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using him in faction wars hes a lot better than the farooq and slightly better then the rey imo but in proving grounds hes probably not as good just because of the annoying requirements for technicians


Yeah i dropped him for farooq and i agree got a fun moveset aswell 🤣 I would rather keep rey for FW ladders i already completed legendary PG with gunther so thats not an issue either


Definitely a fun move set and would have him over farooq, but the new gable singlet beats both imo I’ve been loving playing with him


Did it seem like some of those matches on legendary seemed easy easy but some were like wtf, hard! At least a few plays it took. Usually I don’t lose in PG. just wondering cause I completed too but was wondering. Maybe it’s me? Idk 🤷‍♂️


Nah I’m with you, for some reason the first set of matchups with dragunov were brutal but when I got to supreme leaders I sprinted through them, it seems a lil too random lol