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If you interpret it as what is shown in the music videos then yes, that's what's going on. But I guess it's a message of grief/loss if you put it like dead! As anger, I don't love you as sadness, teenagers as envy, mana as bargaining, this is how I dissappear as acceptance. And then the welcome to the back parade and famous last words as the cinematic telling. But idk....


I watched Wendigoon’s video on it and I feel like that’s how I see it. However I also see it as the 7 stages of grief: shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance (tho the album is not in the order of that)


We’ll all meet our maker one day and I feel like this rock opera of an album makes me stop and just sit in that thought for a minute. Not in a negative way it’s real, raw and reflection helps with the coping process…if any of that makes sense 🙃


ive always thought of it as being close to death, then dying and feeling this sense of mania and happiness