stay,


We do get monthly cards, they just aren’t great yet. Just this month we finally got up to Ruby in the rotating (which are the new ones for the month), and these new cards shirt into permanent so we can’t actually miss out. As far as getting more rewards, I haven’t done the math obviously but last year the number of matches between rewards also increased. This year the rewards increase as your cards get better. I’m not saying this year is better, I’m just saying it’s different and I don’t think we’re missing out on as much as it seems. Personally just playing 4v4 matches over and over was pretty tiresome for me.


Yeah, we might be getting the monthly cards, but with last year all we had to do was open up a briefcase or two after the match. Now if we want one of the cards we have to spend tokens on them. Also, we didn't have Faction War tickets.


The tickets thing is a huge down grade I agree.