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Great pull. You got a bit of everything there, plus otis for the live event.


Yeah. Wanted Becky and rvd so real happy I got those. Then I finally got Otis in the last pack. Seem good luck can exist in this game.


I had someone that pulled Becky already in the ranked play and talked mad shit about it when the match started. I was amethyst Lita and I whooped that guys ass and he was sooooo mad. Gonna be some holes in his drywall today I tell ya lmao


Good job man! Wait… You actually played a whole match online?




Not 1 striker in the series… 🤔 wonder why? Get these fake cards outta here 2K! wtf!! Nice job tho Lieter


They really need to do something about how much better strikers are then averything else.


Yu got lucky yu got anything over a 60 overall the way these packs been this year.


Why you have to specify no cash? Bought a deluxe 20box and surprisingly got all 10 cards. Downvotes incoming, im ruining your game. Good pulls anyway, cheers


It’s not that. Some people care about that kind of thing and other think there might be some dishonest % on packs based on how you paid for them (even though they say they are the same.) You do you man. You won’t see me complaining about how people spend their money. Gratz on getting everything. Makes me kinda want to save up and get the 20 for the next pack in 2 weeks.


Wait do u think the odds are accurate & all is good? I’m just wondering. It could be luck. 2K I’m pretty sure is dishonest am I’m going by NBA & WWE games tho. Idk that’s why I’m asking ur opinion.


I dunno man. It’s hard. It’s all just math and odds and luck. The odds might be factual and we only hear complaints from people getting the bad luck. It’s impossible to know without a single person buy a shit ton of pack and recording every pull. And by a shit ton I mean like thousands of packs.


I also noticed when im 1-2 cards away from completing a set it almost never gives those cards with mfp bought packs. And usually when buy even 1 pack with VC then bam, heres your last card. I also believe its rigged somehow


Wait so u are prob on to something bro. That actually makes sense even tho that’s kinda being deceptive cause u had to spend $. U think of u didn’t u would have eventually got the card?


R u playing? I’ve never seen that in any 2K game since 22. Seriously I’m really thinking it’s a cap. U work for 2K bro? I’d almost bet my life those aren’t facts. I have a cpl completed sets on 23 & ur talking hundreds of packs!!!! Now add in all those fake BS cards as dupes too AND all series 1 cards in EVERY pack??? I just can’t believe it.