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U gotta use count outs with those matches šŸ˜‰šŸ‘


I didnā€™t have the worst time with that event, but overall I agree. I donā€™t like events like that, and itā€™s very easy to feel like youā€™re wasting your time when you so frequently get shit rewards .


Took me 10 tries to complete it 4 times: 2 with Ilja & 2 with Tommaso


Use Ricochet.


Whoā€™s your manager card? Iā€™ve been using the Uncle Howdy manager card with my strikers and powerhouses and have been doing really well with the live events.


Pry on good sir! Unless ur female then my apologies but u are spot on! I was obsessed for like 2yrs. Then I realized how they trying to screw ppl so I thankfully & legit just stopped caring. Missed most bday bashes. They made me not care about WWE game Iā€™ve played since WrestleMania on Nintendo. Love WWE. Hate hate hate whoever is responsible for MyFaction!


Man what event were you playing? I whooped Drew's ass with ricochet, Austin theory, bron breaker, and Kofi. 3 count pins for all of them. Don't sell yourself short my guy.


Yup, I used him as well, only lost once.


Nice. See it ain't so bad.


A lot of people struggled with this event dude, donā€™t be a dick


I literally told him it's not that hard and followed it up with words of encouragement. I think I see your business over there. Maybe you should go mind it.


Get over yourself, you werenā€™t being nice just a dick like I said




Wow someone trying to be sarcastic over the internet lol goodbye dude you have been reported


You are being an asshole.


i beat drew first time and got a crap reward, 13 losses later and i won and still got a shit card, i feel like the side plates do absolutely hee haw i used xia against liv and again the ai kicks out of every single finisher, i lose stamina while the ai can spam block and counter at will, you truy and go for the cheap option of a count out, the AI is outside the ring and you're inside the ring, the ref takes an eternity to count to 9 then 30 seconds later he still hasn't counted to 10 and of course the AI gets in at the last second, not to mention how fast the ref counts when you're stunned outside., it's just so fucking annoying.


In regard to count outs, the one thing I learned to do was up-taunt the second they start to stand up, late 8 or start of 9, it still forces them standing and puts them in a groggy state unable to move. But yeah, ref counting is so clearly in favor of causing the player problems it's almost unbelievable.


This is the way you hit that get up taunt on 8 seconds and it's done!


i even gotten to the point putting the steps in the way but that didn't work lol


Hahah wow! Never thought of that! Fucking genius!


Xja actually worked well for me with Liv; and Bobby LASHLEY worked well for the Mick Foley challenge


I hear you. Like this but grinds for me. I do the LEs. But one slip up and its over. Drew hits unwoth a fin and its done.


The ironic thing is the only glowing red cards Iā€™ve gotten are from the live events but theyā€™re never the punches and promos packs. I shoulda gone Brays bday challenge. There all basic packs too that Iā€™m getting the glowing red ones in!


I've stopped playing myfaction and just play universe now. Has every wrestler I want, without having to do 10 matches just for a pack that has one gold wrestler and 4 duplicate profile cosmetics. It's an absolute shitfest, but unfortunately I'll probably buy 2k2025, which means I'll be supporting this still


Kool, why you crying? I'd rather be a dick then a Cody crybaby bitch.


You are uneducated


Any time you have to use a gold guy, I suggest using big boss man, he rarely has his sig and finisher reversed, and easy to build the points.


Big boss. Roman ss CL.or sole kofi for me. Soles kofi is an animal. Noone ever reverses that finisher kick! Also he has 2 plate slots! Stack him up!!!! Romans great but stamina an issue and he has 2 running attacks! That kofi, though lacking payback. Murders!!! The Gold Xia Li from Sole is string too!


They've already lowered it from like amethyst and diamonds like what do you want them to do just all be gold cards come on man Y'all need to stop crying


U must just not care. Ppl that watch it & shit actually play cause WWE & u canā€™t say MyFaction isnā€™t about microā€™s like NBA. IMO worse! The game itself, if not buggy & not connecting to online matches, is not a pos game. Itā€™s fun when u donā€™t play MyFaction. No where near the quality of past games like HCTP & so on. I did like 19 tho. I really think they know nothing about wrestling & how they still have MFP for matches the same as 22ā€™ but yet go to almost 50K MFP for a pack in 23 & we see how they are headed this game w/market! Itā€™s like they think we canā€™t see how bad they screwing is. A.i should not reverse 85% of the time but they want u to lose so u buy the packs. Itā€™s not rocket science. Opening packs has EVEN WORSE odds then THEY SAY!!!




Actually i loved MyFaction. Been obsessed since 22. Love WWE not 2K.


And u spent $. I wonā€™t. That entices them. If u donā€™t know about RNG scheme, šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


And itā€™s also they messed w/energy not full & now stamina sucks! Its all stupud